Father James Altman Homily April 11 2021

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your family as i get my age is situated to share with you something extraordinary that just happened before the beginning of our mass something for which you all get credit because it weren't for you i wouldn't be here doing what i'm doing now i wouldn't know what i didn't know all glory be to god all thanks to you there was a young couple young man and a young woman standing in the back when i first came in and they smiled and they looked like this couple that had asked me to marry them come july out in dc i thought what are you doing here well it wasn't them it uh there's a young man a young woman the young man had just entered the church eight days earlier at the easter vigil and he said what was transformative in his conversion was some homily i gave i guess about abortion and uh somehow it must have been live stream none of this would have happened but for you you get credit uh keep the faith keep being a witness of faith unto martyrdom it's coming um glory be to god i wish i could even tell you their names but what we do matters i know you know that did i make the sign of the cross in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen under family is a simple preface to our meditation today which i try to make shorter we learn right from wrong by being taught right from wrong jesus the lord taught right from wrong in parables but he also i mean make no mistake about this because in our day and age where everybody's afraid of offending somebody he taught our lord taught right from wrong by using examples of good people and by using examples of bad people and as you well know the worst examples that jesus mentioned were the clergy of his day oh yes [Music] in just a moment we'll consider two examples of right and wrong by using clergy as an example and it is altogether fitting and proper that we do this just like jesus did as you know in the novus ordo today is divine mercy sunday and i know you know this but let us be clear our catholic church has seven spiritual works of mercy and two of them are instructed ignorant and admonish the sinner everybody's afraid of doing that it is an act of mercy to admonish a sinner and no clergy is above it no matter what color occasion they wear it doesn't cause division by pointing out the error that shepherds are misleading people that doesn't cause division they're already causing the division speaking then of divine mercy dear family we have a new framed picture of divine mercy much larger and more fitting for its place of prominence above the confessional to where we go to repent and from whence we receive forgiveness i think mr luce is going to have it up there after after mass what a providential perfect time to ponder that divine mercy on a day when in the novus ordo we hear our lord proclaim it might have been in this one too but it was in latin as the father has sent me i send you and when he had said this he breathed on them and said to them receive the holy spirit i just remember thomas uh here anyway he said to them he breathed and said to them receive the holy spirit whose sins you forgive are forgiven them and whose sins you retain are retained from the beginning of the catholic church until the second coming the shepherds of the church have been sent out to be ministers of sacramental grace that restores us to a state of grace and we we never ever should fear entering into the sacrament of mercy where jesus longs to gather us back to him as that mother hen gathers her brood under her wings now some people may like to call saint faustina's diary private revelation but it is approved dear family by the catholic church precisely because what jesus said to her about a hundred years ago he said to all in the beginning of the catholic church 2000 years ago for example in saint faustina's diary number 1059 we hear this sinful soul have no fear to approach me for even if it had more sins than there are grains of sand in the world all would be drowned in the unmeasurable depths of my mercy i may have quite a few sins and sometimes i think i very well might be the worst sinner in this house but i am certain that i do not have quite so many sins as there are grains of sand and that applies to you too so the good news of the gospel pouring forth from the side of jesus on the holy cross of which we are reminded every time we humbly gaze upon that picture of divine mercy above the confessional the good news is the gospel is no matter what we have done and no matter how many times we have done it all of it is drowned in the immeasurable depths of his divine mercy as long as we turn back to him in repentance so why is it do you suppose that any catholic anti-baptized catholic does not just run and plunge into those unmeasurable depths of god's mercy found in the sacrament of reconciliation well the main reason is that many do not even think they are sinners which partly is a direct result of the fact that since vatican ii that they may not they they not only have not been told about sin by many shepherds of the church but also partly due to the fact that they've committed the sin of a mission by failing on their part to do to study their faith on their own because the shepherds can't do everything you know this even faithful shepherds can lead a horse to water but they can't make him