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well hello folks i am back from my reno excursion uh figure out what we're going to do here this 9620t okay i thought well he thought as well we both thought it was under warranty and found out that it's not under warranty it ran out of warranty in august so he said figure out what happened well we found out that the dealer had this is a remand engine with low hours on it and not very long after he got this tractor the front crank seal was spewing oil out so they put a crank seal in it again and it spewed oil out so then for some reason they replaced their front timing cover so ah i could have told them what was wrong i've went through this before when these crank seals on these 12.5 liters start leaking like that and you can't seem to kill them to quit leaking for some reason and and i know what guys are going to say oh it's the you got a groove worn on the seal right of the crank damper it's not that it that seal turns inside of itself like a cr wheel sill on a truck hub for some reason these crank dampers on these 12.5 get out of balance and it tears the seals out of them is what it does and i i've went through this three times now and the ice when i i've gotten to where when i get a front seal leaking on one of these i tell them by crank damper while you're at it we're going to have it off two or three times putting seals in it every time i change a seal and i've got the seal installer and everything for these so if you're doing one of these that's that's what i've learned the hard way on these so i don't know so they put up they put a timing cover on it and then they then they then it leaked again and then they put a crank damper that's what i that's what i'm hearing from them anyway so i'm really wondering did they get this engine out of time when they put it back together did they get it out of time is that why that thing got so smoking hot let's see if we can find out right quick well it's one thing i'm glad to be back home to see my kids not only am i humans kind but my doggy kind hi guys i'm glad to see my kids i missed you guys i missed you guys i missed you guys so so let's look let's just cross our t's i was thinking about this you know i'd already taken off to reno to go do that truck engine job that turned in quite a quite a fun ordeal got to meet a couple youtube viewers while i was there joel and tom so i have seen charge air cooler leaks and hose leaks before cause over spooling usually it'll destroy the turbo and knock the bearing cartridge out before it gets the manifold hot like that so it's coming into the larger cooler through here any holes or anything in this tube and that tube is rubbing right on that it's sitting right on top of that radiator that doesn't seem like that's very good that's the upper radiator hose i don't see anything obvious like a split charger cooler line anywhere there but there's been a problem here he said that they replaced this tank because it melted this tank so what i'm trying to get the info out of those guys is when did this happen give me a timeline here so i can figure out is is it this engine i mean did it happen as well as with the old engine i'm not really sure what's what uh what they're what they're saying there okay so here's the the lower charge air cooler line should be down here just a big solid tube there is a short hose underneath here though if you take this plate off if i could see that without having to take that plate off probably not yeah there it is right there that's my little light up oh it's charging in the truck it's coming up through here i mean i don't see anything right off to me saying that there's a problem there you know this unless this charger cooler itself would be cracked somewhere i just don't see the charger cooler causing well wait a second i think i just found the problem let me get my light guys i think i just found the problem i think the charge air cooler is what caused the problem that whole bottom seam on the weld is split and cracked on it i don't know if you guys are going to be able to see that or not but that has that's probably got something to do with it yeah the whole bottom seam of that charge air cooler is split right there can you see that let me get this camera shove it in here you guys see that whole bottom seam is split cracked this split it right down the weld seam we got to get that charger cooler out of there let's see how good this little big cat thing whatever it does does on the mic here but anyway so the owner came out here and we we're pretty certain um this is the old charger this is the original one see here's the story that i got on this thing okay so the original strawberry nursery i used to work for we bought this tractor brand new i didn't buy they bought it um i i said on the last video there's a long history behind this tractor okay so we had a lot of problems with it we traded it off for 94 30. okay it went away there's an outfit called walker brothers they bought it they ran it however long i don't know how long and then it got uh i think they traded it again and then i think uh there's an outfit called parks farms they bought it so parks blew the engine up and when parks had the end when when they had that farm had this tractor this hydraulic tank got melted so my first question is when you when you see that something's getting so hot that it melts the hydraulic tank wouldn't you think that we've got a problem here that should that should not happen that doesn't happen on these okay so they suck a new hydraulic tank in it all right so then then they blew the engine up when the other person farm had it before he had it before this guy had it all right so we're starting to put this little investigation together that's just what's i mean i'm not 100 inclusive i'm just conclusive with it right now i don't have the paper trail but it's just common sense okay so he gets it he hasn't run it that long he hasn't put a thousand hours on it and here we go with this here we go with this you know problem i'm almost thinking that this crack is what caused the first engine to blow up that's my thought and that's probably what caused the hydraulic tank to melt you know it's just what i keep telling guys and i'm not saying that i'm 100 perfect i'm i'm a human being i make mistakes too but when you're doing these kind of things you have to find out why engines blow up why manifolds get hot and cracked you can't just stick another manifold on there and go again you can't just stick another engine in there and go again you got to find out why