Found Ancient MacBook Pro While Searching a Shallow River for Interesting Finds! (Unbelievable)

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[Applause] [Music] that was so awesome look at him my train Jake actually just found like an old flip phone on the train track right before the train comes through this is insane so crazy the train just went by but right before it passed this I found a lg phone on the ground I was telling bran was like I definitely think this is a burner phone of some sort is a piece of a vacuum are you oh no way Brendan it's another phone look at this oh that's so cool I found so many phones I can't put them in my treasure box so I'm having Brandon over here put them in my backpack yeah the big plastic bag yeah so I got a trash bag for trash and I have a trash bag for treasure we made it man look at this this is unreal walk down this cliff here gonna be careful hey seriously make sure you look for needles glass all kinds of stuff like that it's a real toy right like you said and off that's some underwear for you Brandon nice yeah come on be careful if you fall and get a million views though just start over here and work our way down all the way down through the stream it goes for a long time and maybe a later date will actually go upstream if you guys want to see that maybe part to you what is this it is a swish yeah that's awesome especially let's say a cool spot the fish gets deeper right there I know I was just saying that it looks really good right over here man that's just so cool that I found a fishing pole this is a Shakespeare ugly stick that's a good ran in it yeah I'm gonna put this over here so I could take this home it's actually a good fun either I can reuse this or I can give it to a kid or something but that's awesome Oh oh my gosh I'm gonna stepped on this oh my god they're like an assassin with this they did it's actually one of those things I don't know it does it it's like it's like a bush drone are you come through it like you trim bushes with it but I thought I was like the shark thing you know how the shark shark SEVIS yeah no it's like the so I don't know I don't know it's really cool I got you something Brandon I got ya Corona there you go really hey what's this it's a cordon that's a USB I think it's a phone charger cool big boy has his favorite hat on today you guys I had somebody come up to me in person and say hey where's big boy like so nonchalant so Jake and I are now a little more downstream in the river it's a it's a lot deeper here probably about me deep some areas waist-deep not as much trash because most of the rocks up there caught it so we're hoping some like bigger ticket items kind of made their way down this way with some of the current there's a string to it away what the club that's like somebody's library card in this book no I think this is it's a strip club strip club Tanana you must be 21 years or older this card is property of PCI gaming oh maybe it's a gaming card of some sort I don't know the club though but you know it's serious when you got it lanyard I know you know it's serious sure what's this Bank what's this what's this missus put my hand down something shiny oh it's a it's a shopping cart will our training wheel it's a crutch of a crutch hashtag not could be no that's that's really crazy like that's part of the crush hey do you need training wheels on your bike or can you ride it regular hey does it have one training wheel or two because you remember that other thing of fun we do have another training lube I think but it was way up thing you know what this is these are deer track oh that's cool but deer are walking this it's really cool that like deer are walking this path but it's also really strange because one deer are out here which like there's a city all behind us that's weird but - there's all this trash that these deer have to navigate through you're not gonna believe what I just found I found another gold sucking device Brennan holy crap that's definitely probably for sewage but seriously the one in the river I found definitely has to be for gold all right I'm still sticking to it maybe this is like an old dump or something but you know what's weird - I have not seen the first fish I haven't seen any fish clear water it's deep oh it's big it's kind of Wiggly what is this looks like the centerpiece to a car that's pretty cool yes here's a bottle cap Kendall loves to collect these as always I'm gonna save this for her so she can add it to your collection we're really really far back down here now Jake and I have probably walked I said a mile back there so now we're a mile and a half mile and a quarter at least oh yeah like Jake and I are now walking waist-deep in this water Oh Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake yes yes Jake I fucking only got one bro you got a finally it's a it's a samsung sprint phone for what reason no Jay yeah no I am gonna save this for my river collection so at the very end of the year you guys gonna check out all the cool stuff we found we're gonna lay it on the table this is gonna be on that table one of your prized possession carrying this out two miles back this probably why there's so much trash you have all these drain pipes here yeah just dumps it all from you know the roads or whatever yeah it probably does there's probably a bunch more like that this is this look how high the long trees you see the you see the freakin thing hanging up in the tree right there yeah that means the water was that high Wow yeah this bad my there's so much trash everywhere hanging in all the trees is it already shut uh I don't know we're about to find out I'm afraid to grab it oh my gosh is it really a trap yeah oh yeah no it's not it's not pinned are you sure yeah it's not bad but what if it was and I went to go grab it wow that would be really bad Jake will never have a hair day like this ever I know what's in here we can put all our treasure in this deck I know what what's inside the bag hold on what's inside the bag and then there's a backpack that I found in the tree so we're just gonna start putting all our treasure in the backpack yeah there you go man thank you pound of pork Jake yeah well saving up for dinner yeah yeah what a ham steak or what in with your like bag just be walking go ahead you just been walking around with this a little bit yeah Construction light man no I'm cool it's actually really cool yeah put it right here in your bag you don't work this bag is working out great thank you phenomenal yeah great job man yeah just put your put your bet yes it's a bag children pick up single file only say oh maybe school saluted what is that oh