Foundations of Faith #7 - Cleansing the Temple

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[Music] good evening friends and welcome again to the foundations of faith the revival continues over the past few meetings together we've been looking at some very important foundational truths of Scripture and we're gonna continue our study this evening talking about the heavenly sanctuary in the work that Jesus does as our high priest in they have anything she's very important subject we'd like to welcome those who are joining us across the country and around the world and the various television networks and also online and don't forget those who are watching on Facebook following the program we're gonna take some of your Bible Christians now we've been singing a theme song give me the Bible every evening just sort of reaffirming our faith in the Word of God that is the sure foundation upon which we need to stand and John lo McCain and Kelly they're going to lead us again this evening let's stand as we sing give me the Bible [Music] pistols no stinkin - peaceful radiance beeping since Jesus came to seek and save the Lord give me the Bible holy message shining my light shall guide me [Music] recept and promise war love combining till my cell vanish sin eternal day let's buy it's for order prayer dear father in heaven once again thank you for the opportunity to gather together and open up your word and study these very important truths father we are encouraged by the good news found in scripture that we have an advocate we have Jesus interceding on our behalf our high priest in heaven and Lord as we look at this very important truth this evening we pray for the Holy Spirit to come and guide our hearts and our minds for we ask this in Jesus name Amen please be seated our theme song that we sing from night tonight is give me the Bible and if you take the Bible and you read the Bible you will hear the story of Jesus John lo McCain is going to bring us a special musical item tell me the story of Jesus [Music] [Music] tell me the story most gracious sweetest ever well how the angels and chorus sing as they welcomed his bird Laurie to God in the heart nice and good time tell me the story of Jesus right on my heart every word tell me the story most gracious sweet [Music] love the cross where they nail him while he's driving an a wish and pain till of the grade where they lay here let's [Music] love in that story most precious where Ruben [Music] I see wait let me wait while you whisper and love pay the ransom for me tell me the story of Jesus and write on my heart every word tell me that story it's most precious it's a sweet aesthetic was there yes it's the sweetness that was ever it's the sleep that ever was [Laughter] Kelly wasn't that beautiful but we're gonna talk about tonight the story of Jesus want to welcome each of you to our special foundations of faith program the Reformation continues and we're gonna be talking tonight about a subject that I think you're gonna find interesting and a study that I've been working on for years where we put together some of these very important themes that help us understand the last days on the time that we're living in right now one of welcome those who are here those who are watching now we have two more presentations we hope that you'll join us and we saved the best for last we're tomorrow evening and then again Sabbath morning is going to be our final presentation and we invite you to come and to bring your friends if you don't have any friends bring your enemies but come and you can bring somebody with you I like to start with a amazing fact and this is a little bit odd I admit there's a lady who lives in San Diego California recently reported in the paper name is Carol Santa Fe the reason her last name is Santa Fe is because she married the Santa Fe Railway Station in Santa Fe California she said she's been in love with the building for about 36 years so about a year ago she married the building which she calls Deidre now I'm not sure if that's legal in California but it wouldn't surprise me because I'm from California but yeah she's in love with a building and she's married they just celebrated their one-year she said they are very happy and she takes a bus 45 minutes every day to spend time with her spouse the train station you know I don't advocate loving a building but you know the Bible tells us that there is a building that can teach us about the love of God and that's going to be our theme tonight in our study and this is dealing with the subject of cleansing the temple now when the children of Israel were first beginning their journey out of Egypt before God brought them into the Promised Land you might be surprised to know he asked them to get involved in a construction project and you would think well you know first you'd want to get settled and then do your building but God said you can't enter the promised land until you first get involved in this construction project and in this project in this edifice that we're going to look at God was going to teach them something about himself and now I'm getting ahead of myself so let's get into our first question question number 1 what did god we got to back it up we're having we're having monitor malfunction this evening question number 1 it says what did God ask them to build and he said let them make me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them by the way that is in the Psalms and he says let them make me a sanctuary that I might dwell among them God wanted them to get involved in this construction project to build a sanctuary number 2 what did God expect his people to learn from this sanctuary you read in Psalm 77 verse 13 is a divine way Oh God is in the sanctuary something about the way that God reaches us and teaches us and saves us is found in the sanctuary or in this building itself and so while they were there in the wilderness God gave Moses and plan and they began to build this tabernacle now you're gonna find the terms it's three or four terms that are used for this building sometimes it's called the tabernacle temple