Francis Chan - Not All Christians Are Going To Heaven!

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This is a very powerful message from Francis Chan that the Church needs to hear today with the challenge that no all Christians are going to heaven!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/monoingles 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hi welcome to channel my name is done Beasley in this channel is all about aspiring intentional disciple it out in the world today and we are gonna hear today some challenging preaching from Francis Chapel really challenging us as Christians I am there have you secured your foundation because many Christians he says I'm gonna get to heaven many Christians aren't reading the Bible many Christians are here in the liberal Church about love love love and forgetting that God is a God of justice God is a God of love and justice are you reading the Bible or are you just hearing these preachers and listening to them this is challenging preaching we don't hear it that much in the church today we need to hear more of this but be challenged today listen to this take it to heart and be blessed [Music] I've been studying this book for over 30 years deeply in the Greek and the Hebrew in English just over and over try to read through this book at least once a year because I want to know the truth I don't want to be deceived I don't want to count on someone else telling me what it says best I and I could be wrong I'm a human being braum giuse-san man best I can understand this book and what Jesus says about following him here's what I am most concerned about to put it as plainly as I can I am deeply concerned that even though you are sitting in a church building that some of you one day will go to hell to be tormented day and night forever and ever and by the time you figure it out it'll be too late that's my biggest concern look I I don't look I have a couple of fears one fear is I don't want anyone thinking they're going to heaven if they're not that's horrible and the most loving thing is not to just let people go and not offend them and wait till they figure it out at the end but I also have another fear man I don't want people who know Jesus to feel like they don't and be worried about it and how to walk that tension and go god I don't want to just get everyone worried about their salvation at the same time I don't want everyone just assumed they're saved and so you just you just go I don't know how to differentiate the two I don't know I just try to get away from myself as much as I can and just read the words of Scripture and let it happen but I I tell you I've been I that's what if I'm completely honest right now that's what I care about I know some of you guys are struggling your marriage is it I care but not as much as I care about this some of you're struggling with sickness and I care but not as much as this some of you're dealing with racial tension some of you are dealing with a loss of a job and I care but not nearly as much as I care about this because this is forever okay this is forever you're gonna see we're all going to stand before this God and he's going to say one of two things for you and it lasts forever forever either well done good and faithful servant man come over your man you you're my son you're my daughter get over here forever and ever or depart from me I never knew you I mean one of the one of the passages that caused me to get into Christian ministry was when I read Matthew 7 verse 21 where Jesus says not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven and right before he was talking about men you can tell the good tree by the good fruit because not everyone who just says to me Lord Lord and as I read that passage it just showing me it says in the last day many people many are going to come to him and say Lord Lord didn't I prophesy in your name didn't I do this didn't I do that and it says and he will say depart from me I never knew you and so clearly in that passage there are people who are deceived it seems from the language that they're gonna get to the end and go wait a second I thought for sure I was getting what are you talking about I did this I taught Sunday School I hardly ever missed a day of church I was raised in the church they told me just come forward pray a prayer man I did that prayer well what's going on here there are many people who will think but they're gonna be deceived that terrifies me that scares me and so if you want to know what I care about and what I see in Scripture it's these passages where I go man unconcerned i man what's a loving thing to do just kind of go oh let me give you a happy sermon today and that's all go feel better because life is tough no I think about the end look life is a vapor you're here one second and then you're gone and so I just prayed I go God if I were honest loving unafraid of what anyone thought what would I say I'll go to some of these passages I would go to the scripture because I'm afraid that someone lied to you and you didn't take the time to study this book for yourself so you don't even know I'm afraid someone told you that there's no hell anymore that's really popular then when's the last I even heard the word held from a pulpit even in church why because someone's been lying to you they're saying how can a loving God punish how could a loving God torture that's what our world teaches that's the popular teaching but I'm not here to teach what's popular I'm here to teach what's biblical I'm saying if you study the Bible read it yourself don't just let someone tell you it's done now start in Genesis you'll read