Resistance Podcast #166: Guide to the Deliverance Prayers for the Laity w/ Fr Ripperger

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Great book and great podcast

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/VegetableCarry3 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
we've been fighting a long time and we have all lost so very much so many loved ones gone that you are not alone there are pockets of resistance all around the planet we are at the brink you have no idea how important you are if you're listening to this you are the resistance [Music] people welcome everybody back to stay with suspended coming at you once again with father ripper who you pretty much already know so we won't go through the particulars of hey father who are you what do you do so anyway how are you though i'm doing well we're doing we're doing very well thank you and thanks for having me on oh anytime so we're going over this uh deliverance prayers book who pretty much many people have probably seen before it's on father's sister's traditional site and you get on amazon and has a bunch of prayers in there for all sorts of different ideas zeal and chris joram and some chants so i wanted to go over so what are in particular some of these prayers and a little bit about these so just to get some confusion out of the way so father if you would take a look at this and uh we'll go from there all right thank you steve the power of the web right there with transfer there you go when they say they have not mastered transportation it's not true so finally you put this book together about a couple years ago and we've had some questions i know i have some people come up to me and uh you people come up to you asking about what what prayer should i use for this uh for this particular life what should i do for this you you know the thing how do you know what prayers to even use for your particular life well i think a lot of it just depends on the particular kind of spiritual warfare that you're dealing with um just as it is you know in relationship to when we want to attain a specific um benefit from a particular saint like if you want to sell your house you uh pray to saint joseph you don't bury his statue upside down you you actually pray by a statue i'm all in favor of that but then you actually pray to saint joseph so if you're looking for a specific kind of benefit that's actually why you actually use different uh different prayers in here so and when i put it together i compiled it um there i i had several books that other exorcists had given me when i was being trained they just given to me and so i was putting them all together and i finally just said you know this is taking too much time so i actually made an initial uh scan them all in put them in one one thing which i could use for myself and then um eventually what i realized is that um there was kind of a niche out there that wasn't being fulfilled um the book by fig pen on spiritual uh warfare i thought was really good but it and it does have some prayers in there but i thought something a little bit more extensive so there had been some stuff that had been put out that was good but i just didn't think it was extensive this so i realized this is a niche that isn't being fulfilled and i was getting regular requests from people about what pressure i saved for this and that now i can just say buy this book and then say the prayer on such and such a page and then of course they'll have other person here that they can make use of as well so in a sense this is like a compendium of all sorts of prayers you've compiled throughout different books and sources that's right yeah it came from a number of different locations um in fact one of the things i should probably actually address which was a question we were talking about before we started this segment but is that is the fact that you know some people said well some of these prayers have come from protestants and actually virtually all of the prayers that i have here came from exorcists who had already been using them for some time so most of these prayers are actually pretty old the only prayer that which we'll talk to and we'll talk about when we get there is the one on the freemasonic curse to break the freemium sonic curse that was drafted by a protestant but it was based upon all the different levels of freemasonry so um i went through it and completely edited it and changed a number of different things in it and added a few things so i basically basically took a prayer catholicized it removed all the protestant catchy terms and that type of thing and actually addressed issues that weren't being addressed so um and that so any of the prayers that are in here have been thoroughly edited and vetted by me and by other exorcists as to their efficacy to make sure that they were efficacious in various ways so speaking on that authority can you say something else on the authority structure of these prayers yeah i talk a little bit about it in the introduction but basically it boils down to um authority uh authority comes from god which we know from scripture and so there are two avenues by which authority comes the first is the divine positive law so the authority structure within the church is that uh structure of authority that god established the divine positive law which is in revelation so we know for example that he set up the apostles and their successors um and then we know there's a beginning of the unpacking of the orders and um the fact that they start obtaining deacons and stuff so you start to see that um being unpacked so there is there's an authority structure on the side of the church and christ said all authority is given to me on heaven and earth therefore go and so he gives that apostles jurisdiction so that passes through the um divine positive law side this is why priests there's prayers the priests can do that lay people can't because priests can basically pray over anybody unless their bishop restricts them or restricts his specific kind of prayer so they can actually pray over anybody because of the fact that our priesthood doesn't con find a particular individual even though we serve at a particular location or a particular church as they call it that is a particular part of the church the fact is is that we um our priesthood is universal so we can pray for anybody but when it comes to lay people the authority structure actually comes through the natural law which basically means that if the natural law dictates that you have authority over the person or obligations and duties in relationship to a person you can therefore and this is what exorcists have known you can therefore say the binding do what's called implicatory prayers which is you can command the demons to leave so uh that basically comes in two places one primarily in the family so the husband has right uh authority over the wife and the kid so he can say commanding prayers in relationship to demons in relationship to them the wife can do it in relationship to the uh to the children she doesn't have authority over the husband but she does but she does actually have um duties and obligations in relationship to the marital contract i always have to put this in everyone says well it's not a contract it's a covenant okay look it look up in the old look up in the old old dictionaries the definition of covenant and what you'll find is it says a solemn contract so it's still a contract it's just a different kind it's not a business contract like we have in the united states but there are 17 different forms of contract morally speaking and that's not to include the legal kinds this is just there's 17 different kinds marriage is one of those contracts but that means that as a contract it gives the wife rights over the husband's body and the husband writes over her body so he she can actually command the demons relief because she has rights over his body okay so even though she doesn't have authority over him she does have rights in relationship to it so um the children and this is something else that we know and bible with the way all this was parsed out by um just observing one this uh this authority structure but then we were also paying close attention to who's getting attacked who's getting retaliated against when they say these prayers in an implicatory form that is by commanding the demons to leave rather than just petition for them or the deprecatory form where they just petition our lord and our lady to do something and we noticed that it follows very closely this authority structure but then it also follows very closely those who have rights and those who do not so if you have rights in relationship to somebody and you say the implicatory form the demons have to observe those rights because they they know that this is a natural law established by god so they still have to