Prophecy Encounter Live! 6. "The 144,000 and the Seal of God" with Pastor Doug Batchelor.

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[Music] good evening everybody we're so glad to see you here at the prophecy encounter program this is our prophecy encounter Canada it's a special program that we've been planning very excited to be with you here in Langley and want to welcome those who are watching on Facebook or Instagram or one of them social media platforms out there we know that it's streaming on the internet and we've got thousands of people who are tuning in we want to welcome you as well and the welcome mrs. bachelor thank you it's always nice to be welcomed so you we're gonna begin the program as we do with questions and if you would like to know how you can send in your questions between pastor Ross and miss Batchelor they're cycling through them and and how do we do that well you can text your question to this phone number it's one seven six zero five two three two two eight seven so if you would like to text your question once again it's to the number one seven six zero five two three two two eight seven okay let's see how many questions we had to cut our question time shorter last night let's see how many we can get in tonight all right our first question is this if I love God and accept him as my Savior isn't keeping the Ten Commandments just a blessing and not a requirement isn't keeping the Ten Commandments works when we are saved by grace our Commandments requirements when you grew up in your home was a commandment a suggestion or a requirement I came running when I was told to come quickly so yeah you know it's so clear that it is God's will now people wonder though if I'm saved by grace if if I'm saved by faith and where does this commandment business come in to do how does it fit in the children of Israel provide a good illustration of this when they came out of Egypt did Moses come to them and say God sent me to you to let you know if you'll keep the Ten Commandments he will save you from slavery No he said follow me come and worship the Lord sacrifice the lamb and begin your journey to freedom the beginning of the journey to freedom began with the sacrifice of a lamb after they were safe from their slavery he then brought them to Mount Sinai and he begins the commandments by saying I am the Lord your God who saved you out of Egypt if you love me keep my Commandments and so they are saved by the lamb but then if you are saved you will keep the law we do not keep the commandments to be saved we keep the commandments because we are saved but if a person says Lord Lord and they do not the things that he says you wanted to do they really love him jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments oh yeah the two do go hand-in-hand you're not saved by the law but if you really love the Lord and you're saved you want to do those things that please him the law is the most complete expression of that let's write the laws is the reflection of God's character yeah what commandment what a Christian not want to keep what a Christian not want to keep the one says don't curse oh don't why your don't see of course the Christians required you to keep those things alright did God stop creating after Adam and Eve sinned well we don't know I mean God is the creator but after the sin of Adam and Eve of course all of us are here as at least the secondary creation God creates us through what he did in creating Adam and Eve all of us are unique creations of God but there's there's no evidence that he started making other worlds at that time the Lord may have wanted until the terrible battle between evil played itself out and was resolved before he created any new worlds and brought them into a universe where there was this rebellion the Bible is not clear but that's what we suspect all right if you are a child when you go to heaven will you grow up in heaven yes who would want to be eternally a child well Peter Pan I mean but aside from him you know the Bible tells us in Malachi chapter 4 speaking of the saved it says they shall go forth and grow up as Lambs of the stall so children who die in this life as children or if their children when Jesus comes someone asked me one time what will happen to a woman if she's pregnant when Jesus comes I said she'll be delivered so their way if a child is a child when the Lord comes they will continue to grow it was part of God's original plan for Adam and Eve to have children that would grow and God's gonna complete his original plan in the earth made new it may take him a little longer to grow up I thought they're gonna grow more slowly because it says in Isaiah the child will die a hundred years old that doesn't mean child dies and means a child doesn't even cease to be a child until it's a hundred which really fits with what you see in Genesis when you read about the early patriarchs many of them did not even get married until they were a hundred and so they did age more slowly back then so we get to grow up and be children for a little while Karen and I are the babies in our family we still have some growing up to do we do we do all right what is the difference in the way the Holy Spirit worked in the lives of the Old Testament patriarchs in comparison to the way he works in the life of the New Testament believers now it is true that at Pentecost the Lord poured out the Spirit in an unprecedented measure but it's not the first time it happened you read in the Old Testament that Moses prayed God brought the elders to the tabernacle and the Holy Spirit fell on them and David prayed in Psalm 51 take not thy Holy Spirit from me and the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord came on Sampson and so you've got a lot of examples of the moving of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament in the New Testament there's a special filling of the Holy Spirit that happens when they begin to proclaim the gospel because Christ by his sacrifice being perfect and complete and adequate you really purchased the right for people to be filled in in a unique way but keep in mind the Holy Spirit works in people's lives even for the baptism of the holy spirit it's the Holy Spirit that leads you to conviction did the disciples have the Holy Spirit before Pentecost yes yeah even in the upper room it says Jesus breathed on them and said receive this spirit and when he sent them out preaching before he died on the cross did he send them spiritless of course not Pentecost was a unique special Mighty out point of a Holy Spirit to really launch the gospel it was the former reign they call it of the Spirit right how can I be happy in heaven when my loved ones are not there that's a good and I'm in a serious question you know the Bible seems to indicate that in the resurrection God doesn't brainwash us so we have no idea what we're doing there how we got there we're gonna get there knowing something about the lives we lived and people we loved and it tells us in Revelation God will wipe away all tears from their eyes implying that not long after the resurrection in heaven we may have some sorrow over the lost do angels feel sorrow when people are lost do they rejoice when people are saved the Bible says that we assume that they have emotion so when we go into eternity if there's some loved one that god forbid is not in the kingdom you read in Isaiah 65 about the new heaven and the new earth it says the former will not be remembered nor come into mind now we have a son that we lost in death and there's nothing worse and when it happens the shock is so total and complete you wonder if you can ever even function again and while the memory is still there and when you think about it the pain is keen God does start to heal your heart over time where you can at least function again now in eternity as the ceaseless ages roll and God is wiping away our tears is the Lord the great comforter and the Holy Spirit so he will erase those painful memories and you're gonna be our minds are gonna be filled with so many glorious and joyful things what's your favorite Psalm 16:11 and it says oh don't ask me now y'all had your right hands or pleasures forevermore yeah so yeah there are pleasures forevermore and it will eclipse the pain all right we got a couple more let's keep going okay when does probation closed and if someone changes their mind after probation closes can they still go to heaven probation closing it's a it's a term you don't really find in the Bible but the teaching is in the Bible you read in revelation 22 Jesus will ultimately declare let him that has just bejust still that him that his right to see right - still at him that be filthy be filthy still meaning there's a point when the saved are saved and they can't be lost and the lost are lost and they can't be saved an example in the Bible would be when a person grieves away the Holy Spirit they are beyond