The *RANDOM* MYTHIC BOSS Challenge! (Fortnite)

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there's seven mythics in the vaults right now and each of them has a boss associated with them Midas T and Tina ocean kit Zig the foundation and Gunner plus we got Cato Thorne guard in the vault so we'll count him too I'm gonna randomize all of these and whatever skin I get I can only use their weapons to win the game this is gonna be one of the hardest Challenges ever and to make it even more difficult I have to get a win with two of these bosses so make sure to watch the whole thing also I'm a little sad my goal is to hit 7 million subscribers and YouTube is telling me that 75 of you watching right now are not subscribed so make sure to hit that subscribe button with the bell for more daily awesome video let's get into it first up we have the one and only the goat himself Midas and with him it's gonna be mice's drum gun only let's go ahead and jump right into it now here's the thing his drum gun will 100 spawn on the island but it'll spawn at one of these three locations we don't know which one so I'm just gonna have to guess but with guessing I like to use odds in my favor so I'm headed over here to eclipse the state this one actually has three display cases that can spawn items where the other ones only have two each which means we have a three in seven chance of getting midas's drum gun which means we have a 42.8 chance of getting minuses drum gun by Landing here so not even a 50 chance but it's good enough for me okay oh my gosh there's another Midas this is uh this is awkward well hopefully he doesn't try to contest me if he does we're gonna have problems okay I'm gonna land right underneath here slide hit the camera open this up get a shock wave bust this open use this door break this take out the cameras take out everything we're just gonna have to rush him no Thorn you cannot take me out bro there we go thank you very much okay got that done mini up I'm just gonna shoot in his general direction so he knows that I know that he's there okay please please please now we just have to have odds in our favor I'm gonna go ahead and put some metal walls down there chug jug MK oh my this is Trump gun let's go we're stealing it right off the bat okay this is actually going really really great oh my gosh and I had to take down Midas that is just poetic really dude I got a vault I gotta loot everything in this Vault man the drum gun is an interesting weapon too I'll go over why but uh it's not what it used to be all right and I have evidence okay let's go ahead and just get everything here we go okay I'm feeling pretty good about my Loadout now okay midas's drum gun with a bunch of ammo I like it I like our odds actually our odds are pretty bad at a person nobody's here buddy don't worry nobody but me you really thought you could sneak into this Vault and get whatever you wanted huh this is my fault okay I need to get like some big pots or something let me check my augments out um let's see if I can find someone to help me on the go bag would be great and then it's gonna give me crash pads that's great than what I needed we're gonna move up a little bit look at all the stuff that this guy stole too he's got my hand that's just messed up I'm over here and I'm ready somebody walking right in front of me and now they're gone let's go ahead and take the rock RAM and I think now it's time for me to leave if I can get through here I'm gonna go ahead and just rock around through okay I got good materials I got good heels I got midas's drum gun and also I didn't know this but the rocker Rams full gold too which is sweet that's a pretty successful heist in my books honestly we're gonna take the golden car there we go now we just gotta win the game by only using Midas as a drone gun how hard could that be oh gosh it's gonna be extremely difficult and let's look and see what's in here okay we got some heels see some coconuts and over here we're gonna get some oh some more shock waves that's really nice and some more shockwaves if we could carry them I'm actually gonna grab them instead of The Rocker ramp and over here we got some splashes so that's good okay we can get a new augment there is some augments that could actually help me here I need stuff to do with light ammo there we go weapons using the light ammo reload faster I will take it we're actually gonna make our way back into the facility into the compound if you will because I feel like there's more people here they probably won't expect me to come back they're probably trying to loot the Vault right now or wait maybe I should get better heals it's a radio tower right here let me check it doesn't look like it so you know what I'm actually gonna go to the radio tower that's over by frenzy Fields either I need to get that radio tower or I need to get my Supply cash so either one of those because your boy needs to learn Small Change of the plans but that's what makes a plan good flexibility but also rigidness in the core of the tennis of the plant we kind of camouflage into the fields here I like it okay we're getting close mmm and off running with this thing is kind of crazy okay boost it oh mind the gap it looks like we have somebody here did you just get in the car foreign oh my gosh I just drum gunned him I'm a drum Gunner I'm a track star I run away when things get odd oh my gosh they're going bonkers over there I'm going in let's go be sneaky uh I think there's somebody here I guess not there's two people here I have a lot of light ammo so that's good it's shooting out my build from underneath okay we're in a stalemate all