PRO PLAYERS *MOST HATED* Weapons on Fortnite EVER!!

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since the game's launch in 2017 fortnite has seen a lot of guns items healings and just all these items in general be released into the game and of course over that time we've had five chapters with 50 plus Seasons many different themes many different people that we play the game with and so on and so forth and now it's it's kind of at a standstill a lot of content is dry because the game just is not fun right now well we should take that back because chapter 5 season 3 is what is not fun because the changes into that were just horrible it was just horrible as I talked about in the last video we got countless Nerfs guns that were taken out that didn't need to be taken out though we did get the combat AR that was a w and just all around a boring map change as it was just a desert we don't want that we don't need it and especially for no build people really did not want it but with that it had me thinking it had me thinking about whether there were items that were genuinely hated and oh yeah there were so if you are new to the game or not a lot of these items you might have had your hands on and honestly a lot of them were useless some of them were just flat out hated but today we're going to look at the top five fortnite items that were hated by the community starting off with a fresh honorable mention I'm going to go with the cars because they are annoying the different attachments that you can put onto it the different modifications you have with it are just unnecessary while they are fun you can have some fun with it they're just nerfed to Oblivion they nerfed Nitro they nerfed everything and just the cars are pointless at this point while you can do some nice things where you can shoot grenades and shoot them down unless you're one of of the skill players that has no worries about their aim it's not going to be worth it for you it's just not that's why I couldn't go with this video without at least including them in some form or another because I know people hated them when they came out people hated them when they got nerfed people still hate them now there's just no going about it now let's get into the real top five starting off at number five is one of the easiest ones I could have put on this list it is the six shooter now if you're skilled again some of these items you may love some of them if you're not skilled like myself you're going to hate and the six shooter is undoubtedly one of them for those of you that were poor enough to use the item in the game it's just not a fun gun it only has six rounds you really have to hit your shots it does 30 something damage and it's just not not enjoyable to play with meanwhile if you were one of the few like myself that played fortnite creative and played nuke town which fire map fire map it was the hardest gun to get off of including the bow that you have to get out at the end the six shooter was always the worst one and I think for a lot of people if you saw this gun you would go out of your way to either not use it either drop it or just damn exclude it because nobody wanted it and thankfully it hasn't been back in the game in a while and when it has been nobody's used it and that's really really soothing to me at number four we have the kinetic boomerang in chapter 4 we got a lot of the kinetic items like the hammer and the sword which were my personal favorites especially the sword as you were able to just fly around the map because that reload time oh that refresh time was good but the kinetic Boomerang on the other hand was just kind of a item that people were just able to throw around get some damage up and you know just not that good in general it was something that if you had the skill to hit people with it and take them out it was fun it was something new it was better than using a gun but compared to the hammer and the blade it just wasn't practical now of course there were guns that weren't as good either but when it came to using the blade again compared to the others this was a dud it really was a dud coming in hot at number three is the flame bow while the bows were able to do damage of course we had the impulse we had the stink bow we had the flame bow which was if you were going up against wood you could set things on fire and that's really as far as that goes while the bows were already incredibly hard to use and get damage and get kills the flame bows offered a little bit extra flare when it came to doing damage to your opponent because all they had to do was either destroy the building or just move out of the way because it really wasn't doing anything and again the bows were hard to aim whether you were up close or whether you were far away it just wasn't that good even head shot itself weren't that good and a lot of the community also really like the impulse bows because they used them as impulse grenades which were really nice and especially considering that it came from the Primal season in Chapter 2 which a lot of people don't want to talk about except myself I did enjoy that season a little bit but I'm not even going to go there right now I know people are going to get mad about that it was just a horrible horrible item where you were not picking it up you weren't even picking up the stink but you can put that in here with it as well but if you were somebody that liked it I would love to know how you used it because I was not killing anybody with it just never was never going to at number two we honestly have its cousin as it was the Firefly jar this was literally just a set fire that's literally all it was the only good it was for was setting up a wood Tower or building on fire you could just throw it on the wall so they disintegrate and they fall down to their death but if you're coming up against anybody with that even at least a little IQ they were going to be able to build down and make their way down safely and you know they would just do a 360 dance on your body and then you would die before you can even get a shot off you actually might kiss a wall doing that you might kiss the wall that's on fire that's how good those players were going to be but the Firefly jar really didn't do anything they kind of just were there setting things on fire like you're not picking that up you're just not you're not picking it up and if you were doing damage with that it was with people that were already down because they were moving a mile per hour and they weren't going to get out of that radius of fire that was burning around them that was literally the only way they were going out two of the honorable mentions that I want to include here that I didn't think about until after developing the list we have thanos's glove because that was just a MOS to get to you were just def fighting everybody in the lobby to get to them and when you got it you better have been good or you better I've gotten out of there because you were not making it out of there with more than 2 minutes on the game it was just obliterating everybody everybody there was no chance of you surviving with it and honestly I would bring it back I'd bring it back for the next season when the rumored Marvel collab drops because come on let's just bring it back one more time and the other honorable mention is the Infinity Sword I feel like that speaks for itself that thing was a one hit ko. machine and it was so hard to get if you got it you are just in like you literally didn't stand it you had to win the game I don't think people understand that if you had that thing that was pretty much an auto win unless you had zero IQ of what you were doing or maybe just had no idea where you were that thing was insane I will die on that Hill I I'd rather bring the Thanos gloves back over that the Infinity Blade I'd rather not have the Infinity Blade back at number one we have the most hated addition to the game and it's not even a question if you're around in chapter 1 for it you're going to validate this feeling in the comments I already know you are we have the brute slm these two player machines were just not fair they were not fun you literally just had to get in one you can fire missiles at each other jump on them do whatever you needed to do and it was just wraps after that there was just no point in even trying introduced in season X of chapter 1 which is the last season before the first map change people made it know that this machine was not wanted it was a living breathing nightmare for people because it had insane Health it was operated by two people one to include the walking and one to include the actual fighting and I don't want to think about it I really really do not it had an HP of 1250 and was doing 50 damage by stomp missile and shotgun and when it's self-destructed it did 100 so if you self-destructed it by somebody that didn't have Shield they're gone they're gone this thing was just something that didn't want to be messed with people were just hopping on other people detonating the mech it just wasn't a fun time it was rightfully so still one of the if not the most hated item in fortnite and I don't think they'll ever top that unless they bring it back which they probably will for some throwback season honestly chapter 2 OG maybe I don't remember if it was in there at some point point but you never know never know what they're going to do next let me know your thoughts though if there were anything on this list that should not have been on this list or which ones I validated your hate for because I know there's a few of you out there that didn't want to hear any of that again relive those nightmares but I'm sorry that I did it and if there was anything that wasn't included on the list that you think should have been let me know in the comments cuz I'm curious of the stuff that I might have missed back in the very beginnings of fortnite or maybe in the middle that kind of just fizzled out like in the Primal season let me know in the comments but until next time I'll be waiting you all for the next video and I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Gio Brennan
Views: 2,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite br, fortnite battle royale, fortnite clip, funny fortnite clip, worst fortnite clip, chapter 5, chapter 5 season 3, c5s3, fortnite wrecked, forntite cars, fortnite build, fortnite no build, fortnite update, gaming, gamer, funny fortnite clips, visual impairment, cars, fortnite bus, battle bus, fortnite worst clips, fortnite updates, worst fortnite clips, hate c5s3, fort cheat, worst fortnite item, worst fortnite weapon, fortnite item, heal, fortnite weapon
Id: pN45nKm0zT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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