Demonic Manifestation: Father Ripperger & Kyle Clements

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what does a demon look like smoke shadow face figure [Music] you know it's funny that you should be the one to ask your friends [Laughter] [Music] ouch saint thomas is coming to peter lombard's sentences when he talks about um how demons manifest he makes the observation that they manifest in a way that's proper to the characteristics of their nature so there's some feature some aspects to them that's going to be pronounced or be recognizable that gives you a sense of who and what they are so and this is true not just of angels but it's also true of demons with demons sometimes the the facial features or certain things are a bit exaggerated and sometimes that has to do with the specific choice that they have which basically means that every demon that manifests is different their personalities because each the essence of each angel is is different from another that i mean literally their differences in personality and who and what they are their natures is as different as a grasshopper is from a cow that's how drastic their their personalities are much which come through the manifestations are much more marked and distinct than human personalities which tend to be pretty soft in comparison they're not they don't have the um types of um exaggerated it's not quite the right word but the more extreme um characteristics so that being said every single one of them that manifest manifests differently and so you'll you'll see them and once in a while after you've worked with them for a while you can just when the sessions begin if you've been working with the person for a while and the demon is because sometimes before the session even begins the demon's half manifested because he's irritated and tore up that he's got to sit here and take this beating so um you can just look at the person and say okay he's ready to go you know you know just by the way that they're half they can half manifest they can manifest by degrees so a lot of times when they fully manifest that's when you'll see the person like a woman she'll change into the figure it looks like a man people say well you know we're all demons males well technically speaking angels don't have gender however they do uh manufa uh manifest as men and the reason they manifest as men is because of the fact that uh it has to do with the uh leaving the impression the image of strength which is actually what angelic nature actually is and so the only time that you tend to see demons manifesting as women is if uh they're there to seduce so as a general rule they always appear as men and then those characteristics as i mentioned can be very different so one of the guys i've dealt with in three separate cases is beelzebub which is another name for satan and satan when he appears under satan or lucifer's book he'll appear differently but whenever he appears under beelzebub it's always looks the same and which is basically the jaw becomes extended the top of the head narrows the eyes become blood shot the face of the color of the person will instantaneously change completely red and so there's that's that's when you see the um so as soon as you see that change just like hey this is who it is but it's again it's by varying degrees so how they manifest is determined based upon their characteristics so each one is a little bit different there are times in which they'll even appear as animals and things of that sort and that's usually to emphasize a particular aspect of the possession or something in relationship to the case or some aspect of his personality but that's generally how they do so it's very different each one is very different just a little bit to add is while they don't have gender there's one of two dispositions of the diabolical one way to think of it is incubating your subcubating incubus or succubus and it's not related to sexual behavior so the incubus is going to be intimidating in your face challenging the subcubating is going to be a passive aggressive manipulative under the surface the other observation i'd like to make is that it's consistent so the demon can't change disposition he has the same general disposition the other observation is that they have signature moves and looks like father is saying um and sometimes it's movements sometimes it's sounds but the manifestation is consistent what the difference is is visualize if you will a demon manifesting in a 20 year old scandinavian man or a 90 year old italian nun so he's going to manifest differently but the same if that makes sense so he's relegated to some extent by the corpus that he's in by the body that he's in so we notice that the signature move is the same and it's recognizable [Music] you
Channel: Seeking Sainthood
Views: 5,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seeking Sainthood, Estevan Covarrubias, Spiritual Warfare Conference, Kyle Clements, father chad ripperger, father chad ripperger spiritual warfare, Exorcism team, father ripperger spiritual warfare, Father ripperger, spiritual warfare conference, Spiritual Warfare Conference Q&A, kyle clements catholic, Father Ripperger demonic manifestation, Demonic manifestation, thomas aquinas, spiritual warfare
Id: G43Ya29DbM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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