observe it even though a lot of times they try and attack it to some degree but they have to observe that and so when you do something with that's within your rights they don't have the ability or the power to come back and attack you unless god permits it which is extraordinarily rare so if it falls within those confines so just to parse it out um parents have it over the children spouses have it over each other either because the husband has authority over his wife or the wife has rights a relationship with the body the husband also has rights and issues is too full um the grandparents do not have the rights because they don't have the right and there's an easy way to kind of figure this out in relationship to authority if i have the right to tell you to come mow my lawn or i have the authority to tell you mow my lawn then you have to mull it if i have authority over but i don't have to but so with your if your parent grandparents say come mow my lawn you're like no so it's one of those things um unless you're doing it out of charity for some other motivation so that's um so the grandparents don't god parents do not uh i realize that in certain cultures they have the kind of like this quasi right of command but important fact in the mind of the church saint thomas himself actually says that they have that godparents have the right to counsel not of command and so they have the right to so that means that god parents can't command in relationship to um those who have uh that are their god children um siblings do have the ability to command the demons in relationship to their other siblings not because they have authority over them but because of the fact that they have obligations under the fourth commandment at least that's what we've observed also in observing the retaliation and um then people very often will ask the last one unless you can think of some other category steve i'm not covering but another one they often ask what about foster children uh no you don't actually have authority over the foster children you just have um the right to actually provide for them and to physically protect them to some degree but you don't actually have authority of them until they're adopted so once they're adopted then um that there's a recognition on the side of demons the state had does have a right under certain circumstances to convey to a couple rights over uh children and so they they'll actually obey that so once they're adopted they can but until then they can so i would say some stranger comes up and does a prayer over here that's pretty bad idea right yeah it's a bad idea when i was in omaha as their exorcist i would regularly have to clean up people who were usually involved in the charismatic renewal i mean i i i'm pretty benign to the people that charismatically rule even though i think their formation is flawed and i think that their theology is protestant and not catholic in many ways um which you can see my forthcoming book at some point about that i'm about five chapters out left to finish that book but um on charismatic graces and what they are because it's really misunderstood but i i used to have to clean them up regularly because people would come to me having imposed hands or tried to cast demons out they were only lay people and they would end up getting taken to the woodshed and so you'd have to clean them up and um in other places that i've talked to there were places that were doing kind of charismatic things in relationship to how they were trying to heal people and um they were they said we're getting all sorts of retaliation so i'd go there and i would ask okay what are you doing how are you doing this and once we i told them stop doing these things but continue doing these things or do or do these other things once they started doing that they actually had greater success in their work in helping people to become healed even though they weren't overstepping their bounds on the authority issue so there's prayers like for example the long version of the saint michael prayer which looks incredibly good leo the 13th put it together but because the authority structure if layman says it that's not a good idea right right so there's actually that's the prior to say michael there's actually four versions of it the first is the longest form which came out i believe in uh which which is the one that pi of the leo the 13th promulgated and in there in uh i think it was between 1921 and 1928 i think somewhere in there vatican put out a redacted version of it and the original version that liu 13 put out is forbidden used by all catholics you'll actually see it on the internet it says well uh the other 13th encouraged all catholics to use this that's true but the subsequent legislation restricts the use of that prayer the prayer against apostate angels is the technical uh name for it um it's chapter 3 in the ritual romanum of title 12. but it's in there it's um it's restricted only to priests that is the second version so the original version nobody can use um and i think there's some reasons for that but the second one is the one that you see commonly out there and that's the one in which um it says that this is restricted it said a priest can use this with the permission of his ordinary so permission is a little bit different from getting faculties faculties and even permission to the way the new code is written but you have to have faculties for solemn exorcism which is something that is only given to priests who are really exorcists and then there's um uh permission that can be given for this for chapter three which is um given to any priest can give it so like here in the earth diocese of denver the bishop has given all priests uh permission to um give an um priests uh in the diocese to use it which is very beneficial to us because when people first contact us we'll very often send them to their pastor who can then kind of help them up so that's the first two that second one in um a petitio was sent to rome asking does this rubric still obtain because when i was first an exorcist i was told that any priest whatsoever can use chapter 3 without further permission and there was some legitimate question about it because i every time i'd look at that rubric i'm like scratching i'm like i don't know of any time that the vatican's changed that so what happened is that a petition was sent and then um they the rome wrote back and said that rubric was never changed and so it's still in force and so priests do actually have to have permission and then they also said um in a different document that that that prayer the um of the apostate angels chapter three of of title 12 of the ritual romanum is forbidden used to the lady period they can't use it and i know laity that have used it and they end up with this problem of retaliation very often they'll say well i've used it and i've never suffered any problem and you'll ask them well what's your family life like and then you'll find out that it's true excuse me the demon may not have been able to get to that particular individual but then there's all this collateral damage in their family and so that's one of the um the signs that they're doing biting off a bit more they can chew then in the ricolta there's a longer prayer um it's not longer than that and then the second one but it's the third kind of one which is it's the same michael perry but it's even longer and that one you can anybody can use and then there's the normal saint michael prayer which everybody praise st michael the archangel defenders and battle that one is um anybody can use so those those are the the four so sometimes people ask me they'll say what about the prayer to say mike we have to be specific because some people have even said the third one you can't use when actually you can use it there are some priests that say never engage with the devil what what say you on this stop um well there is the line from saint paul where he says engage the ancient serpent and win the clown of glory so he's already telling the people to whom he sent the letter the epistle to that they have to engage him at times now i think the distinction has to be made obviously you don't go around looking to to get into fights with him on the other hand when he shows up you know you can't just ignore him and act like he's going to go away because some priests say oh if you don't ignore him if you just pray to god things will think that's not how this works and a lot of people who have tried that end up realizing it doesn't work and so they get beat around a little bit and i think a lot of that has to do with um just let me just put it to you this way i know of no seminar no seminary in the entire world and i can say this by having taught in some of them having seen some of them having talked to numerous priests all of them complain about the fact that the basics