Four Game Developers, One Art Kit, We Each Make A Game (Ryan Fleury, Game Endeavor, and Pigdev) 1

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Awesome high-quality content. This must have taken some effort to organize.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/RegakakoBigMan 📅︎︎ Jul 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

very cool to watch, i particularly liked the attack mechanic for Orc Slayer (the second game), where the sword 'shoots' out

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/sponge_bob_ 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
for game developers one art kit we each make a game the rules we have 48 hours spread out however we like we can use any public domain sound effects in music or make our own and we must use the art kit for our visuals that we're free to manipulate it by cropping tinting using 2d or 3d whatever we can also use any supplemental visual things like particle effects shaders noise textures trail renders and fonts today I'm joined by Ryan flurry game endeavour and pic dev the art kit we'll be using is the 16 by 16 dungeon tile set by 0 X 7 - let's start so this is the art that we are able to use for the game the first thing you think of is sort of like a top-down 2d sort of thing but we are not necessarily restricted to that we could make something 3d and that might be pretty cool so I've been spending a little bit of time getting things sort of set up and I have a basic demo sort of ready to go of sort of the the graphics that I was sort of thinking so I can sort of run around here as the player no collisions yet so I just kind of run through the walls the the map is generated from this ASCII art actually at compile time using data discs which is a tool that I wrote myself these are these are torches that don't have fire yet and here's the player and if I want to expand this room down a little bit I can put periods there and there we go so now you can see it's just super long down here you see that these these walls are a little bit uneven I thought that that would add some nice little variants to the world and I did that just by effectively creating a height map and generating Heights for that height map with Perlin noise alright so I've been working for a while I have some basic shadow mapping it's not quite where I would like it to be yet but it's it's functional and I also have some particles and some very basic lighting and I also have some entities spawning in the world that the player can interact with so you can see I can move around be if that by the by the shadows coming from this wall here and here we have a sword and I can pick it up and now you can see that it's sort of sort of bumping around with me if I actually use my mouse to click somewhere you can see that I that I sort of attack near that area all right so my 48 hours is up I've finished what I could on the game didn't get to explore everything I would have liked gotten quite a bit done that I'm pretty happy with so some of the quick features that I've added just quality of life things if I go close to sort of wall you'll see that it kind of peeks over it this is where I was going to have destructible walls sort of starting starting to be introduced to the player didn't work out you know couldn't get it done in time if I jump over here you'll see that I come to this chest I can run into it and here I get a sword says I can left-click to attack here little swinging noises that are kind of fun so I can come in here I can attack things that creates for example I can get this health potion and here's here's a one of the enemies and you can see he's kind of running after me it's a goblin with a dagger he's sort of jumping and I can sort of attack him too he can attack me here's a knight there's honestly no difference between the knight and the goblin there there was originally supposed to be didn't turn out that way you know jam game what can you do up here we'll come to the final boss of the demo and it's like it's already shooting some fire at me so yeah that's the game Ryan's game was instantly impressive it has a simple yet elegant UI when starting I don't think I've ever bothered with a start menu for any of my jams just throw the player in there they'll figure it out but it's a nice touch more than that it has settings fancy fancy alright nice menu here oh this is cool I love the 3d Oh impressive and a creative use of the SS I mean I assume personally I've never worked in 3d but this looks very nice I love the dreamlike aesthetic I'm not sure if it was intentional but it sold really well the warp textures and the music were really nice to achieve this I think the slow rocking camera also contributes to this as well oh he's dangerous to go alone take this one okay - this looks so slick I can hit the crease I hit it into this kind of break hard to heal okay it's not my health should I hit the create into him no dude I love how everything gets knocked back when you hit this is so cool the enemies have absolutely no telegraphing however which makes combat tricky it took a while to get used to and pretty much the tactical is to stand back at a distance and try nicking them with the tip of my blade oh you can lure them into the thing oh crap damn alright so I figured out the trick to killing these guys you just gotta lure them into the pit huh a fireball that I just solved oh this easy fireball let's kill this nation come on man the mage he has no Telegraph the attack is Swift and not consistently spaced it's pretty much look for brute force when fighting him however I'm a sneaky snake so I chose brute force I quietly stucked my way through the dungeon avoiding any and all damage revving every potion I could find and right before I reached the mate I stuffed them all down my gullet and went charging in after some highly tactful skilled dodging maneuvers I was eventually able to bring him down and had a little celebration afterwards I wonder if I could use this guy Oh nerd can the fireballs hit these guys know