drink so as a consequence many people do not think they are sinners or at least bad sinners and after 50 years of the post-vatican ii tripe the many have developed this attitude that i've spoken before well i didn't murder anybody therefore i guess i'm good good enough to go to heaven all we have to do to disavow ourselves of that misconception is look at any of the two thousand years of martyrs oh the minute we get the attitude that we're good enough is the very minute that we're not over the past almost 13 years i've heard way more than enough confessions as has any priest to recognize just how prevalent is that attitude among many catholics many shepherds have utterly failed to teach people that there is a hell and people actually do go there jesus said many go there few go to heaven and they and that happens because they don't repent of their true sinfulness their family you and i know better we know better just all we have to do is look at a crucifix and we know that jesus son of god did not endure all that pain and all that suffering of the passion because sometimes we're impatient maybe gossip a little forget our evening prayers [Applause] the family we're sinners we all are sinners and all of us are very much in need of repentance and forgiveness we know we all have quite a sand pile to drown in that immeasurable depths of god's mercy if you ever doubt it just stop for three minutes not three hours like on calvary but three minutes and dare to look in the face right into the eyes of jesus on the cross and let his eyes look back into your own and while he looks back into your own eyes [Music] ponder ponder the number of betrayals we have made to the divine love that put him on the cross in the first place family it was not for nothing that jesus suffered the passion but you would never know it by virtue of the lack of earnest confessions amongst many catholics that leave faithful priests wondering why our lord had to bother in the first place why go through all that there's no sinners here sadly for 50 years shepherds have failed to teach that our lord had to go through that hell to pay the price for the gravity the gravity of our sins not in little impatience here and there no he endured the gravity of our sins by extending his arms like that mother hen to offer us his mercy he went through his suffering and death to be the savior from our sins so let us understand that when we earnestly enter into confession we give him the gift of joy of being our savior that's why he came as long as you don't have to take my word for the joy jesus said quote i tell you in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents and over 99 righteous ones not in need of repentance along those lines your family there is one unforgivable sin one sin alone he will not forgive and that is the sin we do not confess but how can we ever grasp that concept when theologians and shepherds of the catholic church like von balthas our bishop baron feed the sheep such tripe as dare we hope everyone goes to heaven the family all sins are forgiven except the sins we don't confess which is why the denial of our sinfulness like those two is so damnable it risks so many eternal souls it lulls people into a very false sense of security again don't take my word for it jesus said it directly to the self-righteous pharisees remember remember the conversation he had with them some of the pharisees said to him surely we are not also blind are we and jesus said to them if you were blind you'd have no sin but now you are saying we see so your sin remains the pharisees did not know they were sinners and get this straight they had no excuse for not knowing they were sinners and that is why our lord divine mercy himself held their sins bound now's a good time to share with you something you would not know well i'm preparing these meditations whenever i'm quoting some great glorious words from sacred scripture or from saints to saint faustina i make it in red on the page and red is my favorite color but it also stands out on the page and it brings joy to me when it comes time during these meditations to read the words in red i mean there's a point to this by the way i'm not just rambling off of my favorite color the fact is that while i was preparing this meditation it came time to include the words of those pharisees surely we are also we are not also blind are we and i could not bring myself to make those words read i could not make them read because those words spoken by the pharisees are pure evil it is why our lord said so your sin remains so i have a choice to your family to trust in jesus as he told us to trust that he loves us trust that he wants to forgive us trust that he does want to gather us to himself like a mother hand gathers her brood or not or not instead be a doubter as people like to characterize saint thomas in today's gospel so we do do we mean it when we say jesus i trust in you or are we just pretending what a family let us recognize the pretenders amongst us by what they say and do recognize them so that we can practice harder to be forgiven believers and not the unforgiven sins-held-bound pharisees in our day so let's be absolutely crystal clear on who they are by using examples as our lord did one of a holy priest who actually trusts in jesus and the other yet another bishop who trusts in adulterated godless science side by side they