Fortnite's FORGOTTEN Items...

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did you know that fortnite once added a legendary revive grenade the ones thrown at your teammate would instantly revive them this is just one of 30 items throughout fortnite's history that players have completely forgotten about and we're taking a look at them starting off with the Mythic bandage bazooka this is actually a developer item that was accidentally released from The Bodyguard LTM during chapter 2 Season 5. as LTM had a very unique loot pool and one of the items you could get in the mode was a decoy grenade except there was a chance when you threw down this decoy grenade it would instead give you a Mythic bandage bazooka to make it even weirder if you dropped it on the floor it actually showed up as dual wielding pistols and it worked exactly like a normal bandage bazooka except it only took up one slot in your inventory when firing the bandage bazooka there was a chance that you would actually spawn another Mythic bandage bazooka and as a result decoy grenades were quickly patched out of that LTM so this weapon was only available for a few hours and The Bodyguard LTM has never returned since I need to have have gold coins I remember this vividly in Chapter 2 season 2 when rumors are going around that fortnite were adding in some sort of gold currency into the game what they actually did was add in a single gold coin that you could collect by breaking a very specific painting within a cabin on the map and this was actually three seasons before Gold Bars were even introduced into the game once you collected this gold coin it could do literally nothing there were no NPCs to hire with it no vending machines to spend on you would just hold on to this gold coin for the whole game and players that did collect it assumed that one day you could do something with it I mean you could even drop the gold coin on the floor to show other players who will hand it to your teammates and if you were lucky enough to actually collect one of these gold coins count yourself lucky as they've never returned to the game since supporter challenge was added back in chapter 1 season 5 when epic saw the popularity of creative minigames that players were putting together to have awesome fun with their friends you threw them down just like a portafort and out of that grenade spawned a massive Mini game that you could play don't forget this was before creative mode back when we could play playgrounds and playground games were limited to four hours so throwing these down meant you instantly had fun spaces to play in without having to spend hours setting it up these can be picked up from special vending machines around loot Lake and for you OG viewers out there you may remember me and Lachlan 1v1ning on every single one of these different challenge grenades and honestly the games were really really fun did you know there was a Mythic Mushroom on the map so rare that I never found it and some of the only players that managed to find it actually ended up getting their streams to all bombard games of fortnite specifically looking for this Mythic mushroom it was so hard to find there was a chance that Shield mushrooms on the map would spawn as a golden mushroom a 0.01 chance basically one in a million chance of this thing spawning and if you were Keen eyed enough to spot it in your game you could pick one up and instantly use it to get 100 shield and 100 Health instantly however if you tried to store it in your inventory it would would actually turned back to a blue standard mushroom so if a player was lucky enough to find it and accidentally did that the Mythic mushroom would be gone he was only in the game for one season back in chapter two and I honestly wish that they'd bring back super rare versions of items like this because it would be so fun to try and hunt them down one of the coolest ways to ever get loot in fortnite was through loot stars that only spawned on one location of the map back in chapter one it was one of the final updates of season X and you had to go to Starry suburbs to find these golden stars and opening them up would Grant you weapons anything from Blue Rarity and art at the beginning of his season we saw in the trailer Jonesy fly past a legendary tactical submachine gun a rarity of that weapon had never been in the game and it wasn't until this update that there was a chance for you to actually get this legendary SMG by opening up these golden stars so both loot stars and the legendary attack SMG were in the game for only two weeks and I'd honestly love them both to return talking of SMGs some of you may remember the original machine pistol it is the very first SMG that was in fortnite and honestly probably one of the worst we had a high fire rate but really poor damage could only be found in gray green and blue Rarities with the Tactical SMG being added into the game as well every player picked up that instead it was one of the very first weapons I did a video on saying goodbye to it all the way back in chapter one season two as it was actually replaced by impulse grenades within the loot pool and after saying goodbye to that weapon it truly was the final goodbye as fortnite never added it back in and ended up taking that weapon completely redesigning it and turning it into the weapon that we now know as the machine SMG so the gun doesn't even exist in the in-game files anymore literally there is no way for this thing to ever return and for this next item actually don't think anyone would ever want it to return because it was so useless the firework launcher was added into