Fortnite’s BIGGEST Mystery SOLVED..

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jon jones is the most recognizable character in fortnite but did you know epic games dropped a bombshell about his family secret fast and the answer to a mystery that is four years in the making this new information reveals a ton about season four and i don't know how the island will survive the live event but these mysteries all tied together so watch them to the end for a huge surprise fortnite just revealed an insane plot twist that jon jones not only has a family but they were actually given immortality this is what happens when you work for the imagined order they have the power to grant you eternal life and hundreds of years ago jones took this offer in a heartbeat but soon would regret it as he worked his way through the ranks of the io jones became more valuable to the organization but there was one huge problem his family they were from a very dangerous reality and if you want immortality you have to live on the fortnite island jones constantly was kidnapping people and sending them to the loop but his wife wanted no part in it and this is where the mystery gets crazy his entire family left while the imagine odor promised to protect them on their dangerous homeworld they wouldn't be immortal as they grew old jones realized he didn't want to do this anymore he wanted to die of old age with his grandchildren well dr sloane broke the bad news that if jones leaves the isle won't protect the rest of his family quitting means his descendants will die this turning point for jones made him stay with the imagine order doing their dirty work and trying to move on from his past life everyone he loved was gone and he was just staying to protect family members that he barely even knew this is where it all ties together jones may have deserted the imagined order but this helped us learn that one of the seven was actually a traitor after months of rumors it's been confirmed that the paradigm did work with the i o in chapter one but the reason completely took me by surprise last season we learned how the devourer got to the fortnite island the gigantic iceberg was actually part of a planet known as the ice moon you might remember it from last season's live event this fragment of the moon actually included polar peak a castle belonging to the ice king and inside of its dungeon was a monster who broke out of the ice the devourer wanted the zero point and this is where it gets interesting to fight the monster the imagine order worked with the paradigm to build a giant mech and save the island we theorized about this for a while but the paradigm exposed the truth the imagine order were actually fine with the monster killing every resident on the island they didn't care but they were worried that it would attack the zero point and that's where the paradigm stepped in while jenna and sloane wanted to build a doomsday machine to defeat the monster she offered to pilot a giant robot instead we all know how the event played out but after killing the monster she flew into space never to be seen again until now the robot went to that ice moon which is where it was found during the collision event but the mystery of how they got here is incredible the scientists made contact with the paradigm at the start of the season and began communicating with her from the ground but he secretly told the foundation that she was dead and was talking to ai instead the seven were extremely angry at the paradigm for working with the io and if they knew she was alive they wouldn't bother saving her so if you're wondering why doctor strange appears out of nowhere at the start of the war it's because the seven enlisted the help of marvel characters in order to defeat the imagined order thanks to thornstorm they were able to change the weather on the ice moon and help the seven rescue the robot and of course when they got there the paradigm is alive and waiting for them this all builds up to the final battle against the imagined order after centuries of conflict dr sloan finally meets her match and the entire operation is taken down but there's one piece of the puzzle left jenna fortnite's secret villain that has been pulling the strings since day one and this week i found everything there is to know about jenna and what we learned will blow your mind this is what helped us figure out what to expect in season four so it is incredibly important to pay attention here for those who are unfamiliar with jeno he's the founder and leader of the imagined order he created it along with five other mysterious leaders and each of them have their own symbol in the ios logo this one is worn by dr sloan and her i o guards making her one of the six you might be wondering why we haven't seen any of the characters but we have managed to find two more one of these symbols belongs to an unnamed man that was spotted in chapter 2. originally the community thought this is geno but since his official reveal during the collision event we have been left stumped however in the latest comic issue the imagine reveals that geno has an inner circle aka the six leaders and the mysterious man from the photo must be one of them and while season six fire was incredibly confusing it contained this symbol which is one of the runes in the isle's logo the guardians of these towers are led by the spire assassin and spire immortal are they part of the inner circle too or do they answer to someone even more sinister for much we have assumed that the imagine and the order are the daughters of geno it was a pretty obvious guess based on their names but epic has finally confirmed it the sisters revealed that they were genetically improved by geno before being born he gave them immortality super strength and designed his daughters to be practically perfect jenna let them use reality as their playground letting them do whatever they wanted but one day things changed in an instant one of the members of jenno's inner circle offered him a bet they wanted to see if the sisters could be the first people to ever escape the loop and even gambled how long it would take after being sent in the sisters actually escaped but it took way longer than jenna had hoped and this is the part that explains everything in the modern day we know that escaping the loop will leave behind a snapshot of yourself and this is why agent jones has so many jonesies running around but with the sisters being some of the first people ever to escape they were met with a huge shock returning home the loop created snapshots of them but they were better these clones were used to fighting in the loop and became stronger because of it so jeno replaced his daughters with the new and improved versions so they left and joined the seven taking on the names the imagine and the order they chose these names to take back control of their identity so while the sisters might be twins they have very different motives the order wants to help people in the loop get back to freedom but the imagine just wants to get revenge on her father she admitted all of this while talking to wolverine and then it kind ends with this so i guess we'll move on from here you might be wondering what the point of all this is