sanctuary a couple of times it's called the house of the Lord of the house of God but it was a representation of a dwelling place is that because God lives in tents or buildings Solomon when he built his temple he said the heavens of heavens cannot contain you what man is it that's gonna build a house for you I remember when I was a young kid I was writing with my grandma somewhere and I saw an odd-looking Billy and I knew it wasn't a home it's a grandma what is that and it turned out it was a synagogue but she said that's God's house because I didn't know what synagogue meant when I was young and I thought God wow that was such an awesome thought to me and so through this building though it was really simple in many ways it's very profound in the way that it teaches us about the plan of salvation and it teaches us about Jesus and we're gonna look at that in some detail tonight and you're gonna find out how even the study of this building tells us something about prophecy and where we are in the world today so the next question oh I got an amazing fact for you he's okay if I give you two I don't know if any of you who have been to Lake Havasu City but way back in 1964 there was a wealthy businessman his name was Robert McCulloch he was responsible for the McCulloch chainsaw some of you remember them and he heard that they were dismantling London Bridge because it was sinking into the river under its own weight and he thought oh how sad that's such an iconic bridge and he was thinking of his long London Bridge is falling down falling down and in his mind he was actually picturing the Tower Bridge which is different from London Bridge and so he offered to buy it and he said we'll dismantle it and we'll set it up in America I'd be a great attraction for people to come see London Bridge while he was a little disappointed when he found it it wasn't the Tower Bridge water for 2.4 million dollars is a larges antique purchase in history they completely dismantled it labeled all the stones shipped it to America where he had bought hundreds if not thousands of acres in Arizona around Lake Havasu City which was just a little spot in the desert they reassembled the breads they dug a moat underneath it and put in a couple of tourist shops and well you know they say you build it and the people will come why would you go to look at London Bridge in a desert no fog there's no River they basically put a bridge to go nowhere but did people come this whole city grew up they got thousands of people in golf courses and homes and even got a Walmart and thousands of Winnebagos Park out there in the desert and it's the one if not the second-largest tourist attraction in Arizona London Bridge people come the city grew up around it well you know after the Lord led the children of Israel out of Egypt there was a whole city there may have been one and a half two million people that pitched their camp every day around this tabernacle it became the center of their civilization you're gonna find that the temple appears all through the Bible and so it's important for us to study this you find it there in Exodus and you find a temple in the visions of Ezekiel you find it in the visions of Isaiah you find it in the visions of Daniel and you get for revelation Jesus is standing among seven candlesticks it talks about the altar of incense talks about the Ark of the Covenant and so much of the prophecy in the Bible revolves around this building and so we're gonna see what we can learn about this building that'll teach us more about Jesus where did Moses obtain the blueprints for this sanctuary and of what was the building a copy well you read in Exodus 25 40 God said see to it that you make them according to the pattern that was shown you in the mountain the design that was given to Moses was based on a pattern of something else and again says in Hebrews 8 verse 5 Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle for he said see that you make the things according to the pattern shown you in the mountain and so what was built there in the wilderness was a miniature of a very real dwelling place of God that's in the cosmos now when you pray and you say our Father which art in heaven we typically think up you realize of course with astronomy if there is a place in the universe where God is dwelling I believe there is that depends on where on the earth you are which direction it might be we always see up but there is a place where God dwells it's called the Paradise the dwelling place of the Father and he dwells in this heavenly epicenter and on earth it was a miniature some men could comprehend something about it for instance when you end up getting into the the Holy of Holies the wallpaper was all angels engraved in the gold so in heaven does God have a goldleaf wallpaper with angels engraved or are they really angels he's got a wall of living moving angels all around him ten thousand times ten thousand the Bible says of these ministering spirits so we're gonna look a moment at the furniture and paid careful attention because this all comes up a little later first of all when you look into the sanctuary and you want to find out what was the furniture there let me just see if I explained is really three parts to the sanctuary three areas you had the courtyard there is this big rectangular square and when you came into the courtyard then there was another room that was called the Holy Place there were some articles of furniture in there then you went into what you would think of as the inner sanctum and that's where they had the Holy of Holies and so first we're gonna look at the courtyard when you first walked through the door what did you see when you came into this sanctuary there were two principal things there one was an altar where sacrifice was made as you first entered there was a place of sacrifice keep that in mind you can read about that in Exodus 29 verse 18 it said and you will burn the whole RAM on the altar it's a burnt offering to the Lord and then you can also read in the next thing you would find is there is this large Laver Exodus 30 verse 18 so a big large basin