salvation they've reached the point of no return you have Judas who did that after he betrayed Jesus then in the Upper Room when Christ offered to wash his feet and he did not repent so Satan entered him he went out and it was night the night had set on his soul though he lived a little longer when the door of the ark closed even though they did not reign for seven more days when Noah and his family were in the ark with the animals in the food the door was shut life went on for seven more days but probation was closed Noah and his family were sealed in the ark the loss were sealed on the outside we don't know exactly when that happens the Bible seems to imply that when the seven last plagues begin to fall at that point salvation has closed nobody's gonna change teams anymore at that point so right now why the door of Mercy is open don't wait until it's too late friends you wait until the plagues begin to fall chances are probation is sealed so now the door of Mercy is open come while you hear his voice amen okay and the next question is what is the unpardonable sin which is kind of what you're reaching that point of no return yeah it's you know by the way you find that in mark chapter 3 verse 28 there's a sin which let me read it to you here real quick and just because you it's a little different in mark than you find it in Matthew verse 28 I say to you all manner of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven the sons of men and whatever blasphemies they may utter but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness but is subject to eternal condemnation and in Matthew Jesus says the wording is very similar it says in this life or the life to come there's no forgiveness now some of you are probably wondering how do I know I have not committed the unpardonable sin have I gone too far and most people if you've got any conviction you begin to wonder because you and I I don't know you and the Lord know that there's a lot of sin in your life and I know when the Lord knows I think he's so merciful with me I've been such a scoundrel but the very fact that you're here and you're listening you're praying and you feel a desire to serve God means that the Lord is still working in your life usually when a person reaches the point of no return it's like your radios broken and you don't even hear the Lord anymore it's like our hotel I think I mentioned it's right by a railroad track and every now and then you hear the train whistle and the room begins to shake and noticing that it doesn't bother me I think it's kind of neat it's like a mini earthquake every you know a few hours we have those in California so it's kind of cool but look trains going by videotaped the waters yeah this is really me the lamps going licensed so that doesn't bother me but you know some people live by the railroad tracks so long they don't even notice wow how do you live here with that train going by and they go what train it's kind of like a teenager and the alarm clock you know they get so used to hitting the snooze button they don't even hear it after a while the alarm of the Holy Spirit when he convicts you of sin you continue to turn it off the volume can go down where you don't hear it anymore that's the unpardonable sin dia and pardonable sin is not some terrible sin like murder because God forgives murder in the Bible he's forgiving lying he forgives adultery there's all kinds of sins he even forgave infanticide in the Bible Manasseh sacrificed his children but he later repented and believe it or not God forgave him so don't be worried that Lord is there any hope for me I've been so terrible God is long-suffering to us where his mercy endures forever the danger is not that God will not forgive you the danger is you will lose your ability to repent because you've turned the volume down you have no desire you'll lose your capacity your desire to repent let's get a couple more you said to stop it oh yeah okay well so we go to last question yes yes I like our last question there she goes will my pets be in heaven that depends on if it's a dog or a cat you know cats kind of seem evil and they've already got nine lives it just doesn't seem fair I like dogs I know we have the cat for sixteen years sort of useless but tore up the curtains and it just you know Catholic the cat was not loyal at all it just belonged to all the neighbors whoever fed it it would it would go there that's check you know dogs are you know they're do this very loyal no you know the Bible doesn't specifically address if our particular pets will be in heaven I guess it depends on how good they were but it does tell us that there will be animals in heaven and my friend Steve Wahlberg wrote a book will our pets be in heaven he makes an argument that he thinks they will be because God's gonna surprise you beyond what you can even imagine so when you get to heaven you might be surprised and those of you had had hundreds of pets through your life you're gonna have a kennel thank you very much mrs. bachelor all right our program tonight is called the 144,000 and the seal of God all right and this is a very important study please pray with me as we delve into this message because this is one of the most important studies as we proceed I think you'll understand why talking about the hundred and forty-four thousand and the seal of God you know I always like to start each presentation with an amazing fact that's how we got the name amazing facts have you ever heard of the Carrington super lare the Carrington's super flare that was the most violent solar storm known in history it was 1859 happened mostly it was at its highest peak between September 1 and 2 now you realize solar flares effect they kind of come in cycles of 11 years some years are more intense they affect communications any of you ham radio operators out there they're not too many left anymore now with social media but they all understood the solar flares you know you get a lot it interrupts it can interrupt airplane communications this year the solar flare was so intense it there was a an electromagnetic explosion that shot out from the Sun for one thing the aurora borealis are affected by solar flares and the storm was so severe at this point that you could see the aurora borealis all the way in the Caribbean that year I remember once we saw one year in Northern California we went wow we never saw it in Northern California you see it periodically here in Canada you're a little further north right and but that same year it wiped out the communications in America and Europe because it burned up the newly invented electrical lines from Morse code they say that if we have another year that repeats the intensity of this storm the solar storm it would wipe out the communications of the world as we know it and this is not some kind of crazy conspiracy this is a fact you see a lot of storms that are happening in the world today we've had very severe volcanic eruptions we've seen a lot of tornadoes and hurricanes mega hurricanes in the Philippines and the Pacific Ocean North America the fires now if you know just in this one year we've had to record fires in California Karen I live right by what was the largest fire in California's history as far as acreage and you've just heard we had the most deadly fire in California that's actually in the district where we passed her we have members who attend our church that lost their business their homes very severe many lost their lives and they haven't even found them all storms World War one was a storm World War two was a storm do you know you read in Revelation this is a special study in revelation about a storm that is gonna hit the world but right now that storm is being held back by the Angels Revelation chapter 7 I'm gonna read verses 1 onward after these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth or the sea or any tree and I saw another angel those winds represent the winds of strife storm commotion tribulation I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice saying to these angels that are holding back the four winds why does it say four winds so I went four winds of the earth north south east to west it's Universal in nature Jesus says I'll send my angels to the four corners of the earth to gather together the elect at the resurrections talking about the four points of the compass and they'll send his this message comes from this angel says do not harm the earth or the sea we learned the sea was a multitudes of people the trees were the nations till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads oh wait a second I thought in Revelation that it was only the people with the Beast that got something in the forehead no you're gonna find in Revelation everybody's got something in their forehead so let's go on with our study here and we'll do this in our question answer format as we have men first question what clues this revelation provide