represent the truth and the lie salvation and damnation heaven and hell as to the holy priests i i can't count the number of people who forwarded this to me a youtube video of a holy priest who trusts in jesus it was just a short clip it was less than three minutes long maybe some of you are thinking i should take some lessons from that priest in this short three minutes less than three minutes the holy priest brings out a chair sits down and then goes through this incredible heartfelt felt apology to his people he began to explain his apology by saying in essence that he represents as a priest he represents the catholic church and then he asked forgiveness for having left the people quote without the eucharist for many weeks last year he then said quote many of you in the most difficult moments of the pandemic turned to your father for bread and we gave you a stone we failed you by denying you the only food that could sustain your hope we abandoned you when we should have been closest to you for this at this holy mass i ask forgiveness and then he continued the worst thing is that i cannot assure you that such a thing will not happen again because as far as i know now listen closely to what he says because as far as i know i have not heard anyone he's talking about the bishops i have not heard anyone express regret for what happened then he wraps it up this way what i can promise you is that is that i will never again be a party to something similar and that if obedience places me in such a situation again i will withdraw so as not to be responsible and a guilty party just to something that even today weighs on my conscience as the act of which i am most ashamed in my entire life without that apology that priests holy holy words you can see they are written in red and bolded on my page [Music] if he had any fault and i doubt it for the democracy forced upon is faithful by his particular bishop he had the decency to say i'm sorry amen i say to you he received divine mercy what about the many about whom he so staggeringly stated i have not heard anyone express regret for what happened as for them dear family let us understand the words of jesus the lord to the pharisees apply to them in space if you were blind you would have no sin but now you are saying we see so your sin remains so let's talk about one particular now we're going to get the opposite example let's talk about one particularly blind pharisee of our day lifesite news reports i think people send me this stuff just to get me riled up news reports that the first bishop in the united states to cancel all public masses a year ago was bishop anthony b taylor of little rock arkansas as reported on life site news bishop taylor issued letters in march 2020 canceling masses and non-essential gatherings including confirmations as well he said that the sacraments of anointing of the sick including those who were ill with coronavirus and at the time thought they might die was to be withheld your family what kind of father what kind of father won't feed his dying child what kind of father bishop taylor represents exactly the kind of shepherd for which that holy priest apologized and said the worst thing is i cannot assure you that such a thing will not happen again because as far as i know i have not heard anyone express regret mr taylor then has now issued a letter to parishioners in his diocese dated march 25th the feast of the annunciation outlining new covenant protocols to be implemented in his parishes under his discrete direction beginning with holy thursday the sacred tree of him my god in heaven he committed sacrilege against the annunciation and against the sacred truth again he's now borrowed lay people from delivering communion to the sick and choir members can't sing in mass unless they are fully vaccinated that's his word with this experimental coronavirus injection even after he also still requires everybody to wear masks if it worked dear family there would never be another mask ever god gave us a break what part of his brain does not use it what part can't he figure out if it works [Music] and he said no communion during mass it's a communion during that could only be distributed in the hands not on the top apparently bishop taylor ignorance and uninformed taylor association america and in italy previously stated that communion on the top actually was safer and that there is no determinant of science whatsoever that suggests or proves convenient on the hand is safer and as you know your family you know this you're here and i've said it many times i find particles from the whole use out of servers which means that there are particles of the holy eucharist on the hands of those people who receive in the hand and i told you that as a teenager i saw my mother forced force to receive out of the hand wasn't her choice and after she did she lit the palm of her hands because she wanted to be sure that she did not commit sacrifice against the real presence of our lord body blood stolen divinity in the holy eucharist so i have a question for bishop taylor he being the first bishop to cancel public holiness and refuse to feed his children now requires the injection of an experimental drug into our temples of the holy spirit i have a question do you mention require those people who receive in the hand to lick their arms afterwards to purify their hands because i purified