of spiritual warfare are not taught in the seminaries so what priests will get is bits and pieces of information and very often they're reading sources that are unreliable and so what's happening is that there's just a general ignorance among the clergy and so i don't blame the priests for thinking this um and they don't want people going around and doing things they're not supposed to do on the other hand um if they attack you then you have an obligation to uh you know to to fight them to combat them in ways that are proper obviously if they're trying to test you with them to tempt you with impurity then you just got to get away from it but there's other ways of disappropriation which i talk about in one of my um conferences etc there's different ways to deal with different kinds of diabolic influence or attacks but i think to just to generally say you should just you know you just ignore them and act and never go on the offensive i think is not just ill advice but it's contrary to what scripture itself says in saint paul obviously though so you don't want to go around looking for it but when it comes to your way or the one last thing i would say is that you know when it comes to parents or to fathers especially in relationship to the home they should be saying prayers to say michael mostly deprecatory prayers they don't have to say binding prayers unless they're seeing something so i tell people well look if you see something then address it because that's what saint peter's they say be vigilant and watchful so if you see something deal with it if you don't see something just say your basic prayers are asking god to protect you and your family and i think that's the one thing that that has to be done is asking god to continue and our lady to protect your family and the various saints to protect your family so those are things positive things that i think people have to do so i think it boils down to just a lack of formation on the side of um the priests that say that kind of like almost the lack of sacramental knowledge too and you you i started thinking about the holy water and exercise salt and things like that other weapons you can use for this instead of thinking you need to do a ritual for this yeah that's right and i yeah exactly and i think that um you know a lot of times too is that people just do their basic prayers so like a lot of times people come to us we adopted a protocol which is a four stage protocol which deals with before you can see me because our basic attitude is like i'm the brain surgeon i'm not your gp i'm not your pastor so a lot of you know a vast majority of people's diabolic problems can be cleaned up on their own or with their help with their pastor and it's only if he sees something that really needs to be addressed um you know on a level that he can't doesn't feel comfortable addressing then you send it to me and we found on that first level we just find like there's just some basic things that people can do at home it clears up a lot of their problems and so um i think that in the long run um it's actually more beneficial to the to the um to the lady to get to equip them with the tools so they actually know what they can and cannot do you know the limits of what they should and shouldn't do but then also um equip them with the tools and the sacramentals as you say and you know that's one of the beauties i love of the old um ritual is that you know so i you know one of the things i'll often tell people is you know one of the ways you can keep demons out of your children is feed them exercise salt you know put it in the food you know and when it comes to protecting yourself have your wine blessed have your beer blessed there's all these blessings in the old right have your medicine blessed all this stuff there's all these different sacramentals which doesn't even include the other ones which everybody knows like the benedict medal the miraculous medal and the scapular and things of that sort burning a candle in your home etc um one of the things we just discovered recently very recently in fact um is that with some people who the demons are attacking them in their dreams or they're having really violent dreams and things of that sort just burning an exercised and blessed candle while they sleep we'll a lot of times clear that out so just having some basic knowledge of the sacramentals is very beneficial and i think that you know other than unless they went to a traditional seminary their odds of knowing that stuff is very slim many of the priests who are in the new right who would have a desire to start learning more about the old right complaining they know nothing about the sacramentals which is unfortunate yeah because i have 4 000 videos i've actually listened to on the channel i kind of know some of this but i got a 5 gallon drum of epiphany water that i and we had the whole family drinking night yeah we every every ever since i was a pastor i always made large quantities of epiphany water uh the other thing is we always try and do is get lustral water which is made on the um on the uh um easter vigil because that's even more efficacious so in fact i can just kind of run down this real quick there's actually five forms of holy water there's the one blessed in the new right which is holy water but it's not as efficacious as the right that is done in the old right which actually concludes exorcism of the salt blessing exorcism of the water and blessing and then the mixture of the two together and ask for prayers which is more efficacious because what we get what we pray for is what we get and that's actually one of the forms of disinformation that's kind of out there as they say oh well they're both blessed they're both have the same efficacy that's actually contrary to scripture because christ actually said knock and it will be open ask and you will receive there's a direct correspondence between what you ask for and what you're going to get so if you don't ask for it you're likely not to get it unless god steps in and intervenes which is not always the case whereas if you ask for it you're more likely to get it and so what we ask for in our prayers is what we're going to get so in the exorcism of the old rite of holy water there's much more that we're asking for and we're actually asking for it to drive away demons and to do various appeal people etc so there's a number of things that we're asking for the second one is epiphany water which is basically the old rite of exorcism on steroids because it's chanted and there's a little bit more to it and then there's the lustrial water which is actually made at the feast of or the easter vigil which is before they make the baptismal water you make a bunch of water then you separate it out and the lustral water is that stuff that's been blessed but it hasn't been made into baptismal water and then the last one is called gregorian water which if you can get your hands on it i've got just a little bit of it which i only use under certain circumstances but it's actually the holy water that can only be made by a bishop and it's used for the consecration of altars so if you can have that that's the one we found to be the one that just blows them out but it's hard to get a hold of and a lot of bishops are reluctant to give it to so they might give it to someone like me who's doing this line of work but they may not give it out generally but those are the different kinds of holy water so you know when you tell this to people everyone just looks at you like during the headlines but how come i never heard any of this well we all know it's because the church isn't teaching us anything these days you know they're more worried about making sure that you're woke than you are um you know and they're more concerned about i hate to say this they're more concerned about that you're getting your vaccination than they are knowing about the sacramentals so there we are yeah yeah now people have been saying they're sure he's gonna complain about that statement i just made but anyway here comes cunningham with his five gallon drum again exactly so uh speaking of weapons that you may if that for the lady we got this book here deliverance prayers for use by the lady right some of the prayers that we want to go over today or that you have questions people come up and give you questions about yeah i think that um because a lot of times i get a lot of questions like i don't even know how to use this book i don't even know what the prayers are for when should i use this prayer for that or what you know i have this problem which prayer should i use so we're going to cover some of them we're not going to cover all of them because we'd be here for a few hours but there's just a few things that people can actually use um you did mention you know some of the old sacramentos if you can get exercise to