Found For FREE In The Trash! - Trash Picking Ep. 421

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all right heading out oh can you see him there he goes he's right there right there oh and then now he's in the hole probably heard him rather than seeing him that was uh mr groundhog i don't know how there's so many groundhogs around here but there are um going out for the night shift night shift of trash picking so let's make another fun one try to find some try to try to find some treasure make another fun episode and who knows what we'll find in the trash today another fun day of trash picking to be had let's get out there let's see what's in the trash dan make it a good one let's do it all right so i just saw this guy put this out literally just saw him walking in he's hoping this is gonna fit and it's gonna be close i don't know barely i don't know what that thing's worth to do all right first stop of the day i think it's gonna be another windy episode as the wind picks up not for me glassware always intrigues me but offended stuff that i can't use it's a very large one holy mega hall of chairs it's a lot chairs start off with a bike might be all right might be all right surprisingly i brought two bikes up flea market and uh after they sold the next week people asked me if i still had them so it's like they kind of regret not buying them all right these chairs are iron just helps they're so heavy five gallon buckets now just thinking about them my uh my name remember guys right remember i bought a storage unit that had so many five gallon buckets well i end up throwing away a lot of them and my neighbor asked me he's like where's your five gallon buckets because i could really use them i was like yeah he's like were there anything wrong with that i was like not about half of them that i threw away were fine would you believe it's windy out all right so last week i came by here um i was more windy i was here what did i like nothing oh yeah oh wow there you go it's a nice piece so when i leave last week i left a uh like a round top drum top table and one thing i've noticed is like what you guys see on camera is a very focused center right it's like i don't know just like camera talk um but you can't see when i like i move my head or turn my head so unlike that situation i moved my head and saw that the top was like destroyed and that's just like one of the things like although you know you might think that i miss things or that you know i see things a certain way it's just kind of like how the camera works all right still amazes me also i forgot to say that the first clip was a bonus clip and that my bus my bus my van isn't the magic school bus and things doesn't like just magically appear and disappear um it was just from a different day but it's like the bonus clip when i include the two towns so yes i stopped off and dropped that ladder off at home the ladder itself was actually dented and bent up on two of the steps so that's probably why he got rid of it uh but what does amaze me is that every time i come out here trash picking i always find like a couple things that are kind of vintage kind of older and just crazy to me i think that some of these things are 40 50 55 60 years old and they've been in someone's house for so long and today it was a day that they're getting thrown out it's kind of sad if you ask me but it gets recycled um into something else or if i can rescue it and then resell it someone else can enjoy it rather than just getting thrown into a landfill but it is kind of amazing things stick around for 50 or 60 years and then today's the day they're gone kind of sad don't wanna make anyone cry or anything but sad it's always great whenever someone gets a new bed throw away these yeah they're all in pieces they didn't the easy way sometimes they just leave all the bolts in and the whole thing's all flopping everywhere like that like exactly like what i'm saying sometimes it's really bad all right in honor of earth day last week saving the earth oh all right this is the uh called it called a piano i think it people say it was an organ it's not not a big musician guy growing up regardless of what it was it was heavy that thing's high and cool i like that uh swing porch swing couch thing these are like made to look kind of vintage with that like uh i don't know what to call it's not wicker something woven made to look vintage not even close to vintage but cool at the back window to like a corvette or something i don't know it's fairly new whatever it is still got the trimmer line on it good possibility it might work even these uh bolts are a little rusty but if that window was like a really old one like off an old beetle or something i think we'll grab it but it's not this thing looks freaking sweet this thing looks freaking awesome how are you doing so he knows how it works i can't imagine that thing being very cheap heading down trash alley feels like i'm riding into the sunset of trashville even though it's just very cloudy and the sun's over there but at least make it seem like i'm riding into the sunset of trashville all right so yes that will conclude it here for today's lovely trash picking adventure uh seems like we got a whole bunch of metal here i don't remember passing up on anything that's not metal um kind of neat i mean this grille thing is awesome this is like i guess this is one of those propane ones everything's got a lock there there you go seems like it's been used i'll probably have to see if this thing works i feel like this is like the perfect size for like one or two people nah one person is a little overkill but two people it's really like portable and small it's kind of cool kinda like that i can't imagine what these things cost coleman makes a lot of really unique things but really makes a good quality merchandise uh then we have a hamper here it's got a nice flower front and a whole bunch of metal an assortment of metal you got a bike chairs weed whackers stuff like that so yeah another fun one out there um always a blast to go out there trash picking got a bunch here never know what we're gonna find in the trash sun is going down still a little chilly out but uh that's gonna wrap it up here if you guys enjoyed the video go ahead hit the like button if you want to see more trash picking adventures just like this there will be plenty more in the future hopefully we'll hit 500 episodes by the end of summer maybe just by the end of the year um but yeah subscribe down below to see more adventures i'll catch you guys next time for next adventure until next time have a great day keep living the dream [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 24,693
Rating: 4.947433 out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking, Garbage Picking, trash day, found in trash, found in garbage, scrap metal, scrapping, junking, junk metal, salvage, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, dumpster diving find, dumpster dive found, found gold, found money, speedy diver, scrap pallet man, Steve and steph, abandoned, estate clean out, hoarder, garbage truck, garbage collection, garbage pick up, metal pick up, trash picking rich neighborhood
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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