they can oh come on yeah get up yeah okay that's funny no I'm screwed oh my god oh there's no end condition though which is confusing I actually backtracked all the way to the beginning to see if I unlocked anything like the chess place just out of reach all right it looks like there's no victory stage good game my game I decided to rotate the weapon around the character I launched it outwards as an attacker I wanted to give the player the ability to engage in full directional combat despite the limitations of the SS passed since the artist gave us weapons that were separate from the characters I figured it was the perfect opportunity to put a little trigonometry and my love between it to get use howdy I'm game endeavour creator of practical to the point Godot tutorials on my youtube channel the first thing I do when starting a game job is to sit down and study the theme which meant that I needed to study the texture assets there are no animations in this version of the assets so I knew that I would need to use squash the stretch if I wanted to add a little polish especially when telegraphing maybe even throw in some rocking back and forth as the characters move around the artists included some mock-up levels for how the essent were meant to be used which was extremely useful for giving me ideas for the game after studying these assets and bouncing ideas off of a friend for half an hour I finally had my concept and so I started the project I wanted to create a game where the focus was on a fun combat system with several different enemies with the player to fight one of my specialties in state machine so I knew I could easily implement some AI and maybe even some neat player futures so the first thing I started developing with the player controller player movement is one of the most important qualities of a good game implementing basic character movement is pretty simple for top-down games you just need a velocity variable that stores how fast the character would move in a given second user inputs you don't have to guess where the player would like to move and a little interpolation the method I use for handling input is to convert the boolean valuables of input action pressed into integers and then subtract one direction from the opposite for example left from right but you end up with is a value that is negative one if left is press 1 if right is press and 0 if neither or both are pressed do this for the vertical axis as well toss them into up vector to normalize it you've got the direction you should be moved then just apply the direction by the move speed to get your desired velocity after I was satisfied with the player movement I wanted to work on the weapon I wanted it to be modular because I knew that at least one enemy would also have a weapon that they were detected with and potentially even a ranged enemy as well I also have the idea of various weapons having different attacks my throwing daggers that spin when they're thrown or using the big or guy with a hammer weapon and he swings it around in an arc towards the player so eventually I designed a weapon system where the weapon would handle it's on the tackle the character just needs to call us at AK map the sword was going to be my main focus though because I wasn't sure if I had enough time to implement the other ideas for my weapons but I wanted to make sure that I implemented the sword properly I used some simple trigonometry to place the sword and a radius around the character that would face towards the mouth well the mouse for the player for the enemy this would need to face towards the target which is the player but it's the same concept alternatively you could use a position to denote which holds the weapon at an offset then rotate it towards your target but I prefer this method because I'm a fancy-pants although I may switch over because it would be easier to animate when the enemies move I spent a fair bit of time working on the ranged attack unfortunately I hadn't planned out my weapon set up properly and had to waste a lot of time revising it so that it would work with a ranged weapon plus there were more intricacies in ensuring that the fire bow worked correctly such as proper collision and not firing when initially in a wall then there's the pass or enemy I quite like this law so I imagine him nibbling on your toes and he try to fight off the other baddies he has pretty much all state machine at timing he has a pounce method that times out how long it takes him to pounce to a given position and set philosophy is pixel move per second the code pretty much wrote itself he has the same state logic as the grunt enemy except instead of attacking with a weapon he jumps it all right here we are intense music building up torch atmosphere get this guy ooh some nice animations and go up here no oh oh wow multiple screens dude this is like a cool dungeon I like the disposal of the crates and something very nice is the delay on the the attack we can see that the attack has a delay probably did and mission delayed but nothing here is feeling bad this is oh this would surprise me hey little guy Oh yikes can I go back oh okay so I can't go back I'm stuck in this map once I'm here so I'm just gonna assume that I'm doing what I can ooh little guy little guy here we go guys okay I like the screen shake when you get hit that's kind of a nice touch okay so here when I transfer levels these hyper guys are annoying I like headcrabs can I have snipe them yeah oh wait he can get me from there to what our hosts they're hiding behind the crate damn that's cool whoa okay I did I seem to find a problem obviously this would this would be something that might maybe I wanna fix but in order to you know play it as it as it was intended let me come back out here the the combat feels pretty good it feels good to kind of hit these guys and how they kind of start bouncing they get I figure when they get low on health to the corridor this is a lot of map to explore here the main thing is the combat feels good it I think it'd