that held water and some believe it had water in two places one in the top for the pure water another one the basin where you would actually do the washing of the hands in some cases even the feet and so first on the altar was fire then on the Laver was water do you remember where Jesus said unless you're born of the water in the spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven when the children of Israel came out of Egypt do you know they had to get baptized in the water and they had to get baptized in the fire first baptized in the fire till her fire came between them and the Egyptians then God part of the Red Sea Paul says in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 the nation went through the sea they were baptized and so here they went by the fire they went by the water now there's three parts to the sanctuary courtyard holy place most holy place how many kinds how many parts of salvation let me give you the first one justification what's next sanctification finally glorification those are the three places in the sanctuary courtyard they were just defined by the sacrifice of the Lamb on the altar holy place sanctification three things in the holy place now I'm getting ahead of myself and then you have glorification in the Holy of Holies okay so now let's look at what was in the holy place and this is the the first room you enter when you went into the sanctuary there are three principal things there first there was a table on the table was bread if you read in the King James it looks like it says shoe bread it showbread it was bread that was on display how many loaves 12 loaves representing the 12 tribes of Israel is 12 sons of jacob and 12 is a number for god's church his people and Jesus is the bread isn't that right then you went over against the wall on the right if you're moving in and there was a candlestick you know we think of the menorah it was a seven prong candlestick and that was the light and then you went a little farther and you came up to a curtain it was a curtain that was closed off and it had an altar in front of it an altar of incense they had sacrifices every day morning and evening early in the morning at Twilight they had the morning and evening sacrifice the priest would then take blood from the lamb that was sacrificed he'd bring it in he'd put it on the horns of the altar of incense the priest would put some frankincense or some incense on top of the coals and the smoke would waft over into the presence of God and it was representing of the prayers of God's people so now let's look in the most holy place and find out what piece of furniture was in there there's only one thing it was what you call the Ark that's not Noah's Ark the Ark of the Covenant the word Ark just means a container for something precious you get three arks there in the beginning of the Bible you get Noah's Ark you got a little Ark in Exodus that Moses was put in says she made an ark for her baby and then you've got the Ark of the Covenant that he held the stones that had the writing of God now the Holy of Holies are the holiest of all or the most holy place so the inner sanctum was very significant let me just see if I could paint a picture for you if you read your Bible and if you even look at history if I were to say I'm taking a trip next year to the Holy Land where am I going but in Israel now if in the Holy Land and I say I'm going to the holy city where am I going Jerusalem and I'm in Jerusalem and I say I'm going to the Holy Mount where am I going my SIA not Mariah same place it's where the temple is might be called the Temple Mount now when you're in the Temple Mount you've got the courtyard the building is holy it's a holy temple then you go into the holy place then you go into the Holy of Holies so just picture the world for a minute and if you were gonna put a pin in the place on the world that you say this is the holy spot in the world you would put your PIN in at the Holy of Holies and not just there what's inside their Ark of the Covenant but the Ark is just a box it's a golden box you know what the holiest thing of all was the rocks in the box now a lot of people talk up why if we could just find the Ark of the Covenant we had a question on that the other night if you remember and it would be nice to find the Ark just because it's be an amazing artifact but you know the most important treasure in the Ark is in your lap now well if you brought your Bible it is for some of you it's on your phone how many of you have the Bible on your phone in your iPad I hope if you got a smart phone your phone isn't so stupid it doesn't have the Bible so you should at least it's free you can download a Bible okay and so you've got what was in the Ark in your phone or in your Bible it's the Ten Commandments the Word of God the law of God was the holiest thing of all and by the way in the Ten Commandments the word holy appears one time you know which commandment it is fourth commandment remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy our time with God and that's the one commandment many Christians say oh we don't need to worry about that you look at how God uses the word holy in the Bible and it would be like the hyper concentration of the word there in the Holy of Holies and so people take that too lightly what was inside the golden Ark you can read about this in Deuteronomy 10 verse 5 I turned and came down the mountain and I put the tables in the Ark which I had made Moses means he had commanded the people to make the ark he put the tables of stone inside and they're still there today it'd be nice if they did find that but you already know what's in it the thing is are those words in your heart that's the new covenant by law I would write in my heart so the very heart of the sanctuary is the law the law was in the heart of it the law should be in the heart of you and if your body's a sanctuary and the sanctuary reference represents many things you know Bobbie Bible says don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit you know when you look at the different things in the temple your body has a cleansing