Fr Ripperger Discusses the SECRET TO PEACE

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[Music] [Applause] hi my name is father chad ripper i am the superior of the society of the most sorrowful mother and one of the things that we did when we moved to colorado is we began a group called liber cristo and the focus of this group was to actually to implement a protocol that we had designed when we were in oklahoma before we actually moved to colorado the statistically we the number of people that we were vetting in order before they would actually be able to come to see us was substantial so the first the one year that we actually did the the um the statistics there were about 2 000 people contacted us we talked to over 600 people on the phone we narrowed it down to 150 people who we thought would had legitimate reason to see us and by the time we got done there was actually only three people that actually needed to see us as a result of that what we began to realize is that we were spending a lot of time doing the initial betting and a lot of the people that were that were coming to see us didn't actually need to see us and that the type of spiritual warfare issues that they did have very often could simply be solved with uh if they had a simple better relationship with god and so one of the things that we did is we designed a protocol when we came to colorado so that the initial vetting could be done by um the groups that were connected to libre cristo but also it would follow up protocol and we designed a four-stage protocol in this fourth stage protocol the first stage or first phase is what we call it is what we call the prayer prescription and what we learned is is that that a vast majority of people's spiritual problems can be solved with just basic spiritual discipline that the people coming to us were very undisciplined spiritually even if they were going to mass on a regular basis even if they were getting to confession they weren't praying consistently they weren't doing certain things on a regular basis they weren't modifying themselves etc and so we found that once the we put them on this prayer prescription which also included things like media fasting and the like once we did that we found that about 60 to 70 percent of people's problems just simply got cleared up we didn't actually have to see them they didn't need to see us and as long as they stayed on that prayer prescription and maintained that discipline in their spiritual life then they didn't have any recurring issues then the second phase if people started praying um the prayer protocol one of the things that would happen is we also used it as a diagnostic so we structured it in such a way so that the people who would do the prayer protocol if there was diabolic influence if it was possession we would see one pattern if it was diabolic obsession we'd see a different pattern it was purely psychological we'd see another pattern and if it was oppression we'd see yet another pattern and so we put them on this um uh protocol this prayer prescription and we found that when they would do that prayer prescription it would be a pre-diagnostic so that we could recognize okay this person needs help um and this would also uh help us to know what kind of help they actually needed what they what where they needed to go with it so if we recognize that okay this person could possibly have by the patterns um extraordinary diabolic influence if the protocol was making it better already we'd just say well just stay on it you don't need to see us you don't need to spend the money or the time or the energy to come see us you can just do this on your own and very often people would be self-liberated through that process just by having a basic spiritual discipline and coming closer to god in the process but then if we begin to see that the problem was a little heavier than that then we would put him through the second stage of the protocol and we call that the removal of obstacles phase and basically that second phase deals with getting things straightened out in people's lives like are there sacraments up to date are they is their marriage valid did they get married in the church um what is the what is the actual um uh authority structure like within their home do they have right order within the home are they praying at home et cetera so we would and also basic catechetical issues because we found um when we were in oklahoma that a lot of people who came to us even if they got liberated they were uncatechized and so you had this large problem of okay now to what do we do with these people because they don't even know the basics of the catholic faith that they've been liberated and we don't want them to fall back into the particular problems that they had so what we did is we front loaded that in the protocol so where we make sure if there's catechetical issues then we started making sure that those catechetical issues were addressed so that we removed all the obstacles that they could get to grace and we found that after that that meant that um from the very beginning to that stage 80 to 90 of the people their problems simply cleared up because they were just leaving a basic catholic life and they were being serious about their spiritual life by developing their relationship with god and maintaining a proper discipline in their spiritual life so then if it became clear that the spiritual problem was even stronger than that but it was still they were still doing the prayers during that time we would begin to see the other patterns of you know either possession or obsession or oppression etc and when we got to that stage if we realized this person needs a little bit more help we would then send them hook them up with a local priest would then begin prayers with them and the advantage of having the people