you know it might take you a little time you might lose some time you can't charge for but you got to find out why because it's going to cost you more in the long run if you don't figure out why you know so anyhow i noticed this radiator radiator is leaking or something on it here that don't look very good so sergio brought the parts out or no uh what's that kid's name i can't remember his name um cardo i think but he wanted everything ordered and what we're gonna do is just kind of zip the manifold on it we gotta there's a 9430t coming to take this one's place because this one here is gonna probably end up with a full engine rebuild because it's they were pouring they told me me and mike asked them they were using three gal putting i don't know putting a gallon of oil in it every two or three days and uh so you know it's probably got stuffed pistons or something going on it probably got so damn hot um so we got to get this thing started and get this rip front hook because monday when the 94 30 shows up on the lowboy we're gonna unhook it from this ripper and drive it onto the lowboy when they unload the 9430. so here's the problem he ordered exhaust manifold and they sent him one piece of manifold so we don't have a complete manifold to bolt on there which to be completely honest with you i don't need the manifold on there so i'll pull my plugs out of the holes here on the exhaust side it'll be a noisy son of a gun but i'm going to run a hose from here straight into there somehow into the into the uh oil pan that way uh and we'll we'll we'll get the because this this has got a hydraulic part lock on it you know it takes hydraulic pressure to release the park brake you can pump them off with a porter power but here's a new turbo too so i'll throw all this stuff in the truck and take it with me and what we're going to do is haul this to my shop and make goal and probably probably tear this engine down so uh but no that that crack is that's what caused it right there you know on that charge air cooler anyhow uh sometimes a guy gets lucky i just you know i i just was sitting there thinking about this thing and i thought man there's got to be what is causing that thing i didn't really see a real wet hole there like a fuel problem like i normally see with an injector over fuel and you'll see a wet hole and i didn't really see that you know so it wasn't making sense to me what was going on then i thought i had kind of remember i had a cat one time they had a charger cooler on it with one of those 6.6 perkins in it and it it was doing something similar and it ended up being the the charger because it was cracked and caused all the troubles so there goes jake all right well let's uh see if we can figure out how we're going to do this and plumb it into that and get it started and get the ripper off well i got a jury rigged deal here i don't know if i get that tight enough i gotta her tight so i got it stuffed down in here we'll see what happens might blow it right off there we might have a hell of a mess i don't really want to rev it up or anything i just want to idle it but really you know we're still going to engine oil is cold it's probably going to have 70 pounds on it so let's see what happens here their hose okay let's just see if we got you're gonna be noisy but it's just the way that it is we need to get the ripper off of it well she might be up all right we're gonna get that in there a little better you're gonna be noisy but let's get all this crap off the track put all these parts in the back of the truck i had all these plugged off and i'll probably plug them again before i leave just to keep saying yeah it's pretty cloudy you might get us some snow or start blowing sideways we don't want them exhaust force getting full of water and uh making a bad problem worse maybe my jerry rig will fix so we can get it on a little boy but i gotta get this ripper unhooked and let's get this turbo and all this stuff off of here on the back of the truck all right okay so i'm gonna throw exhaust manifold here i think we got new bolts anyway for the i think there's new bolts in here yeah there's new bolts in here the exhaust manifold i'll probably put you guys in the cab because this is going to be a noisy son of a gun you guys don't need that with your overactive dog hearing it might be hard on your ears come on kids come on girlie come on girlie come on baby she says daisy don't don't like that noisy stuff at all come on get in there girl come on come on bud come on load up baby good girl the wind is rolled up okay that'll help him out a little bit all right so let's get kind of our ducks and roll here and get our pins unhooked we don't want to run it any longer than we have to get the quick hitch off what we're gonna have to do is pull the head just a little bit and let the ripper sink get it unhooked the top link is gonna have to come out like that there we go this top pin here it should still go the draft arm should still go down then i can unhook the top link i gotta i gotta sink her down a little bit pull the head a little bit sinker down and let this maybe ha might have to back up a little bit to get the hitch arms to pop loose let's see what we got huh okay all right hoes stay on there i'm unhooked i am unhooked she's a smoking son of a gun with no with no exhaust or turbo on her she's a smoker all right so i gotta get this center like unhooked it's nice when they're running you can kind of adjust this or do whatever you need to do ah let me get a wrench here three-quarter knock the pin out of it okay all right this doug dolezal from sacramento got me a brand new and i sent the other one off too uh brand new half inch m18 high torque impact i know i got to get some more batteries i only got little batteries left remember i sold sent off four batteries and i never did get any of them back from milwaukee but we're gonna go buy some new batteries uh anyways and he sold me the three he gave me a 3 8 one dug i can't describe how grateful i am that you've been a really really good guy man i don't know what to say man there's some really good people out in this world really crappy ones too but we don't care about them i care about the good ones like doug that there for right now put the bolt back in there what did i do with that made it over here all right let's see if we can get this thing to move she's going to smoke and billard the obnoxious is what it is so i caught myself doing something really stupid every once in a while see i'm not i'm not a genius either what i did there was just really dumb i i just