Framing at the Abandoned Mansion

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build shows on the road today or at the beautiful mountaintop home of my friend Matt character otherwise known as the abandoned mansion project think that's up to like so it's 16 hours over Matthew man looking good up here Matt thanks man I could use your expertise to make sure to do anything right have you made some progress since I was here last looks good how about we go take a look at you ready Matthew I got you some gifts what you got and I got some boxes in here of some nerdy stuff but I like you know not many builders in Texas install these as a standard but I started doing this a couple years ago these are two dehumidifiers Maps they're made by ultra air a good USA made company out of Wisconsin and there's one for this house and one for your second project you're working on that will work independent of your air conditioner so it'll bring the humidity down down your house perfect good stuff one load those in a sec but give me a tour man I mean it's looking amazing the outside first yeah let's see the outside all right tons happen yeah what do a start so with all the windows are in or mostly uh probably about ninety percent of the windows in this part we're gonna build a whole garage addition on so obviously nothing over there is done but 90 percent of the windows here are done and you know what I brought you some supplies and some gifts I thought I was gonna show you how to do liquid flash at your base wall and now that I'm seeing that you've already completed them we did it you're the one who showed gave us the whole walk this looks awesome Matt thanks good job yeah we were hoping you would show up in say looks awesome so this was Mitch and the guys at punch list right yep this looks fantastic so what you did here was you wear your foundation met your framing you liquid flash that bottom this gives in good air seal and you also have that that insulation on the backside of your zip R right so you covered that up it's really good man a nice and air tight treated board here cut to be flush and then that's fantastic okay so this is treated and then it starts here and then you taped all your seams you basically did what I'm calling zip 1.5 which what I did on my house where you could reach you hit all the nail holes and then you put all the tape and on the seams that's gonna be a really airtight house and this is my detail for not only waterproofing but I consider that kind of my bug detail yeah no one in Texas likes cockroaches yeah and this is an entry point for a lot of them in our houses in America really so good that makes sense I guess I didn't know that though you know there you've got some air leakage through there cold air leaking out the bugs loaves right in there it goes straight in there and and because your foundation is never perfect as flat as it looks there's always a little bit of this going on yeah that flimsy little SIL seal you put on the bottom is a good capillary break but just doesn't do a great job and air sealing this liquid flash right here great detail now good job Thanks keep that up and then your windows are in I see and you did a great job on your sill pans you made this stretch tape for a sill pan you've got the tape on the jams in the head and not on the bottom great job man there are a couple windows we actually did we didn't accidentally on the bottom we're going to go and take that out okay but yeah most of them we did them correctly not on the bottom to let that water out these are good window but just in general we always want to leave a weep spot so if something were to happen in the future some water gets in there we want it to be able to get out and it's gonna be able to get out in this little gap right there so that's perfect cool now we do need an air seal the backside of those man I'm gonna show you today a couple options for air sealing the backside of your windows this looks amazing now let's go inside have a look Oh Matt she's looking good in here man I love thank you I see a couple of original studs here and there but I see a lot of new wood the inside is still primarily original stuff all this stuff is new because we had to redo this entire roof because it was yeah you had that crazy flat roof repaired it it's and weird like things and leaking a lot of rocks check this out Matt you use zip are on your your new roof area didn't you did we had a bunch extra so we just thought let's do that man to have a break on your walls and your roof out I love it which means you're gonna insulate up at the roof deck probably right correct what are you gonna do you know gonna spray foam everything all right so should get pretty good insulation up there yeah and good air tightness to you yeah that's awesome so spray foam in the walls yep we should if we can't afford it fill this all the way up you'd have five and a half inches here Plus this half-inch yeah and then up on the roof line it'd be nice if you seven and a half will meet code but if you go nine ten inches you'll be that much further beyond Coalinga when spraying in a roof you just spray it and let it come out spray right up to the deck and your do it you spray it on it looks like paint it blows up you know and gets a rule yeah because yeah here you have to have it