to help us identify who are these 144,000 that receive this special seal well one thing it tells us that there's 12,000 out of the various tribes of Israel it says 12,000 from the tribe of Judah and Reuben rather than GAD and Zebulun and Naphtali and the different tribes now that means they must be talking about spiritual Jews why is that now I think this is so important to understand because I've heard pastors out that say yes God is going to take a hundred and forty-four thousand literal Jews and they're doing the tribulation gonna be preaching around the world and and I think I wish these guys would read their Bible I'm sorry that sounded very condescending but really because if you read your Bible long before Jesus was born the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom Manasseh Zebulon Ashur they were carried away by the Assyrians you read it in 2nd Kings chapter 17 when Hezekiah was king in the southern kingdom southern kingdom had the Jews Judah is the tribal that's where you get the word Jew Levi and Benjamin that was a southern kingdom the other tribes were all in the north and someone is wondering how do you come up in the last days with 12,000 from the tribe specifically unique pure blood type of these tribes when they're all commingled and intermarried with Assyrians if you do a DNA test you'd be surprised how many of you have Jewish blood because you've heard the expression of wandering jew you go anywhere in the world and you can find jewish synagogue South America Brazil China we had a dear friend that was a Jew and he was in China during war World War two and there's a big community there and so um the idea the literal Jews is not supported so what does it mean what it says from the 12 tribes let's keep reading the Bible says in Galatians 3:29 if you are Christ's then you are Abraham's seed now I do believe that God still has a special plan for literal Jews but the New Testament is exceedingly clear that Christians become adopted into the family of Israel you can read on in Romans chapter 2 28 and 29 he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a Jew who is one what inwardly if you are Christ you are Abraham's seed we are grafted into the stock of Israel in keep in mind we're saved under the New Covenant right y'all agree let me quote the New Covenant I will make a new covenant after those days says the Lord with the house of Israel how can you if you're not a Jew be saved under the New Covenant when Jesus said to the twelve apostles take drink this is the blood of my covenant how do you get to cash in on that if you're not a Jew you need to be adopted so if you're Christian Shalom you're my brothers and sisters you get adopted in you become Abraham's seed see what's how so it's talking about the spirit revelations full of symbols 144,000 represent the the special group and I'm gonna go more into it around the world and says there's 12,000 why that number 12 first of all I want you to notice what the names of the tribes are there are technically you know there are 13 tribes I don't want to confuse we always talk about the 12 tribes but Joseph was one of the tribes Jacob said your two sons are gonna get counted as tribes that's ephraim and manasseh Levi was no longer counted as a tribe because they became the priests for the whole nation so it's still maintained the number 12 it's like the Last Supper how many people were at the Last Supper 13 12 apostles and Jesus the priest you might say okay so here's what the names of these tribes mean names in Revelation all have a meaning Judah means I will praise the Lord Reuben means he has looked on me you find these definitions in the Bible Rachel and Leah give them when they're naming their boys gad means given good fortune asher means i am happy or happy am i nafta lie means my wrestling Manasseh means making me to forget simeon means god hears me Levi means attached to me not like 501 jeans you Sekar means purchased me Zebulon means dwelling Joseph mean God Joseph means God adds to me Benjamin means son of my right hand now look at what happens when you take the list in Revelation the way it is given in Revelation it is the only time in the Bible you find the list in order usually when the tribes are mentioned they mentioned the firstborn which was Reuben this time it says Judah first something else about this list it leaves out then it leaves out Dan white is then left out the word Dan means judgment and God's people at this point are delivered from judgment let me read it to you now if you put the names in the order that they appear it says something I will praise the Lord for God has looked on me and granted good fortune I am happy because my wrestling God is making me to forget God hears me and is attached or joined that means like married to me he has purchased me like in a dour II a dwelling he says I go to prepare a place for you and he will add to me the son of his right hand Jesus is talking about the marriage of the Lamb the very names in the order that they're giving tell the story of the gospel isn't that incredible and you can you can read these name definitions are right there in the Bible when the boys are born the mothers give to what the titles are something else we learned about the hundred and forty-four thousand they have special white robes this represents the purity they've been washed in the blood of the Lamb it tells us they sing a new song before the throne before the four living creatures and the elders what does that mean it says those who are saved from Egypt saying the song of Moses in the song of the Lamb it's a special song of their experience from deliverance that they have it says they follow the lamb they are undefiled by the teachings of Babel and that's something else that says confuses people it says they are virgins does that mean all of the hundred and forty-four thousand and the last days are women and that they're young women now we've learned in Revelation there's two women right one is pure one is a harlot a virgin biblically means that someone is not defiled with the false teachings of the wine of Babylon that this is they represent the pure truth is all that saying when it talks about virgins you know the bible does talk about people like ray tomorr Mary Magdalene who had reputations that were bad and God purified them you know who the first one is to proclaim the resurrection Mary Magdalene not Mary the mother of Jesus not Peter James and John but the woman that had that reputation Jesus waits and he appears to her says you be the one to proclaim this God's church in many ways is like this woman who was redeemed very quickly in summary the 144,000 are many they're kind of like last date apostles very simple when Jesus came the first time he chose 12 apostles that were to prepare the world during his first coming right he picked the number he could have had eight or 15 but he matched the number 12 it's a symbol for leadership revelation 12 you've got God's woman twelve stars above her head Old Testament twelve princes of Israel twelve judges in the book of Judges so in the last days Jesus has 12 times 12,000 to prepare the world for the second coming so this represents those who'll receive a special filling of the Spirit that will go forth and proclaim the second coming just like the Apostles prepare the world for the first coming and here's a big question people worry are the hundred and forty-four thousands the only ones saved when Jesus comes well let's hope not because if you get out your calculator real quick and you do the math there about 7 billion people in the world today that means your chances of being saved are 1 in 50,000 a little better than the lottery but not much and you think one of my chances but you keep reading in revelation 7 it does not say they are the only ones saved in fact John says to the angel who are these clothed in white robes a great multitude that no man can number he says these are those who have come out of Great Tribulation so there is a great multitude that cannot be numbered saved through the Ministry of the hundred and forty-four thousand all Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out it says there were three thousand baptized and five thousand baptized and the Holy Spirit did not just fall in the 12 apostles there were 120 in the Upper Room right it's actually 10 times that number so the 144,000 just is like last day apostles it says they follow the lamb wherever he goes that's another definition did the Apostles follow Jesus wherever he went says they sang a song with the lamb did the Apostles sing with Jesus before he went to the cross in the upper room it says they sang a hymn together only time the Bible it mentions Jesus singing he's sang with the Apostles I'm sure he's saying other times it's the only time it's mentioned and what is a special name in their foreheads now we talked about this in the forehead in the Bible does not mean