Stocking MASSIVE Mystery Fish into POOL POND!!! *Huge*

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good look at that he's so much bigger than anything else what is good great game where actually I heard today playing with the pulp on a little bit and Adam is with us Adams actually never saw the pulip on in person until just now so uh well we we got we got Jamie over there we got Johnson over there we have this thinking crappie who has not moved in three years and then we got about twenty so or bluegill here but I tell you what guys the plan for me and Adam today is we're wanting to put something else in the pool pond now what we're wanting is a sucker in one of our last episodes with the pool pond we went out to the creek when we saw it big school of like I don't know 15 12 inch fish those are actually sucker fish what they do is they're kind of like bottom feeders they just feed on plants and stuff now I know there's no plants in here yet I'm not sure if they'll ever be plants but if there is hopefully the suckers can just you know keep it clean and get all the algae and stuff off the bottom but that is our plan now usually with those fish they don't gonna bite a hook and sinker they're just knocking about a hook we're going to go it's casting it just came a good rain and all these buckets stood out so that we could get some more water so go ahead and put some more water in there because I'd like to fill it up a little bit more but this is loud this one's loud dude the bait tank will be going in here in a few minute I don't was wanting to try to train the bass so I think we'll head on over to the bait tank get a couple minnows and then see if yeah well you know I don't know I mean I guess it's worth a shot isn't in that one we only have small minnows and crawled and in that one we only have minnows and really really really small bluegill I'll just come in here and try to get one you're not exactly these two fun I guess I know they're in here there we go there's one we'll set him right there on top of that bucket until we get another one there he goes didn't it must not be any in here anything else god dude there's there's another one oh we got two right here but that's okay put them right there in here bring these guys on over here and we'll put them in the pull-up on and see what big man tries to do too let's see him real quick before we throwing in just a standard small minnows coming over here and throw him over here beside the bass I'm not sure he definitely won't eat out of her hand but maybe he'll maybe he'll just try to eat the minnow that we try to feed him right now see what he does let's see if he attacks it there's the minnow there's the bass the minnow I don't think the bass is hungry cause if I mean if he really wanted to eat that minnow he definitely could no problem I just don't really think he's in the mood but that's okay we're definitely gonna put the rest of minnows in here just so that if he does get hungry he knows what to do he'll just go over eat the minnow somebody decently money little bit okay okay a kind of muddy we can still see a few inches just better than nothing always last time we saw the fish they were way well they were actually back here in the creek yeah they're like right over there and thinking what we have to do is what to look in some current breaks to where the water is not moving so fast because that's probably where they're gonna be got my crops out here my Mario socks oh yeah I think it's gonna be extremely wet that's basically a swamp right there here I brought myself in Adam some boots so we should be okay I've got these Adam has these and here's the cast man you got these out [Music] I got Mario too bad neither one of them came from Kendall great slash oh we think we can get one well here we go yeah we get one to lose huh I think we need to take that one with we catch one that's fine you got the cash ninja okay I got the GoPro we'll get the little mini bucket we'll head on out there we go into the jungle into mom oh it's gonna be extremely wet today so we got watching where we steps you're starting to step on the thick patch thick and I'm out okay I think I'm good now now it's just can you get through without sinking and dying it doesn't look too good there yeah we're there now mightier than it was but not too muddy to get the job done I definitely think we can get us something yeah that's how we keep everything yet even if it's just a little bluegill we'll keep him - going back put him in the pool pond can't hurt too bad verbally we get us a big sucker though cuz we kind of want one to clean the pond maybe if not just sit there and look cool now we're coming up on the spot we just got look and see if they're there I don't know I seen them usually they're right over there but I ain't seen nothing it maybe cuz it's too muddy maybe because they're not there but I'll try to move around see if I can get a better look yeah I don't see them at all well cast net is something here what in the same spot it'd be good yeah oh no way we got one there's no is that a bass I've not even seen a bass in here whenever I was trying to catch a bass dude we just caught a back what even is that take it dude what is this we come in here we try it just sucker not expecting that no we caught a bass I've known even we've not even seen a bass in here whenever we're actually fishing perfect size I will take him we'll put him in there we're not gonna haul him home in there we're just gonna put him in there for a few minutes until we can get back over there and put him in there big plans for now we're just gonna take cast net cuz if we caught him right there I love we catch anything second cast that's second cast we got a bass that was a good one there I'm about to fall in - no frog yeah it's gone it's done for all right boys looks like we're done here we tried I don't know I got caught on a stick now it's shredded it's