FORTNITE BUILD a CUSTOM BOAT Challenge! (Fortnite Creative)

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welcome everyone to another awesome fortnight build challenge today the challenge was to build a boat now that was it just a boat or a ship or anything that kind of goes on water the challenges between me Geordi and jelly and whoever makes the best ship build is the winner my idea for the ship build worse build an aircraft carrier because in my mind I knew that jelly and Geordi would both try and build like a yacht or two something flashy and maybe a bit boring I don't know who said that was it was me it was me so yeah I thought was building an aircraft carrier I could do a little bit of something different with it I kind of jumped into it not knowing exactly what I was going to do but I think it came together look quite good I spent a lot of time on place it's like the front of the ship to make it look like perfectly lined up and nice I wanted to make sure I always had enough time to build like some cool interior sections and but also make it functional so that the planes could you know take off and then land again hopefully if you unless you're jelly flying and then you just crash into the ocean we also got some pretty cool guns that I put on top of it later on in the build I thought that would look kind of cool and be a bit different yeah spent a ton of time on it and it turned out really good so I hope you guys enjoyed the build will be checking out jelly and Jordi's boats first and then we'll check out mine anyway let's get into the showcase guys my boat is done oh I knew I was about to say is this a pyramid show it sure is sake is all the power I kind of wanted it to be locked but ferry works better did you by any chance take that idea from me no whoa Tony we haven't seen yours yet come on your boat ladies two gentlemen welcome yeah real it looks very fancy for a fairy yeah it does right I mean it's so big rock but it's not a yawn you know what it got it got it really did you make your shape like really wide and you were like let's decorate and Julie stop calling him out okay all right I like you know anyway this is where I read my books that's right yeah Jilly yeah right that's been that's the big what's the last book you read Steve Jobs nice it's very nice but yeah this is a little cheer area we've gotten I Stella sheering I said tail guys this is a little cheer area we've got a nice television what else over here is another little chill area this is my favorite one this is kind of like the living room - yeah yeah chill areas where wait what TVs are on at the same time like that's why I hear each other electricity oh sorry I mean ferry right that's the enter of this nice that cooks the food for me very nice and a really nice engine room here by the way I would like to mention this boat is a I operated that's right there's smoked human using this ferry just so you just go like hey Siri at sell me to the Bahamas and they'll do it exactly that'll be nice I like two guys there I know cool really kind smart so wait I didn't actually show you guys the at the first balcony of this room Oh show us about a literally yep just wow okay with a nice little barbecue but let's head upstairs guys because it's gonna get bad oh there's some more okay this is a very very fancy ferry I'm telling you that yeah I don't want to say that question I got my own kitchen I don't use it but you never know in a mood where you have all your red boys your own I thought this is a ferry yeah I could cook myself if I want it's my fairy Josh see what I mean jelly owns the ferry juice and is and here's a guy named Ernie a grand ferry okay in my fairy Jacuzzi jacuzzi that is really look at that so nice like the biggest Terrace of them all it's very massive partially not decorated yet I ran out of money look at these magical floating barriers that's impressive that's cool right it's um they're made out of carbon say a very strong they're made out of carbon yeah how do we get up here so come up here guys we have one oh yeah more floors to go I didn't see the stairs on top of it the master bedroom okay wait you need to sleep this is a yacht ferry maybe or it's an exclusive ferry okay consider this Jilly's like privacy alright okay so yeah this is uh this is the terrace of the master bedroom where you can go snack these are the speakers raise the diving board guys this is a very fast very all right guys welcome to my yacht feel free to turn around oh oh thank you thank you before we get started I kind of want to show a few little Easter eggs that I added in here for x-ray fly around with me and before we get on the yacht get over here guys we got our own little canoes nice and we you know we don't only have to walk on the boardwalk to the to the ship we also have you know we can say the canoes and then right right over here whoa that's insane man hey thank you so this is where we store a little a little yachts mine out nice so if you'll free do that cross that everybody but yeah I don't know jelly just guys just cross it come on Josh okay we're not actually moving so it's staying here well is this culture it's the supership super ship yes I don't think that's how you call these things all right guys where do you guys want to get started you know what we'll just start on this floor and then we'll work our way down so nice this is where you know you chill and when the jet skis and you know follow you while going through the ocean and chill here it's nice party with a disco rear I have a dance floor and this is where you know I think oh you know judge do that stop singing you know I got a little DJ oh yes Jordan Jays own over here I'm in my element right now this is me actually and so so obviously we have the dance room I mean we're on the yacht look we've got speakers everywhere these little speakers they're all over nice everywhere my control room hey I assisted not fully a a I operated but this is where the captain is you know doing its thing actually got two captains here because I always want to have some good performance is you know a below at night and you know some drawing boards this is where