oil from a priest some priests will do it some dioceses don't even permit it um the because they they consider the um that there's a confusion that sometimes occurs when people say oh well i'm getting this oil it's the same oil that they use for you know for chrism or it's the it's the oil of the sick and you know i i i can see that some people would become confused what i don't see is why that can't be cleared up with five minutes of catechesis all you have to do is say no this is for sacraments this one's for sacrament this is a sacramental this one does this this one does that i mean that's literally all that you have to all that you have to do i realize it's a lot of chance we put out this these statements because they're just trying to carb launch deal with stuff and they don't want to get into that but then again i think we're back to that we just need more catechesis but uh but if you can get some exercise oil that's really beneficial so if you look at um uh this is the current the current version of this which is page 13 um it says uh so it's the ceiling prayer of protection um you can uh so this the person sees themselves with holy what else you just take a little bit of oil make it and then you say the prayer we use this we lose a longer version of this during our solemn exorcisms it's a longer version which is only in the priests one but that one actually is very beneficial to just start your prayers out with if you're going to start you know if you're going to do some spirit do some prayers to try and keep demons at bear address certain diabolic activities just saying this to keep yourself protected or anyone else that's praying with you protected um then there's this kind of prayer commands the carmelite invocation these are just different prayers that you can try they have different efficacy the breast plate of st patrick which is on page 15. we use this regularly during our sessions it is one of the most efficacious prayers we have found that caused you an enormous amount of pain so i tell people obviously you're not going to do this to drive the demons out so much although it might have that effect but just to provide some protection for you um because of the nature of the prayer it basically um clothes you in the protection of god etc so that one we found very beneficial at least in session then there's a series of different kind of binding prayers you can try these different prayers i often tell people we'll try different ones see which one works if you notice that one works the other one doesn't well then just keep using the one that works the most um i should say a little bit about binding first there's even some misinformation going out there and say well you can't bind the demons you can't do that so binding is a protestant thing well in my forthcoming book i show that binding is all over scripts binding of demons is all over scripture it's actually all over the tradition of the church it's even in several rituals of the church where you actually bind the demon or ask the demon to be bind or some saint binds them etc so the question about binding isn't whether it exists or not it's not a protestant thing it's a thoroughly catholic thing the real question is who can do it under what circumstances so that's the that's the real um the real issue there so with the binding prayers it's the same thing with implicatory prayers if you if you have the authority over something or somebody or you have rights in relationship to them or duties then you can say an immigratory prayers where you say tell the demon i bind you whereas if you don't then you can just ask christ christ our lady bind this demon etc the most common one which i learned right off the bat as an exorcist but which became kind of the cornerstone which i use even in sessions is the one on page 19 is called the latin binding prayer it's actually i just put latin binding in prayer i actually wrote the latin part of it but the english is the most common one that's used so you don't have to do the one in latin we can talk a little bit about the efficacy of latin maybe a little bit later but the prayers um that prayer that that one is the most common one which i tell people use you can actually amplify it so if you have devotion to other saints so when you get to the apostles peter and paul you can say you know st joseph um saint padre pew who's a big one he's a real helper in our line of work etc so you can add the saints that you have devotion to and then you can command the the person to command the demons to leave the particular person if you don't have that then you can just petition christ or our lady you can say you know jesus i ask you to bind the spirit of and then you name it um so those are the things that you can actually do in the binding prayers binding prayers are really helpful i recommend them a lot of times in relationship to people who are under temptation forms of temptation people whose children are being attacked or their wife or husband might be attacked or even when you might perceive that there's um even in your own temptations you can save for your own temptations you can also use it when you just think that people's perceptions of you are being affected um that's because demons can affect people's perceptions um so you can use it for a variety of different uh forums but that doesn't work for everybody now no that's correct that might be you two reasons because people say well i'm saying this prayer why is it working well there's it's one of two reasons either your prayers are specific enough you're not dealing with the demon right or um there's nothing there because sometimes people are like i'm saying this binding prayer but my my ten-year-old boy is acting up so i'll just ask him a simple question when was the last time you spanked your 10 year old boy well i've never spanked him i never spank him well there's why he's acting up has nothing to do with any demons right so um and then the other reason it can actually be is your purchase isn't efficacious enough right so you just have to keep at it um so there's different reasons why it may or may not work there's other times when uh it may not work because of the fact that in spiritual warfare precision is everything so the more precise your prayer is the more likely it's gonna work so for example a lot of people who have problems with chastity i'll tell them start buying the demon of one of these three demons if you suffer from them fear depression or despair so if you suffer from one of those and you're suffering from temptations against chastity and you suffer from fear just start binding the demon of fear and you'll notice that the chastity issues will clear up because they're like i'm binding this demon of chastity i can't seem to get in the air that's violating her that's encouraging me to violate my chest i said well that's because that's not his nature what you need to do is ask our lady of sorrows find out what's the nature of this thing or if you know the structure of it start binding his true nature and then all that other stuff will clear out so a lot of times it's a matter of um precision but a lot of times it's just that you know you're you're shooting at a target that isn't there sometimes so you just have to be aware of that um the longer form of binding prayer we use this a lot in session but you can do it for yourself um especially if you don't know the source the problem or if you suspect there's some type of diabolic problem but you're not sure of what the actual nature of the demon is we call this carpet bombing so i'll tell people during the you know when i'm first doing a diagnostic look i'm going to be finding um a uh i'm going to be saying a prayer that names an awful lot of stuff and you're going to wonder why am i saying this because i didn't why is father ripper saying this thing i never had a problem with arrogance or confusion or that that's not what the issue is the issues you just i did i tell them you know it's like that that line from the i can't remember which movie it is but you know just shoot them all and let god sort them out you just carpet bomb the whole area and then if there's a demon that's affected if it's doing that that's one of these it'll actually have an effect sometimes to this on the back of a book there's a list of d of spirits which we'll talk about a little bit i will add sections of that if i notice that the demons there's a ping in a particular area that there's a reaction then i'll go to the back part and start hitting all the different areas that are connected to that which are listed in that list of sins vices and spirits i'll list those too so sometimes just going through those can be very beneficial um the other thing is too is sometimes we'll use this as a diagnostic because of the fact that the demons will react to specific things and that