system circulatory system there is a Laver with water your body has an altar that's burning you know you are burning energy all the time even when you sleep if you stop burning energy you die your body has a light Bible so the light of the ADI the body is the eye you have a spirit the altar is where the prayers were to send the altar of incense by word I have hidden in my heart heart and the Bible doesn't mean the pump says as a man thinks in his heart you think of here right your body stores food there was food stored some of us store more than we ought to but there was storage there so you can even find lessons about the body in the sanctuary right now don't take what I said too far but I always thought that was fascinating so why did animals need to be sacrificed in the Old Testament sanction sanctuary well you can read that's question five it says in Hebrews 9:22 and according to the law without the shedding of blood there is no remission or forgiveness of sin it was required that there was a sacrifice for there to be forgiveness and so back in Bible times if you wanted forgiveness and even you know in the days of Abel a virile Abel offered an innocent little lamb and God accepted his sacrifice because it pointed to his own son well in the temple people would bring their lamb to the temple and they were you know largely a shepherd commune community and even when they went to the Pharaoh Jacob said you know your people are shepherds these Israelites they take a perfect head to be a bling flawless unblemished lamb or goat they place their hands on the head of the young victim and they'd confess their sins and then either they or the priest would dispatch it with a sharp knife die quickly they'd catch some of the blood I know this seems very brutal and even as I'm saying it you think at all why would God want that it tells you something about sin sin is deadly and then they'd bring some of that blood and they'd bring it into the holy place every day there were two inner buildings one was for what happened on a daily basis the holy place the Holy of Holies is for what happened on a yearly basis holy place daily most holy place yearly every day they take and they bring a little bit of the blood for the different people who were sacrificing they'd intercede for the nation they put a little blood on the horns of the altar of incense symbolically separating the sin from the people and it was stored there in the sanctuary then they'd have a service at the end of the year you can read about this in Leviticus chapter 16 call the yom kippur rather than call it that that's what we call it today the day of atonement you know what atonement means at one mint we are separated from God by our sin Jesus came to help us be at one with God and so this service once a year only the high priest could go into the Holy of Holies for the people matter of fact one legend says that they've even put a rope around the ankle of the high priests and you know he had bells on the bottom of his garment so when he was ministering in there the people get here a little tinkling and know that he was doing these things because if he should die because he went into the presence of God was sin and they didn't hear anything and they called him they pull him out because they were not allowed to go in there it represented the presence of God you know we're separated God your sins have separated you from God the Bible says Jesus came to build a ladder between heaven and earth the crosses that bridge and so our only way is through the mediator of Jesus to the Father he came to make atonement for us to reunite us with God so I got more to say on that so that's what was happening in the sanctuary stay with me friends this gets really good so why did the Lambs have to die you remember what Jesus says in Matthew 26 for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins and that's when he offered him the grape juice he said this is a symbol of my blood so all of the blood and the Lambs in the Old Testament all pointed to who you remember when John the Baptist finally announced the Messiah had come Christ when he turned thirty years of age that was when you're old enough to be a high priest he went to the Jordan he was baptized filled with the Holy Spirit the the anointed means the one who is filled with Holy Spirit that's where you get the word Christos or Messiah Messiah is Jewish Christo's is Greek it means the anointed it's like if you go to the beach on a hot sunny day and someone takes out the sunscreen you slather them with sunscreen you're anointing them and it means to be covered with something and Jesus was covered with the Holy Spirit came down like a dove at his baptism so he was the anointed the Spirit of God was longing he began his ministry at thirty you know David didn't begin to reign until he was thirty Joseph began to rule over Egypt when he was thirty and the priests could not begin to serve until he was thirty and Christ is our priest so John the Baptist said behold the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world Jesus is the Lamb that the whole sacrificial system pointed to now do we still need to sacrifice lambs no because it was a shadow it was a type to help us represent and recognize the real thing when it came so how was the plan of salvation fulfilled in the sanctuary well you read in first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7 for indeed Christ is our Passover sacrifice for us you remember when the children of Israel came out of Egypt the 10th plague was his Angel of Death that went through the land and only those who took the blood of the Lamb and put it above the door on the lintel would be spared from death at least the firstborn in that house when the angel went by and the angel of judgment passed over when he saw the blood you and I because of our sins are under a death sentence how many of you want that death angel to go by you need to have the blood except it's not a Lambs blood Christ is our Passover when we my faith accept the blood that He shed on the cross and we apply it to our hearts then God looks upon us as