flush but up there I guess it doesn't matter at all it doesn't matter just let it bubble out yeah and the beauty of that in Texas is now all of your ductwork is inside your air-conditioned space no and so your HVAC system that new dehumidifier I brought from ultra air all that will live in your air-conditioned space it'll just work that much better well let's take a look at these windows what brand is in abusing Matt we went with Sierra Pacific okay we just liked the style we like the the reputation they had and we picked out some wood on the inside so I'm aluminum on the outside and I like these management's two casings are great because they lock down and kind of push the window together yep which means they're a little more airtight and wherever you can do fix like this too is always a good choice because fixed windows are more airtight in general your stouts look good man so a little nerdiness on your window ratings when you look at this in the South we're looking for a low solar heat gain coefficient that's how much of the sun's heat actually makes it through the window and this one's blocking 79% of the heat only 21% is gonna make it through that's a good low number and then this is your you factor that's basically the r-value in inverse so if this was an r-value this is close to in our four window which is really good code right now is close to an r3 window so you're that much better what were you tell me earlier that old windows you know like 40-year old houses that have windows what would they're they're probably half as good they'd probably be forty point four point five let's say in terms of solar heat gain coefficient say this this household windows are probably twice as good as your house built in the let's say 80s or 90s how old it is how much would someone have to pay you to live in a house with single pane old-school way nice you're like I would never do well I mean you know honestly you have more issues with other things first there's window companies that go around and say oh you gotta replace your windows you'll save 50% of your energy bills that's a total lie but when you're building a really efficient house like this you've got tons of insulation here you've got this thermal break on the outside that's when windows really become when they are the weak spot yeah that's their weak spot that's right you're not losing any eat or gaining any heat really hardly at all through this area here yep but it's really happening through your windows and so you're smart here you've got a couple of big openings facing your view but in general you've got a lot of wall space and that's good because that wall space is gonna be really well insulated and because you use that Huber zip system you did the zip 1.5 super airtight we want a really airtight box I forgot to mention there's dehumidifiers we might pop one of those boxes open I'll show you you can bring fresh air in through those as well sweet give me yeah yeah a little tour your master this is totally different than I was last time master bedroom this is the hallway two master bath toilet did you change the floor plan at all a little bit this is the same and we moved the wall in just a hair just to make it work a little bit better but okay that toilet was there there is a big double vanity here and originally this is where the sinks were okay they had a window over each sink which we thought was weird because you can't brush your teeth and look at your face you know that kind of thing you can't wash your face if you're looking out a window anyone who drives up in the driveway is gonna watch you're brushing your teeth no it was just weird so we put one single window in between them so you can have mirrors over the end you raised off this really we raised it up so that you know it was like a waist-high window now right next to a Frenchman you can be naked and not worried about a visitor see yes they pull up so there was a big his-and-hers closet here and it was this whole thing was a his-and-hers closet and that was just a big weird shower room so now that's gonna be a bath tub we are putting a shower in here which is why we've dug out the concrete here so we can run a drain through there Alexi in this man look how thick it Italy happy so this is what we call a rebar slab rather than a post-tension slab and then you've got some serious rebar in there Matt look at that that's almost 1 inch thick rebar right there it's probably number six or number seven rebar really really thick and you've got beams right here this is a concrete beam right and so when this thing is poured all the rebar catches it and it acts like a big stiff boat so if there were any movement on your soil below this foundation is gonna stay nice and stiff and strong and the beauty of rebar compared to post tension is you can make these changes your guys did a great job this rebar and it's all structurally intact you repor this there'll be no changes of the structure good job by your contract we're just happy we finally found that drain it's crazy yeah way down there yeah and then you this is tying up here so that now your tubs gonna connect yeah this looks great man I'm gonna get there we haven't put these windows in yet just because we don't have a roof on there yet we don't like the alleppey studs - these are structurally