the game to celebrate the 4th of July in 2018 and only was available for two weeks in fact I'm not even sure I remember using this thing but it was essentially a standard grenade launcher that rather than shooting out normal grenades would actually shoot out and have a firework effect instead the thing is fortnite barely had the grenade launcher in the weapon loot pool for years and years and every time we've come back to celebrate the 4th of July they've used a flare gun with a firework effect instead so this was literally a two-week exclusive weapon count yourself lucky if you had the chance to use it an item that some of us may remember using but may actually forget some of the additional benefits it had was the alien nanites back in a season where aliens were invading when throwing these nanites down it would create a space of low gravity and completely mess with players heads which is the part you may remember but you may actually forget that these could also be used to create a dish additional weapons taking any assault rifle in the nanites would create a pulse rifle any SMG and nanites would create a Khmer array rifle and any sniper and nanites would create the railgun and unless the last reality and aliens come back to the planet nanites will probably never return and one thing that I'd be very happy to not see return because of just how useless it is was the Spire assassin's Mythic recycler the recycler was probably one of the worst weapons ever created in fortnite the Mythic version was hard to get and not even any better the Primal theme of fortnite which was already a very weak fortnite season had a Spire assassin at the Spire that once taken down would drop a different Mythic weapon throughout the season it started off in the Mythic Primal shotgun one of the most OP shotguns we've seen it was later changed to the Mythic recycler one stat weapon was added to the game the Mythic recycler only ended up being in the game for One update as far as I decided to remove the Spire assassin boss from the game meaning you physically couldn't get the this Mythic weapon you could take the normal cycle and upgrade it to Legendary but honestly all versions of it were useless and if you didn't have a chance to use it you didn't miss out on March one item was super useful was the throwable upgrade bench this made the upgrade bench a lot more usable as at the beginning of chapter 2 Season 3 with the island being flooded turn to the upgrade bench locations were inaccessible because of all the water fortnite decided to enable the ability for you to take the upgrade bench you could pickaxe it and it would turn back into its item form you could hold it and put it in your inventory and take it around with you throw it down let your teammates upgrade and create a portable version a lot of players didn't even realize or just forgot about the fact that you could actually make the upgrade bench movable and take it around with you and it was only fully in the game for that single season and I wouldn't be against fortnite bringing it back to the game just so the upgrade bench is easier to use did you know you could create a safe Zone in the storm using the storm flip item I remember this item coming out and players shocking loads of down in the end zone with loads of bottles overlapping each other creating storm zones and safe zones and it was so hard to know what was going on if you threw this storm flip into a safe Zone it would create an area that had the same damage effect as the storm that was also on the island but if you threw the bottle flip Into the Storm it would create a safe zone for you to hang out in actually a really useful item in the end game but not that useful at any other point this item caused a lot of chaos when it was first added but was very quickly forgotten about was only in the game back in chapter one season nine it may never return again just like the alien knockback launcher this weapon was so much fun and I wish it was available on the rest of the Battle Royale map was only available in the mothership minigame whilst you were collecting points jumping around the low gravity area all abducted players on the map spawned in the modern ship with the alien knockback launcher and a jet pack you could basically stop other players from collecting points by shooting them blast in the back and it didn't cause any damage at all and despite the fact they were meant to stay in the Mother Ship some people could actually glitch them onto the Battle Royale Island using a reboot fan glitch that wasn't meant to be available I don't think I ever actually did this which is why I wish the items were properly on the island just to mess around with people it's like your own portable impulse nade shooter and although really fun it was only ever exclusive to this Mothership minigame and now for a Mythic that is probably the least remembered Mythic ever in fortnite you had to play a specific mode to access this Mythic it was called the Raptor claw back in Chapter 2 Season 6 a really popular mode created by fortnite showcasing just what fortnite could be when redesigned and rethought about this was called The Impossible Escape mode we'd go onto an island collect artifacts get information and ultimately try and rebuild a chopper that would x value from the map and successfully see you completing the game however during this process of trying to get off the map if you took down a raptor there was a chance for them to drop a Mythic Raptor claw you actually used to hand to the hunt Master NPC it would give you information to help you escape the island doing so would Mark