gives us an indicator sometimes they don't react at all sometimes they hide especially when you get to certain areas or later in the sessions if you've been working with somebody for a while they'll start reacting to something rather than other the next one is a binding prayer to blind the demons so demons can actually be blinded how does this work well the nature of angelic knowledge is is that every single thing that is occurring in the universe materially is infusing their intellect as it happens all they have to do in order to be able to know what's happening like in our discussion or what's happening in the room next door is just move their intellect to think of that particular room and then boom they immediately see what's going on there okay but what that tells you is is that god can actually we see this even in session during when people are possessed and the demons manifested we can ask god to block his will from being able to do certain things and so blinding basically is a process by which you're asking god to block the demon's will from being able to focus on the thing that you're talking about or the information or knowledge that you don't want him to make use of and so sometimes that can be very beneficial acts of rejection this can be done if someone's made a pact with the devil and things like that but there's also renunciations this is one of the things that's been promoted quite a bit in the last 30 years among people who are doing deliverance work but it's also people like this one particular gentleman i'll leave him a name thinks that he's just genius because he came up with this renunciation idea and i'm like uh that has actually been in the right of baptism for 2000 years so it's one of those things that's been around where you renounce the devil you announce certain things that you're struggling with can also be very beneficial and efficacious prayer for protection against curses harm and accents is on 24 our prayers for breaking curses of the occult one of the things i'll often tell people this sounds so uncharitable i don't know if we've talked about this before with you steve or someone else but it sounds so uncharitable one of the things i'll actually do is i'll tell people look if you think you're being cursed all you have to do is ask our lord and just say look if i'm being cursed for sure holy we'll send it back from once it came now it sounds uncharitably because the demon gets sent back and we actually had a case of possession where one way i asked christ to send this demon back from whence he came because he got influenced he started pleading with me no no no don't send me back because he later explained that if he gets sent back the demon that's possessing the other person who sent him in here is going to get angry with him and beat him up i'm like that's not my monkey to be worrying about so you're out of here so but this is something that can be very beneficial if you can just ask um our lord if if i'm being cursed send it back from whence it came okay uh breaking the cult ties a person can do that for himself um prayer to remove generational spirits this is on page 25. this needs a little bit of explanation and an addressing of a particular question that's been occurring somewhat regularly people say well generational spirits is a protestant idea and it has no place in catholic theology again we're right back to the problem of complete ignorance in my book that i'm writing on diabolic influence i actually have a chapter that's 80 pages long it deals with authority structure and one of the things i talk about there is how generational spirits can actually be passed on from generation to generation the structure of it how it comes through the authority structure how it's actually part of scripture how it's actually in the tradition of the church um and that there's uh and that basically it's the inversion of generational blessings so like when people get married there's actually a generational blessing whereas the blessing will pass to you so you may see the blessings in your children to the third and fourth generation so that it's an inversion of that process um and so there's actually and this is something which exorcists have known i know that some prominent exorcists even a morph didn't buy their existence but i have seen cases where people were actually i had two cases where the women were actually possessed by um spirits that have passed have been passed on generationally um so this is uh it's it's it does actually exist very often people will see patterns within their family line or structure so they'll notice that there's a history of say sexual abuse or physical abuse or there's a history of fear where everybody in the generation line seems to have a problem with fear or pride or that type of thing now some of this can be learned behavior some of it can just be people acting badly but sometimes it can actually be and something to say well maybe it's genetic well there can be a genetic disposition but when people are consistently doing these things it doesn't once you start flooding the gene pool with other people through the process of the generational line that should begin to dissipate but a lot of times it doesn't so this is an indicator that um it could be something generational so i'll often recommend you know say the prayers to break the generational spirit now again in spiritual warfare precision is everything so i often recommend but before you say this prayer what you need to do is you need to start saying a novena to our lady of sorrows and ask her to reveal to you which comes in the form of an ordinary grace all of a sudden you'll just see this is what the problem is in my family it's not going to say you know our lady isn't going to talk to you as you hear some people say and it's not like you uh you know god told me in prayer anytime everybody talks that way i just i'm sorry as an exorcist i i ask them one of two questions just tune out or ask them did you hear this audibly because that can be an indicator that you possessed right so i'm like don't be talking that way because it's theologically imprecise and it's just it's misleading but i'll tell him she'll give you an ordinary grace to see what's in your generational line and then you can actually say this prayer and actually include the prayer and include that particular sin in the generational discussion of the generational line and so a lot of people who say this prayer will very often find it very beneficial parents can also say it for the sake of their children sometimes if it's a low-level spirit it'll get blown out just by what the parents do sometimes if there's a generational spirit in the family especially if it's connected to a curse very often you're going to have to go to a priest in order to uh to address that cardinal occult spirits latin severing prayer you can say that for yourself you can also say that for somebody in your family but that one is not used that often by laity but it's still in there for that prayers against every evil so there's all sorts of different kinds um prayers against temptations prayers to be freed from evil habits so you just have to look at it um prayer overcome evil passions to become a saint uh the next one i want to talk about is on page 35 this is commission of the care of body and soul this one we uh we did this i drafted this prayer based upon a recognition that um we need to commend very often our our body and soul to our lady and to our guardian angels and st michael in order to protect us while we sleep because that's one of the times we're most vulnerable because we don't have volitional control of what's happening in fact we're very often um i'm completely unaware of what's happening and so we need to come and command our body and soul to them but you can also parents can also do it for their own children especially for children we found this one to be really beneficial for using this for children who are young like one and a half to three years of age who are suffering from nightmares a lot of times doing this also that's one of the things that we found beneficial is that for parents to um you know bless their children with the exercise oil right before they go to bed um and you know just say you know may god bless you and they already keep you or protect you and make a guardian angel so they can say that um prayer we found that one to be particularly beneficial for that so if people are looking for um protection for their children or from when they when they pray some people have also found this helpful for chastity issues and things of that sort um the next prayer that i can recommend is on page 37 that's the prayer against retaliation this prayer we have found that if you're saying prayers and you're getting a little bit of blow back even even if you have authority or if god if you're