Солдат с автоматом в руках, раскопки на полях Ленинградского фронта // Юрий Гагарин

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— That's a Nagant Revolver. — Machine gun, held by a soldier, I think. — I thought you can't find such things in 2019. Guys, look. It's right here, on the surface. And there the remains of a scull. Right on the surface, I wouldn't believe it either. How is it even possible? Look. So much time has passed. The helmet from the top. You can tell it's never been under the ground by how rigid it is. And the remains of the scull. — I think it'll be in one piece. — Guys, look, the scull. Right on the surface. I wouldn't believe it either. Here is the jaw. — I thought you can't find such things in 2019. — Right beside the road. — And there is a lid. He didn't believe he should've went to check it. — Holy hell! — It's not really on the surface — A lid from the kettle. Oh, it's German. And some personal belongings, as it seems, and the soldier is right here. If we're lucky it is possible that there is a medallion. I think he's on the surface because, you see, there is kind of high ground — Leaves weren't really piling up. — We could've found it just by looking. Alexander has found a soldier using a metal detector. — He didn't take it out. — Do you think? — I know it. You didn't take it out, did you? — Nope. — Here is a bone. — Guys, it's a Nagant pistol. — Revolver. Or what's left of it. — Yes, it can be an officer. We have already found officers there, in that ditch. — Apparently there is a pouch with some things in it, here, we put it off. We didn't understand what this was. — It's a lather brush, most likely. Give it to me. — We didn't identify it. — No, it's a cork for a Red Army glass flask. — Glass? — Yes, we used to also have glass flasks. — And there are the remains of a scull, just shards, and teeth. — So it's another soldier? — The bones there are really small. Look what he's taken out. — Anti-tank cartridge 14,5 millimeters. — Vertebrae. — Something like that. — And one arm is missing. Nevermind, we'll see. It's all that's left of the soldier. The rest is gone. He had a Mosin-Nagant with himself. A spade, a belt, a glass flask. A bomb fell there and he got scattered all around. We've gathered the bits from a great area. — An arm. — Are those buttons? — Yeah, it looks like it used to be a base of the button. — We know for sure who camped here, so even just a last name would give us precise information about who this soldier is. And also anti-tank cartridges can help us a little bit. It means it must have been an anti-tanker and was the second in his crew. Because we have found an anti-tank crew nearby. Coins? — We've found a chest pocket Wait, here's another one — It's the same one. — It won't make any difference. Fifteen kopecks, 1939. It's probably not the only one there. — Where should I put it? — Somewhere separately. Another kettle lid. We really hope it is signed. You know you could just flip it over and knock on it so you don't have to smear it. — There is a signature. — But just the initials, I think. Let's go rinse it. Only the initials again. Why not the last name? K.M.E. most likely. Why couldn't he write at least his last name? Vyborg, 1940. All damaged by shrapnel. Comrade, I wish you wrote you last name. Look at the density. One, two, three, four... And it looks like... no, that's shrapnel damage, not bullet damage. — It must have been in a pouch. — Yes. — I thought there was a spare pan magazine attached to the belt, but no, there is a PPSh. — An unexpected Shpagin machine pistol. — I thought it would be a spare magazine, I didn't expect it to be a machine gun in the soldier's hands. Be careful, there are vertebrae. — I'm trying. Yes, it's really unexpectedly. I thought you'd found a medallion. — No, unfortunately I haven't yet. — And there'll be vertebrae, right? — They are even over here. — So he's lying like this? — Yes, ribs are over there. — I don't see a lettering yet. — We need to wash it. An oiler was closed with a cork. — Maybe. Maybe it was held by something else, some clip. — We have found a cork like this, but a bigger one, for a glass flask. — Glasses. — Yes, glasses. Apparently this was an older soldier. — And a pen. "Gref cobald". There is a lettering. — Maybe this one is also an officer. "Gre(i)f cobald" It's signed, S.M. And here is the kettle itself. All shot through. — Machine gun. Held by the soldier. I need something to wipe it. The arm was right on top of the machine gun. Have you already taken out the spoon? — Yes. — It's quite a moment. My heart is beating faster. It's an ink pen, it was quite expensive at those times. Not everybody could afford such thing. When I was taking out this thing it looked just like a medallion. — Really similar. — Another scull almost on the surface. Oh, what is it? — A jaw. — Yes, right, a jaw. I didn't get it at first. — With crowns. There are more teeth. — So this is our first death medallion this Watch. Evgeniy has found it. It's your first time? He's been digging for only two days in his whole life, and right away... newbies are lucky. It's chipped like it had been burning. A little deformed. — Will you open it? — I'll just peek inside. It was damaged by a bit of shrapnel. Look it's wobbly. It doesn't matter. Oh, it burned, look. — Is there a paper? — There were. But it burned. Look at the casing, it's bent, melted. There is only cinder. It is flammable, if you put it it will burn and be like coal. And what is on the inside... Damn. It's sad, but what can we do? — I can already see that this is a two kopecks coin. — Rub it on the glove. — I'm clumsy. It's dry I can't clean it. I can't see anything. — We are done with the third soldier, unfortunately the swamp soil destroyed everything, there are only the big bones left, in a not very good condition. We've checked everything. This one was lying here with a Nagant pistol, where is it? — Here. — Hang on. He was most likely an officer or he just picked the gun up. — Everything that was found with him: — Spare parts for PPSh — damper. — It was under his head, it must've fallen there randomly. — Well, maybe. And a Nagant pistol. — Revolver! — I like the word pistol. — An interesting piece of glass. — It must've been some kind of frame. — Yes, a frame, or- Let's suppose it was this size. — Yes, a photo. — Either a photo or a mirror. — Could be a mirror, yes, looks more like a mirror. — Photos used to be without glass. — Yes, yes, a mirror, I'm positive. — It used to be this size them. — Well, not this but, say, this. — Look at how many glass pieces there are. — Mosquitoes are already active. — They are biting. There were 5-7 pieces more. — Awesome findings, I just stuck a spade into the soil. German mortar mine. Just beside the road. So, right near the road, what do you think I've found? There is rubbish everywhere, but here I detected aluminium. Somebody has missed something. It must be a flask. Or a kettle. There is some trouble apparently. Yeah, it's battered. But nevertheless. It's an unexplored aluminium signal. My metal detector has found it from 3 kilometers. This also can happen. A piece of Mosin-Nagant. A barrel torn off by a piece of shrapnel. — Eh? — Hello. — Hi. — Gazayev, whose one is this? — It's mine. — Yura? Sorry. — Let him eat, I don't mind. — This bowl reminds me of something. — There must be too little potato.
Channel: Юрий Гагарин - Russian war diggers
Views: 4,014,005
Rating: 4.8309808 out of 5
Keywords: металлопоиск, коп, золото, клад, блиндаж, история, находка, монет, копатели, excavation, заброшка, treasure, металлоискатель, gagarin, wot, поиск монет, коп по войне, находки, черные копатели, великая отечественная война, коп 2017, кладоискатели, клады, раскопки второй мировой войны, ВОВ, фронт, вот, археология, ww2, dig, war, zonder, раскопки, digger, Бункер, world war, в поисках сокровищ, КОП, антиквариат, гильзы, x-terra, блиндажи, бункер, dugout, сс, нашли, схрон, сталкер, хабар, searching, wwii, отдых, гагарин, гагарин коп
Id: BjkIwlb0hLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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