three of us now I see the key card down there I don't really care for it I really just wanted slurp so I might just go over to my uh beautiful beautiful cash here what the frick is happening foreign what is happening there okay there's a guy below you pay attention oh I forgot that that grenade launcher is in the game okay let me get more augments that could help me I really really need something good here I'm thinking SMG sign off is a technically an SMG I'm just gonna grab it just in case and then um I don't think there's anything else uh ammo drop let's do that I'm gonna build this so that he thinks I'm leaving he's got a strong pump there he used to treat him my advantage he's either really smart or really bad idea oh my gosh I actually eliminated him absolutely bodied oh my gosh he was stacked he had kids Shockwave launcher which I could use if I was kid but I'm not kid okay there's a chicken here give me that chicken meat they're probably looking at me and being like this guy is definitely doing a challenge okay give me this big pot and there's a rift here so I'll take that Rift in a second armor Jill over here though has uh some chests I gotta open gonna go ahead and toss this down and Farmer Joe don't mind me but I'm just gonna take the slurp truck over here there you go let's go hit the rift we're flying to the Zone I think I'm still gonna go get my cash I think it's a smart idea oh my goodness gracious there's a massive fight over there see when I see a fight like that at this point of the game I kind of want to just rush it to see if I can take them both out because it'll cause a problem for me later when they're completely and utterly stacked you know there's a chance that if I went right there and then that one of them would be down bad and makes it far more easy for me so that's kind of my thinking when it comes to that okay we gotta go over to my cash 400 meters away that's not too far and we got a car over there we can search all the stuff maybe get some more shock waves too okay no no no don't pick up these though no we got some extra heels but uh no Shockers and it looks like my cash is right on the edge Zone oh there's a rare chest here okay come on come on come on I just need two more chakras it's not a big deal right there we go oh my gosh look at all these barrels I mostly just broke them so I get an XP because I'm like that okay I'm like that oh what the heck ran into everything and we use some metal lock this off open it up now we can go ahead and just chill a little bit the Zone's gonna hit me but it's all good I'd rather get my sweet sweet cash weapons cash that is oh gosh oh gosh it's cornering me please oh gosh okay we're in store we have Med kit though we're trying to start popping now and then all this lovely loot that popped out I'm gonna need the metal 200 of it and then there's slurp juice and we're out of Zone look at that great timing perfect timing we can capture the point here too if we wanted to but uh I don't really need to there's somebody up there what am I looking at oh it's a chest it's like the lid of a chest I'm gonna Farm a little more metal here I know that nobody has kids Shockwave launcher now unless somebody was chilling in storm so that's actually huge because that's one of the biggest counters to me is just being able to get away as quick as possible and here's the thing about mice's drum gun I want you to pay attention when I eliminate somebody pay attention to the elimination feet all right and you'll realize quickly that it may not actually be midas's drum gun that we're using I know shocking shocking sometimes I gotta confront you guys with these facts what does the sign saying no walking no hands okay all right here's somebody here I'm going crazy okay what is this scene over here there's a car that's just flipped over all right I'm not even gonna take it that seems suspicious it's lined with C4 or something I got 540 ammo for my drum gun I gotta make this work there's five other people besides me and I'm looking darn good I mean look how good midas's drum gun looks everybody loves it it's beautiful look at it is somebody just rifted you might try to hit this launch pad so I'm going to try to intercept them they're not going to launch that okay oh my gosh what wouldn't the accuracy he's gonna hit that launch ready up need that already I have hit him for like 60 damage I mean it's not too shabby got some more heals in case anything goes down yeah range is not on my side let me tell you when I get first shot accuracy on this thing oh well I'm just gonna have to play zone honestly do you need more metal though brick is good but my metal is down bad Rocky going out sideways I see conditions here feet Slippery When Wet okay maybe I should activate the antenna because it would really help to know where I have to go next I'm going to do is probably build a little uh brick base here yeah this is gonna give me a lot of break do with crowns taking out people with crowns it should go swimmingly for me they are brawling okay I'm gonna look for this oh never mind pulls this way so you know I'm here he doesn't know I'm here he's gonna slurp juice in a second oh my gosh I eliminated in The Storm what I guess he just touched the storm wow okay 1v1 I think that the last person's like right here yep wow that was not smart of them I don't know why they did that minus drum gun only is complete but that is just one out of two of the bosses that we need let's go ahead and roll the dice see who we get next you already know who's up next but I'll play the song for you hit it okay here's the thing I would land Eclipse estate but it's right