though we had not sinned and that angel of judgment goes by because of Christ aren't you glad for the lamb not only that Jesus is our high priest you read in Hebrews 4:14 we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus the Son of God you can also read in Hebrews chapter 8 verse 1 and 2 we have such a high priest a minister of the sanctuary and the true Tabernacle stop right there leave that slide up I want to make sure you see that the true Tabernacle as opposed to what the one on earth was a miniature to just give you an idea you know it's often true when a person is gonna build a building an important building before they build the building sometimes they make a model to help people visualize the building with my kids whenever I would go to town we didn't go very often but every few weeks I take the boys we go to Kmart and I'd buy them a matchbox car they got a bucket full of them right now you know it's interesting though when they make Matchbox cars they really make them to scale their 100th the size of an original now they're not the real thing I mean you know it doesn't have an engine in it you can't really turn a little steering wheel unless you got very expensive one but it was to help people visualize what that Corvette looked like or whatever it was the temple on earth was just a miniature it was you know a flawed human inferior representation to help us understand God thy way O God is in the sanctuary in the plan of salvation so I don't think you should fall in love with a building but the building can tell you about the love of God see what I'm saying we have such a high priest now I'm gonna put up a little graph a little slide on the screen and I want to just show you why this is so important you see you've got a sanctuary here and this is just that kind of a crude illustration but there's one entrance how many one entrance if you're outside the sanctuary you're outside the dwelling place of God you're separated the idea is we're trying to get to God we're separated from God in the Garden of Eden God said to Adam where are you man ran from God you know the first question in the Bible is when God says where are you the first question in the New Testament is when man says where is he we've been separated this is search taking place who's the door jesus said I am the door if anyone tries to come in the other way they're a thief and a robber they've got to come through me there's only one name given among men whereby we must be saved so you come through the door and before you can go any far the first thing you come to is the altar that's the cross that's where the sacrifice happened you can't go any farther until you come to the cross Christ said if you would follow me you've got to do what take up your cross and follow me and then after that you came to the water that represents baptism born of the fire born of the water you need both births you need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and you need to be baptized in water jesus said whoever believes in his baptized will be saved and he told his disciples go you therefore teach all nations baptizing them but not just water baptism Paul said to the Ephesians in machs 19 have you received the Holy Spirit as well we were baptized by John the Baptist said you also need the spirit baptism now can I speak honestly with you a lot of churches put too much emphasis on just the water baptism and neglect the spirit baptism and let's admit we have more control over water baptism than spirit baptism right that's part of the reason for that but you need both jesus said unless you are born of the water in the spirit you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven it's not optional so then you come to the Laver this is a symbol for baptism and then you you go from there into sanctification three things in there candlestick Jesus is the light of the world bread Jesus is the bread of life and you got the altar of incense that's prayer the three disciplines of the Christian life are all right there in that room if you want to grow as a Christian you need to read your Bible you need to let your light shine be a witness and you need to pray that's when they would put that and by the way it says in Revelation they the incense was put on the altar representing the prayers of God's people and so this is the disciplines of sanctification if you want to grow in sanctification do you have a daily devotional life do you spend time every day on your knees talking to God you can't kneel because of physical problems you know what I mean but you should be worshiping God studying his word and then find an opportunity to say something for in about God every day let your light shine Jesus is the bread Jesus is the living water Jesus is the door Jesus is the lamb Jesus is the high priest and then you enter into the Holy of Holies and what's in their Ark of the Covenant but what's inside the Ark the rocks were the Word of God Christ is the word the word became flesh and Christ is the cornerstone he is the Rock of Ages so everything in his building is telling us something about Christ eventually that Tabernacle that they brought through the wilderness it became all tattered David wanted to build one to God and so they built a permanent temple and it was one of the most glorious buildings you know if it lasted a little long would have been one of the wonders of the ancient world Solomon literally spent billions of dollars by today's standards on this building there was a room the whole thing was wallpapered in gold the ark was covered in gold the candlestick gold the shewbread table gold all for Vincent's gold the most valuable metal they had on earth most enduring represented the love of God and it represented the purity of God two big bronze pillars when you came into the entrance it was just one of the wonders of the world and it tells you when this building was being built just to give you an idea to sink to the of it notice this at first came six verse seven the temple one that was being built was built with stone finished at the quarry they got all the stones pre-cut and then it