you keep the dead bodies I'm excited to see what you got man down low say yeah this way you can take the stairs down and it looks like it's taking a Walter a bit so we have surfboards or jets oh it's like a submarine watery thingy and we're gonna go down another floor because there's another staircase that takes us down you've got a massive ship so you can go down here and we are two rooms I'll take you through the whoa what that one by one what is it all right over here we have a Josh's room Josh like stupid I don't know why Josh what it means in one and as in the other no because what you do is I sleep in this and then when I get restless tonight I then go in this bed and then it's fresh but yeah you know when you take the pillow over it's like right over here we have a guest bedroom one and nobody's actually in there yet lots of lots of energy also drawer is an athlete X on this [ __ ] yeah and then this is this is mine and Aziz bedroom nice nice this is where we sleep we'd have nice and cozy yeah right over here is a shared laundry room not laundry toilet let's party poop guys then on the left here we have Julie's room Julie feel free to walk in this is funny I remember this joke from somewhere you know very very pretty right nice excellent follow me follow me up here guys the master suite Oh pretty much where we just chilled like I said no breezy out yeah but you know these are windows done okay we'll get here so so this is where you know we can hang out and watch television you know we can chill here and talk about here or chill again this is a little cheer area we've got a nice television this is where you know we have dinner or dining room you know come on exquisite on the wall this is absolutely nothing to storage then this is the master bedroom this is where was let's say brand brand-new television it looses where you know whoever you want can stay here whoever wins this bill challenge can stay here you know what I mean look it is that I have a really what jacuzzi well this is twice as big as jelly's my guys it's really cool mine on the edges actually is closed off as you can see you know like some other people ass yeah that was short daily show you can only get there from from this way unless you get in through a different way so you have your private entrance from up here but there is more you could only get in this way unless you go a different way okay I'm trying to sell you this young okay it's like having a front door you know we have a flag and we have an antenna and everything that's really cool and that's my yacht guys also oh one final detail we have we have some lights over here and is a little chill chill area here if you want to sit in front of the ship and wait what happened here yeah it's right there are no blocks that goes on I don't think we were rushing this bill Jory guys listen there's no blocks that go sideways this is the best I could do alright guys welcome to my [ __ ] time yep you can now look around are you like an SRE baby so as you can see we've docked in this small town over here Julie over here you can see where I made the joke first and then Jordi stole away jelly there's your little guys I made the same joke you'll see and then follow me guys just in here so this is a lovely little area over here we've actually got a little life statue of me jelly we continue on now obviously this talk wasn't built for this thing so yeah usually you get a helicopter so you helicopter yeah you need to go get the helicopter come on [Applause] so yeah this is my this is my aircraft carrier this is the top level yes what I thought we were a peaceful little light [Music] [Applause] so if you hear I've done more detail on the edges yeah and then runway a lot of like it over here Jordy you'll see um you see where you do it diagonally yeah over here we've got our siren so that's the alert for when things need to take off yeah this is our Harrier jet over here so they can take off vertically or they can hit the runway actually know that I'm lying actually in case yo sir s Josh in here we've got the main control room you could actually control the whole thing laying down which the whole is pretty cool I like how you did like a bunch of small televisions yeah we've got a couple of little balconies you can kind of see more of the detail of the ship if you look up and look around and detail yes here we have the living quarters nice nice not that luxurious I mean it's not just a military [ __ ] going Jilly's ferry - you know relax this isn't cozy boys this gets things done to the top then we've got the cleared the main area - yeah it's just kind of decoration though but it is cool yeah it looks cool looks really nice so if you guys follow me down so past the control room this is the cargo bay cargo bay nice whoa you got the cars you've got the loot yeah yeah if you guys go look in that open container there that one there what does it say oh it says no hold cops so it lets go everybody if you look at the front I built a lot of infrastructure for the boat that's quite cool yes it can be like slamming boost up or it was like you do want to decorate more so here back you know one of the 40 stop beat so smart so if you see that that bomb level is perfectly lined up where you could put the stuff in so if you guys want have a fly around and have a look I put a lot of time in detailing the edges and let's do it jelly careful come in be careful jelly just there long time if the detailing is took a it took like five hours so yeah you could take off a plane Oh Jim show yourself attack some other enemies people I'm just gonna jump in Julie's plane which has got the bait I vote for jellies boat Oh remember to use coats logo in the fortnight store if you want to be cooler than all of your friends you can thank me later bye [Music]
Channel: Slogo
Views: 4,788,649
Rating: 4.8793736 out of 5
Keywords: child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, slogoman, slogomanify, funny moments, gaming, game, fortnite, custom build, jelly, kwebbelkop, dream boat, creative mode
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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