Fortnite Tried HIDING This..

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from secret identities revealed to the new evidence of midas's return I'm going to reveal storyline Easter eggs you definitely missed in the new fortnite update starting first with the brand new update to the bamboo now I'm sure most of you guys are aware of the bamboo that actually appeared last update and it was pretty random there was no explanations and now in this update they've actually removed it and now they've actually added an AI spawn location tag for bamboo so this fortnite leaker thinks that the Bamboo's actually going to start growing and things get a little bit more interesting because fortnite has just added brand new textures that relate to a tiger skin and while this skin did just appear in a fortnight skin survey and well if you're wondering what does this Tiger have to do with bamboo there's a super famous painting that features tigers and bamboo together and basically in Japanese culture they say that tigers are the only animals capable of navigating through thick bamboo forests so all this together might sound like a bit of a stretch but I feel like it was just too many coincidences to not mention it so if you want the skin when it comes out I give five of my subscribers every single day who drop a like turn on all notifications and leave a comment with their epic ID so congratulations to these subscribers that just got a gift and well if you guys plan on buying any other skin please just take two seconds to put code Doom in the item shop when you log on it really means the world to me and one of the other theories was that bamboo was arriving from the rift gate basically and well this is kind of starting to make more sense too because there are going to be Rift pois coming to the island very soon it looks like there's seven different versions so I don't know if that means they're gonna change kind of how like at the Coliseum that one season we had different versions of that POI every time that you jumped into a match but not only that there are going to be brand new biome events which sounds like it's something similar to the weather events we had but the reason we pretty much know these are coming this season and not next season is because the brand new oathbound quests also got leaked so if you guys go in game now you'll see that the new oathbound quests don't start for another 13 days however in the files we kind of already have Clues as to what we can expect so part four seems to have a few different sections we're going to start with the getting coordinates and then we have to decipher the start and finish of where we're going and then finally it looks like the portal does open so yeah when that does happen obviously it makes sense that there would be some change to the island and that's probably what those Rift pois are for and well now I guess we can basically confirm that the rift gate will be completed and will actually be used properly and it turns out there was official concept art by epic that got released a few months ago so this is probably what it's going to look like apparently these were meant for chapter two season five but hey I guess they finally found a use for them and in just a second I'm gonna explain to you guys why this part in the storyline is actually pretty close what was going on back in Chapter 2 Season 5 and season six but anyways like I was saying it is confirmed that the portal is going to be opened however once it is powered up it looks like it actually gets destroyed pretty quickly because check out this sound effect it's already in the files so now for part five we have some descriptions of what we can expect for that section of the quest and there's something to do with an ancient text and then we have to search papers and then collect the telescope and then place a telescope now I'm guessing this telescope's gonna reveal something pretty important because if you remember at the very beginning of these oathbound quests Rift Ward and stellen literally said he consulted the stars and guys it turns out that spawn Island you can see a very distinct set of seven stars that are grouped together and well obviously some people are gonna say this is connected to the seven in some way but I don't really know for sure it is just kind of weird that they have this set of stars just grouped together like this and well whatever it ends up being it's obviously gonna lead us right into season two because I mean we only have like two or three weeks after part four comes out and I imagine that'll last at least a week maybe two so by the time we get part five it's gonna be like right before season two releases but now let's jump into some greater details about Rift Warden stellen one thing I haven't seen anyone mention is that his armor with like the hands clasping together is eerily similar to the Spire assassin's armor and well another skin that has the same style of armor is the demo skin who is a crew packed skin a couple years ago and the name Deimos in Greek mythology literally represents fear and while Rift Ward and Selen has obviously been saying how this shapeless man constantly gives him nightmares and he's super scared of him so it seems like he comes from the same place as like the Spire assassins and this demos character the demo skin is literally part of the Neo underworld set so basically it sounds like wherever this shapeless man is from is from