fine yep you got no issues here these are totally fine yeah you can see the new ones and they're all all the old ones that we were good we left yeah this is good man I've seen you use your calibrated rot detector and your channel to carry it everywhere well never know this looks good thank you and the new roof in these places but you kept some of the older roof - which I like yeah all of your reason to change that all of that is you know old rafters and old roof because it was all fine yeah we did rip all the metal roofing off but we left all the wood underneath well any idea what color metal you might do for your next metal roof on this house I think we're just gonna go to the natural like silver metal is that you're asking a gallon right yep so this is a radiant barrier decking which when there's an air gap behind it meant that it helped kind of like act like foil in a microwave to repel the radiation yep so it would it would be less hot up there but still really hot yeah but because you're spray foaming that you won't have that radiant barrier so by putting a silver metal roof on that will act as your radiant barrier now that's good I love metal roofs man they last forever me too and if you put like a 24 gauge now it'll take hail no problem you can go through a really bad storm and still be good to go they'll din it up check that out man that masonry fireplace looks nice I'm glad you kept up yeah yeah we think those are awesome so this is master bedroom then bed here yep fireplace at the end nope yeah that looks great look at that stonework - the guy who built this house originally from what I've heard was a Mason he didn't and he really decorated a lot of cool stuff here so rare to see that look he used real brick where it couldn't be seen and then he used this real pretty brick to face it and fire brick on the bottom and he's got a one thing you may want to do though is get you a in the offseason these tend to be leaky yeah and you have a lot of air going through there yep they sell a chimney balloon that's basically like a big bladder kind of like remember when we were kids your mom would put a hot water bladder underneath your back if you're in pain they sell a big bladder you pump it up and it blocks all the air flow through their heart so all summer long you don't use it you'll have a little string that will that will poke down so you'll know hey when you start a fire you got it on pump just press the valve pull it'll pull right out and then the wintertime you're good to go bunch of birds will fall out - exactly exactly and big doors going in here - in the Sunni yeah we're gonna have a big three panels two of them slide doors right here okay yeah out into a little porch and that's the original barrel ball - right it is we left it we like that I like that that looks great and you block through the window here so actually this is all original framing they had framed it for a window and then I think they realized there was no place for a bed and so they they framed it back in gotcha so that was all here 20 years ago yep now so we just left it but you know what when you've got that zip our sheathing on there you've got the are three already so that makes at less of a deal that you don't have any insulation where that is over that header so I wouldn't worry about taking that header out but if you didn't have that that'd be a place so you'd have a lot of heat gain or a lot of heat loss because there's no insulation you only have insulation in the bays right and your studs have a little bit of insulated value right there's not they're not metal but they're about our one per inch so this studs like our five and then your spray foam one in this cavity is gonna be like our 20 yeah something like that but you've got that continuous our three so that's great man well done Matt I like it let's go see the rest of the house let's do it man I got you a little gift right here I do like gifts another nerdy detail that I like now you spent so much time and effort on your air ceiling with the zip are it's really important to make sure your windows are air sealed remember how I had you leave that bottom mm-hmm open that's a spot that air can leak in and that's good because we want to let water out so a great detail to do is to use this Prosek Oh our guard system air dam ground beef for what it looks like so that would be expensive right now what this is is a 20 ounce sausage tube so you got to use a slightly different gun the commercial guys use this all the time the residential guys a little less so so this will slide right in here and then you end up you basically use it like a regular cocking gun as it gets in it has a tip that will cut off but what we want you to do is come in on these windows and in this gap right here fill it we're gonna use a little bit of the expandable spray foam in there first if there's room like down here there's no room to put your straw tip so don't worry about it but in here we could put a little bit of that first just to insulate it and then we're gonna we're gonna put that in this gap right here in between the windows and I'll do one for you and show you and I brought some backer rod for you too if you've got a bigger gap and you shove this backer rod and which is like a little pencil tip or pencil round we're gonna