do the prayer prescription during the first and second phases it meant that the people were disciplined enough to go the distance a lot of times people would come to us we would start praying with them it would get very difficult because spiritual warfare could be very painful and so then they would uh simply stop coming because they just didn't want to deal with the pain that was involved whereas if they've gone through this prayer protocol they've got the discipline it can go the distance and even when things start getting difficult you know by this time their soldier skills so so to speak have been built up and so they can we know that they're going to go the distance and so we'll connect them with a priest if it's diabolic obsession normally speaking that priest can actually address those issues by a simple set of prayers that we suggest to him um if it's something if we suspected something more than that then like possession over the course of the prayers with the priest over a month or two it will become clear that it's possession because it will be some type of prayer natural sign or what have you and so that begins to prayer uh prepare it so that by the time it gets through that third phase where they're seeing the priest either one or two things happens either everything clears up like is in the case of oppression or obsession or if it's possession then once it the demon crater naturally manifests then the fourth stage of the protocol is that we would actually take the case over at that time and that did two things one because we had a pre-diagnostic we didn't have to spend a lot of time praying with people in order to determine what their actual spiritual issues were but then the other side of it was that they had built up the discipline we know that they were more than likely to go the distance once the demon crater actually manifests a lot of times the people because they have that discipline they're like okay what do i got to do and they would just buckle down and do what they had to do and then the other part of it was so we knew that they would actually go the distance we had that pre-diagnostic but then at that stage we knew this person is most likely to benefit from our help because a lot of times people would come and they would want us to do our side of the work without having to be disciplined spiritually also by this time any patterns of sin because of the prayer discipline and of the first phase and then the second phase of removing the obstacles to grace by this time any habitual mortal sin is out of their life they're working on venial sin so that and they're praying consistently and so the time it takes to liberate them is much shorter than if you're starting from scratch with them so this was the general idea over in relationship to setting up libra cristo which actually helps to facilitate the protocol and i'll educate people on the nature of spiritual warfare but then also to design this protocol and help people through the protocol we've also found that people don't necessarily have to work directly with us they can just simply if they're think they're experiencing spiritual warfare they can simply do the protocol themselves um and then uh at least the first phase and like i said a majority of the people they just start the first phase then at that point they'll experience a lot of alleviation of the basic spiritual problems that they do have and especially today since as the world gets more and more evil it's necessary i think for people to get a kind of spiritual combat training and that's what just basically is so um if you think that you can benefit from it i would encourage you to um to pursue uh the protocol and actually be able to uh exercise it and even if you don't think that you're under spiritual attack it will help you a great deal in getting spiritual discipline within your life one of the tools that can be very beneficial for those who are interested in following the protocol is father heilemann's new book coming out peace through strength the prayer journal that that book will help a great deal in giving people that discipline it gives a structure it provides meditations and things like that throughout the for 90 days which is a very good time to begin the process of building that spiritual discipline and that intimacy with god one of the things that the book highlights is meditation itself which we have found that when people do meditation on a regular basis um that if they've already been doing meditation on a regular basis that it's very rare it's extraordinarily rare that they have extraordinary diabolic influence um whereas if they are struggling with say diabolic obsession or oppression or other forms of diabolic uh incursions in their life that if they start meditating every day for a certain period then what will happen is over the course of time it will simply blow it out and the reason for that is because meditation uses the imagination that uh in order to consider the various things that pertain to god and by putting holy things in the imagination it literally drives the demons out of the imagination and so they can't obsess them so this is one of the reasons why we would really recommend this book as a tool going forward especially for those who are not necessarily going to follow our official protocol because their intention is not necessarily to see us but they just simply want that spiritual discipline in their lives and want that uh closeness with god that this will foster and bring about god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: U.S. Grace Force
Views: 45,176
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Id: lAk2MveLhic
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Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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