a tattoo this is going to come up when we talk about the mark of the beast this coming Saturday morning we're gonna be dealing with that it says you shall bind them for a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes this is talking about the Ten Commandments Moses said the law that I give you will be in your heart you shall tie it on your hand it shall be frontlets between your eyes in your hand in your forehead does that sound like revelation mark of the beast is in the hand in the forehead to very simply if you do not have the seal of God in your forehead you will have the mark of the beast in your hand or your forehead you look in Ezekiel chapter 9 it talks about this group that is saved everyone else in Jerusalem is judged but this one group is saved they receive a mark from an angel in the forehead we always think about a mark in the forehead as being the lost group but often in the Bible the one with a mark in the forehead as they save group yeah you always think about Cain received a mark never tells us where his mark was so everybody in Revelation gets a mark that mark is a symbol because you're not going to see people going around in the last days everybody with a tattoo or a barcode in their forehead it's talking about something eternally of Revelation as a symbolic book so before the storms of tribulation are released on our world God's servants are going to receive a seal now you need to know Lauren we want that seal don't we because only those who have the seal are gonna be saved so what is the seal all right first of all very simply the seal of God is the holy spirit first and foremost those that are saved have the Spirit of God did you already kind of know that and those who are lost have the spirit of the devil you already knew that - right but it's something more obvious it says in Ephesians 4:30 do not grieve the spirit of God by whom you are sealed for the day of redemption but there's something beyond that you can also read in the Bible speaking of the law of God look for instance Isaiah 8 16 bind up the testimony and seal the law among my disciples God's law should be written in our hearts the holy spirit gives us the power to keep the law not just the letter of the law but the spirit of the law now if you're Christian you want to keep both the letter in the spirit right some people say I don't keep the letter I just keep the spirit that's nonsense if you ever hear that they don't know what they're saying jesus said the letter of the law says do not commit adultery the spirit of the law says do not lust after a woman in your heart if a person says will I keep the spirit but I don't keep the letter you mean you don't think about it but you commit adultery I want to make any sense with it so if you're keeping the spirit you will always keep the letter the letter of the law says do not murder jesus said the spirit of the law is do not be angry with your brother without a cause or you are guilty of murder so if you say I keep the spirit of the law I'm just not angry with anyone yeah I do commit murder but I'm not in my heart I love everybody so if you're keeping the spirit of the law you will also keep the letter does that make sense so we need both now in the law of God you find the seal of God what is a seal seals are very ancient but they all carry three things in common any official seal you and I just got right here the seal of British Columbia I've actually used this for years and Here I am now where it makes sense it's Elizabeth the second you know I used to do the seal of the president but every time I preached we had a different president but Elizabeth's been around a long time so I can count on using this one Elizabeth the second Queen Canada British Columbia and it is the Great Seal alright so there you've got it a seal seal has got three components it'll have the nine the name Elizabeth the office Queen the territory British Columbia Canada a seal has three things when Jesus was put in the tomb Pilate put a seal on the tomb and in that wax seal it said Pontius Pilate governor Judea three things there was a seal put on the stone when Daniel was put in the lion's den it was by Darius king medo-persia it's got the name the title and the territory so do we find the seal of God in the law of God that was written by the finger of God and spoken by the voice of God yes you know where it is in the middle of the law and the longest commandment the one commandment where God says remember let's look at it together Exodus 20 verse 8 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy six days you should labor and do all of your work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God as here is this there the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God in it you shall not do any work I've thought this might happen I need a new battery okay you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant or your cattle or the stranger who is within your gates for in six days the Lord made now here you have it for in six days the Lord what's his name the Lord Jehovah made what's his job created what's his territory heavens and the earth right in the middle of the law you've got see love God in the name of God the office of God the territory of God the Sabbath commanded is unique and unlike any other commandment let me tell you why life is made of time you worship God with your time love is experienced and expressed in time after God made the world thank you speaking of love after God made the world I love batteries that's all I was saying I just don't let it go to your head [Applause] she's always about me she think now I lost my place so we express love in time after God makes this perfect creation then he makes one more day why is there seven days in a week he made the world in six days but we have seven days because God said you will experience an express love in time you worship me in time I want quality time with you and so in six days he made that and all that is in them and he rested the seventh day because God was tired or he wanted to rest with us therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and he hollered he did something unique to it so we're going to talk about this commandment that has the seal of God that is largely neglected and forgotten by our society and do we need rest in the world today are people dying because they're stressed out today and the devil wants to hide this commandment not only do you find the Sabbath here in Exodus 20 but you'll notice that those things in a seal are all contained in that commandment it's got the Lord his name made is titled the heavens and the earth his territory are all there so of what two precious things does is the Sabbath a sign now you read about this in Ezekiel chapter 31 verse 17 it says the Sabbath is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever remember your spiritual Jew for in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth and he just made it for Jews right Bible says the Sabbath was made for man now we're there's anthropos that means mankind how many of you were related to Adam and some of you're related to Eve so either way the Sabbath was made for our first parents he also says in a zekiel 20 verse 12 I gave them my Sabbath's to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the lord that does sanctify them notice two things here says the Sabbath is a memorial that he is a creator and he is the Sanctifier the one who makes us holy he made the Sabbath holy it's a memorial of creation how many of you need to be made holy how many of you need to be recreated we need a new heart a new birth the Sabbath every Sabbath is a memorial of the things that all summary of the gospel now did God make the Sabbath only for Israelites I kind of touched on that he says unto them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath in other words God made man then he made the Sabbath to be a blessing for man do we still need the things that God made for man what else did God make for man beside the Sabbath God said it's not good that man should be alone so he made woman do we still need women so it's in the same category you try and get rid of the Sabbath you better talk to your wife he said God said I've made this for man and I made the Sabbath for man and so it's to be a blessing and it gives us the completeness and if you think the Sabbath just for Jews you can also read this verse in Isaiah 56 very clear also to the sons of the stranger that means the Gentiles that join themselves to the Lord to serve Him to love the name of the Lord to be his servants everyone that keeps the sabbath from polluting it and takes hold of my covenant even them I will bring to my holy mountain and make them joyful in my house of prayer what happens when you keep the Sabbath miserable burden or joyful to be a blessing it's a blessed day not a cursed day and so many people are missing the blessing that some