what does the imagined order actually want time and time again they've allowed the zero point to destabilize attempting to destroy the island with doomsday devices and even sat back and let a cube army take over the island but why well it's been confirmed that geno originally created the imagine order to find the perfect civilization which is the end goal of the entire storyline he has spent centuries kidnapping people from the realities and forcing them to fight in this loop the point of this is to recruit the greatest warriors and leaders to the imagine order giving them immortality and allowing them to live on the island let's take for example midas we've all grown tired of this man by now he is probably florida's biggest mystery but guys i solved it after reading the latest issue midas entire story has been unraveled including his connection to oro put a lot of work into this so subscribe if you're enjoying it here's how midas became fortnite's most underrated character and how he might make an appearance in season 4. we've all heard the legend of king midas but fortnite did it differently our version of midas is an international crime boss who came to the island in season 2 and flipped the storyline on its head but did you know that his grand plan was years in the making before this midas had found himself in the imagine orders academy in this early photo of dr sun you could spot him in the audience and this was the beginning of his scheme midas sends his daughter jules into the imagine order where she becomes a master engineer working her way up to the io's doomsday division this is where she begins creating machines that can destroy entire realities but the whole time jules is secretly using this information to plan out the device a machine that will destroy the loop for good meanwhile mida sets up the agency dozens of loopers become secret agents reporting everything back to midas eventually the device is complete but we all know how that played out in retaliation the imagine order traps jules in the loop replacing her with a more obedient snapshot jewels meowsos and marigold have spent the past few years attempting to escape the loop and hiding midas location while the io may think he's dead the gang are preparing a plan we have yet to find out what that is but any day now it'll unfold as for his connections to oro it's actually really simple for years we've been trying to explain how oro and midas are the same person or ways that they could be related but fortnite has also explained the curse of the golden touch to us over and over again we just were listening king oro along with irelia are from a reality where they're cursed with the golden touch somehow might has found oral skeleton and was given this curse as i was cut like everyone else with the golden touch and that is the connection between the two fighters was simply a crime boss who got too greedy and went after oro's treasure only to be cursed for it well guess what gold isn't the only elemental power important to fortnite an easter egg from over four years ago explains the future of the storyline and gives us an understanding of what to expect from season four and even the seasons after that pay attention to this one it could reveal the secret behind fortnite's next villain and shout out to tdsx for inspiring us to look back at this in chapter 1 the ice king arrived on the map along with a fragment of his planet but this wasn't the only thing he brought we all know how the volcano struck folder peak allowing the monster inside to escape but two seasons prior the original prisoner of this castle was this man he's one of the most important storyline characters out there even though nobody talks about him the prisoner was trapped in polar peak covered in blocks of ice but when the fragment crashed into the fortnite island he was able to escape they broke out of his chains beginning a path that would eventually lead to the entire map changing while was chain's gone he's revealed to be the fire king and after the ice king had taken over the island the damage had to be undone the prisoner created a volcano that served as his new base and then stole hybrid eggs from polar peak these hatched and became his bodyguards but sadly once the volcano erupted he vanished and our attention was turned back to polar peak where this table finally makes sense according to the concept artist this is where the ice king would have his meetings about the prisoner in his basement we've covered this before how each symbol on the table represents an element we have the ice king the fire king and three other elements which is where season 4 comes into play if you go to the sanctuary right now you can find paintings on the wall that also shows these elements you can see fire and water but there are a ton of other mysterious symbols most notably you could spot a nature element and this leads me to believe that the upcoming season 4 villain is related to this it literally looks like a flower and they've already proven that they could spread nature all over the map the ice king did the exact same thing this new story creates a big question is reality zero full of elemental planets is oro a part of this group when are we gonna see more of them and if so does the bloom watcher represent the nature element that brings us to season four in the mystery surrounding his theme we have been partying at vibin for way too long and it's been hard to figure out what's next but all of the mysteries that we've answered in this video reveals more than you would expect fortnite expands his multiverse with every single season and now the world itself is being expanded we have more planets and characters in the story than ever and it is slowly developing into one big battle the seven versus the io is over and it's time to make way for the next era of the story so where does that go whether it's a battle of the elementals or another crossover season something big is around the corner the new villain is just a taste of what to expect we have tons of marvel characters who appear in the zero war comics and will be making their way to the fortinet island next season dr doom is officially working with geno to steal the zero point shard and we've already seen the effect that thor and other characters have had on the story so far it is no surprise that the future of the fortnite story is with these crossovers and considering chapter 2 season 4 was a marvel season chapter 3 is more than likely to contain something similar the mcu is heading into the multiverse saga and it looks like fortnite may just be as well hope you guys enjoyed it but tommy keep it here on top 5 gaming
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: fortnite season 4, Fortnite’s BIGGEST Mystery SOLVED.., fortnite, fortnite new season, new fortnite season, fortnite season 4 update, fortnite update, update fortnite, fortnite new update, fortnite updates, season 4 fortnite, fortnite season 4 mysteries, fortnite season 4 new, fortnite season, new fortnite, fortnite new, fortnite mystery, fortnite mysteries, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: 6S-zXTwaHtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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