wasn't thinking i'm i was used to an old tractor with a regular three point and i should have never unhooked this so what's happening is the hitch is falling forward because i've got this center link off the quick hitch dummy the hell's the matter with you see i'll show you my stupid screw-ups too but i caught it before about what the hell did you do that for warren you got to drop it out the center it's a quick hitch more run all right mo ron he's in my room so let me pull ahead a little bit fix my screw up here i don't know why i did that i could probably pull it ahead and just grab that thing with my crane and put the center link back on it but dumbass i should be able to suck it up with the adjustment on the center link now and get the pin back in it yeah that was not the most brilliant thing that i've ever done to say the least every once in a while you catch yourself doing some stupid stuff something wrong with your medulla oblongata see if it'll adjust sometimes that could be a challenge on these getting them to adjust what this one's going to do that's what it's going to do let me see if i get a pipe wrench on it make it move i should already have it unhooked but gotta fix my screw up here down in there where you need to be they go the wrong way or did this this is moving that's what's going on am i losing my mind piper in okay not yet maybe now just lower the three point there genius and pull away from it hey hairpin we're pin back in it let's try this let me again pull it i might pull it on the other side of the field thinking the cereal doug is going to have to doug if he wants to load this one on he should probably come in on the middle road come in through here unload the other one and then pull this one on i'll just move the other side of the road and it'll go over it i ain't got no power with that no power at all that turbo no manifold pressure that's one thing these tractor guys need to do is like a truck they need to put a manifold pressure gauge and you know what a truck would have caught this if a guy was watching his manifold pressure he would have caught that and they know you know an owner operator running a truck or a good driver would have caught that with low manifold pressure all right get her up the hill so i might park it kind of off to the side here that way he can get around it yeah we'll kind of park it off and let him kind of drive around it all right okay i bet it carving up that hose i put on there real quick look at that that fast lots of getting that good hood really kind of hit a little warm but it is what it is we got to get it on the low boy well we have accomplished our goal of getting it unhooked from the ripper let my pups out and we'll throw all these parts in the back of the truck and give the owner a call and say i got her unhooked we are ready to load and unload i'm gonna have to be here help doug load it you know i want to watch that hose make sure it don't pop off on him and give him problems you don't need to deal with that guys get out you didn't want that noisy son of a gun screwing your hearing up come on all right let's do all this stuff in the cab not the cab turbo i actually keep an eye on the weather i might throw it inside the shop tonight that way i'd probably feel a little better because the box gets saturated you would think they'd have the the drain line and the pressure port cast on it but you never know don't let me forget about that i don't know why didn't get the pressure line i'm not too worried about damaging this one it's pretty well all right well walk with me folks and let's go let's go put in a these plugs in the exhaust manifold come on guys come on guys and then we've been gone all week i'm gonna go home a little early before she gets dark and lay on the couch upload a video and pet and play with the puppies all right let's go ahead and do this hopefully you guys on the footage can see the crack in them charging because if you don't i'll definitely show it to you when i get it apart what i'm going to do is order our charge air cooler get the rest of the manifolds but we're going to get it on the lobo haul it to the shop back it off and we're going to pull the head on it look at everything real close if they're pouring a gallon of oil in it every two or three days it's it's got problems i mean there's no question about that when you see five of the six exhaust ports on it wet with the engine well there's obviously something going on there it's not right not on a new engine not one with a thousand hours and it's it's not a break in problem it should be broken by now i tell people that you know this breaking this whole theory of breaking stuff i'm going to be honest with you an old cat guy down in redding he was all he did was rebuild cat engines truck engines and i asked him one day i said mike what's the proper way for a break in after you do an end frame or a rebuild on one of these cat engines you mike told me he said if it's done right he says jump in it and wide open throttle and go like hell he said if it's done right and he'd he worked a cat i don't know for 25 30 years then he went to his own shop until he worked until he couldn't do it no more and he was notorious for this kind of in the northwest here for being one of the best cat truck engine guys there was so he was no slouch i'll tell you that he wasn't full of he was really good i mean if you had a cat truck engine that he was one of the guys you wanted to take it to you just knew them inside and out i mean everything about them anything from the old 3406s the c15s see i don't think he got in on the acer junk i think that's one that's that might be part of the reason he got out of it because he didn't want to deal with her mission junk engine so well anyways guys well i'll keep you up to date on this uh go get it on the low boy and get her hold down there and tear into it i gotta pack our engine i gotta get that do the same thing i did the other one i got to test it for this one's really bad though it's really got a lot of fuel i mean it's just shoving it right out of the radiator you know the overflow tank so okay kids well guys thank you for watching i know i haven't i'm going to get a some videos coming out i've just been just been i lived in reno for a week so anyways uh thanks for watching what's up girl you cold i gotta get her in the cab she's cold
Channel: western truck and tractor repair
Views: 98,243
Rating: 4.9573426 out of 5
Keywords: no
Id: I9ZRjfloC4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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