a load of a helicopter parts on the map that you'd try and put together help rebuild to the apron on the island could Escape but you didn't actually need to get the Mythic Raptor claw to complete and escape the island it was just something you could do to help you out meaning certain people don't even know that this existed and now for one of my favorites the legendary revive grenade exclusive to The Bodyguard LTM back in Chapter 2 season 5. this LTM saw a team with a VIP player who you had to protect at all cost if your VIP player died everyone on your team died which is why fortnite gave only the VIP player a legendary revive grenade you could have jumped in and played this mode and not even been a VIP and thus never even used this item but if you were the VIP you were limited to just holding a revolver and as many heels as you wanted and this legendary revive grenade when thrown at a down teammate it would instantly revive them also bring them up with 100 HP at the same time rather than the classic 30. if you manually revive them normally and on top of that the grenade also recharge meaning you could throw it every 20 seconds making it one of the most incredible items that was only used by a very few number of players there's actually the item that inspired us to look into all of these awesome things that barely any players remember in fortnite this next item could arguably be even cooler it was called The Gatherer was only available when Stark Industries arrived on the island in Chapter 2 season 4. mini Galactus drones appeared on the island at the same time whilst most people were focused on all the Iron Man new tech and everything that was going on there these Galactus drones would start attacking you as soon as you were spotted on the map the Big Galactus drone would actually spawn out smaller gatherers that would go and attack you as well but these gatherers could actually be turned into your own weapon you spotted a gatherer you have to take it down and whilst it was in its down state you had two seconds to run over to it and pick it up if you didn't do that within two seconds The Gatherer would just explode which is why a lot of people didn't even realize that they could be utilized as a weapon gatherers allow players to shoot energy blasts with infinite ammo and you could also charge it up but it would result in The Gatherer being destroyed when you were holding this weapon you could not Sprint build emote or use any other weapons in your inventory it was such an odd weapon to add to the game but so much fun if you did want to mess around with it and who remembers this trap one of the finer ones ever added into the game as we haven't seen any traps since this fire trap was cool but arguably not very good trap itself only dealt 50 damage if you managed to get a player to walk close enough to it the cool thing was it was capable of igniting fires to deal even more damage so it could set trees alive wooden builds alike and the good thing about this trap to be fair to it is that it dealt that damage directly to enemy players Health ignoring the shield meaning if you had low health and high Shield this thing could be quite devastating it was one of the shortest live traps ever only being in the season for a single game in Chapter 2 Season 5 since then has never returned and I can't lie I do miss traps being in fortnite this next weapon was only available in the Spy games during chapter 2 Season 2. there was a mode that I think was massively overlooked because you could actually get access to weapons that sometimes never made it into the full game and legendary versions of other guns that also were only exclusive to this mode playing throughout this mode get to roll through different texts which were essentially augments and perks that we know nowadays and if you partnered with the trusty dual wield Tech with the trusty suppressor Tech it would actually put them together to create a brand new weapon in the form of the Dual suppressed pistols despite only being available through merge in these pieces of tech together in this exclusive mode it was its own real weapon just very hard to get unlocking those high-level texts meant you have to play Spy Games over and over and over to actually rank up within the Spy Games mode I mean this could be one of the least used weapons ever in fortnite now one of the coolest items was added in that I think was massively overlooked was the Hunter's cloak some of you guys may remember this during the Primal season in chapter two season six and it could only be obtained through crafting using some odd items the Hunter's cloak could be crafted using me and two bones a lot of places a didn't know how to make it and B if they did just didn't use it because it took up a slot in your inventory it was only actually active for three seconds and all it allowed you to do was get close enough to animals undetected so you could go ahead and tame them this is before animals were rideable so it was a really cool feature but wasn't cool enough for you to take up a whole slot in your inventory as a result not many people used it and the item was scrapped after the season was over we all know the Flint knock pistol but who actually used a flight not pistol one of the favorite weapons from both fresh and laser beam when laser beam got his own icon skin he was nice enough to include crash Within part of that launch where they had their own Super knockback cup and added in their own exotic version of the gun called The flight knock pistol this tournament only happened on the 3rd of March 2021 so it was only in game during that tournament