Fourth of July Feast - Homemade Hot Dogs

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okay so I've got my entire laboratory set up for sausage making it's kind of an intense process but the end product is worth it it's a little bit difficult kind of hard to get the feel of but it's something that's really fun to play with and experiment with what I have here is just an old-school hand cranked meat grinder just like that you can kind of compare it to one of the old kind of pasta makers that you clamp it on to the edge of account or anything and just crank away the meat gets pushed through there's a fine mesh blade in there I have it on the finest setting and then I have a small tube that you'll see we do the casings over to push the meat literally to make the sausage out of it so that's setup and then the other thing you want to have going are your casings now I have pork or pig casings here they're the small kind and I have about I'd say four feet worth do about four feet for this recipe because then you're kind of safe if you accidentally tear one or if there's a hole in one anything like that so what they're doing is just sitting in some nice purified water with a little bit of us just a splash basically of a white simple vinegar what that does is it takes any of that cloudy color out of it and that unsavory taste a lot of the times if you get like a sausage with the casing is a little bit too thick or when you cook it it's a little cloudy it's because it wasn't rinsed in a vinegar solution so before we use it we'll rinse it out one more time in the sink and we'll be good to go now when we're looking at hot dogs we could do a big kind of really Kirby intense bun with the ketchup and all the toppings I kind of feel bad about that what I want to do is just like pure meat some nice mustard some caramelized onions and like call it a day with that so I'm going to get some caramelized onions started it's a really simple process get yourself a big pan this is a nice deep one I have about a tablespoons worth of olive oil going and it's on a medium heat and I have four onions that I basically just sliced you want to do half an inch thick just keep them all uniform so they cook the same right so right on into the pan with these and we'll basically get them sauteing we want to get them nice and soft and then what we'll do is as they start getting that browning color you'll see like the brown start forming on the bottom of the pan we deglaze it with some chicken stock you could use veggie stock but come on this isn't a vegetarian meal use a good organic chicken stock deglaze it with about 1/4 cups worth keep mixing it let it reduce let it get some browning again deglaze it again we're going to do this like six times until our onions are like this gorgeous caramel brown color and they're amazing so we're going to work on our hot dogs while these are working so my onions are rolling and I'm going to keep my eye on them because I want to look for that browning once that starts occurring deglaze with your stock in the meantime I'm going to get everything mixed up for the nice sausage stuffing so what I have is two pounds worth of a nice grass-fed organic beef but get the highest fat content that you can because sausage has a tendency to dry out a lot of the times people add pork fat to it to kind of really make it delicious and fatty so that it doesn't dry out when you're cooking it so in this case just get the fattiest beef you can get I don't really want to add pork fat to mine so what I'm going to do is just put it into a food processor with like a serious blade on it and I might have to do this in a couple batches that's okay push everything down we'll leave that right now and then for my spices I have marjoram coriander sweet paprika a little bit of ground mustard seed white pepper you can use that just if you don't want to see big peppery flakes honestly I don't care white pepper just a little bit more strong and then about a teaspoons worth of salt and a teaspoon worth of sugar and of course you can adjust those accordingly you your favorite spices you could add some heat to this some Chili's anything like that then what I'm going to do is add a quarter cups worth of a finely minced onion and two garlic cloves I think the garlic is super important you don't have to do two you could do one at least one one egg white and then I have about a quarter cups worth of a nice organic whole milk will grind this first batch here on our food processor okay so once the meat mix starts to get much thinner and all the liquids get incorporated let's add the rest of this ground beef so I'm just going to keep pulsing it till everything is nice and tight so it mix really well like McGregor they're like not so I transferred my meat mix into a nice big bowl my onions are nice and happy what I'm going to do is get these sausage casings ready when you pull them out of the case I recommend holding your nose it's not the most pleasant thing but it's one of our traditional food habits right you got to kind of put up with it if you want delicious hotdogs I'm just going to rinse them under cold water make sure that solution kind of gets rinsed off I'll drain the rest and let's pick up this last one you just kind of want