completely done for but as you guys just saw the cast net its kind of destroyed I guess I throw it over a stick or something and the stick was stronger than the netting itself it just ripped it was serrated guys it is done for I'm just going to go back on Amazon buy a new one but that's for this at least we got something before we had the league it's just a little spotted bass little spotted crib bass in there he's a little scrunched up in there cuz this isn't exactly big enough for him but that's okay we're only gonna put him in here until we can get up to the truck which is like I don't know 40 50 yards that way boys hanging head on back now let's go head on back to the house and well at the moment we really don't know what we're gonna do this guy this right here is the bigger container we have it's a whole lot bigger got clear sides a lot more water I'll just reach in here grab this guy the best I can and then I'll move him on over ain't gonna be easy to get out here we go he's coming now I'll just transport him really easy out of that one and into this one he's got a ton more room now he can swim around a lot more water to swim in we can get a good side view of him right here if he'll ever turn around there he is no he ain't that small he's actually pretty good bass red eyes good spotted bass Kentucky out here in the creek but anyways guys I'd say what we're gonna do we're gonna head on back to the house and well yeah start processing this guy we're gonna have a little catch and cook I believe this guy yeah the last time we were here we wouldn't exactly think he's gonna catch a bass but it turns out we did a hell now be honest guys whenever I first caught this guy I was kind of thinking you know what this is exactly what I was going for I was one of the sucker to begin with I was going about to eat this guy but then items like but that thing looks pretty cool cuz it does it's a different than what we have already this is actually a spotted or Kentucky bass either one whatever you want to call it both of the bass in here right now both of those are largemouth bass so this base right here is just gonna give us a little bit something different to look at also he's about mid size right between Jimmy and Johnson so we won't get him used with identification we got to name this fish because he's gonna be in the poop on what are we naming he's a spotted bass so what you reckon fine okay that's good name will tell you one thing about this spotted bass that's gonna be different than largemouth is he has a little bit smaller mouth and he also has stripes down here on his lower belly I'm gonna go ahead and transfer him over into the new pool pond this waters a whole lot colder than the creek as far as ANOVA well yeah there he goes he's got kind of tiger stripes on him that's just because you know we had to transport him from the creek he was just a little stressed out but that's totally normal even these bats were like that at the beginning whenever we put them in there now there's perfectly fine head on our spot go fulfil your destiny don't meet your buddies there he goes what a man there's when there's a bunch where there's one that'll hurt you don't hear you ah you lose it yeah we didn't get any David hope there's one a good-sized one then there's him where oh yeah here we got an NT that should be good we got a pee worms not time that'll be enough to see you know how active they actually are with feeding now if we speeding them to these chickens it would be no question because they would eat them amet we're not feeding with genes we're feeding one of these bluegill that we've had in the pool palm for maybe two weeks I feel like they're definitely go eat them just because there's so much competition go ahead and toss him in I'll try tracking the best can there it is see ya boom you got it there he goes one fish got the whole thing one fish got the whole thing Jimmy's not even moved and Johnson's right up under him I didn't notice that now that's spot spots are time under yeah don't know Jimmy's right here spots under him and then Johnston's over there I mean that's pretty cool now we know that the bluegill like to eat the worms oh snap what is he doing yeah I guess I don't know what he's doing but what main animals want to do is okay so we just got back we just caught a little bass surprisingly now we're actually thinking about going down to my pond and just getting a catfish I mean this is gonna be a pretty big day for the poor pond we're adding another bass and a catfish yeah there's no catfishing to start with and if we're going to be honest I don't really know how it's gonna handle it either I mean it's a bit it's a decent sized pond but catfish were pretty big fish too the cat fish we catch is probably gonna be bigger than Jim but you move coffee tell it where he goes there you go you need ed no we ain't dead maybe a mosquito lots of bugs die but you won't ever know because it weenie more right away yeah I believe that's pretty that's pretty positive though yeah they we okay well let's go get the catfish put on side Chum up with Brad first right here at the pond just gonna try to get us a quick catfish we only want one someone use one piece for Chum one piece for actual bait oh yeah dude we're definitely getting one here you go and before we go ahead and cast that there and catch one I just was like if you want to support the channel you can head on over to Kindle gray will not come sighs shop we're the first thing in description it's got all kinds of merchant stuff and I know I'm wearing them I want a shirt right now and I'm not really wearing my merch there is some pretty cool March over there on the side so if you want some you know where to go get oh dude perfect so easy get about few seconds we'll have this one it will have this real there it is oh we saw the hood he still make him back for it he still make a size-12 yeah he was yep got it yeah yeah we