shove that in and then we're gonna it out and what happens then is any air that blows in underneath this window this will be the backstop for it so it won't get in the house just helps air seal and complete that air seal at your windows so I'm gonna cracks in the house that I don't think matters my like this one right here is nice and wide yeah so they're actually home in there we we're gonna use some expanding spray foam in there first and then we'll back that and that caulking we wanted to touch here and here we don't want it to to hit something solid in the back so we wouldn't want to fill that whole gap with that right we just want to spray film it and then just fill just that you know quarter half-inch of that and make it flush with this cool and then you'll be nice and air sealed looks great man I love this new framing - I love that you're going to pitched rubes everywhere and you lost all your flat rubes out of the house we do - so it looks like a lot of this frightening is original in this kitchen all original yep this looks great no reason to take it out all this original we're gonna take out the arches it's not really our style but otherwise everything's staying the same okay looks good oh you know you ripped some of your spray foam off the under floor I didn't you yeah I think she looks like we're doing at all so you could get all of your wiring redone get all the HVAC water yeah yep so you ripped out the existing HVAC that was in here right yeah that was a hard one to make that decision it's a tough call man air conditioners are expensive but it was in here one it was here for 20 years yeah squirrel went through that squirrel the size of a human there is a duct coming through there where they auger it out the heck out of that way they know it ain't that interesting it's like they cut it with a sawzall doesn't it yeah oh you took the chimney out of here didn't you yeah it had that big crack in it and so we were like we're gonna have to fix it we're gonna put something back in here okay but it just it was gonna be a lot of work to get it be functional so we decided to scrap it start over and I see you've got your rafter tails sticking out those look like cedar actually are you gonna add those in some other parts of the house we are we're gonna try to make a match all the way around yeah did a great job of keeping what was good and losing what was bad math that's a tough call that was twofold one for money you know to have to spend as much money redoing everything but another just to kind of preserve a little bit of the history like I think this house has a really cool story and does I don't want to just tear it all down and build whatever I want here kind of wanted to I mean the whole the layouts all the same you know we kept the whole foundation so it's all it's all very similar but it's our own take on it thanks for sure what's going on your floors here Matt what are you gonna do in these floors um I think we are doing a tile that looks like wood all the way through there okay I think actually no I'm trying to remember what that was that was the thought my wife said we're doing all wood floors okay yeah it's gonna be all wood floors cool what was here what's this going on I think there were cracks maybe I don't know I'm not sure interesting it's like like that all through the house and this was all underneath Saltillo tile there was a bunch of LTO tile that we didn't like and so we ripped it bust it all up so all that was underneath oldsalty of tile that's what they're doing and they were trying to isolate the cracks from coming through the city Oh yep I gotta say Matt though as tall as your slab is and this is what a 20-some year old slab 20 really not any cracks normally you're gonna see some spiderweb cracks and those are normal we're I'm slightly seeing any sitting on top of just rock that rock no it's just it's just all rock and so I think that really helped look how the auger tin for your like for your electrical yep you have to be careful when you lay your hardwood floors if you do it some kind of a plywood that I don't do that you don't wanna put a nail through that okay when you go to do the final electric you won't you know wear the shorts coming from hmm and you probably want to think about I'm sure your contractor already having to do any plumbing that's in your slab I wouldn't trust that I would bust it out yeah it would suck to have to do that after your tiles all in even if you pressure test about yeah don't don't yeah don't cheap out on that you know and nothing you are anywhere I'm not calling you out on that let's go upstairs shall we this looks great up here looks like Mitch is starting on the plan that we talked about he's starting to do the floor Sam yeah so where your plywood has buckled and and kind of swelled of the seams he's got that big sander out and he's sanding those down you know I guess we don't know if he's gonna face this or try and keep it right pretty sure we're just gonna try to sand it and keep it like that I think it's we you can see over here we've replaced anything that was too far gone yeah so we got the new and the new subfloor over there it'd be fine I think so it's just just the top layer so I think it's a little sand should be good you know I have some friends at this company called fasten