Fox & Forest of Enchantment | Block Squad (Minecraft Animation)

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(playful music) - Man. Can you believe Stan is making us throw all of our stuff away? - It's about not being wasteful. We've got too much stuff we don't need or use. Goodbye lapis. Oh God damn it. - Goodbye books. - Hey, I wanted to keep those. - You've never opened any of those books. Do you even know what they're used for? - Building bookshelves? Anyway lunch is ready, so take a seat. - Ew. What the hell is this? - Mushroom stew. Give it a chance, it's healthy. - If I was concerned with going green, I'd lick the moss off that cobblestone outside. (soup slurping) Hmm, you know, it's actually not that bad. I feel like I can take on the ah! Oh God, my stomach! (grunts) (Villager moans) What did you put in that stew? - Just red mushrooms, some brown mushrooms, and some wither rose. - Wither rose? Well, he's contracted the Swine Flu. (audience laughs) - That wither rose is gonna turn my heart black! - Okay. Let's go out and explore. We're bound to find the flower that'll cure him in the forest. Hello? Any oxeye daisies out here? Hey, that fox probably knows this forest like the back of his paw. 'Scuse me, Mr. Fox. - Little help? - Get, get outta here! - Wow, that fox really had it out for me. - Yeah. Gives me an idea. (peaceful music) Ah ha! And now we wait. - What the hell? That ugly piece of crap looks nothing like me. - What the? - Gotcha! Now tell us where we can find some healing flowers. - Never! I will escape! (ground rustling) Okay, come to my cave. Your friend is withering away. All he needs is the healing potion to combat the decay. - Wow. So you're like some sort of magic fox, huh? - Hardly. I just like potions and enchantments and stuff. - I remember when I had books. Until my quote on quote friends threw them into the lava. - Here, take this one. It will let you enchant your armor and your tools. - (gasps) A book of enchantment. - You're really giving this idiot a lot of power. - Take a swig, Mr. Pig. (enchanting music) I'm going to create an enchantment table. And soon I will have the sharpest of swords, the strongest of armor, and the most fish-like lungs to breathe underwater or whatever. - Yes! Finally we won't be noobs anymore. We'll be all powerful Gods! We will rule the biome and we will live forever! (Chicken cries) - [Stan] Even friends like us practice social distancing to keep the ones we love safe. Be sure to socialize responsibly. (rock music)
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 1,511,159
Rating: 4.8601599 out of 5
Keywords: arcadecloud, minecraft cartoon, minecraft mushroom, taiga biome, minecraft memes, minecraft bedrock, forest biome, arcade cloud, episodes, minecraft ps4, minecraft potions, minecraft survival, minecraft, brewing stand, minecraft fox, block squad minecraft survival mode, the block squad, suspicious stew, minecraft enchantment table, book of enchantment, wither rose, mossy cobblestone, minecraft squad, minecraft animation, survival mode, squad, block squad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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