says they all slid them into place quietly so that no hammer or chisel or any iron tool was heard in the temple while it was being built there was a sense of reverence in AH while the temple was being built I could pause right here and talk about reverence and how that's often being lost by God's people and worship but the Bible has something to say about God being in his holy temple at all the earth be silent there's a time dude is reverently quietly worship and think about the awesome majesty of God well because of the unfaithfulness of the people he withdrew his presence from that temple and it was destroyed by the Babylonians and about 500 586 BC King Nebuchadnezzar came after 70 years in captivity during the time of Nehemiah he came and rebuilt the walls and Ezra the people came back from Babylon they rebuilt the city and they began to rebuild the temple but they didn't have a bank account that Solomon had and the temple wasn't outwardly as glorious as the first one but questions ever what was especially significant about this third temple now notice first temple the Tabernacle in the wilderness second temple Solomon's now they're building a third temple during the time of Ezra Nehemiah this is before Christ was born why was this temple so significant you're even Hagee I chapter 2 verse 7 and I will shake all nations and they shall come to the desire of all nations and he says in verse 9 the glory of this latter temple will be greater than the former says the Lord why was that glory greater Jesus as a baby was brought to that temple and dedicated Jesus is a 12 year old taught and asked questions in that temple Jesus when that woman caught in adultery in the temple he wrote on the dust of the floor with his finger in that temple that same finger that wrote on the stones that's right Jesus probably is the one who wrote those laws doesn't the Bible say all things that were made were made by him would that include the writing on the 10 commandments and he is the word and Jesus at one point yeah he forgave I think this woman caught in adultery may have been Mary Magdalene could have been the first encounter can't prove that but you can't prove I'm wrong so I say it and then when they began to show no reverence for the temple and you know they brought in all the goats in the Sheep and they were they weren't supposed to do that in the temple courtyard it was all supposed to happen outside and they were Hawking them and arguing and haggling over prices and you could hear the the animals lowing and the pigeons fluttering around feathers and goat hair everywhere it was it was like a carnival and Jesus came in and with indignation he said take these things hence it is written my father's house shall be a house of prayer for all nations and you've made it a den of thieves he felt this indignation to zeal for the father's house he did this twice he cleansed the temple twice once at the beginning of his ministry and once at the end of his ministry but then finally after three and a half years of ministry they rejected his teaching didn't they he knew that he was going to go out and something was going to leave you know when the ark was captured they said Iike bond the glory is departed what did Jesus say what happened eventually to the Jewish temple this is question number 8 you read in Matthew 23 verse 38 he said see or behold your house is left to you desolate that's really important because when he cleanses the temple he says my house shall be a house of prayer but when they rejected his teaching he said your house because what made that temple important was the presence of God makes you shudder to think that he would walk out said your house is left to you desolate matter of fact you can read in Matthew 24 he told the Apostles when they said look at the beautiful stones in the temple it's one of our great national treasures were so proud and Jesus said don't you see these things assuredly I say to you that soon there will not be one stone that we will be left here upon another that will not be thrown down this temple has served its purpose there's something else that God is going to do then in 70 AD when the the Jews mounted their last rebellion against the Romans the Romans came in and they destroyed the city they burnt the temple the ark at that time had already been hidden back since the days of Jeremiah and it has never been rebuilt now how many of you have heard rumors and rumblings about yeah the Jews are gonna get back the territory with the Dome of the rock is and they're gonna they're gonna wipe out the Dome of the rock and they're gonna build a new Jewish temple have you heard like rumors about stuff like that if you channel surf through evangelical channels you'll hear that I've been to Israel before there there are no plans that I know of that are serious for them to bulldoze the mosque of Omar and rebuild the temple that would be World War 3 just right now I can tell you and why would you do it the whole thing was built around a sacrificial system the Jews have not been sacrificing my mother was Jewish I consider myself still Jewish you know you can do that and be a Christian Jesus did it I figure I can do it right and but they don't have a sacrificial system anymore and so the whole idea that they've got to rebuild the temple for the sacrificial system it's just certain evangelical saying that Jesus doesn't say that I think God has a special work for the Jewish people don't misunderstand what did Jesus say would replace the temple John 2:19 he told them then destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up in fact at his trial the only two witnesses they could get to agree are the ones that said we heard him say destroyed this temple made with hands and in three days I'll make one without hands and he spoke of his body it says there in John what is the church call the body of Christ and so when Christ died on the cross and he rose again something significant happened in the temple when he died on the cross you read about this mark 15 verse 37 and Jesus cried out with a loud voice and he breathed his last and