on the bus's path so I'm not gonna do that instead I'm gonna jump and uh trying to land over at this spot now here's the thing about Kit's Loadout all right kid has the shock rib launcher and the charge Shotgun If you really think about it I only truly need one to win although not having to charge shotgun is gonna make things incredibly difficult but I digress okay we gotta Focus up I don't want to lose my crown here I love how kit is literally just a cat controlling a robot like a kitty controlling a robot okay we actually have it sounds like quite a few people Landing here it's gonna make things more difficult you just gotta get really lucky with this Heist bag over here in particular come on give me this it's actually perfect all right give me that you know this I'm gonna heal up all the way and then I'm gonna go get the Abbas go through the wall oh shoot you want to open it up boss needs to go down right now immediately okay grab that we're gonna go through I'm gonna activate the lasers so behind me is locked then we're gonna open this up okay there we go I actually took like no damage I'm gonna drop the shotgun here oh my gosh they're all swarming me all right can you guys relax I'm literally just a kitty cat this one doesn't have it oh my gosh this is the worst Vault I've ever seen yeah I just gotta get out of here I think they're incredibly bad at aiming which I love like I'm really not taking any damage we're dipping look at this camera I'm out oh crap come on leave leave leave I am so out of here I'm actually making my grand getaway all right that didn't go great just gotta keep moving is there a car on the road there is a car to the right might be a motorcycle right here yes okay taking the motorcycle coming in hot they open up the Vault fudge I'm coming they just stole it okay I'm gonna chill right here I gotta hope somebody takes this person out I don't know what weapon they have they definitely have a sticky grenade launcher they're like right underneath me my Crown's Gonna Shine in like 20 seconds I think which is bad okay they escaped I have no idea what they took that's tough I have no idea what they took well this makes things more difficult I wasn't counting on having nothing so we gotta just like Trail this person okay they're right here I see them oh my gosh I'm actually so sneaky sounds like he's taking out all the guards I'm gonna go ahead and I got a really dumb plan I don't think it's gonna work I'm gonna go get this car because I need constantly know where he's going I'm gonna try to hide in the back seat of this car and then I'm gonna hope that he takes the car okay I actually think I hear him just I see him flying over there I can't turn off the radio for some reason but I can see them down there we just gotta keep on tailing them okay they're gonna go for the radio tower I'm gonna leave my car here I'm gonna open up my Supply gash I'm gonna see what they do oh gosh they're really moving um okay they're in the jungle look at this guy over here this is not the guy with the uh the vaulted item oh gosh that guy's this isn't even the guy they are rock rambling the homie I'm gonna hide right here this is a great spot oh my gosh this guy right there what do you got bro they're beefing I don't think this guy saw me I thought well this guy definitely didn't have what I needed this is turned into a spy mission they're brawling over oh wow that guy just got bodied okay from the sound of it doesn't sound like anyone has a charred shotgun okay well we somehow have survived so far I mean it's possible nobody got anything of kits honestly okay I see a bunch of loot here I don't know if this was the fight it was not the fight okay the person that's eliminating everybody is the one that has to charge shotgun so that is very very unfortunate that person doesn't go down I don't even have a chance wow I'm really hurt yeah this guy's a starter shocking uh it's a 1v1 versus me and the person that has kids hard shotgun I mean I guess I just gotta dance I'm just gonna do the emote it's man it's not that serious oh I might be dead here it's it's peace it's peace bro it's peace all right come on you can't eliminate a kitty I miss OG fortnite bro well that didn't go so well but next up we have the foundation with him we got the most overpowered AR of all time the Mythic mk7 now in addition to the Mythic Mark 7 I can also use EMP grenades why you might be asking while the foundation reminds me of Batman and that's definitely something Batman would use so here goes nothing we're landing at Eclipse estate the odds of us getting it are the same as getting the uh Midas drum gun like 42 43 maybe so I'm hoping and praying crossing my fingers that we get it but first we gotta get a bit luckier and hope there's a ice pack with something that'll help us break into the vault come on and there is okay let's break through this and I guess we're gonna do this too because we messed up we're just absolutely draining this guy for this shoot this grab this open this up okay this is good so far it's gonna heal as I go towards the Vault and let me hope and pray that we get it here okay kids shop with laundry kits that bow and then we have kids charge shotgun okay it is not here which is unfortunate but it is where it is I'm gonna go ahead and steal this because I feel like kit owes me and we gotta make our way over to another Vault it's the only way okay we got robots here just gonna ignore them can't really hit you I mean they can hit you but they suck so see you later bud he's waiting for me but I don't care let's get to one of these cars now I'm gonna go over to Relentless Retreat I