some sort of Underworld or something this is super interesting too because Raz back in Chapter 2 of season six kind of went through the same thing that riftwood and stellen is going through right now he was kind of taken over by some sort of evil force that came from the spire and well hopefully stellen doesn't get fully corrupted because then he'll turn completely evil another other interesting little Easter egg with this all is that in the Raz Quest back in Chapter 2 of season six we had to eliminate a Spire guard and one of the artifacts they dropped was an imagined order Medallion of some sort also I believe the imagined order logo has some of the same symbols that the Spire had on it so hopefully this questline eventually explains how the imagined order is created and this will all start to make a little bit more sense now if you guys were paying close attention to before this update you would have known that the wild card was planning a heist against the Ageless and was recruiting Aura and Diamond Diva to help him but then right before it was supposed to happen he told aura that the heist was off and then he told Diamond Diva I got a better offer from our Mark no hard feelings and by Mark he means his Target which would be the Ageless so it seems like to me that the Ageless recruited this group to protect from The Heist that wildcard was planning like I know the event name is most wanted but these characters are literally protecting the vaults they're not the ones looting it and their logo at the stake has the triangle behind it that also shows up around the Citadel so you guys want to correct me if I'm wrong here about the Aegis recruiting these people but also in the fortnite blog post it says the cold-blooded Syndicate has taken over the island sealing away new exotic weapons in highly guarded vaults and while fortnite described them in a very specific way they called them a Syndicate which is just a group of people but this has to remind you guys that the peace Syndicate is still on the island too and then when you take into account that the P syndicates logo is an X and an X is All Over The Branding of this group it kind of makes sense that the P Syndicate isn't part of this group or at least helping them we know that the P Syndicate loves spray paint too so that kind of fits with their whole theme but what ties this Theory together for me is that when you go up to scrap Knight jewels as Evie Jewels will say I'll help you for the island so if the peace Syndicate is a part of this group it would make sense that Jules in the oath bound are working with them that's why I think the gold-blooded ace is working with the oath bound and this whole group is an early version of the imagined order later on when the imagined order becomes official we see that gold masks are common among their members hunt Master saber as a gold mask Gunner had a style with the gold mask and then Sloan's default outfit with a dress shirt and tie is very similar to gold-blooded Aces obviously we know that Sloan was in the imagined order from a young age and not only that but it looks like she may have came into contact with the shapeless man as well this image from her loading screen is probably the only concrete evidence of some sort of shapeless man so it seems like to me that the story is converging in a bunch of different ways and that's why it's interesting that Midas has custom dialogues too wild card tells Midas you should have taken me up on my offer which pretty much can confirms he's a part of the story right now we also know that the current NPC Renegade Shadow was a part of the Shadow organization that Midas founded and while he doesn't trust wildcard either because he tells both Aura and Diamond Diva that wildcard will betray you it's just a matter of time so obviously him and Midas both don't trust wildcard which means it is possible that they are in contact right now we know that Midas was a part of the imagined order at an early age just like Sloan so hopefully when this Rift gate gets activated it's going to kick the story into overdrive now moving on to a little bit of a Side Story there is a new NPC in-game right now or that will be coming out soon named revolt and in his first conversation with him he will say I'm gonna be the robot King so this might turn into some sort of rivalry with Amy when she returns so we'll have to keep an eye out and see if any drama starts between them and well guys I'm gonna end it off with some of the survey skins that RB being worked on in the files right now so if you guys have any theories on how these could be connected to the storyline in some way feel free to leave a comment but thank you guys for watching drop a like if you learned something new and definitely check out this video if you missed it
Channel: Coldside
Views: 367,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite easter eggs, fortnite easter eggs chapter 4, fortnite easter eggs season 1 chapter 4, fortnite chapter 4 easter eggs, fortnite easter egg, fortnite easter egg chapter 4, fortnite secrets challenge, fortnite secrets, fortnite chapter 4 secrets, fortnite secret challenges, fortnite secret rewards, fortnite, fortnite chapter 4, easter eggs chapter 4, fortnite update, fortnite new update, fortnite most wanted, fortnite update free skin, fortnite battle royale
Id: CEMkU--zawE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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