then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom weight was way high nobody could reach it it was an unseen angelic and no one was supposed to look in there they just shredded and everybody aghast was gazing in they weren't supposed to see you can read in 2nd Corinthians 3:14 because the veil is taken away in Christ that veil that separated man from God Christ is now the one who reveals the father to us he has taken away the veil not only was a veil torn because there's a new temple now but during the trial of Christ the high priest was never supposed to rent his garments Aaron's sons died and God said do not rend your garments his garments were holy he represented the righteousness but the high priest caiaphas that wicked man he tore his clothes pretending to be so outraged that Jesus were claiming to be the Messiah that's because we have a new temple now and we have a new priesthood the old has passed away something different is happening now now stay with me what Old Testament prophecy describes a future cleansing of the sanctuary I'm gonna jump back now to the Book of Daniel very interesting Daniel's in Babylon he's been there for 70 years God gives him a dream he's wondering how long until the Messiah comes Daniel had a habit of praying towards the temple did you know that it says in Daniel chapter 6 temple wasn't even there but he prayed towards it as a symbol of the presence of God and an angel gives him a vision God gives him a vision of these goats in this Ram they're both sacrifices in the temple they represent two kingdoms and that was a Persians in the Greece and when Alexander the Great conquered the Persians it says that then his horn was broken and his kingdom was broken and four horn horns sprung out of that the four divisions of the Greek Empire then from one of those horns a little horn came up Roman power and eventually out of that little horn a horn with a mouth and eyes and speaking blasphemous things and Daniel shudders because the angel says this horn is going to be a terrible persecuting power for God's people and I'm telling you in advance it'll attack the people of God it will cast down the truth to the ground what will it cast down to the ground the truth it's talking about what happened to God's people and the temple of God and the truth of God during the Dark Ages and it practiced and it prospered and then it says unto 2300 days and this is verse 14 of Daniel 8 then the sanctuary would be cleansed here's another cleansing of the sanctuary but is it talking about the Jewish temple now there's two other temples that we're thinking of right now the body of Christ is a temple and God has a temple in heaven the original right where's our high priest now Christ is our high priest so in Daniel here's this vision he's so worried about the future of God's people he was sick and he faints the angel can't even give him the starting point for the prophecy and he's praying the angel comes back in chapter 9 and he says at the beginning of your supplications the command went out and I have come to tell you and he's going to now give him the starting point for this prop see of 2300 days and it says here and that's our question actually what is the starting point that the angel gives in the next chapter for the 2300 day prophecy he says know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and build Jerusalem now there's two prophecies here they got a 490 year prophecy in the 2300 day prophecy for there's only one starting point so the only starting point is a command that would be given by the Persian king to restore and build Jerusalem that date is very well established in the Bible matter of fact you can find the decree in the Bible King Artaxerxes you can read it in Ezra 7-7 457 BC so here's our starting point and he says you go 2300 days what does the day mean in prophecy a year some people may not know that here's some verses Ezekiel 4:6 I've appointed you a day for a year numbers 14:34 each day for a year let me give you one more from Luke 13 they said to Jesus you better go hide because King Herod just killed John the Baptist's and Jesus said go tell that Fox I teach and perform cures and cast out devils today tomorrow and the third day I'll be completed or perfected - Jesus preached three more days or three more years John the Baptist died six months into Jesus ministry Jesus even used the day for a year in a prophecy so if you go 2,300 years from 457 BC what does that come to comes to 1844 I'll get to that in just a minute what warning does Jesus give to his chosen people you can read in Matthew 21 verse 43 the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof and he goes on and he says so who is this other nation that Jesus speaks of that would become his chosen people the Bible says in Galatians 3:29 if you are Christ then you are seed and heirs according to the promise now God is not excluded the Jews the Gentiles had been grafted in Paul says to the Jewish stock so we read a Jewish book when we read the Bible and so but now the whole Gospels on all the promises of Abraham are given to everybody whosoever will jesus had go into all the world beginning in Jerusalem in Judea but then go to the uttermost parts of the earth preach first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and then go everywhere the Bible says to the Jew first and then to the Gentile because the Jews already had the foundation Paul is very clear Romans 2:28 for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly but he is a Jew who is one inwardly and we need this the Bible the circumcision of the heart by the way Moses even said that we need conversion on the inside stephen is stoned and 34 ad that's the end of this 490 year prophecy from 457 until Stephen a stone that God had appointed for them to proclaim the Messiah to the world right after Stephen stoned Paul is converted right there in the next chapter he then takes the gospel to the Gentiles chapter 10 Peter's taking the gospel to the Gentiles it then goes to everybody so number 11 according to the angel who spoke with Daniel what would happen at the end of the 2300 years we're