you found a ground a gun Jake your first guy the day is getting better and better put my treasure bag with Regas if you buy now you'll save 50% on your next River treasure bag I have it up my apparel store Lee this is red oh it's a fire extinguisher that's really cool wow it's so good case to use yeah it's uh let's see if it works enter you want to see if this works yeah okay it should be fun alright so back in my kindergarten days I was told is it working charge yeah that's really cool it's awesome here but in my back my baby your back yeah thank you sir right here in your back thank you your treasure bag thank you good sir there's like six fish way down what's that is any knife we had to go down two miles to see any fish this right here is super beautiful boba nice looking up in the trees you see trash everywhere [Applause] hey I got a mini license plates a motorcycle license plate really yeah I just have a motorcycle when you get a little license plate I like that wait you had a motorcycle what kind okay I guess yeah that's pretty cool Brad wait we should get motorcycles like little four-wheelers and ride through stuff like this Oh that'd be awesome it's been way cooler the further we go down we're finding more and more stuff on the banks oh my gosh I think I see an ice cream I get fun tonight oh wait no it's another bike I thought that was a knife like the handle so I was just filming Jake and I looked right behind I'm and jake has been giving me a hard time cause he keeps lying to all this cool stuff we're taking this back we just Kansas too heavy I found a flat screen TV that one is way more destroyed dude that is so heavy but I can say I found a flat screen TV I'll be honest you guys I believe I still found the better flat screen TV but it's still really cool that he found a flat screen TV like a week later and that's just a cool thing no way that's so cool I hate coming treasure hunting with you Jake you're like a human metal detector now you just sense it it just sends it Wow it's really cool that it find another phone what fun is this but I don't know another oh oh oh I see it I call it I call it I call it oh my god I don't know I don't know look at this oh my gosh can you see it her mind let me zoom in oh my gosh look at that it's the Apple logo I just found a freaking Mac keyboard are you kidding me Mac look this is the old MacBook so it's not the Apple logo right there and it's cool because it has like the rainbow logo remember when they first did that it was like one of the first generations and then you've got all the keys here but they have like rocks and the keys and they're not pressed ball at all like they're totally firm they're not they're not going anywhere then I'm assuming you know how like you have your monitor on you have your monitor and then you have like the big bass like the console of the computer I'm assuming that's what they did here the keyboard they made the console and then you just had your screen right there that's cool what's it look like any other set the bottom oh you can open it up oh wait it's just a laptop wait no no way he's wouldn't be on the top Oh aunt your lady player then the back has some vents nothing crazy ones on this side has all the plugins we're just kind of cool - it's all corroded that's really cool that's pretty sick right yeah that's - dude that's that's what people say what's the craziest thing I've ever found now I could say MacBook MacBook that an ancient MacBook Wow man it's such a cool find man that's really awesome yeah this is so freakin awesome that is really cool though like there's no telling how long this thing's been in there there's no time Wow there's no tell I'm jealous I am so excited I finally beat Jason we're not done yet oh no tell we're gonna find but this title is gonna be crazy for phones five TVs MacBook Pro this is like the river that you would expect behind like a Best Buy I can't believe we found a MacBook get as awesome and put this on the side wait wait wait let it go so I can swim and we're gonna put it on this rock right here but we are coming back for that guy we're not leaving that I can't believe I missed on an old MacBook I got so lucky man I've never seen one of these and it's super old I don't know like you think anyone like any collector would like want that like how popular these I don't know how I mean that's that's like it's an antique computer for sure but like it's so far gone it's really hard that makes it way cooler away what is this is the top I don't know I don't have a Mac flip let's just say it's that MacBook no it's a what is that protector select I don't know what that is silent still Acheson it's some type of something it's electronic though oh that's a microwave Brennan I think that's the back of a microwave yeah I'm pretty sure we got the whole computer meanwhile found a part of a microwave so wind from really high to really load just then we've had a lot of fun today and I can't believe like definitely cool it's fun deftly has to be the MacBook yes so cool and that's an old-school like ancient one for sure so that's awesome second favorite fun may be my River treasure bag I think that was really good you guys will see more videos like this make sure you guys let us know in a comment section below and maybe we'll get back out here search even further down the river but we also have to we got to go off the ring area - I got to go to the dam and the further up we go there's gonna be more building so I'm sure we're gonna find some more crayons we're probably gonna find stuff that people like legitimately just throw into their backyards there yeah it's gonna be sick it's gonna be fun but yeah if you guys want to see that jump like on this video and we will get back out here maybe tomorrow for you guys yeah let's do smile let's do it okay we upload the video they like it we're doing it spread it come here quick I got a bag maybe with the next box in it no way [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 5,151,588
Rating: 4.9166074 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, river treasure finds, interesting finds, dallmyd, searching for river treasure, found tv in river, found phone in river, found macbook in river, found apple macbook in river, macbook, found computer in river, found phone underwater, river finds, bizarre discoveries, underwater, unbelievable finds, found in river, lost valuables, macbook pro, found phone, fish, best river treasure finds, review, exploring, collecting, iphone, swimming, searching, found macbook pro
Id: 6Hg_pPVlxu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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