be cool if it works dropped some stuff for some some way for me to feel rewarded for slaying these orcs or maybe the death of orcs is just the reward in itself okay it looks like the the bouncing effect is winding up for an attack that's kind of nice that's a nice visual cue there in my game I just settled on like hey you run into them to get hit so that's that's a nice little that's a nice touch and again I wouldn't be able to make this dodging here without this on this patient that gaming TV ad oh yeah it's a real oh wow okay I like the dying effect I really like the dying effect and it's also awesome is that I didn't go all the way back to the beginning I kind of like the implicit checkpoints yeah I feel like some more traversal options would be fun like having the ability to - or something like that might make combat feel a little bit a little bit more interesting there they are okay I guess I got to kill these guys oh it's a lot easier to go in the center here very well done hello there I am examples also known as PDF you can follow me on twitter / PDF so for my injury I decided to make a score attack arena so you fight enemies and try to make the highest score you can and I decided to do that because when I opened the art key that mrs. ease is provided to us I was like okay this was clearly made for an RPG or hug like game and I can make that in less than 48 hours so what can I do with that this was the his mother's prototype that I could could think of that would allow me to test things quickly and to scare the mechanics later so the first thing that I did was to open this asset kit and try to see what was available and what I can do with that to make some interesting mechanics as such I made a tile set here so I just slice it what I needed to make the very basics of the arena so I slice it there the floor the walls of course and some crates just so has some decoration some cosmetics on the arena and when I saw these statues here this decrease on the the walls I thought that this could be useful for a mechanic this could replenish let's say the play help the player stamina in the player manner after that after setting up the time set I wanted to think about what of these sprites I can use for the player and what I will use for the enemies I didn't like any of these i sprites for the players so I use it these on the center here that is looking to the right as well but looks like a zombie or something like that but I really enjoy this one is more neutral it doesn't represent any class after that I want wanted to decide with what the player will attack the enemies so we have plenty of weapons here so I just pick it one that will be easy to animate in something like that so I just pick it up these knives here so if I open here the arts the orc and player you can see that the basic structure of the scene is the same with a twist that the AI have this brain node and the player has this action bus I just have to copy this scene to make other enemies so this would be very straightforward to design new enemies if I open here the org the big work scene basically what it has is the same thing but with different data on that I wanted to make sure that I will be able to respond the enemies whenever I want I wanted them to be randomly spawn so I made this I made one bound system with where I just needed to animate this spawn you can see here that they spawn is cycling through the arena and I have here a random timer that will just communicate randomly a time to expound the enemies and this was the latest thing that I did actually was to think about how I will use these in order to make them mechanically replenish mechanic basically what this will do is that it will trigger a cool-down and every time this could have ticks it will replenish any amount on the playerhealth so that's it I hope you enjoy it time to play my buddy pic dansgame you're a zombie rogue with amnesia I'm guessing another zombie rogue at his brain before turning him I love is a little dagger attack animation and how shifty he looks I'm willing to bet his name with mr. Burson I'd ask him but I heard a zombie ate his brains the music is very catchy every time mr. Burson went looking for enemies he couldn't help but dance to the tune okay this music is something I can get behind it okay that's a nice attacking animation very nice ooh there's a boss okay I break these crates no they're kind of cool letter pop-ups there how do i heal Jose here oh damn okay the attack range is extremely short however and enemies were both fast and attacked quick with no telegraphing at all I'm almost certain there wasn't a single time I engaged an enemy and didn't take damage which meant you miss out on feeling skilled at the game instead you run in there knowing you're going to take damage hope you don't die then heal up afterwards rinse wash and repeat ideally any time your player takes damage you want to be their phone and something they could avoid if only they were better oh yes let's go get some help oh oh oh my god oh my god I lose what happens if I go here full health does it not oh it doesn't appear okay what about now if I appears that does it just randomly pop up oh damn can you kill that guy I like the deal ooze noise oh there is irenna got him nice look at how happy mr. Burson looks when he discovers the fountains oh he's a happy little zombie then never mind there's a giant ogre staring you down he's chased this this is laughable though I guess he's a lazy ogre personally I would have made the chase distance much larger if not infinite and made him a fair bit faster he have real consequence to using the fountains make the player dread using them but necessary if they want to survive I did however note right out of there when his buddy came along giving me the stink-eye I think I wish I had a hammer as the player like the Hammers look really fun to kind of swing around I like the concept sort of a survival kind of kind of battle arena kind of thing I would probably also pre-populate some enemies in the level where