Found 7 Cold Case Weapons In River While Scuba Diving *Police Called*

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it actually looks like it even still has a round in it it does right there yeah it is actually cocked back alright guys so the gear I'm gonna be using today I'm going to be using the hog BCD which is a really nice one this is hog highly optimized gear it's very very good company they have awesome products highly recommend it also got my BCD here from hog as well that I'm gonna be using my flippers and also all of my other gear and I also have a dive knife on me just in case I get tangled up in some wild on the way there - what's up guys welcome back to another video with depths of history my name is Britton and today we are gonna be scuba diving and the river behind me in search for some River treasure I want to thank Bob supply Tommy over there he actually gave me the gear to use today and go check them out I'll leave a link in the description below but guys today we're gonna be diving this bridge behind me it's a really historic site I'm really excited to see what we can find but I'm gonna go hop in the water and let's see what treasures we can find I actually do not have a head cam so I'm actually gonna have to be holding the camera the whole time so let's jump in the water and see what we can get [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I cannot believe four we just got for this this place alright guys so we just got out of the water and guys we just had the craziest 30 minutes ever so guys we were just over this way over by this little bridge over look and guys this is absolutely insane and there's actually a fifth one that was just found this is absolutely insane so you just got a 22 right there really nice one lever-action another 22 I believe and a shotgun so that's crazy guys I mean four guns on the river excited again about these funds I mean it's not often that you find even one gun in the river let alone four so we're gonna get back in there do some more scuba diving and let you know what we find I know this angle of the camera is a little different than usual because usually I have it on top of my mask but I hope you guys enjoy this different type of footage so without further ado let's jump back in the water and see what we can find we're with the guns now we just found I'm about to switch tanks and go back in the river but guys this I mean it doesn't get any better than that I found a couple other things including some like old spoons and pocket knives and stuff I've got that though in another section of the river I put it on the bank but take a look at this guy's labor action wrongful levy action rifle 22 wheel gun bolt action 22 some auto 12 games crazy and these are these have been down there for a while too you see all the rust and corrosion on them also got legal says this is the top of a powder flask also got a pocketknife and a bunch of keys we got all these keys absolutely crazy a lot of different varieties in there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh oh my gosh a sawed-off shotgun that thing is amazing holy cow that thing is crazy Oh let's keep going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this time ended up getting a nice 38 pistol really nice one that's actually loaded you can see on the back that was an insane find and that was actually underneath this mirror that I found which is pretty insane I also got one barrel of another piston it also has an extended mag as well which was pretty insane tons of guns today hi there my name is Britton Lockhart and I'm a youtuber and I also do scuba diving as a hobby and recently I went scuba diving today I found a pistol and I wanted to see if there was anything I need to do with it or if I need to turn it into you guys or really what I need to do thank you so this is the gun I'm going to be showing to them on the other side of the serial numbers I don't want give those out but just to look at the gun it's pretty crazy so hopefully they'll do whatever they need to do and get this taken care of I just wanted to see cuz it's clearly rusted yeah so it's I mean it's I mean pretty rusted up but I still you know I wanted to do the right thing ya know I mean Jesus right right the barrel is even like it's gone so right however they might still be awaited like dig all that out it actually looks like it even still has a round in it it does right there yeah and it was actually cocked back yeah so which is pretty crazy because it was like it was something like a cold case or some yes sir not a problem appreciated thank you for your help alright guys so as you saw from the video obviously the serial numbers are actually really worn off he said honestly if they took it they would likely destroy it so at least you know I checked in with them and made sure what I was doing was right I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please leave a big thumbs up and subscribe I would really appreciate it if you did but hopefully and also the other guns that we found they were caked with rust so there's really nothing that we can do there there weren't any serial numbers we could find or anything at least I was able to check with him about the one that did have numbers on it and we clarified some things but all-in-all definitely an incredible find I'm really shocked about it hopefully it was not used in a murder case but it potentially could have been but I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please leave a big thumbs up and subscribe and help me reach my goal of a hundred thousand subscribers and if you'd like to check out the other channels I went with today there's a link in the description below thank you so much and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Depths of History
Views: 343,251
Rating: 4.9064479 out of 5
Keywords: Found Gun, Found Phones, Phone, Found Gun Underwater, Gun Found, Possible Murder Weapon, Cold Case, Case, Cold, 7 Guns, Seven, Found Pistol Underwater, Found Shotgun underwater, shotgun, pistol, rifle, Metal Detecting, River Treasure, Treasure, Police Called, Police, Called Police, Unbelievable, Trending, Amazing, Unbelievable Finds, Found, Underwater, Scuba Diving, evidence, court, law, Swimming, River, In River, Finding, Green, Bubbles
Id: kogpbY_R478
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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