can tell nobody opened the ball yet because there's no check mark on it it's gonna drive through shattered slabs oh somebody's shooting at me really well that is annoying because that's why you don't drive through shattered slabs there's some Shock on my vehicle this thing is struggling okay I'm gonna go ahead and just grab uh the shotgun and I'm gonna start just launching my way towards there okay it looks like somebody did just take out the bus they just open the vault okay I mean that part's not great just gonna see what I can do he hasn't stolen whatever it is yet what is in there it's nothing I need is that the other vault which is actually not open yet so that's a benefit they just got the key there's no should I make it over there though right I'm gonna launch out someone chasing me I can't tell they're going pretty close she's gonna take scar dip okay they're gonna grab that I mean this is 1800 meters away God's of me making it there are really low I mean me checking all of the vaults it's possible definitely not probable it all hinges on whether or not that guy picks up the vault key to be honest it looks like they haven't picked it up yet so that's giving me some hope maybe false hope but I'll take anything at this point even false hope I have to go so far I feel like this is the upgraded truck I'm just gonna go for it I can somehow hit all three first of all that's insane I don't think it's possible but I mean maybe I have my buddy here to help me out he's kind of he's doing the driving right now so the driving isn't great it's actually Charlie's fault okay come on oh gosh the valky just got picked up again other Stormtrooper here I think they just opened the Vault you know what even if this guy opened up the Vault if I can eliminate him I'm gonna count it because going to all three vaults and solos is kind of ludicrous I mean he has one of two choices there if he chooses the MK I will destroy him are the sirens blaring they are blaring okay oh my gosh she has it yeah give me a second oh my gosh I got him I told you I'm counting it I've gone too far to not give me that Mark Seven let me heal up too oh my gosh we went across the island like infinitely to find this thing and you know what kit you owe me this grenade launcher okay this Shockwave launcher I'm making exceptions I mean I make the rules so here we go can I get into this air vent that would be huge oh I can't myth confirmed honestly Foundation could do whatever he wants you know I'm fully stacked though let me hit this launch pad maybe go get my cash do that we're just gonna line this up wow skills to pay the bills what the heck is that there's a guy with a Sky Box sky base Skybox like right above my cache what's up with that what was the point of that [Music] coming over buddy moving minutes bro you're not gonna win versus the MCAT you already know this goodness gracious he's flying away I'm gonna chase him you know what I am gonna chase him come in where'd he go there he is got him oh my gosh pesky little bugger let me tell you all right get back over to our cash because we need the heels that just shows people not to mess with the foundation which I haven't got an EMP at all yet that's fine we don't even need one really everything's going according to play kind of I also have four augments which is kind of crazy let me do this there we go now we're zooming try to get my augments on the go bag is perfect oh gosh I should got the other one actually high voltage yep first assault and then we'll choose the rest in just a little bit I gotta get over here crispy all the way up I'm assuming some people will hit a riff to get over here I'm just gonna stay alert stay alert and stay safe get my other augments high voltage there you go and then let's get uh explosive Surplus Shield breaker EMP at the ready kit would have wanted me to use a Shockwave launcher okay I can see the comments now that's what he wanted he wanted me to have it all right give me all this there we go I'm actually stacked look at my inventory oh my here we freaking go here's some more shots ringing out over here we're gonna go for something a little risky I don't know why hmm I thought the Raptor was aiming at somebody he's definitely angry let me take a look around oh there is a guy right there Hi friend oh they're in the house voila absolutely look at this ammo before this Raptor eats me please leave me alone it looks like they're fighting over here oh I see them one down two down and there's a llama over there look at the Llama go okay well the storm is closing and hot trying to see if anyone else is gonna attack this area it looks like we might be safe and secure okay well that tells me that I gotta find a rift so let's Rift on out of here five people left okay there's a big fight over here I'm gonna try to land on the chimney stack this guy's a crown he doesn't know I'm here really this is sniper though this is risky come on let me leak a shot I don't know where he went 46. 46 again he's got slurps on slurps I can tell that oh it's on my toes uncalled for we got his guard get that guy for 21. got him oh my gosh it's freaking go give me all that stuff oh my gosh they were stacked utterly stacked two people in my way one person in my way and if I win this I get a crown come on oh zip lining 57 one shot let's go the random Boss Challenge is complete y'all love to see it make sure you subscribe if you enjoy this GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 5,389,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lEey5yE-WrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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