people well no he just gave it to the children of Israel you know after they came out of Egypt and you know it was just from Mount Sinai that's inaccurate look in your Bible and you'll see in Exodus 20 God gives the Ten Commandments God speaks it he writes it down later in Exodus but go to Exodus 16 God begins raining bread out from heaven in 816 he feeds them six days a week with bread from heaven there's one day a week they do not get bread what day is that and it's before they ever get to Mount Sinai and he reads the Ten Commandments the Bible says that on Saturday some of them Sabbath day they went out looking for bread and there wasn't any and God said to Moses how long will you refuse to keep my Commandments did the Ten Commandments exist before Mount Sinai yes the Bible says Abraham lived long before Mount Sinai Abraham kept my Commandments my laws and my statutes the Bible says that Joseph said I will not commit adultery with Potiphar's wife it is a sin was adultery a sin long before Moses God said to Cain that sin was in his heart and he murdered his brother was murder a sin all the way back in the Garden of Eden yes the Ten Commandments are eternal and where do you first find the Sabbath in the second chapter of the Bible it's something God originally planned for man why did he do it why did he give it to us we need rest we need rest we need refreshment we need that time that quality time with God according to the American Psychological Association chronic stress is linked to the six leading causes of death which are heart disease cancer lung ailments accidents cirrhosis of the liver and suicide so six leading causes of death in the world are connected with people not getting enough rest that relieves the stress furthermore more than 75% of all physician office visits are stress-related ailments and complaints and most of the Medicaid that is prescribed as for stress-related diseases if people would keep the Sabbath it would put the pharmaceutical companies out of business a lot of doctors would be out of business because people would learn to rest in the Lord they'd have that peace it would actually prolong their life ah National Geographic did a study find out who are the longest living people in the world how many of you heard about this study called the Blue Zones I see some of your hands there are three groups of people that are the longest living people in the world are the Japanese people living in Okinawa many of them up to a hundred years of age people living in the island in the Mediterranean called Sardinia and seventh-day adventists that are Sabbath keepers in Loma Linda California and they said when they had evaluated that they said something about their social structure and the rest they get is prolonging their lives now it doesn't only have to happen there in Loma Linda there's just a concentration of Sabbath keepers there by the way the Jews also live very long wherever they are around the world but they're not geographically more concentrated other than Israel so alright so when did God established the Sabbath you can read in Genesis - I already touched on this thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them and God blessed the seventh day and he sanctified it because in it that he had rested from all of his work which God created and made right there in the second chapter of the Bible God established a Sabbath for man ma n that's a strange way to spell Jew but a lot of people say no the Sabbath is just for the Jews there's a Jews body need rest more than other people no I don't think so does it matter what day it is did God bless any day he said you just pick a day and you bless it or did God say I picked a day and I blessed it and does he specify what day he says the seventh day the seventh day of the seventh day I want to give you another amazing fact I know in the middle of this presentation I lose people so I throw in amazing facts have you heard of the SS war mu the SS war mu was an Australian ship that was sailing in 1890 9 December from Vancouver to Australia I wanted to find a local amazing fact for you halfway across the journey the Navigator came to the captain he said you know something really interesting is happening he says we're getting ready to cross the International Dateline and the equator right at the end of 1899 now the captain had a sense of humor he said hey let's do something he told the navigator look at the Stars it was very calm night get your compass out your sextant he said I want to make sure we are right on target the captain got the ship in position reverse the engines then stopped him until the boat was dead still in the water and he did something that was very bizarre that had never been done before and never been done since right when the clock ticked midnight the front of his boat was in the northern hemisphere in winter the south of the boat was in the southern hemisphere in summer the front of the boat was in January 1 1900 the back of the boat was December 30 1899 know December 30 1899 I respectfully that's right because they timed it exactly as the day changed think about it and what they did was they managed to get their boat the north the starboard in the the bow and the stern of that boat in a different day in a different month in a different season in a different century all at the same time and the passengers on the boat because it was transitioning from one day to another day they missed December 31 you know one time I was traveling to Australia just before my birthday I took off March 8 and I landed March 10 so I keep telling Karen I'm actually a year younger I never got a March 9 do you know my birthday now so mark that on your calendars all right back to but the interesting thing is they lost a day can there be a lost day in history another has been you know what day's been lost by much of the church God's day that he blessed the Sabbath day what day of the week is the Sabbath God is very specific about this it says and the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested the seventh day from all his work which he had made and it says and God blessed the seventh day and he sing to find it now this is maybe caveman theology but here you have it you've got in Genesis God has a day it is seven seven seven you get to Revelation and what is the mark of the beast the number 666 what day of the week was man created six days six is the number for man seven is the number for God when you read in Daniel chapter two when King Nebuchadnezzar saw Daniel chapter three King Nebuchadnezzar makes his golden image and it says it's sixty cubits high six cubits wide and one scholar told me that if the Jews don't tell you the depth it'll be the same as the width which means it's six six six and everybody's told to bow down to this Idol and here you've got the number and it was made by a man man made worship and in Genesis you've got God made worship and it is going to be a very interesting distinguishing mark in the last days and I'll say more about why how has God demonstrated the importance of this holy Sabbath Jesus said in Exodus 20 part of the Ten Commandments by the way who gave the Ten Commandments God the Father God the Son both how do you know that the Bible says all things that were made were made by him in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God all things that were made would that include the 10 commandments yeah Jesus is a great lawgiver remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it now notice the word keep he doesn't say look I'm launching I'm inaugurating a new it means it already is holy I want you to remember to keep it that way an example would me you come and visit our home in Northern California in the winter and we got a wood stove heats the house with firewood saw we got and we said look we got to run to town to get some groceries can you keep the fire going you say sure dog be happy to keep the fire going and you walk into the living room and the fire is out it's cold ashes there's no fire and as I Drive away you're thinking why in the world did you tell me keep the fire going if there's no fire you'd say start a fire so when God said keep the Sabbath holy says I made it holy you keep it that way so I rested on the first Sabbath I asked Adam and Eve to rest with me he walked and talked with him in the garden remember he came looking for him after sin they ran from him and so he's saying remember it keep it and you'll be blessed keep it holy so you notice God rested on that day he blessed that day and he sanctified that day and when God does something it is done forever whosoever Jesus said shall break one of the least of these Commandments these are the words of Christ and Teachman so he will be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever shall do them and teach them all right so friends some of you thinking pastor Doug you're just teaching the law don't teach us the commandments