7 Fortnite Mysteries SOLVED Years Later

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in july of 2018 the entire fortnight community banded together to watch the rocket blast off our first ever live event the creation of this rift changed everything we knew about the game and in the next season will be the birthplace of one of fortnite's greatest mysteries for years to come bro why the laughing so long bro is this an event what just happened kevin would set out around the island on an unknown mission to find something or someone with his journey lasting multiple seasons first creating runes and sinking into the lake before eventually turning into a floating island all of this led up to the end event a fresh start with a new map new pois and the end of the kevin the q mystery or so we thought the only reference of kevin was found at a new point in chapter 2 known as steamy stacks a power plant run by a company that was of course named kevolution energy on the surface it was a nice tribute and that's how most players took it until eight seasons later as the cube queen gathered her army something unexpected happened at steamy the first time anything would happen here in over two years a cube had broken out of the power plant and emerging from the wreckage was kevin because the chapter one island was reformed into the chapter 2-1 this entire time it was kevin in steamy stacks so as he went to join the war effort he left only two words kev out after four years of speculation kevin's story finally came to a close but another one was only just beginning the last reality mystery one day we're running around in a primal world with our most dangerous problem being wildlife and seemingly overnight thrown into darkness out of nowhere an alien evasion shifted our attention away from one of fortnite's most overlooked mysteries throughout season six we followed raz a man obsessed with the spire claiming it held secrets unlike anything we had seen before we learned that it had called to him in his dreams as a child that he spent his entire life trying to get to the fortnite island and discover the spires hidden past something big was about to happen we just didn't know it yet npcs like jonesy the first warned us to stop razz worried that he would be corrupted by the spires power but it was too late ryze's dedication had paid off he uncovered an artifact covered in glitchy purple ruins it took over his body turning him into the glyph master and as his power grew we had to fight him and reclaim the stolen artifact but the damage was already done the last reality had ambushed the island and destroyed the spire for good and razz's story was wrapped up but with so many questions fans just weren't happy with the conclusion we went back and tried to figure out what razz had learned why the arrival of the last reality was so sudden luckily we found answers it was revealed that raz's backbling held a crucial feast of the mystery something that was hidden in plain sight and wasn't revealed until an entire season later all you had to do was look closely and there it was the crown of the cube queen we quickly realized what this meant the community was looking at this completely wrong braz wasn't learning the secrets of the spire he had led the last reality right to our front door beginning the invasion so what were they after well that lies in the big bang mystery it's chapter one and the entire community is banded together to unlock a mysterious vault on the island and after weeks of effort the final rune clicks and the zero point is revealed oh my god what's happening oh my god i'm in this astral plane or something there's like a crystal ball as well do you see that at the time this orb was simply hiding in the background and the community didn't pay much attention at first but as time moved on this seemingly innocent ore began to play a crucial role in the fortnite storyline and we just hadn't realized it yet eventually everything begins to center around the zero point wild monster tries to take it exposing it to the world it just stabilizes causing rifts and time and space time travel brings back old events and places confusing us even more we had no idea what was going on a group known as the seven leaves tapes explaining their plan to save the zero point from exploding we learned that this orb is more powerful than we first thought it would attract a lot of attention from anyone who learned about it but before we could unlock its secrets it was too late the end was approaching this black hole took us into chapter 2 a new beginning where all the mysteries and questions we once had were tossed to the side throughout the chapter villains and secret groups try to get control the zero point with galactus noting that it is the most powerful energy he has ever come across with the emergence of the imagined order in season five we discovered that the zero point can be used to open portals to other realities giving us a taste of its true potential but it's not until years later that the answer to the mystery is finally unlocked the foundation the leader of the seven reveals that the zero point created all life as we know it in the beginning there was nothing then in a blast of pure creation the zero point sprang into being here we call that the big bang how every universe came to exist and so at the very center of these countless universes reality zero the home of the zero point the start of everything the zero point was not only powerful it was the link between every single reality that has ever existed the imagine order's battle for control now made sense if you control the zero point you'll become the most powerful person that has ever existed villains have come and gone but the imagine order still retains their power and they are willing to do anything to maintain order which helped us solve the loop mystery since the beginning of fortnite battle royale everything that we do has been accepted as simply part of the game but some things just never added up when a player was eliminated they would be picked up by a robot and through the years this evolved but now if you die on the island you disintegrate into cubes other things seemed out of place too suddenly major storyline characters like midas and jonesy were getting different outfits new skins it just didn't make sense it was becoming apparent that there was a reason for all this but there was never an explanation and so years pass and we put our suspicions to the side assuming the answer will never be revealed until fortnite's crossovers come into play bringing thor to the fortnite island here he begins to also lose his memory fighting against an unknown force he's being controlled but we don't know how or why and the same phenomenon