master yeah and they make this thing called a Pam fast system which is a stand-up screw gun yep that I did on my house for basically you just chocolate you you shocked the line where your where your joists are and you do this movement and it auto feeds a screw and just fire floor that would be super cool I'm gonna come back of that Matt I guess that would help with probably creaking and stuff like that yeah you know an old floor like this is especially prone to it plywood even more prone to it sure this Advantech is more prone to being stiff and not moving on you especially if they glued it and it'll the beauty of this Advantech is it won't swell on your like this plywood house right so even if I got rained on a couple times you'd be alright roof system looks great up here Matt hopefully no more rain in the house so this is typically where I'd say your dehumidifier is gonna live isn't up in that attic space you don't need a condensate drain line and there's a couple ways to install it you could either install it stain alone which is what it my house where I retrofitted there'll be a ceiling grill that's a return air and then a place where it is outputting air sure the only hard part though is it's outputting hot dehumidified air yeah so in my case I put in an upstairs hall or downstairs hallway I only one-story house I put in a hallway outside of my kids beds it's a little hotter there but that's fine enough so how warm is it just warmer is it hot air coming down it's hot air coming out it feels like the Heat's on you know it's probably a hundred some degrees so it adds a little bit of heat load to that area so what to think about that what are you using this space for here this is a upstairs living room so kids TV room toy room that kind of thing right yeah and did you add some space we did that's a complete new addition over there so we have three bedrooms up here one for each kid and then up here is going to be a little study area they're gonna have their desk and their schoolwork stuff will all be right here love us to keep the mess off the kitchen table smart I like that this is a great little space and that view for the kids you have a nice view there and they have a killer view up here there aren't many windows that don't have a good view in this house though I'd say so I like you put a brand new cover on your existing plywood trying to get everything waterproofed yeah that's good and then you've got your zip system roof sheathing you've taped that and you've also put a little liquid flash on those in their holes that's smart can walk out there if you want to when you do a little black yeah let's do it and then we put a little valley flashing on here to this metal roofs gonna be awesome up here Matt it'll be so cool and it's gonna extend out a little ways that way it's gonna be nice yeah cuz you still have your tails going on to extend out well and we're going to this is gonna go out over a porch - oh you got a porch going it's gonna go out wait for it yep gotcha and what's your schedule on the next project cuz you have a kind of a garage detached project right yeah so we're building something under the garage right now uh-huh big secret and then we're gonna put the garage we're gonna start doing the foundation everything there and building the detach it's actually an attached garage it'll be attached okay gotcha cool yep so that's all happening probably and I'm hoping in a couple weeks where we're pouring concrete for that foundation love it yeah man I'm impressed man thank you for for not being a builder you guys are doing a great job thanks it helps to have a really smart general contractor involved as well that's right Mitch and his guys are doing a real nice job and a great job nice have nice to have your expertise and you know helping out with getting us the good products you know the best stuff to go inside of the house yeah you got some good stuff going on here we're excited let's go let's go show you how to do those windows and then and then I'll do one or two for you and let you or the crew take over perfect meet you downstairs and that we unbox this deihi my was gonna give you a quick tour I think all houses in the South should have one of these yeah because this is gonna have a separate controller separate from your HVAC system that's gonna say hey when the humidity inches up go ahead and turn this unit on it's pretty straightforward it's like the ones you'd have in your house that plug in but this one's ducted this side is the return side this is going to bring air from the house and then this one is cool because it's a ventilating one as well you can bring fresh air in here you're building a really tight house here we've got the hueber zip system we're gonna spray foam it we need a little bit of puffs of fresh air in the house sure so this will be a duct to the outside and then there'll be a timer system for that it's got a real nice filter on here to you and check this out I know this is super nerdy but it's a merv 13 which is a really good filtration we want that for all of your ductwork it's gonna filter out all the pollen and all that other nasty stuff from the outside Apollo your house air nice and clean cedar cedar fever okay and then this side is gonna get into your duct system so that 10 inch round either could