I felt fine until you taught me this God's giving it to you to be a blessing but I'm just doing take it up with Jesus Jesus said whoever will do it and teach it will be called great in the kingdom of heaven so yes I am striving for greatness with Jesus he wants me to do it he wants me to teach it and he said whoever will call the least of these Commandments if you're telling someone to break them they won't be in a kingdom it says those in the kingdom will call that person the least the lowest whenever someone is telling someone else to break God's law you're telling him to sin because sin is a transgression of the law you still with me that makes sense now a Christian is a follower of who Christ what day did Jesus keep holy we want to be like Jesus amen Luke 4:16 and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day what's a custom something you do only one time custom is a practice right it's a regular habit as his custom was he goes into the synagogue that just means to church the gathering on the Sabbath day and he stood up to read the scriptures not only was this a regular pattern and custom for Jesus he even did it right after his baptism he went to Nazareth his hometown and he did it again what was the custom of the Apostle Paul regarding the Sabbath day Paul as his custom was he went into them and three sabbath days he reasoned with them out of the scripture and someone says well he only did that cuz paul was a jew and he went to worship with the jews but that's not accurate keep reading it says he reasoned in the synagogue every how many Sabbath's every Sabbath he was there persuading Jews and Greeks Greeks meant Gentiles non-jews so many people spoke Greek in the Roman Empire they called everybody who wasn't a Jew a Greek you ever heard these person that's a Greek to me yeah you have that expression in Canada no yeah some that was undecided did the Apostles also meet with Gentiles on the Sabbath day yes and when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue the Gentiles besought these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath Sabbath's not just for Jews the Gentiles can we come back NIC Sabbath many of the Gentiles also kept the Jewish Sabbath in the Roman Empire that was the day for them as well and they besought the words might be preached to them the next Sabbath and it says the next Sabbath the whole city came together to hear the word of God so you can find hundreds of examples in the Bible of them keeping the Sabbath it says and on the Sabbath day we went out of the city city and this is act 16 we sat down with the women who resorted thither and it's just and Luke Luke who wrote the book of Acts was a Gentile he never says on the old Jewish Sabbath Jesus said speaking of the last days I want to read the question first did Jesus intend for his people to the Sabbath after he died and ascended to heaven in Matthew 24 looking down in time Jesus talking about the end of the world he said pray that your flight be not in the winter or on the Sabbath day why would Jesus say that except he expected his people to recognize the Sabbath in the last days he said pray that you won't have to run for your life on the Sabbath day a day of rest the holy day they all said pray you won't have to do it the winter when it's cold and there's no food in the fields and so Jesus looking down he saw that and when you get to Revelation 14 a special message that goes to the world just before Jesus returned talked about these three angels that give a loud message to the world here's what it says worship Him that made the heaven and the earth and the sea and the springs of water do you realize that is a quote right out of the Sabbath command for in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth and the sea and it's telling us here in Revelation worship the one who made the heaven and the earth and the sea every Sabbath is a memorial that God is our Creator and our recreator didn't we just read that and God's telling us you seen worship it's a time for worship now some people say well pastor Doug you worship God on the Sabbath day but I worship God seven days a week have you heard that and of course I worship God seventh day I pray every morning I pray several times a day but the Sabbath commandment is not just about worshiping God every Christian should worship God all the time part of the Sabbath worship is thou shalt not do any labor so if a person says I keep the Sabbath seven days a week they're not holy they're lazy they're because they're there they're saying I just don't ever work um yeah no no so we all agree we should worship God all the time does the Bible teach that God's endtime people would also be keeping the seventh-day Sabbath notice who is the dragon who's the dragon the devil who is the especially angry with in the last days read revelation 12:17 the dragon the devil was raw that means angry it's an old word for furious with the woman this is that pure church what is a characteristic and he goes to make war the final battle of Armageddon against the remnant the remainder of her descendants her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus how what is one of the outstanding characteristics of the people in the last days keep the commandments of God you might say well yeah well all of us keep some of the commandments God's not talking about people who keep some of them some of the time everybody in jail keeps some of them some of the time when you're asleep you keep some of them God is talking about people who will consistently not ask for you know 20 percent or 10 percent discount on the Ten Commandments I mean if I tell Karen I know I committed a little adultery but I keep the other 90 percent how she gonna go with that that's not going to work is it have you stand before the judge and say you know I realize I did commit murder but I keep the other 90 percent is that gonna work and you think God's gonna go for that so when it identifies God's people in the last days as a people who keep the commandments in Deuteronomy chapter 5 he says oh that my people would fear me and keep all of my commandments always that it might be well with them and their children forever how many all of them always God wants us to be consistent it doesn't mean you'll never sin and fall but our goal should be to keep all of them always right not deliberately say well I'm just gonna neglect that one that's dangerous for a Christian again you read in Revelation chapter 14 here is the patience of the saints first it shows those who keep who worshiped the Beast and His image then you in chapter 14 right after talks about the Beast and the image it says but here is the patience of the saints here are those that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus revelation 22 last chapter in the Bible blessed are those that do what His commandments to be saved because they are saved we don't do it to be saved we do it because we love him we want to do what pleases him blessed are they God wants you to have that blessing why that they might have a right to the tree of life and enter in through the gates of the city can you say Amen what will all of the same or a question is will all of the saved keep the Sabbath in have the Bible tells us in Isaiah 66 22 for as the new heavens and the new earth will remain before me says the Lord so shall your seed and your name remain and it shall come to pass that from one sabbath to another shall all flesh come all flesh that mean just jews or all flesh means all people all flesh will come and worship before me for one sabbath to another also says from one new moon to another that means for a month a month and Sabbath the Sabbath will all flesh come and worship before me I've got a theory I can't prove it but I think that in heaven the month used to be governed by the moon and I think it will come exactly every 28 days so every fourth Sabbath will always be a new moon and they'll land together and you get a double blessing at that point whole creations kind of been tweaked earth is off its axis right now with the seasons maybe the flood caused that we don't know but everything's gonna be restored at that point now notice what I've just shown you about the Sabbath did Adam keep it in the Garden of Eden Adam kept it did Moses and the children of Israel keep the Sabbath day did Jesus and the Apostles keep the Sabbath day does the Bible say we're going to keep it in heaven why would we suddenly want to stop keeping it between Jesus in heaven what happened well this is one of many commands that the devil has attacked so even Christians are neglecting something that is an explicit clear commandment with a blessing you know every commandment has a blessing connected with it honor your father and mother that your days may be long on the land which the Lord your God is giving you right so there's blessings connected to all the commandments we always think about all