Answering the Internet's Most Asked Questions About Priests

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father Michael take one i'm earnings father makes mitts and this is essential presents answering the internet's most common questions about priests obviously I am NOT in my living room right now I am in the library of the st. Charles Borromeo seminary and tonight I get to give a talk at the Cardinal Foley lecture series that talk that lecture will be available on essential presents very shortly and the topic is evangelization and the new media and what I have to say about that okay the very first question is do priests get paid yeah most of them do typically they get paid through their apostolate or through their diocese so again diocese and priests that's all I know about cuz that's what I am so for me my ministry is I'm the director of youth ministry for diocese and I'm the chaplain at campus ministry both those being diocese and operations and so um I get paid through my diocese parish priests get paid through the parishes as far as I know next do priests marry yeah I did a wedding last Saturday just kidding actually the answer is no on the other hand a married person can become my priests and this is kind of an interesting thing that not a lot of people know even in the Catholic Church there are some right to the Catholic Church where priests are married and there's some allowances for people who like where ministers or reverence and other denominations that were married that can get ordained priests but here's the kind of the distinction while a married man can be ordained an ordained man can't get married so do priests marry no but can married people would be priests sometimes okay a rapid fire do priests still bless houses as a matter of fact they do a priest bless anything um I mean there's actually a book of blessings that you can go through it so you bus cars do you bless pets you can bless horses you can bless how is this anything you want to consecrate to the Lord or anything you want to actually call down the Lord those presents all those blessing upon this I can get blessed so priests bless houses and I would invite you to do that too because it's actually very very important it's not just kind of a joke it's relatively serious a previous occupant of your house or of your dorm room or of your apartment building could have done some things that invited a in evils presence and so when you move in really really good idea contact your parish contact a priest and ask me if he would come over to your apartment your house your dorm and bless that great idea not a waste of time but in fact sometimes like the right thing to do oh man there was something though well it's like fish how is this I don't know if there's an official blessing for fish houses but I do know priests up in Minnesota who blessed fish houses Oh ice fishing houses so no they're called an aquarium no an ice fishing house that goes on in the like when it's iced over and you do priests pay taxes they do here's a little tidbit at least in this Minnesota law is priests are considered to be self-employed so we pay a self-employment tax so that's a fun fact I guess for that what do priests do priest was say mass and regular basis they'll they will hear confessions on a regular basis all the sacramental life kind of a situation then there's meeting with individuals there's meeting with groups of people that happens a lot all day in fact that could happen in his office that could happen at people's homes that could happen in the hospital that could happen in prison but it's a lot of meeting with people after the priest is spent hopefully a lot of time meeting with God but in the free time people always ask me what did they do in the free time and that has to do with basically what any individual priest like finds life-giving they spend time with siblings and parents and nieces and nephews and stuff that's so good I love doing that others are into different hobbies like taking in sports games or participating in athletics or whatever any kind of normal hobbies that people would have if they get a chance to do it I know a lot of free to hunt and fish least a minute so did they do what do priests wear during Mass they wear what we call vestments why do you call investments uh-huh base layer base layer is the alb the Alba's the white layer and they call it an al because Albus in Latin means white and then they have a rope around the way so call this century because since your means belt I don't know and then there were a thing called the stool around their neck and that's called the stool because he just takes it and then he wears at chasuble the chasuble is called chasuble cuz comes from the latin word Casula which means little house and is this big poncho looks like a little house over the top of the priest why does he wear the vestments you asked fantastic question I don't know if you ask that question he's meant to actually kind of disappear into the vestments that here comes father Joe if he just came out like was it with his own clothes on kind of thing it's like oh hey there's father Joe but then when he puts the vestments on it's like oh no he's actually standing in the person of Christ right now cuz sometimes I don't know father Joe sometimes he's a great guy and sometimes did like Joe he's always living in the person of Christ when he's serving particularly in the liturgy you really just want to be able to say that's the minister that's the person who's the person of Christ and I'm not distracted by the fact that earlier father Joe cut me off on the freeway it's like no he meant to disappear into the vestments essentially those of us who are especially small we've really disappearance the vestments question how do priests become bishops for example in my diocese right now there's no bishop for currently and so word gets back to the Holy Father and in the Vatican that the Diocese of Duluth needs a bishop and then there are people on the ground here in United States here in minute or over Minnesota who will submit some names here are some people who would be some priests would be really good bishops and they submit those names to the Holy Father to the Vatican and then ultimately they make the decision then apparently a representative of the Pope will call the priest and say father Pope Francis would like you to be the next Bishop of the Diocese of whatever and then he has an opportunity to say yes sir to say no why two priests wear black mostly because we're really deep and we really think about death a lot you know yeah sorry it's simple right so your wardrobe is very clear wear a black shirt black pants and we have a promise of simplicity and so that extends to our wardrobe you don't have to light enough to scour through my clothes what am I going to wear today so it keeps it really simple the second thing is kind of like the benedict ins they have a black habit and I know the reason why they wear black is this Latin phrase memento mori which means to remember your death and so as often as they put on that black habits like okay remember at some point your life will be over and that's what I think every time we're on the black not only that soo there's there's always the forward-thinking remembered that your life will be over so live today as if this is your last day but also remember your death in the sense that we believe as Christians that we've died in Christ and we've died in Baptism and we'd be given new life in Christ and given new life in Baptism and so it's not just a forward thinking remember you're gonna die someday it's also remember you've died to yourself to live for God huh oh my gosh this is great why do priests kiss the altar I don't know if you've ever noticed this but on the way in and on the way out of mass the priest walks up to the altar bends down and sniffs it just kidding he kisses it there are at least two reasons why one is because the altar represents is it's a it's a symbol for Jesus like so we believe Christ is at the sacrifice of the mass and on Calvary Christ was in is he's the priest when offering the sacrifice he is the lamb he's the victim he's the one being offered and he's also the altar the other reason is because embedded in every altar virtually every altar every permanent altar at least there is a relic like typically a bone or a relic of a saint well way back in the day a lot of times Christians were literally driven underground and so they would celebrate Mass in secret in in tombs and crypts and some of those original altars that they would celebrate the mass on were the actual coffins or sarcophagi of the saints those who had been martyred for Christ we perpetuate that reality that we're not the first Christians to come along and we're not the last and we're not even the greatest because we have these incredible Saints who have given their everything for the Lord and so in every altar there's embedded that relic and so when we bend down we're not only reverencing the altar as a symbol of Christ we're also referencing recognizing that we're surrounded at every mass by all the saints and all the angels that God has ever made that's it go home go away now if any of these questions you were like oh hey go deeper in that put in the comments below and I will go back and maybe give like a more thorough answer and less snarky answer comment below what are questions you would like to hear more answers for whether they were things we tried to answer today or other things you're like hey by the way hashtag ask father Mike here's a question I've been dying to know the answer to all so I'm here at st. Charles Borromeo seminary because I'm giving a talk lecture on evangelization and new media and they'll be posted at essentia presents very very soon so please if you're interested check it out anyways thanks so much and thanks for joining us for this whole thing from all of us here stitch presents - father make god bless [Music]
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 179,292
Rating: 4.9657683 out of 5
Keywords: google autocomplete, autocomplete interview, The internet’s questions about priests, most asked questions about priests, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Do priests still bless houses?, What do priests do?, What do priests wear during Mass?, Philadelphia seminary, evangelization and new media, Do priests get paid?, Do Catholic priests get married?, Do priests pay taxes?, How do priests become bishops?, Why do priests wear black?, Why do priests kiss the altar?
Id: lTrGHZs_zGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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