the sacred vessels at the altar so it's not a commit sacrifice against the real residents you require them bishop taylor to lift their palms or is that just too gross and disgusting because their pawns are dirty in germany but if that is the case bishop taylor then why are you requiring contrary to the universal law of the church that the faith will only receive jesus the lord it's a derby in germany hands [Music] blessed also reports that in his latest record bishop taylor wrote choirs can be permitted only when all members have been vaccinated again preferably wearing masks listen to your family if the injection actually works as i said and then you know that no mask would be required but it dissolves dear family in fact it is not a vaccine it is an injection not the lesser version of the illness but an experimental use of a genetic altering substance it is not a vaccine and the use of that word bears false witness to the truth and possibly endangers the mortal lies of so many that's the big man for the record all three injections currently authorized for use in the united states by 500 durian and johnson johnson are labeled experimental there's no science of any kind that takes them out of the category experimental critical trials are ongoing but i see they are completely incomplete my intention normally is at least a two-year process of experimenting on a few and then only then might have medicine get approved as something other than nearly experimental therefore as has been the case since the first needle injected something into somebody's honor these injections have been granted quote only emergency use authorization eua status only experiment only eoa status is distinct from being approved for licensed vaccinations and as such cannot be by law mandated by public or private entities and yet you have a bishop of the catholic church insisting that catholics take and spare take an experimental genetic altering substance into the temples of the holy spirit and i wonder how it makes the people of that nicest feel that they're being stronger into being part of an experiment how's it making you see that in our life outside the church or even inside the church when you see where you want to start segregating people vaccinating and not vaccinated whenever it's not a vaccine how can anyone have mice that's even remotely possible [Music] your family definitely preached to apologize for not being his children he was talking about the likes of that bishop in little rock and jesus was talking about the two of these modern-day pharisees when he said you were blind you hadn't seen but now you're saying holy see to your sin remains hesitate to say only what is right because they fear losing the favor of men see if i turn into a power out any given day you throw me out of here i mean i deserve to stand up here in this ball and be involved attending us and spoke us to me about the daniel family or some shepherds to be shepherds he said but saying nothing is like 1600 years ago but what sort of shepherds are they in fear giving offense not not only fail to prepare the sheep for the temptations that threatened but even promised worldly happiness there's promising of the happiness here take the injection take the vaccine and be able to travel again go to the grocery stores you're taking it you surely will not die what was the last one finally next time goldie said this about any duty to obey that shepherd he said the superior day is true and good but it is impossible for us to be mistaken and obeying the superior's commitment why should this saint this modern saint gave his life for another in us listen closely to what he said the only exception to this rule is in case of a superior commanding something that in even the slightest way would contravene god's law such a superior would not be conveying god's will and so it is with any shepherd of the church who demands insists upon you being part of an experiment by taking something into your childhood of the holy spirit kevin attended by nursing sunday and the violence is available to anyone who comes to defiance of mercy and it is instructed to us that the pharisees in our lord's day did not deserve a damnation away from those of repentance who stand in the way of the faithful who denied access to the sacraments of race and who through incomprehensible abuse and authority even goes so far as to require objections of experiments [Music] bless your family stay faithful no matter and in these dangerous days persecution from outside the church of course jesus christ jesus the lord they hated me they're gonna hate you they rescue me they're gonna persecute you be then promised but in these dangerous days there's persecution even within the church let us seek out seek and find us our lord promise those shepherds who actually tend to the needs of their form and as for those who do not as to those who have abandoned so many [Music] feet by our pocketbooks as we seek out faithful bishops faithful praise faithful parishes where our eternal souls actually are considered essential and where divine mercy is the focus god bless you love your family as you open your hearts to his mercy in the name of the father the holy spirit
Channel: Lay Homily
Views: 5,069
Rating: 4.9713264 out of 5
Id: Macm5DHRE3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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