and you know the Sabbath is kind of hard for people because you know when you teach some Bible doctrines it just requires a change in your thinking you know you get a new view on what the rapture is and you say oh I didn't see it that way but that'll be interesting it's it's a change it's of changing your perspective it's philosophical but when people learn the Sabbath truth they go you mean I'm gonna have to start keeping this day holy well that might affect my time it's easier for some people to like make a donation and give their time and you know that's because that's real worship when you take up your cross and follow Jesus you're giving them your life you're not giving him one day a week you're giving them every day people read in the Bible about giving offerings and tithe then they say what 10% tithe how can I do that well if you're a real Christian you say a hundred percent of me belongs to God he's just asking me to show my faith by returning 10 how much of you time belongs to God if you have doubts every breath you have and every heartbeat is a gift from God he's giving you the next one and the next one it's a gift and so when he says look I want you to show that I'm first in your life we're gonna have a special day together to worship together a day of rest for your body a day of fellowship with other believers a day of Christian service visit people who are lonely give Bible studies a special blessed day and John I'm too busy Lord when doing my own thing I don't have time for you and you say yeah I really love you with all my heart Lord but don't ask for my time it's really a deal-breaker isn't it it's really a test if we really believe that God is first in our lives so that's why this is a seal let me give you something else to think about well I'll get to that in just a second can we be certain that the modern Sabbath day or the modern Saturday is the same Sabbath that Jesus kept holy now we've learned it's the seventh day what day of the week is the seventh day a lot of people say well isn't that Sunday I thought I was keeping the seventh day you may be keeping a seventh day some people could keep Wednesday every Wednesday and it would be a seventh day but God did say I'm going to bless a seventh day is that I'm gonna bless the seventh day and I pick it which day is it now if you have any doubts about what day is the seventh day look in your Bible and that day the day of the crucifixion was the preparation that's Friday it's the preparation day for the Sabbath and the Sabbath drew long clear enough and they returned and prepared spices and ointments and they rested the Sabbath day according to the Jewish law that's written by a Luca Gentile he doesn't say the Jewish law says they rested the Sabbath according to the commandments now friends just think about this the Apostles follow Jesus for three and a half years they heard him teach every day they saw him keeping the Sabbath every week when he died they knew how Christ felt about the Sabbath day they would not even finish embalming his body when the Sun went down they waited to Sunday morning to finish so the idea that the Apostles didn't think it was important that's a slam dunk they definitely thought that Jesus thought this was important they would not even finish their labor of love even something so practical as embalming his body he'd say well look this is the ox in the ditch we've got to do it they said nah we'll wait until Sunday it was that important to them so then it says they went home they kept the commandment now on the first day of the week and everyone calls it Easter what Sunday very simple you got the preparation day Friday you got Sabbath day which is Saturday you got Sunday the first day of the week look in the dictionary or valid encyclopedia what is the seventh day it'll say the seventh day is Saturday you want to know something else that's interesting in a hundred and five languages of the world the word for the seventh day is Sabadell Sabbath day anyone here speak Spanish sabado right I mean Sabbath right and if you're Russian yo pani my own name noshiko brewski sobota nobody savolta right it's not just in Spanish and English and Russian are not English but Russian but a hundred and five languages of the world the word for Saturday is Sabbath why because from the Tower of Babel they found out they all knew why is the whole world even though many are atheists why are they keeping a day every week why do we have a weekly cycle think about this it makes sense that all the civilizations of the world would have a year with about 360 to 365 days because it takes that long for the earth to completely rotate around the Sun you're with me it's something in the astronomy it makes sense that most of the King the world would have a month with about 28 30 days because you've got the lunar cycle to the moon revolving around the earth it dictates the months and it makes sense we got a 24 hour day because you got I like doing this you got the earth it rotates gonna get dizzy one time on the axis what in the Sun Moon and stars gives you a seven-day week nothing you know where the world traces a seven-day week in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth it's the only place you can trace it and yet even the Native Americans who I used to work where they said we had a seven-day week before Bela GaN has ever showed up Bela ganas the Navajo word for white people hey so we're wait a seven-day week before you ever shown up and many kingdoms did it was part of God's original plan and some people say well pastor Doug the calendars been changed we don't know what days are what days and has the calendar been changed yes a calendar change never touches the weekly cycle Eve we went from the Gregorian calendar or the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar you get the Julius Caesar calendar - the Pope Gregory calendar that happened notice what they did they took October 5th I think it was 1580 - and it was followed by October 15th but what they did is Thursday was followed by Friday they added ten days of the called-- but it didn't affect the weekly cycle people see the days of the week on their calendar on the wall they didn't graph you change your calendar it's gonna mess up the week no change in the calendar ever touches the days of the week they always go one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven and if you doubt that there are 16 million Jews in the world approximately you might convince me that one Jewish family got lost at sea like Gilligan and they'll others all cloudy and they got mixed up about what day was what day and they lost the track of the days of the week but for the whole nation to forget 16 million to suddenly forget which was their holy day no it has not changed someone wrote a letter to the US Naval Observatory years ago asking has there been any change in the calendar messed up the continuity of the weekly cycle they responded back and they said we have no knowledge of any change in a calendar that has affected the weekly cycle until long before the Christian era because there's enough Roman history where they know what the days of the week were so that's a bogus argument if you hear it calendar change we don't know and you know what I think is funny a lot of my Christian friends that go to church on Sunday they know Pastor Dave we don't we don't know what the days are they had no problem knowing what the days are regarding Sunday they always celebrated every Sunday it's a resurrection day and then they hear the Sabbath truth is hell will we're really not sure anymore it seems a little inconsistent does God allow anyone to change his holy day every word of God is pure ad not to his words lest he reprove you and you be found a liar the Bible says the beasts power would think to change times and laws and you might be saying well pastor Doug where did things get mixed up talk more about this another night but very quickly during the early days of the Christian era all Christians and Jews kept the seventh-day Sabbath with the conversion of Constantine there was all kinds of compromises among the compromises that were made they said you know the Romans keep the first day is the day of the Sun we might be able to win a lot of Romans if we start keeping two days and the day of the Sun was a day of feasting the Sabbath day some of them saw that as a day of fasting and gradually this harder let's forget about the day of fasting let's do the day of feasting and gradually the Sabbath was forsaken now that God never says the Sabbath was to be a day of fasting did you know that since be a day of rest but you're to eat he matter of fact he told them gathered twice as much bread on fire Friday so you can eat plenty on the Sabbath day so I changed gradually over time the beasts power ultimately exempted that change even in the New Testament and I hear people that come to me they say well pastor Doug we