Found Loaded AR-15 & Guns In Bag While Scuba Diving! (Police Called)

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[Music] yes sir and i want the ar-15 and uh right here yeah we found quite a few of them [Applause] what's going on everybody welcome back to another brand new video of depths of history today i'm with a couple new friends that you guys haven't seen in a while and i'm with one new friend i've made and you guys are gonna know who he is if you've seen the river treasure community everybody who hunts for river treasure knows man plus river how's it going thanks for having me good to see you yeah of course he drove all actually no you didn't drive you flew i flew and then i drove and then i slept and then i drove and then i ate and then i came here exactly so he came all the way from texas he's super excited to see what we can find today hopefully under this bridge we'll be able to find um i don't know potential criminal evidence maybe possibly a grenade a gun but i've also got nugget noggin how's it going i'm good i'm ready to get in this freezing cold water yeah it's about 45 degrees in the water i've got my dry suit on all of these champs have their wetsuits on so we're going to see how it goes but last time i was actually in the strife i'm also with my friend exploring with nog always we're out here searching the rivers together and uh what do you think we're gonna find here man gun a gun hopefully i think we'll find a gun hopefully well the bridge the bridge one up from like from this one one up from this bridge we actually found an ar-15 and a shotgun so there's a potential to find some really cool stuff we're in a pretty bad area pretty sketchy town so you never know what we're gonna find let's get in the water and see what we can get so dallas is this your first time in like really horrible water like two to three foot business this is this is clear as um clear water compared to what i've been this is this is nice definitely man yeah i can do this sweet washed away by the current yeah i know it does look pretty strong over there there is like a little buoy or something in the water over there and i'm not really sure what it is but we're gonna get in the water and hopefully kill it today i'm gonna get the gear on get in the water and hopefully we'll find some cool stuff [Music] um so site number one was a huge bust but we just made it to the second spot and i think this is one of the best spots that we are probably ever going to find i mean this place is just a literal dumping ground there's tvs sofas basically everything you can think of down this driveway that leads underneath the bridge so with that said i'm gonna get the gear on get into the water and hopefully we'll find something really cool dallas yeah you being man plus river does this look like a good river to you oh are you filming yeah you know this is definitely a great i've probably never been in the sketchier part of tough town and there happens to be a bridge and a river right here so if if i'm going to find anything in my lifetime that is sketchy it's going to be it's going to be right here yeah if you take a walk around just like down the driveway you can see right here there's just like sofas and crazy stuff like a vacuum cleaner right there windows toilets basically anything you can think of sad that people don't clean up after themselves but definitely lets me know that we're in the right place to search for stuff oh my god oh my gosh oh my god this has got to be one of my craziest finds i've ever made that is insane it's a bag full of guns let's go under again [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] it's full of stuff oh my god [Music] what is [Music] oh my god almost look at that there's a barrel right there and there's a stock that's ridiculous oh my gosh i am freaking out right now look at that thing man oh my gosh [Music] dude i got a bag of them right here a bag of assault rifles let me see that let me see that oh my gosh look at that it's a smith it's a smithson wesson it's a smith and wesson oh it still has the serial numbers on it oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh dude look at the other one look at that oh my god oh my gosh this is ridiculous look okay okay the rest of the bag is right here i haven't done it yet look the rest of the bag is right here look at this okay you ready let's get to [Music] that this is ridiculous oh is there anything else in it that's ridiculous never bullets [Laughter] look at that all right so there's bullets in here that's an ar yeah for sure [Music] you shout attack nine attack nine look at that [Music] [Music] doing split all right everybody so it is the end of the day i actually just got out of the water not too long ago with my friends we had an exceptional day of uh searching for criminal evidence underneath this bridge and look what we found man i mean this is just mind-blowing everything that we were able to find i actually found this bag right here and it was filled with two 35-pound weights uh so someone definitely did not want this found and i actually ended up finding an ar-15 as you can see