about a time when God actually drowned everyone on the planet he was grieved that he made them it's pretty early on you only got to go like six chapters now what a loving God drown everyone on the planet every man woman and child an infant a loving God did that you'll read about a loving God who says to the Egyptians hey if you don't let my people go I'll kill the firstborn of every household wait you'll kill you'll send an angel to kill the firstborn of every house loving God I'm not saying he's not a loving God I'm just saying there's other parts of him he's also a God of justice he's a god of Wrath read this book and you're going home but you're quoting from Genesis that's the way he used to be do I need to read the book of Revelation to you you want to see how it ends to know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever listen we have a God who is a God of love he's a God of redemption he's a God who wants to save I mean that's why he sent his son but at the same time nowhere in this book will you see people praying a prayer to accept Jesus as their Savior you'll see people who over and over said repent turn you need to be born again you got to start this thing all over you got to die to yourself that's what Jesus taught gives it will be John 3:16 john 3:16 says God so loved the world that whoever believes in him keep reading John 3:36 says who he who who believes in the son has life he who does not obey the son shall not see life in the wrath of God abides on him just keep reading read this book it's about those who turn to Jesus who recognize man I've been living for myself man I'm like Adam and Eve is like oh that looks good let me get some of that let me pursue some of that and it's like no you got to stop that you got to turn from that and say man I used to just live thinking it was all about me and even so many in the church still allow that type of thinking that God is here for you so what do you need from him and he he'll just keep giving you and feed this self-centered mindset no it's about me turning from Who Francis was and what he wants and saying no I'm a part of another Kingdom now I've got a citizenship here now you are my lord wait where do you want me to go what do you want me to say I'm just gonna say I know some people hate this you know I'm gonna lay it out because I'm a part of a different Kingdom now I've repented you turn from yourself and you follow Jesus I studied one time because I was getting ready for an Easter sermon you know Easter is that that day where everyone shows up and so you go man what do I say what do I say you get a little nervous thinking man if I say the right thing maybe they'll come twice a year you know like you know all this pressure of how do I keep people in the church so I began to study I go now what did Jesus say when crowds showed up man and it was shocking he didn't say aw so glad you're here come back next week you know we got this program this program this you won't want to miss that that he didn't say that he did it he's ahead and bring a friend no heat what you did I started setting up oh wow Jesus you said that see Jesus didn't beg that was surprising in fact people begged him I said can I can I can I follow you and the people would come to him go man can I follow you and he's like man foxes have holes birds have nests but I have nowhere to lay my head you sure you want to follow me because I'm homeless tonight I don't know where I'm sleep and you want to follow me that was Jesus it wasn't just all good they showed up you know let's keep them there somehow no Jesus was honest Jesus was so honest so brutally honest in fact this week early on Monday I was having our Tuesday I don't remember I was having breakfast with a friend of mine and his hedge fund guy you know was in in town just visiting and and he just he said as we're eating cuz you know I did something the other day I just opened my Bible and I just started reading all the letter all the words in red and I just read through the whole thing just I just kept hearing pages pages pages just reading what did Jesus say because in my Bible he says all the words of Jesus are in red so I just read them all all of them cuz doesn't take that long just read them all and he goes I was shocked he goes Jesus was direct because Jesus sure did sound a lot different from preachers today and I go man what you did I beg people to do I begged them man stop listening to everyone else and get alone with the Word of God and just read it read it for yourself I mean your eternity depends on it you're not gonna read it man takes some time understands the words of Jesus man if you feel like oh I can't read that whole book my attorneys not worth just read the read part at least just start with that just read Jesus words they'll take a couple hours and just go okay everything I've been taught my whole life how's it compared to what Jesus said you'd be surprised he challenged Krait [Music]
Channel: Fulfilling Life
Views: 108,561
Rating: 4.8183217 out of 5
Keywords: francis chan, hell, heaven, christian, church, warm believer, genesis, revelation, eternal punishment, heretics, apostasy, youtube, trustinjc, judgement, wrath, love, Many Christians are headed to hell - Francis Chan (a true man of God), Fulfilling Life, dan beesley, monoingles, a vicar's life, christian youtuber, bible teaching, bible study, bible study with me, fulfilled life, a vicars life, Francis Chan - Not All Christians Are Going To Heaven!, Not All Christians Are Going To Heaven
Id: phopyWoLotA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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