time and when used rather than giving you a little bit of knockback like the standard pistol it would send you flying headshot damage was also increased to 218 making it Mega strong and don't forget zero builds with extra shield wasn't in the game back then so this thing could one shot people and sounds like such a fun gun that I actually didn't have a chance to use but an item that I did have a chance to use was of course the Midas Flopper for all of you that weren't around with all of these incredible fish in the game this specific fish was added in Chapter 2 Season 4 and the Midas Flopper turned all of your weapons in your inventory up to their legendary version and then the fish itself turned into a golden scar to get this fish you have to be using the upgraded pro fishing rod near the center of the island it was mega mega rare to find but if you did your inventory would be super overpowered it only had a one percent chance of being a fish that you caught with that rod and unfortunately once that season was over the fish was vaulted and I wish fought and I would add more fun super rare fish like this or the Mythic mushroom into the game to make hunting for those rare items something fun to do an item that I don't think I ever used the water balloon was a limited time item introduced in chapter 9 during the 14 days of summer event back when the summer events were actually really good the item took the water balloon toy and turned into a throwable explosive weapon and it sounds too good to be true it did only deal 10 damage when thrown enemies could be held in a stack of eight it was only in the game for that two-week summer period I still have a water balloon as a toy now in game except if I hit someone with it it's not doing any damage something you can throw at someone to do damage but barely anything at all is a lump of gold in the first Winter Fest in 2019 presence is a chance to give you coal I guess you just weren't good boy or girl that year instead of a legendary weapon yeah I mean that is disrespectful this was the only way to get coal in game we thrown enemies for not much damage at all and then was unvolted again in Winterfest 2021 and this time it can be gotten by eliminating the friendly red-nosed Ranger NPC or Sergeant winter and it was not found in presence thankfully the item hasn't returned since and to be honest with you it is more of a joke item than anything else and I would rather have Legendary Weapons than coal in my presence thank you did you know that the only other epic trap in fortnite apart from the launch pad was the zapper trap in the game during season X when the horrible mechs were there you could throw it onto a wall to deal damage to players from both sides he would zap players for 50 damage every two seconds and if you're a good enough Builder to keep them in there you could take people down unlike normal traps back then you could actually throw this one at a wall almost like a grenade and in build fights it did become super useful I guess with everything going on during season X with so much focus on the fact it was the end of a chapter the mechs were flying around this item is very much forgotten about and was vaulted with the start of chapter 2 so most players forgot it was ever in the game but one item I do remember fondly and was massively overlooked was actually a collaboration item a Kingsman umbrella for the kingsman film was added into the game during chapter 2 Season 2. players could use it to block bullets prevent full damage attack other players and even Harvest materials and the weird thing is fortnite never officially said that it was a tie-in to the release of the film even though it had the exact same name but made sense during the Spy themed season that we had back then and I'd love to see more of these random unannounced collaboration items come to the game with no word from epic just letting players Discover it and have fun with it although this one in particular has never returned I'd love to see this and more added into the game now you may thought that that explosive grenade launcher that fired out fireworks was a little bit useless early on who remembers the bottle rockets I was determined to use these things to try and get an elimination I don't know if I ever Managed IT probably one of the worst items I'd ever added into the game which is why most people try and forget about it back in chapter one season seven it was first added in there's a green Rarity item that you could throw on the floor to shoot out a little spray of fireworks it would shoot out rockets for just nine seconds and once those nine seconds were over it would destroy itself and be gone and the rockets only did 10 damage a hit and if you were getting hit by them you were probably a bot fortnite didn't talk much about these because they weren't used very much and they weren't very good they never made them any better but they did return twice during the 14 days of summer event and then again during Lunar New Year in 2020 but honestly I'd be happy for these things to never return unless they brought them back and they were super super strong and it really surprised people that would be funny who remembers another Mythic in the form of the shitarui that's probably said very very wrong laser rifle which was a Mythic exclusive to the end game LTM if you're lucky enough to be playing fortnite back when the end game LTM was out it was a big promotion of course for Avengers end game and if you're put in the team of Thanos but you weren't actually Thanos you would be one of his little minions running around with your own Mythic laser beam