to work your way all the way over it already these are good to go so what you do is you find the end of one of them get yourself a plate this will kind of catch everything as we go make some room here so find the end of one of these guys and basically you just have to figure out how it opens so this one kind of search around with your finger a little bit find the opening put it over the nozzle and then you want to really delicately slide it all the way to the back of the funnel be really careful doing this because you don't want to tear them very nice and gentle this is actually one of the most time-consuming parts but you have to be careful with it okay so when you get to the end I'm just going to tie off a little knot here and it just kind of gives you a reference point I just guess so we'll get our sausage casing all the way to that not as close as we can get it we're going to start off with a nice hefty spoonful in our grinder before I do that I'm going to give these onions a nice little deglaze again that's that sound you want to hear you want to hear that Brown good stuff coming off the bottom of the pan give them a little stir and then they'll be good for another couple minutes we're already getting some really kind of pretty golden brown color on these puppies okay sausage time so I'm going to start off by working a nice big spoonful in and grind away and it should start feeding in and as it makes room you just keep adding more okay so at the end of the day we basically have six and a half-ish really beautiful big dogs I had the help of my assistant I basically cranked and fed the sausage out and she kept feeding the meat that's one of the things that you have to deal with with an old-school hand cranked meat grinder like this if you have one of the newer industrial ones or the kind that attaches to your KitchenAid doesn't take quite as long this took a little while but they're like beautiful artisan handmade sausages so you can see everything in here that milk cannot egg white they serve as a binder when you kind of hard cook it and it stays in that nice beautiful sausage shape so I have a pot of water going at a really low simmer and we're just going to let it sit in there for about 20 minutes to par cook so everything keeps its shape after they simmer we'll pull them out of the water let them drain top-hat the water off with like a paper towel and then you just basically throw them on the grill for about four minutes three minutes on each side till they get that nice kind of grill mark on them and then they're like good to go so I'm going to pop these in my simmering water so my hot dogs finished parboiling and that simmering water they had about 15-20 minutes to get nice and solid I basically took a nice pair of shears to cut in between each link and I just laid them out on my grill pan or a course if this is the fourth of July you'd be doing it on a real grill and I'm just going to give them about four minutes per side get those nice grill marks on them serve those beautiful caramelized onions right on top it took about six times deglazing my pan to get that gorgeous auburn brown color out of those onions I'll do a little bit of mustard and I'll show you how to put this together okay these doggies are hot and I'm ready to eat I'm going to pull them off into a nice little platter here well top them off with our caramelized onions then we'll get this piece put together so you want to look for that nice kind of grill mark where you see those little pockets just ready to explode when you crack into them here's our extra little guy from our leftover sausage so you want to kind of use everything that you've got we'll just tuck them in right there take some of these beautiful onions they are so sweet and melty and amazing I really wish you guys could like try this right now that's why you have to try it at home just give these like some massive onion love right now there we go a little bit more we'll put these guys to the side I'm going to grab my corn my watermelon some mustard for the dogs and we're ready for the fourth of July so I've got my dogs I have this beautiful old-world stone ground mustard it's going to be amazing my corn it's been staying warm in the oven that kajita cheese kind of melts down and just to pretty up the presentation I'm going to give it some beautiful fresh cilantro can't go wrong with that my salad it's been chilled staying cool and this is that really nice agua fresca I made out of my extra watermelon remember you just blend it strain it and you're good to go so when we're talking about 4th of July this is my idea of an amazing meal I would Rea way rather do this any day of the week instead of baked beans and greasy burgers and all those kind of bad things you feel bad about wonderful sustainable local seasonal ingredients you guys try the best version of this you can do at home remember there's no messing it up just try it the way you like it and I know you're going to love it have a good one thanks for watching
Channel: NPTVCooking
Views: 182,350
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Keywords: nptv, natural partners
Id: fxgurAsRhNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2011
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