petitioning god and usually if you petition god you're not going to get too much blow back but saying this prayer against retaliation can uh be very helpful not to suffer retaliation or if you are suffering from it to be protected um so that you don't get the uh you don't get retaliated against um we use this very often in our sessions um to keep the demons at bay because a lot of times the demons will threaten and things of that sort the next one is the parameter prayer now there's two different versions of this there's this one and then there's one you can say around your house so the parameter prayer is to keep that to create a parameter around yourself to keep yourself protected and so a lot of times people will do this you can also say this for your house so that there's a parameter protection for your house so that if you're especially if you've got bad neighbors or if there's something you're questioning in your neighborhood you can say that um which can be uh very beneficial um uh prior to reverse decisions this is one in which you know there's two times i use this the most and that's if people have gotten involved in the occult and they've made pacs or things like that we'll use this to reverse that process the other time we'll use this is a lot of times people will make private vows that are very ill advised and they didn't talk to their pastor or they didn't talk to a priest about it and so a lot of times the demons will inspire them to make vows they can't fulfill or that are just as i said ill-advised they're just ill imprudent um and so a lot of times what we'll do is if it's a private vow it still has to be released either by your pastor or your bishop but then also very often though um or another one that we use this for is when people say i want to be a victim soul you know and i'll tell them look you got to reverse that decision and then you just get whacked by demons and i'm saying well this is why and the people that are that are true victim souls the only time you should ever consider consenting to that is if it's already clear that god has set your life up as that and that's not that is so extraordinarily rare and even then that was something that you should be talking to a spiritual director about so um in all of the people that i've ever worked with or ever had the spiritual directors or anything there's only two that i thought meant that met that criteria and that and they were people who had reached a very high level of ability to suffer extraordinarily attacks and so they were the only people that you could recommend so i'll tell them you got to reverse that decision right because you didn't you didn't make it uh understanding it properly um we're just about getting to the end of this section so prayer against oppression this is the prayer like if you're being attacked in your externals that's in your health your job your finances in your relationships things of that sort you can say this prayer it's very specific so if you name this specific thing that can be very beneficial in one of my other interviews or conferences i made the observation that the next one the prayer against oppression for those those who have consecrated their exterior goods that's what that one is it's just a slightly modified version of that but then the consecration went extremely good this is based on this is on page 44. this is based upon the um the total consecration of saint louis made toronto but we removed the spiritual benefits which consecrate to our lady we consider that should be done separately and i recommend everybody to do that doing a total consecration to our lady is one of the primary ways to keep yourself protected um and so that's one of the things i'd recommend but this one takes the section takes the consecration but then it narrows it down to exterior goods and so there's parts where you can if you name the specific thing that the demons are attacking we have found that this is even more efficacious than saying the prayer against oppression so it tends to take a lot of that out so this is one of the principal prayers you can also use that prayer to consecrate your children your house your things like that you can consecrate all sorts of stuff not just because you don't want them to be under attack which is also part of it too but if you have concerns you know you can consecrate them if they're suffering if they have some type of ill health just consecrating them to that can be very very beneficial how many next sections for that is that like an annual thing or um yeah you can do it annually especially if you should just kind of doing it generically like for houses and things of that sort um if it's for your children you can do it once a week um the type of spiritual warfare that i have to deal with i say it every single day because there's a number of different things that i try and keep covered but that's more of a devotional thing on my side um it's probably also a testimony to how weak my prayer is that i gotta keep saying it but uh but anyway the the point being is that um i tend to say it every day i'll sometimes recommended to say every day for a while in order to get kind of on top of the oppression sometimes people it's just a one-shot deal so i had one gentleman who's all his clients none of them were paying him and it just shut his bit almost shut his business down so i said well here's say this prayer he consecrated his uh the payments of his clients to him and then he said within a week they all settled up and this had gone on for almost two months so this kind of gives you an indicator that demons can kind of get involved in that type of thing so it just depends on what your devotional life is in relationship to that or if you you notice that it's working but you got to kind of keep doing it then just keep doing it sometimes it is too because it also gives me an opportunity to throw other things in there like consecrate for i'll consecrate people who are being attacked or struggling and things of that sort so uh the next section is uh prayers of devotion these are just different forms of prayers that sometimes can uh gain and get grant the person some spiritual protection but they're not specifically designed for spiritual warfare so very often recommend those um just for people to do um and those are those are ones that are included which we've just found as exorcists that come up from time to time in sessions where the demons are particularly sensitive to them uh the next section is on prayers for healing this is something which people need to work on you can listen to my um conference on conferences or sermons on healing and wounds and healing for this these are different prayers that we recommend for people that sometimes people will be under diabolic attack because they're wounded so the demons will pick on a particular area of the wound um sometimes people are actually possessed in the area of their wounds so once that they heal then they'll be liberated or sometimes you get the demon out of there and then they can heal so sometimes people will find that they just can't seem to psychologically or emotionally heal in relationship to certain things that have happened in their lives we'll recommend start saying this and see if you note the various pairs try the different ones there's um you know there's a few of them these are the more common ones used by exorcists for people but people can use them for themselves because a lot of times it'll help them heal you know all of us are wounded to some degree and another it's it's all part of original sin but it's also part of actual sins either of our own or from whether the people have done and so it's important for people to um pray for their healing the fourth part is the auxilian christian orum is um this was started by two exorcists the exam christian was a group that was started by two exorcists and they did it for two reasons one actually three one is that they wanted the the benefit of the purse for people to pray for them for the people that they were trying to liberate two they had noticed that in families people would just their the family would raise their children in a very orderly fashion very virtuous fashion provide them what they need to know about the catholic faith make sure they're getting the sacraments and then just out of the blue one of the kids will just go off the rails for no reason whatsoever and so from time to time we were noticing that that's connected to diabolic um interference in the people's lives sometimes it's just people making bad choices too but uh sometimes it is actually that the demons are involved in the person's life and so we started the christian to provide prayer so everybody who's saying the prayers are praying for the members and their family so just by starting to say these prayers every day you're plugging into we think