just ignore the fact that the other team had Captain America's shield Iron Man to pulses Hawkeye's bow and even Thor's Stormbreaker because honestly this Mythic rifle partnered with the fat the head of Jetpack was really strong with this mode only being available for two weeks it probably has inspired some other weapons that have come since with deadly accuracy a little bit like Bender's alien pulse rifle that we've had recently acts in a similar sort of way but I'd love to just see the whole of the end game mode return to fortnite because it was just that good would you rather have the guided missile launcher return fun fact I think this is one of the most viewed most favorited and most enjoyed weapons and trailer for a weapon that Fortnight have ever put out it was so much hype around this thing a literal rocket launcher that you could control you could even do your own self-rocket riding on it I mean the possibilities were endless it was available in Epic and legendary Rarity cities and I totally forgot it was actually vaulted after only one week because it was a little bit buggy and after it was vaulted after only one week fortnite actually returned it in season five making it the very first weapon to ever be unvaulted but when they brought it back they actually nerfed it a little bit so it wasn't as good and I think this happened to so many people asking for it to return because it was only available during chapter one it was available for a little bit longer than it was in Battle Royale during playground mode and creative mode fortnite deleted the files from the game in chapter 1 season 7 meaning no one could access it at all they did tweak with the sound files a little bit in chapter three season three and I secretly do hope along with loads of other people that this weapon does return one day but for the moment the files don't even exist now who remembers the OG traps for example the ceiling trap added into the game with the release of fortnite Battle Royale back in 2017. it all had a blue Rarity to it the placing traps back then was the most annoying thing in the world had to go through so many menus select where you wanted to play sit then confirming and put it down these things were so annoying to use that barely anyone even knew how to use them and when placed down made a massive electrical sound that you could hear from miles away it did do a lot of damage 125 every five seconds if you were caught within this trap and not many players looked up at the ceiling to be fair and fun fact you could also get wall Trappers as well so it's like separate traps depending on where you were putting them on a building wall it was so confusing that there was removed from the game and the zapper trap that we talked about from season X was basically the newer version of it but even that didn't survive very long so these traps is a very short-lived history a little bit like the OG Burst assault rifles I remember picking one of these things up and thinking this is sometimes really good sometimes really bad actually the original name of a semi-automatic rifle which isn't quite right because it isn't something that you actually shoot yourself it is more of a burst which is what its updated name was changed to but this weapon didn't have an epical legendary version until chapter 1 season 4 when the Famas was added in these things are actually really good and a lot stronger the original semi-automatic rifles the gray green and blue version were actually bolted in chapter one season seven of course we know that his guns returned in chapter two but all Rarity versions look like the famous instead and although I instantly think of its weapon when I think of fortnite if you weren't playing during the chapter one era you won't have gone to experience this gun and finally an item that I still to this day wish I managed to find and make a video on because it was so rare so unique players still talk about it to this day it is of course the eye of a storm tracker before you heard loads of videos about it since it was added into the game it was basically the first ever backpack in fortnite that wasn't meant to be in Battle Royale it was accidentally added in the 4.20 update and in the game was actually meant to be the jet pack not the eye of the storm tracker it replaced any back bling you currently had on your back at the time and allowed you to view the next future Storm Circle just by holding this thing on your back it was a seriously powerful item him crazy thing is it was only in the game for 30 minutes until fortnite realized they'd messed up and released an item that wasn't meant to be in the game and quickly replaced it with the jet pack some of these aspects were taken and putting into things like storm scout sniper rifle which had a little storm tracker on the actual weapon as you scoped in and of course now you can buy from NPCs the ability to see the next Storm Circle but just remember where all of these things originated from and if you were lucky enough to experience or use any of these 30 items count yourself lucky took a long time to put this video together so if you enjoyed it hit the like button and go and have a laugh now by checking out one hour of the funniest fortnite moments in all chapters and seasons of fortnite's History you may even spot some of the things we talked about in this video so go and quickly click it I'll see you over there
Channel: Ali-A
Views: 1,001,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, ali a, alia
Id: ZT6MOchaGuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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