it starts initially there aren't any and can sometimes take a moment before any spawn in but then again this is also the perfect opportunity to bust a few moves so I looked at the art asset and I was getting kind of a sword and Sworcery vibe so I decided to make an action-adventure game I noticed these tiles over here they look kind of like water so I got the idea to make an island setting I took the wall tiles and made some raised islands and then used those water tiles as a mask for a shader which I combined with a noise texture for some distortion I intended it to look like water foam but I ended up looking more like underwater coral which was also cool so I just left it as it was next I made the player character I just selected random parts of different characters on the spreadsheet and combined them together and made some basic animations by moving different parts around and toggling visibility of segments I also threw down a simple polygon blob to get a slash effect and then I just added the controls and logic for movement rolling and attacking next I made a zombie character using similar techniques but I also added an animated torch flame to its head kind of given a magical effect i animated just the whole thing and added some AI to it so it pursues and texts the player and can be killed and also added some blood particle effects for it and the player when they get hit then I made a health UI by taking chunks of this red waterfall here and just toggling the size of it when you get hit I got the idea to have this flame sprite pop out of a zombie when you kill it but I wanted it to be animated so I used a noise texture to distort it and get a flame effect and then made a dissolve shader to have it fade out when it dies and I made an ogre mini-boss with a chained weapon I just created from this bomb for the chain I just selected chunks out of the bomb I used a fabric inverse kinematic formula to get it to act like a chain it just kind of drags it around when it's not attacking and then it will swing it around what it is attacking and I just made so it will alternate between attacking and resting and when it's attacking it pursues the player and then finally I made a sorcerer boss it has two spells one we summoned a bunch of fire sprites and one where it shoots a demon face at you that just hurts you if it hits you and then made so the whole sorcerer has like two phases so the first half it's pretty easy to just cast a spell every few seconds but then after you get it down to half health it goes into a berserk stage it just starts casting like crazy then I just added a bunch of details like an emboss dies they drop a key you can use to open doors and then doors close behind you when you go through them so you get locked into boss areas and then also health potions that'll heal you pipe one a boss help display it when you start fighting a boss victory zone that will end the game when you'd reach it a restart message when you die and then finally sound effects in music which I pulled from open game art org and the YouTube audio library so we have WASD to move arrow keys to attack space to roll okay that's kind of that's kind of fun so I've journeyed to the Isle of exquisite damnation seeking the chalice of eternity however it was guarded by mattock the mad sorcerer and his minions beware traveler he also included a rolling mechanic which is pretty fancy unfortunately the instructions were front loaded with a wall of text beginning so I immediately forgot about it and never used it again Miz was pretty clever when flipping the assets I really liked how he used the helmet as Politan however I do hope he at least scooped out the head before strapping them on okay so here we go that was pretty satisfying I like the particles I like Heather's this is blood happening Oh the flames are nice as well they have some faces oh I remember this pride oh nice you beautiful enemy I really like the water effect this 2d water effect I guess I can't see my mouse right now but this 2d water effect looks pretty good how kind of the waters past shimmering a little bit okay so let's see a boss so my job is halfway done here the ogre brute was an extreme difficulty round mostly due to the lack of telegraphing in his placement something about the situation calls me to charge in there out of reflex and then immediately get blood into death eventually with enough willpower I learned to run off to the corner first and then figure out the timing that I could get out of there before taking any damage I'm sure the rolling mechanic really helps a lot in this fight I would probably introduce it here or at least remind the player of it oh yes okay I like I really like how this game has like more interesting bosses than mine did okay there there is a safe spot here alright my mage let's just cut so what's up here oh my goodness okay alright okay what's going on Oh God okay that's not gonna render they pick up some of these if there's one thing I can say about mythos it's that it's animation sure are pretty huh just take a look at this skeleton nature beautifully animated so we thought a actual delay we can probably just watching the quicker we can know okay so he's angry face to face to boss oh my goodness okay all right everything's fine all right yeah yeah yeah we got it you got it what comes next this is a fun fight due to the different tacks that he has a lot easier than yogurt so difficult - needs a bit of tweaking but certainly a memorable boss fight and it looks like I won so that was pretty awesome I have found the chalice of eternity the adventure has come to his successful clothes [Music] [Music]
Channel: Miziziziz
Views: 310,655
Rating: 4.956378 out of 5
Keywords: gamedev, game development, godot, godot engine, indie game devlog, indie game development, indie game, ryan fleury, game endeavor, pigdev, Andrew Huang, Four producers same sample, four photographers one model, game jam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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