somewhere between 100 and 200 000 people are saying these prayers every day because it's literally worldwide at this stage so this is one of the and we always put all the people that are possessed all the people that we're working with we immediately put them on the exam christian or we have found numerous people that this has helped them to clear up habitual sin in their lives it's helped to clear up diabolic influence in their lives oppression all sorts of stuff and so we really recommend uh we recommend that um one of the things that people will often question is it says in here that you should ask your pastor before you do this a little bit of explanation the reason we put that in there is because of the fact that um people would uh start saying the prayers who are spiritually not in a position or a place where they should be praying these prayers and so they would suffer a great deal of attack so that in other words they didn't have their spiritual lives in order so they started saying this and they just kind of get beat around so we tell them to stop praying so this is so that the people that are saying it are psychologically sound because if the pastor realizes this person's not their own psychologically he's going to say no you shouldn't or if you're not in a position they need to the the other um reason we did this is um so it's to provide the protection for the families and then also to um um to provide so there was three reasons so to to help us for the people we're praying for provide protection for the families but then also to provide protection for the specific members so that everybody would have oh that's the third one so the uh but then we also started it because we noticed that a lot of exorcists were getting involved with charismatic groups who were doing things that were actually causing more damage and so we just said look we need to start a group where people can pray for those in spiritual warfare and pray for their own protection and so we have found that it has been um extraordinarily beneficial to them and so there's there's those different prayers usually people have no problem with that those prayers until they get to the litany of humility and then they're like oh no not that you know that one if you want if you want to do a spiritual diagnostic on yourself just say that thing that'll let you know where you're at and you made that one easy because uh you got an app for that and it's in eight or nine different languages uh i think the app is in eight eight languages i think i'm open to correction there maybe they added the ninth um then we have we're up to 15 languages but we're probably not going to update the app for a little while but when we do that the app will be up to uh 15 languages so but we already on the website we have 15. one of the things we're looking for is for people who are willing to translate the websites into those various languages but that's a bit of a problem because people say oh yeah i'd be happy to do it but they're not competent or or you don't know if you know you have to have someone else vetted to make sure it's done properly but the ones that we would really like to try and get up off the ground is um spanish portuguese and uh maybe there's might be a couple of other ones but the spanish the portuguese ones because they this uh christian norm has really taken off in the portuguese speaking nations and obviously it's taking off quite a bit in the spanish uh community so we're kind of hoping that that will will get those translated at a certain point and then the last part of the book is on the appendices so the first appendix is a list of uh spirit's vices and spirits there's some things in here that people will say i'm let's just say this right now so it kind of clears up people will say things like well it says in here uh martial arts our martial arts diabolic well not in themselves as an art it's okay it's only if you integrate the eastern mysticism or religious aspects or forms of meditation that becomes a problem so that's where you have to watch for that another one some of these people will say like what is that um it's you know things like um uh uh marriott puppet they're not talking about playing with the married puppets they're talking about people have that sensation where they just feel like that um another one is there's one in here that i actually had to look up i didn't even have any clue when i first read it right across it it's rainy kathy and shaney kaylee i mean just pronouncing that as a tongue twister and this is the one that we're really struggling under in our culture right now these are the spirits that actually destroy proper lines of demarcation in gender so they they tend to destroy our god-given maleness or female it's gender mutilation it's also the one that promotes transgenderism and such it's the breaking down of the proper gender roles etc um but anyway so this one has a number of different things so if you see something that doesn't seem like it's necessarily a spirit that's true it's just it it can be a disorder which the demons can drive they can sometimes be natural disorders but they're also disorders that demons can themselves drive then there is the longer examination of conscience i put this in here because sometimes it's helpful for people to have a good examination of conscience a lot of times i'll tell people look if you're struggling with things especially with diabolic obsession maybe what you should need and it's not uh scrupulosity uh which i i've got it recorded it's ready to go um i just have to upload it so at some point i'll give that to you see if it's on it's curriculosity but the structure of it is the nature of it is what you got to do to overcome it so if you don't suffer from scrupulosity i'll often recommend if you're suffering from other forms of diabolic um obsession to say to make a general confession because sometimes that'll root out the source of the problem and this could be used very well for that and then the last one is the priors to break the freemasonic curse just a couple of observations about this first general observations and then how to use it the first is is that a lot of people will say things like oh well freemasonry they're just these really great guys they're like the shriners who drive around in the little go cars during the parades these are great guys they bring that great hospital no freemasonry is a thoroughly luciferian structure from the bottom to the top and it is and i can tell you this because i've had to clean up so many people who've either been involved in freemasonry or what have you every level of freemasonry to agrees to take even though a lot of people say well i was a freemason i didn't agree this well actually you did you just weren't paying attention to what you were agreeing to you didn't work you weren't reading the fine lines and the contract so to speak but basically they agreed to take on a curse for each level that they go up and if they don't fulfill those levels of the of the requirements of those levels or if they reveal things because it's it is a secret society which is what they've recalled but it's a secret society and so if you violate that then you can be um then this curse comes upon you and people see this there's all certain sometimes people just start talking about the problems having their family and i can usually parse it out because there's very distinctive patterns that you'll see in in relationship to what they have that all being said so it is actually some people say well this was written by a protestant as i mentioned the beginning of our interview yeah that's true but it's been thoroughly restructured it's been thoroughly rewritten and so you don't have to worry about uh any of that and it does actually work we've had numerous people that have suffered from the freemasonic curse because their father or grandfather somebody who's involved with it they'll start saying the prayers and then usually what we tell them this is part of the how do if you think you have freemasonry in your lineage or you're not certain of it it's better to be safe than sorry just say the prayers we normally recommend there's two different ways that you can do it my assistant says you need to do it in front of a priest and you need to do it three times and he's doing he's saying that in order to kind of cover the bases and make sure it's done properly which is necessary because a lot of people come to us for help can't even do some of the basic prayers because they just had they've never been taught but then this what usually what i'll usually recommend is i'll just say go in front of the blessed sacrament and start saying this prayer and if you get to a part where you just get blocked and you can't seem to get through it just struggle through it get through you can and do it then go back the