gonna jump back to that again he said 2300 years and then the sanctuary would be cleansed so I'm gonna jump ahead to slides here sherilyn studio just looking at the clock that's where I want to stay if you go two thousand three hundred years from 457 BC it comes to 1844 what happened in 1844 you know God's church had been divided because the truth had been cast to the ground God's people had lost a lot of truth she was about baptism by immersion had been lost truth about your body being the temple of the Holy Spirit about the ten commandments and salvation by grace and the Reformation took people so far but gross darkness had covered the people they needed to come all the way out of the darkness into his glorious light God brought together people from all over from different denominations and he began to cleanse his sanctuary on earth and Jesus began his work cleansing the sanctuary in heaven I told you there are two kinds of cleansing you got the daily and the yearly the priest would go daily into the first apartment then once a year at the end of the the Jewish ceremonial year the high priest would do the final work of cleansing on the day of atonement in 1844 Christ began the final work of cleansing and judgment in the heavenly temple and he began cleansiness people from the truth that had been cast to the ground here on earth and all of that began to transpire and happen during that time it's a very interesting fact oh I forgot to print it out you know many things that happen in 1844 evolution Charles Darwin began to take his journey on the Beagle and ride out his theory of evolution atheism Karl's Marxist 1844 putting together his manuscript for his communist manifesto you know when the first electronic message was sent how many of you sent electronic messages every day you know when the first one was sent 1844 by a Christian his name was Robert Morse famous painter but he was also the one who invented Morse code you know what the first message was what hath God wrought 1844 you start looking at what happened in that year you had seven ages for the church in Revelation the last stage of the church is called Laodicea it means a judging of the people we have entered a final stage in the plan of salvation where Christ our high priest is interceding before the Father in the Holy of Holies now it should make sense to you there's a judgment that takes place before Jesus comes because the Bible says judge must begin at the house of God have you ever read in Ezekiel chapter 9 where this judgment happens and it happens in the temple of God and it begins with the elders it says begin with the ancient men before my house and there's a judgment that takes place before Christ comes that God already knows who's saved and loss because God knows everything right but there is a whole universe that's watching what's going on here on earth and God raised up a movement that's hard for me to prove to you what happened in heaven in 1844 cuz I have no video but I can show you from the books what happened to God's sanctuary on the earth in 1844 you know there is a temple on earth today and I want to give you a couple more verses on that before we run out of time who are God's special people today and where are they you read in 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 5 but you also as living stones are being built up a spiritual house and a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ you are a temple of God Christ began cleansiness people on earth and he's he's gonna cleanse his church on earth and when he's done with his cleansing in heaven is cleansing on earth Jesus is going to come and it's not far away another verse Ephesians 2:19 now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Cornerstone in whom the whole building being fitly framed together grows into a what a holy temple in the Lord in whom you are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the spirit God wants his spirit they weren't to let the fire go out in the temple did you know that and you know when they first inaugurated the temple fire came down from heaven and started it was called holy fire they were never to mess with that holy fire keep it going and God's Spirit has been keeping his church going through the ages and it's still among his people today and he's cleansing his people today and he wants to cleanse you you know I remember right after 9/11 back in 2001 just before 9/11 we were in New York City and we didn't at 99 some of you may have seen the Millennium of prophecy program John and Kelly were both there with us at that time we went to the top of the World Trade Center and prayed from the top of the World Trade Center three times with our evangelist over the city so I was I grew up in New York City I was really shaking when that happened John and I flew right after 9/11 to Manhattan how we went down there to Ground Zero we talked to the policemen they kind of led us in and I literally it was still smoking when we went there an interesting story that was very fascinating these are right next to 9/11 was a chapel Saint Paul's Chapel 1766 it was built a church still in operation a church where George Washington had his inauguration when the towers fell it decimated a lot of buildings around even though the chapel was right at the base of the towers it survived there's actually picture of somebody took of what it looked like as the buildings fell you know why it survived an old sycamore tree next to the temple or next to the church took the beams and the debris and took the blow and it killed it but the church was still there there is a tree that has taken the brunt for you and me and it's the cross friends if you turn to Jesus and have faith in him he can save you from your sins do you want to do that today friends were watching he wants to do that with you as well god bless you [Music]
Channel: AmazingFacts
Views: 21,367
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Id: sHq6h004u_g
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Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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