happens in the fortnite batman comics over a year later batman forgets his own identity puzzled by his surroundings and as the world's greatest detective decides to get to the bottom of it he investigates the loop eventually discovering it resets your memory every 22 minutes and somehow forces people to fight each other to the death if you try to leave you would be evaporated so instead they are stuck you're fighting until the end of time without even knowing it so batman dives deeper into this mystery figuring out the loop is controlled by an organization known as the imagine order and they enforce it using the storm which must take a significant amount of power from this we're able to put together that the io is powering the loop with the zero point to keep their activities top secret have you heard about the anomaly and came to investigate the iowa would wipe your memory and keep you as a prisoner on the island forever and they did all of it without ever laying a finger on you the mystery of the loop what controlled it and why it was here was finally solved after four years so as we close the case on this mystery we were also able to learn about the bunker it all started back in 2017 half a decade ago fortnite didn't have a storyline it was a game which we played every day and didn't think twice about until one day everything changed come over this hill there we go guys the secret bunker now you may be thinking ah just crack it open you can't as the seasons continued war bunkers appeared and opening them seemed to be completely out of the question whoever or whatever owned these bunkers had a secret to hide and they were not willing to let anyone know about it with these bunkers confusing the whole community the mysterious occurrences continued a new organization appeared on the island setting up camp at dusty divot and also holding secret operations in the basement of wailing woods on paper this meant something important was about to happen but as we waited and waited the bunkers in this government organization faded out of the spotlight our search for answers was brought to a halt so as we moved on to chapter 2 people noticed that these bunkers were appearing once again and this time in even more hidden locations the story wasn't over we had to get to the bottom of it but nobody knew how it was one of fortnite's longest running mysteries just what was in these bunkers well luckily over five years since we were first introduced to them batman and his investigation of the loop was able to open them it turned out that since the beginning the imagined order had been using these bunkers to get their operatives onto the island agents like jon jones would wear disguises and do field work using the bunkers as safe transportation in and out of the loop it led straight to the bridge the headquarters of the imagined order and were guarded by iron golems and hundreds of io guards in case of any intruders it was then we realized that the imagine order have been pulling the strings since the very beginning posing as a government to go undetected they would investigate situations on the island like the crash of the meteor which also was the first appearance of the visitor kick-starting the fortnite storyline and sending us into a mystery that would not be solved until 14 seasons later and that is the seven mystery when the visitor emerged from the meteor he noticed that the government which we now know was the imagine order had him surrounded he decides to sabotage their work by trashing their labs and destroying their supplies before fleeing in the rocket we never heard from him again by the time the next season arrived a lot of us had forgotten about the visitor not realizing just how incredibly crucial his story would become a year went by and a new character was introduced into the storyline known as the paradigm she had a similar suit design to the visitor and was described as being a member of a mysterious group known as the seven the group grew larger pretty quickly as these scientists made his way to the island with the zero point destabilizing he had to do something fast he left tapes documenting his progress and claimed what the seven of them were attempting was very risky but it must be done however we had still only been introduced to three members before we could find out who was risking their lives to save reality the seven's plan had already begun one of them flew into the zero point weakening its defenses with the other six leading the meteor straight towards it and their identities remained a total secret and for almost two years we wouldn't hear from the seven again until one day jon jones broke into the imagine order stealing files related to the seven he used the information he gathered to craft a plan and got to work and this would introduce us to the foundation it actually worked the seven were finally back but the mystery remained there were still three members missing and before we could get some answers the foundation sealed himself away inside of the spire and all of her hope of getting closure was gone it took months before the foundation story was back on track after being thrown from the zero point into gotham city and making his way back to the island he located jon jones and saved him from the imagine order's grasp but it wasn't until chapter 3 where these seven secrets would finally be revealed this flips out of the island contained the sanctuary a temporary home for the seven we figured out that this is where they have been hiding for years just like the imagine order hid in plain sights with bunkers the seven were on the other side of the fortnite island not the sanctuary totems appeared there was seven totems each representing a different member of the seven three of these totems finally revealed the names of the unidentified members introducing the origin and the sisters this allowed the community to finally close the case on a mystery that spanned three chapters half a decade of speculation dozens of live events and way more and those were seven fortnite mysteries that were solved years later hope you guys enjoyed it's been tommy and keep it here on top 5 gaming
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Keywords: fortnite, 7 Fortnite Mysteries SOLVED Years Later, fortnite chapter 3, fortnite new update, fortnite mysteries, fortnite mysteries solved, fortnite mystery, fortnite chapter 3 mysterys, fortnite chapter 3 secrets, secrets fortnite, mysteries fortnite, fortnite new, new fortnite, new fortnite update, new fortnite mysteries, new fortnite secrets, chapter 3 fortnite, fort, nite, battle royale, chapter 3, new, update, video
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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