only keep the commandments that are repeated in the New Testament the reason we don't keep the Sabbath command is it's not repeated in the New Testament that is simply not true another bogus argument I'll prove it live audience here right you still with me I want the audience here there's live people in the room show me where in the New Testament you find the commandment thou shalt not take the name of the Lord God in vain do not there is it so when people say we only keep the commandments that are repeated in the New Testament is that now okay for us to take the Lord's name in vain no it does say Halle would be thy name but it's not exactly the same but you do find in the New Testament there remains therefore the keeping of rest God spoke in a certain place of the seventh day and that's in Hebrews chapter four and the word there is savety small keeping of a Sabbath for the people of God several times Jesus argued about how to keep the Sabbath with the Jews but he never argued whether or not it should be kept it was always how to keep it so there was no question there when does the Sabbath begin and end you can read that it says from even unto even you will celebrate your Sabbath Sabbath begins biblically at sundown there was at the end of the day and you can read and Mark ad even when the Sun did set and the people brought all their sick to Jesus to be healed even they wanted to wait until the Sabbath had finished not that he required it but that was when they saw the Sabbath ending now some say well pastor like we don't keep the Sabbath we keep the Lord's a day have you heard that what does the Bible say the Lord's Day is well they say oh it's Sunday where in the Bible do you see that Sunday's the Lord's Day they get that from Revelation chapter 1 verse 10 where he says I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day and they just assumed that Sunday no where does it say it's Sunday they said well the day of the resurrection is the Lord's Day where does it say that it's nowhere in the Bible the Bible tells us what the Lord's Day is look at this Exodus 20 verse 10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord not the Jews what's the Lord's Day the Sabbath look at Isaiah chapter 58 if you turn away your foot from the Sabbath from doing your pleasure on my holy day God doesn't say the Jewish holy day my day God says what's the Lord's Day look at mark chapter 2 verse 28 therefore the Son of is Lord also of the Sabbath day I think it's pretty clear what the Lord's Day is and finally what blessing is promised by the Sabbath Jesus said come unto me all you who are labor and are heavy laden and I will give you what I'll give you rest the friends I want you to think about this the purpose for the plan of salvation is to transform us Christ wants to purify us he's a holy God Jesus came to save us from our sins in the middle of God's law he talks about that now if I were to tell you right now that Karen and I took a trip to the Holy Land where did we go Israel right and if I say yeah while we were in Israel we went to the holy city where did we go Jerusalem correct and if I say you know why we were in the holy city we went to the holy mount you know what that is that's a Temple Mount and if I say on the Temple Mount there was a holy sanctuary and in the holy sanctuary they had the holy place and what was the very middle of point what was the the central axis of Hebrew worship what was that place called the holy of holies right and there was one piece of furniture in the Holy of Holies in the holy land in the holy mount on the holy city what was that Ark of the Covenant and in the Ark of the Covenant what was in the Ark of the Covenant ten commandments and the important thing about the Ark was not the golden box it's the rocks in the box that were written by the finger of God in the Holy of Holies is the holy law and the word holy appears one time in the holy law and you know where it is it's in the Sabbath commandment God says remember to keep the Sabbath day holy I was doing a seminar like this one time and pastor interrupted me he said brother Doug you're you're putting these people under bondage of works he said this is works oriented and I said well do you think God wants us to keep the commandments he No well he had some of his members attending the seminar and they kind of gasped and looked at him because they had the ten commandments on the wall in their church and then he said nine of them and then they looked at him and then he said yeah we're just we're not supposed to keep you first he said yes then he said no then he said nine of them and I said no wait my brother you're you're telling we're having this conversation during a live program like this he just interrupts you cuz he was man as you're telling me the one commandment that we're supposed to forget is the only commandment that begins with a word remember maybe God knew we should be reminded because we would forget has much of the Christian world forgotten do we need the rest are we struggling with stress in our world today people are just twitching all the time and they're looking for their phones right they just go there's so much message and there's so much information we're being bombarded and and we need to know how to rest Jesus has come unto me come to Christ and what does he offer us rest the promised land is called rest now not only does Jesus give us spiritual rest remember if you keep the spirit of the law you'll also keep the letter he wants you to have physical rest right he wants you to enjoy both physical and spiritual rest but it comes through coming to him the one who sanctifies us the one who recreates us and the Sabbath is a reminder a memorial event now some of you right now are thinking pastor I am blown away right now I never knew this before I remember when I first heard this I thought I'm half-jewish how did I miss this it's all through the Bible and I thought wow if I do this while I work on Saturday what will that mean I started thinking about all the changes and what that might mean in in my life and my time and then I just found rest and I thought alright Lord first thing I need to do is I need to say is this true don't look at the problems just asked is it true because I want the truth I don't know care what it costs I just want the truth I don't want to live a lie I don't want to be part of that multitude that follows the crowd I want to know what is your truth Lord the only one who can save you is God don't follow the crowd and pastors and churches follow the word Amen said Lord if it's true I'm going to need you to work out some of the practical things first I want to give myself to you and say it's true now will God ask you to do something without helping you do it everything God commands you to do he will empower you to do all but brother Doug I see big problems I see mountains in the way can God move mountains I see oceans in the way can he part oceans if God wants you to do something he will bless you if you follow him don't look at the problems keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and God will make a way do you believe that you just come to him like you are he wants you to have that peace he wants you to have that rest how many of you would like to have that rest that comes from coming to Jesus is that your desire could we stand together and let's ask him now as we flows loving father Oh Lord we thank you so much for sending your son Jesus to pour out his blood that we might have our robes washed in his blood that we can be one of or transformed by the message of the hundred and forty-four thousand Lord we want your seal in our hearts we want the Holy Spirit we want your seal in our lives we want to be not just hearers of the word but doers of the word lord help us to be walking in your way because we love you we want to keep your Commandments you said if you love me keep my Commandments Lord sometimes we stumble we fall we don't know how we can practically do these things but we pray that you'll give us the resolve by your grace to be not only hears but doers of your word bless these people those who may be watching and and we pray that we can all be empowered to be ready for the storm that will be unleashed in the future knowing that we have nothing to fear because we built on the rock of Christ in His Word we thank you and we praise you and ask you'll continue to be with us in this series in Jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you thank you when is our next meeting friends tomorrow night we're gonna be talking about the woman of light you don't want to miss this one that's gonna answer a lot of questions about why there are so many religions in the world thank you very much and have a good evening [Music] you
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Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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