Found ore cart tracks at an abandoned ghost town

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that's the view of the staircase in Thursday the cabins are already booked dad now let's go have a look at these two so this is the second house as you can see the windows and this one are boarded up as well it looks like a shell with not my being like a light switch or something so this is the second room in the house let's see what's I pay also had electricity so they had a window which the top parts cracked but at least it's still intact for some reason the walls didn't go all the way down they've stayed like that that's the other window summer is in that side has carpeting what this one doesn't I wonder if they took it all out when they were leaving let's go have a look at the third house it's probably the same as all the others I don't know if this one has a door look at that still intact this house seems kind of empty compared to the others you could see they had cabinets on both sides and a window though the difference between this one and the others is this one doesn't have a window on this side like the others do and this looks like it's a medicine cabinet look at that so he put nails in this so they could put stuff on them and you could see this one had screens on two windows that's their road it's awesome looking okay so that's the houses we've looked at and now they're gonna go up there have a look at those and then look at that building okay so that's the cabin there's also a staircase looks like they would use this building for sand points from the mines see if there's anything good now look at this this is all sample lines yeah look at this as you can see that's true looks like two doors off and I'm thinking that's a mine and we have this to look at so that's the building with all the lights and points you can see there's a staircase going up that which leads to a platform at the top there's nothing up there otherwise I would have filmed it now we have this building look at look at that so it's beginning of this room look at that boy looks like a newer one this was probably a workshop the windows intact this cracked though and that was the doorway that was probably like a another door that's the walls what was this it's weird now I have that room you look at serum doesn't seem to have a whole lot as you could see and that's a road looks like they had like a thin surrounding along it at one time this was a window and the light looks like this was robbed a wiring would go that was this room so this is the places and down this hills another abandoned building so let's go have a look at that okay so let's have a look at this now so that looks like it's an abandoned building and as you can see that's a wall with two fencing around it that looks like it might be a mine and that's just a bunch of fencing so this is the abandoned building and that's the staircase leading to the other mining operation we saw the mine and the workshop that staircase goes to it that's the fence scene that looks like it was something gotten over there to book out although let's have a look at this building first look at that this is the building no it's actually two buildings that one and this one that's the wall earth seems an excellent condition look at that that's the other wall looks like the since this was built on the side of the mountain over rocks and stuff over time fill and cloud is collapsing this wall and look at that had a window so let's go to that building now okay let's have a look see if there's anything inside yeah look at this that furnace is still fully intact and look that's awesome and that was off storage look at all this I wonder if there's anything still in some of them now this was a workshop you could see they would store all this stuff and they had labels for everything yeah nothing's left once it for this well that's already installed on the wall never mind now that's awesome near their furnace we have a more storage so labeled as well that's the room we looked at we have this wall doors still intact and a lot other storage look at all that looks like that was a ladder an old one let's go have a look at that now looks like someone made a giant fireplace look at that table now look at that place this is the table so seems to be in good condition look at that now let's see this that looks actually like a mine two of them it's awesome as you can see that's another table look at this and what does that say danger keep out unsafe mind let's see this one look at that someone has a danger unsafe mind sign and that's the mind look at that don't know if you could see that Oh though that's an ore cart track and it goes way in that mine that's a door for it the track ends right there oh no that keeps going look at that well actually that continues going you could slightly see it look at that didn't even notice this one that one also has a car track and they that one's going that way I'm gonna follow this one see where it goes this is awesome though it's all overgrown too and you could see that's where the other one would go so it would go over there and probably end right about at that spot you can see right there that's where it was that's that was probably an urban at one time that was probably all the materials he got from the mines which they didn't need they would put it on this place from the looks of it this ends right there probably kept going at one time although it's all gone now so that's the car traffic look down this is the wall as you can see so I got distracted with these tracks and there's some other stuff up there so let's go back near those mines and look at the rest of the stuff there okay so that's the building we've looked at those are the two mines and this is the ore car tracks and what's up look at this looks like it was something from what I could see this was used to put all the pipes on that's what they're doing anyway and look at this there's kompis storage for all these pipes you
Channel: Proper Exploration
Views: 2,813
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned in Nevada, abandoned cabin, Abandoned house, abandoned town, ghost town, abandoned in middle of nowhere, abandoned in the desert, Middle of nowhere, Desert, Nevada, Exploring, Exploration
Id: UN9k1zHyuUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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