blow into your duct system or could have its own supply and even nerdier let's see how much it's only using 7 amps when it runs Wow so it's not using a lot of electricity whereas your HVAC systems using you know 25 amps or 30 amps let's say when it's running yep so it's just using a little bit of electricity it's gonna keep your house really comfortable and I found in my house I keep my thermostat higher because I've got a dehumidifier like this in my attic cool all right next up last piece of nerdiness and then we'll leave you alone to get back to work there's never a last piece of dirtiness with you there's a lot of noise but it's good man I enjoy the science of a better build house and you do so this Persico air dam is basically a specialized caulking that's made just for this application you're gonna drop your sausage tube in there I'm gonna level it out with the top and instead of slicing that I poke all we really need to do is just put a couple holes gotcha just poke a hole or two there and then okay so that's ready to go anytime you've got some gaps that are bigger we want to go ahead and use some some backer Rob all this is gonna do is provide a little bit of insulation but mainly what it's going to do is provide a spot to stop the caulking for going full depth we want that caulking do it here on two sides and not three sides and that way even if the house moves or changes a little bit your wood swells or changes it's not gonna crack and really want to focus especially on the bottom because this is gonna act as a water stop for us on the bottom so if any water were to drip out of this window in the future it's gonna stop it from coming into the house and as the crack gets narrow here we can stop using this and you where you've got some shims here we'll try and cut those shims off flush mostly all right now all this is is it's really just the same as a standard caulking gun the nice thing about sausage tubes those there's very little waste when you're done there's just gonna be just a little bit of a foil wrapper to throw away and we're just gonna put a little bead on there and I'm just gonna do this one corner for you because we haven't put any spray foam in there but this is the effect you're gonna be doing your mouth yeah too easy it's really simple and now we're air sealed and I'm gonna use this real fancy spatula from Albie on you can also use your finger if you want to you could also use a shin and we're just gonna make sure it's adhered on all sides and that's it ma'am we're gonna do that all the way around on all four sides of all your windows nice and airtight I'm like I said any water that gets down there it's gonna hit that as a backstop and it's gonna want to go outside rather than in right I like that pretty simple map very easy I'm impressed man the house is looking real thank you it's a it's a big project I think the last time you were here I was just kind of getting over the nervousness stage was like did we bite off more than we can chew and now we're well past that like I know we're gonna finish this thing now so it's I'm happy everything's good and have you officially said whether this is gonna be your house or yeah yeah we officially decided we went back and forth for a long time we initially bought it wanting to just flip it and sell it and then we were like kind of cool to living it though and now we're just in love with it so we're staying I mean use incredible man how could you not enjoy this I'm never gonna find a view like that and it's gonna be so much better built and so much more comfortable your energy bills are gonna be lower than your last house or a thing it will build exactly how we want it we good to go good stuff man I really appreciate you having me out here man yeah we'll come back again next time there's something fun to say sounds great thanks for coming guys if you don't currently follow Matt he actually has three YouTube channels of which myself and my entire family watch all of Matt's videos they're really really fun I'll put a link in the description for for his channel but the big one that he's he's filming here is called off the ranch he's got how many videos now on this house I think we are up to episode 19 now almost 20 episodes from what he's done so far this is a really fun project Matt thanks and I like that I'm back here and I'm impressed that is a good feeling thank you doing a great job I'm glad you didn't come and go this is terrible you need to start over tear it down get out while you can no you're doing a really good job baby thanks - Mitch - Matt's contractor at punch listing co-write let's say that crunches Cody yeah man he's doing a great job over here and and all the workmen really good stuff follow him out on his channel if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below new content every Tuesday and every Friday follow me on Twitter Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time oh the bill Joe
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 398,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, remodeling, building science, texas builder, matt risinger, matt carriker, huber zip, construction, mansion remodel, buildshownetwork
Id: qKa9PZagT3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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