right here it's coming apart in several different pieces but it is still i mean that's like an amazing find i've always wanted to find an assault rifle so that is super cool i got adam from adam brown adventures he was able to find this really nice revolver pistol it's a smith and wesson and i got nugget noggin right here he was able to find a nice tech nine and uh that was really cool because he actually found that right near where i found the bag and then inside the bag with the ar i was actually able to find the smith and wesson pistol and as you can see right here the serial numbers have been completely scratched down so michael just came over here actually so how convenient what do you think it's time to do now maybe call the police maybe call the police i think it's time to call the police so with that said i'm gonna give the police a call we're gonna get them down here and we're gonna see how they handle the situation [Laughter] hi there um this i just wanted to reach out this is not an emergency um my buddies and i were scuba diving over on the and uh we ended up finding a bag full of guns uh including an ar-15 and a couple pistols as well and we also found a couple okay uh so there's actually multiple people here so i'm with actually four of my other friends so there's multiple vehicles there's a red ford uh a silver uh nissan items that you found they're under they're right underneath the bridge with us by the cars so i mean they can just meet us right there yes there's no specific name of it but it's like it's basically like what kind of vehicle are the belongings going to be in uh they're actually not in any vehicle at all they're actually just right up on the bank we just kind of put them on the bank of the river okay but how can they meet what's gonna collect these items uh they can meet with all of us i mean we're all just here right now so we and i guess anybody no i'll be i'll be outside of the vehicle we'll see you guys roll up and and i'll let you guys know where we are okay thank you so much all right so uh we just got off the phone with the police and they're going to come over here and address the situation tried to get on the phone with them several times before and it sent me to different offices and they're kind of trying to figure out whose protocol it is come out here and check out the stuff but i'm really glad we were able to call them and we're going to wait for them to come here and we'll see what happens next here they are at least we're here right now they're coming down to talk to us how's it going sir we found a bag of firearms and uh uh belt helmet how many six six or seven six seven yes sir and uh one's at ar15 and uh right here [Music] sorry about i know it's such a confusing spot to like to call you guys yeah we found quite a few of them they're in pieces so like they broke it up and put it in the back there's a couple there's a couple more these ones were the ones that were in this bag and there's a couple more right here we've already touched it a million times yeah right exactly yeah they grinded the serial numbers off that one too yeah they're right [Music] so the the ones in the bag i don't know if it's significant but the ones in the bag where um that pistol right there and then the ar and that mag was in it too and all those bullets were in that bag and it was weighed down by 70 pounds uh two 35 pound dumbbells the dumbbells are on the other side but i wasn't able to swim with them across but yeah yep [Music] revolver has a serial number that's true this is ridiculous uh so it was yeah ar and the um no the pistol oh the black one that one right there yes yes this really is but thank you guys so much for watching this video if you guys enjoyed be sure you hit that like button and subscribe and check out some more of our videos also don't forget to press that notification bell as well and check out my friends channels i have all three of my friends located down in the description below be sure to check out the other videos of today because it was crazy just the amount of guns and criminal evidence we were able to find at this one bridge i think it really speaks volumes how like bad of an area this is but i'm super glad that the police were able to take over the situation with the bag definitely one of my craziest finds ever i will never be able to top that but i hope you guys enjoyed watching and we will see you guys on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Depths of History
Views: 129,890
Rating: 4.944488 out of 5
Keywords: Criminal Evidence found Scuba Diving, found AR-15 rifles scuba diving, AR-15, scuba diving, underwater meta detecting, police called scuba diving, scuba diving police called, found AR-15 scuba diving poile called, police called, scuba diving best finds, gun found scuba diving, criminal evidence found scuba diving, scuba diving videos, AR-15 found, found AR-15 scuba diving police called, criminal bag found scuba diving, bag found scuba diving, police shocked, Man+River, diving
Id: wRaxk0a-Gmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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