next day and do it again and keep doing it um day after day until you get to where you get through the whole thing a lot of times if the preeminent sonic curse is there um the way that they'll notice that it's been broken is they can get through the whole prayer and there's not a problem or that they said the prayer and the external problems because oppression is one of the principal ways that you see this occurring not everybody has oppression has had feminine sonic in their lineage but a lot of the people that um do have it in their lineage will suffer from oppression those areas will start to clear up um health issues there's certain health things like respiratory issues things like that they'll say these prayers all of a sudden these issues clear up so um this is that's why we put that in the book um and it's also good to be able to refer that because a lot of times we get regular inquiries about how to break the freemasonic curse and so we just send them to there so that's kind of an overview of it um and i often tell people if you're not certain just try the prayers out it's like the more said he said doing an exorcism over over demons never hurt anybody right well if you as long as you're staying within your parameters and you're saying these prayers you'll be safe but um but also sometimes you'll find some prayers will work sometimes i'll tell people try this and say well that didn't really work and then they'll say but i did try this and that seemed to work really good i'm saying belgians keep doing it so um and so i'll recommend saying the various prayers so the book has had it's had a fair amount of distribution i think that it's um it's kind of getting out there i know i make a lot of priests nervous by this a lot of priests complain to me about it because there's like oh you're creating work for me no what i'm doing is i'm bringing to the forework that you need to be taken care of anyway so there you are just a little bit on the latin part because i've had people come up to me and say should i do i need to parade in latin and their pronunciation is terrible uh could you speak on the efficaciousness of latin and is it you mentioned it earlier in the 20 minute mark that you don't have to but right why why is it the mindset of that just to help them be able to do it in english or whatever their native tongue is yeah i think that it really boils down to two things one is that um are two parts to your question latin is more efficacious yeah i know i've heard even exorcists say but it doesn't make any difference well like that's not my experience in the slightest as an experienced exorcist i can tell you that's true that once in a while you get demons who don't really react much to the english as opposed to latin but a lot of demons really detest the latin because it's a sacred language now languages there's three sacred languages and they're sacred not because they're in scripture by the way even though that is that can be one of the reasons but that's not the primary reasons the fathers of the church are very clear that a language is sacred because it is a fixed the instrument of our salvation the cross so that's latin greek and hebrew and so those languages um the demons find it uh those languages are born they even find the ecclesiastical pronunciation of latin abhorrent you know when you hear people say oh well you know ancient latin is spoken this way because we've done this study we know this is how it's but look at it that was all devised by the protestants it's speculation um people say well you can't tell me that the current pronunciation of latin and the church is how it's but i'm saying i agree with you it probably was spoken a little bit differently we know that that's not the issue the issue is is that that is the language of the church this is how the church generally speaks it and the demons themselves considered even the pronunciation sacred they hate it so whenever they whenever you force a demon to say a prayer in latin during a session he always tries to do the um the uh the protestant pronunciation or the classical pronunciation and not the ecclesiastical because they consider it's more painful for them to do the um ecclesiastical so i don't tolerate that i'm telling no you got to use it please ask pronunciation so that tells you that there's an efficacy to it because it's sacred it also adds an accidental merit to the prayer in which we say now that being said if you don't have a clue what you're saying then you're probably better off doing it in uh in english where you actually know what you're saying but you know you can memorize that memorize the shorter prayers and things like that and generally if you start using for a while you'll actually know what they they mean um the only time i tell somebody that you should still do it in latin regardless of your pronunciation how bad it is whether you know it or not or actually priests or actually doing exorcism i'd say no you should do it in latin um and it's uh what exorcist had this demon said you know i can't even understand your latin you're pronouncing it so bad and uh he said that's okay god's understands what i'm saying right uh and another one actually the the the demon was complaining it was about his pronunciation and he said it doesn't matter how bad i'm pronouncing it you know what i'm saying so the the point being is that um people can actually learn you can go on the internet there's places on the internet that actually can give you you know short um uh a short teaching on how to actually um or short training on how to actually pronounce latin and so you can do with a little bit of work you can go on online and actually learn how to pronounce it i have a whole conference in on or not conference but it's a sermon on you know why prayers in latin why you should learn to do them in latin um but uh but but so that being said um generally speaking it'll have more efficacy but until you can do the pronunciation and have a bit of a sense of what you're saying i'd say do it in english but then once you can make that transition is that just off topic does that work for sacramento's as well let's say mindset uh if they don't know it the latin part for a blessing to say holy water they do it in english um yeah it does but i don't think that the i don't think that the difference is it's it's well let me put you this way if you're using it in relationship to spiritual warfare certain demons are going to react more to it when it's done in in latin than it's done in english i know a lot of priests who say well there's no difference and i'm still pretending to do this there's a certain sense in which it's true that what they're intending and what they're saying is still going to come about but there is an accidental decorum that's added so when the demon looks at that sacramental he he sees the prayer that was said over it as soon as he sees it he knows everything about that sacramental so he knows this one was done in latin by this priest and so that's one of the reasons why they find certain certain things really annoying and so it does actually add to the efficacy in relationship to that it also adds a certain an accidental efficacy again not that not that much of one but it does add an accidental efficacy and relationship or petition to our lord for the same reasons that i talked about in relationship to um the liturgy you know the certain uh what i call the pump but the things that surround the liturgy actually increase the merit in the eyes of god and so people can read my article on that um it's just called the merit of a mask but they can read my article on that if they want to see that particular but it does it does that same argument i think does apply to sacramentals father i appreciate your time anything else you want to add i think that's it thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer the questions because there's a lot of people who've had questions about how to use this and so this will give us something to point them in the direction to where they can go get the um get the information they need i appreciate you and of course can you get a final blessing before you go absolutely benediction day on nipple tentis part three said feeling experienced supervised minutes emperor amen god bless everybody thank you steve
Channel: Sensus Fidelium
Views: 118,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ripperger, exorcist, god, jesus christ, catholic, christian, gospel, bible, spiritual warfare, wounds, healing, possession, virtue, grace, st michael, humility, our lady of sorrows, ewtn, tradition, holy water, lord, sacramentals, priests, cleric, church, liturgy, ritual
Id: zG_X_fEXxbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 58sec (3958 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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