got him didn't take too long it off that's my first and only cast okay he's not really rain yet he doesn't yes he still doesn't understand not that big hang on they seem out he choked it man I mean like it's in there good she'll be she'll try to help you here try and give you a new home there we go oh baby yeah won't come around here put him in the tank now let's go ahead and transport him back up there to the house and the full pond he's pretty big for the tank he's barely even fitting in there but he'll be all right until we got to hell pretty quick with it I think we took a minute down here a minute drop down here took a drive down made it back home that's three minutes dog okay Network sports guy up we go you get that song so fat now this may be interesting yeah getting him out and seeing what he does in the pond he's so much bigger than we just thought that is a big catfish hmm what kind this is called what is the Flathead what is this that's a channel this is a kind of grape on catfish look at all the scars he's got scores on his head and everything he's got scars all over his back I don't know what he's been doing honestly it could have been where I was fighting him and him getting tied up a little bit in the line but let me go ahead and seat him in there what do we end up naming dog dog Delmar damn or a dog we need to pick what let's do dog I'll come in here try to grab him the best I can come on buddy grab me right there behind the head talk to me pull him up anything got to say apparently not good look at that he's so much bigger than anything else I want to see how he compares to Jimmy yeah spots a shrimp dude look at all these things look at him he's not scared all the other fish have been kind of scared to swim around this guy's not scared at all I want him to swim over there beside Jimmy and let him compare themselves cuz this guy's way bigger I thought Jimmy was gonna be the biggest fish in here for a long time but snap there he goes oh he's gonna go run Jimmy off first thing he's already nudging him what is this dog came here to play name oh no you named it he is he's an alpha dog what happens when we get about 10 or 12 big catfish in here now there's a good size comparison you got the crappie charlie big man dog right here and then you got Jimmy and Johnson Wow Jimmie Johnson Charlie and dog all in the same picture I'm just waiting for the day we come over here and we just be looking at few blue go here and just here comes dogged about here take them things to justice I'm gonna say dog will live about six months until it's time teeth are throwing back in the pond for winter or just go ahead and eat him but how big do you think it is that saves about two pounds how big you think that one is uh probably ten the size comparison that's a bass that's a bass so that's the crappie in it yeah there's a crappie in there take that's the catfish we have another bass we have a spotted bass and then over here we have the heard of bluegill little salamander we got a bug zapper we thought the bass was huge but look at him beside each other now it's borderline insane that is a Power Move displaying dominance right there look at it look at it what's up he's so much bigger than I thought he really is he's so much bigger than I thought next pool pond fish the chub the next chub the sucker fish we get that's what we originally wanted today but whenever we get a sucker fish huh you want six different species yes bass sucker bluegill crappie crappie we need one more sucker catfish bass bluegill crappie sucker what's the Oh a goldfish a goldfish that is a pump that way have yet to pump I even turn on well it's supposed to pump water out filter it and then pump it back in I figured this would be the area tour system but I don't know it just hasn't really worked yet let's see we do this I mean [Applause] when outs work he did yeah I know well there's that that we actually never turned on before I mean I just never turned it on because I turned it on the first day and it just didn't work but now I guess it decided to work so there's her aerator so that if there's doing perfectly fine how does all those holes it's coming in from they're coming out from those two weird holes on the side and then it's going through a filter but I don't really know if it's filtering anything it's mainly just an aerator but at least it's the area and I mean usually in a little pool like it'll be filled up but I kind of like how it's like halfway in because whenever it's going out now it's creating more bubbles and possibly more oxygen so I think we're doing good now and I'm sure that the fish are going to feel a whole lot more comfortable now they look at them all swimming across there huh yeah now they got some moving water should give them a little bit fresh mint refresh everything it may help out the chemicals I don't know we're still gonna try some plant stuff honestly my favorite parts gotta be the bug zapper hopefully you can take care of the mosquitoes for me yeah probably probably the bug zappers probably most redneck thing I've ever seen in my life it probably is what's the redneck word of the day ye did you yeah give us another redneck word of the day I don't know maybe they're bonding I'm not gonna complain I'll be honest not gonna complain one bank you so much for watching categorize amazing videos be sure to smash that like button and also subscribe pick some merch up is kind of gray slash shop keep God number one
Channel: Kendall Gray
Views: 896,048
Rating: 4.860867 out of 5
Keywords: kendallgray, graygang, outdoors, Stocking MASSIVE Mystery Fish into POOL POND!!! *Huge*, kendall gray, stocking pool pond, stocking pond, kendall gray pool pond, bass pool pond, andrew flair pond, pond, my pond, massive fish, stocking trophy fish, mystery fish, unbelivable
Id: _0VikdL_EkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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