Former Transgender Activist: Transitioning Is Dangerous—Especially For Youth

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so there's let me give a little backup before we get to this slide uh if you read uh the scientific articles about the origin or the sort of the basis of transgenderism you'll see that there's a strong emphasis in that it's it's biological it's something innate you have there's some kind of gender identity that that everybody has and it's just that some people are born uh born this way they have they have a built-in uh you know they're the opposite sex in their brains like bruce jenner this is based on the assertions of a few psychologists it's not based on any scientific evidence in the research it's just in the 60s they began just saying well yeah it's built in it's part of their who they are and that just kind of took hold and and it's not based on anything and so over the course of uh the past 30 years they've been looking at people's brains and thinking about what about hormones in utero and all these various ways that people might have had their gender identity scrambled and it all looks very nice when you read the paper they say whoa there's tantalizingly close evidence and it's a very very suggestive of some association here is spin and if you read it carefully uh there's nothing really in there that connects there's enormous gaps it takes a huge uh leap of faith to even uh say that there's anything connected there's probably 10 or 20 other more likely explanations for any associations they do see so they just selectively choose these outcomes and pretty much all of the science investigating that is an exercise in confirmation bias and selection bias where they're just trying to we have an idea this is how we think this is happening of course we want this to be what we're showing um so so in in the 60s uh you know after after maybe you know 20 or 30 years of a few adults piping up and saying oh i think i'm the opposite sex you know uh they began to think wow these these kids you know what what about when they were kids maybe we can catch these kids early and i guess in after the 50s the transsexualism was played out in the media there was a big case uh in denmark who or actually was an american who went to denmark and it was all over the mass media they started making films some like it hot you had all this ex exploration of of gender you know a lot of films myra breckenridge and and uh i don't know a whole bunch of different films began looking at gender stuff and and so as people were thinking about it and so they brought their kids in when they would be playing around with uh you know the boy who put on his mom's shoes the girl would want to climb a tree or something and they bring these kids into the uh to the doctors who would be very intrigued like oh the gender identity of these kids we've got to see if we if we can alternately try to prevent transsexualism or later begin to steer them into it so in the netherlands they got the idea based on the sad sob stories of older transsexuals who had had surgery and what miserable childhoods they had as as the opposite sex uh in their brains they thought what if we just block their puberty that might be good buy them time to explore um never mind that since then um i think all children who have begun a course of puberty blockers have continued with the process they don't go off it and and uh so in the netherlands they specify they start around 11 or 12 with the blockers and hormones around age 15 or 18 but of course in the united states they start much earlier they start other blockers around 8 or 9 because you never know i mean basically if you have kids taking this and you say we're just checking it out you know you might really be a boy might really be a girl a girl might really be a boy they're thinking okay yeah i'm the opposite sex and they're just getting entrained into this whole pattern um and so it's a one-way one-way trip you know you don't go off these things and even if you do what do you what happens you know the boy is three inches shorter his voice hasn't broken the girl hasn't developed she hasn't had menstruation all of her peers have they don't change back they don't say okay well actually i'm really this one i want to mention i don't think i put this in the slides that we're talking about two different streams of children there's there's um the smaller children who you know are just playing around with clothes or you know the girl wants to climb a tree the boy wants to play with dolls and given the the public consciousness uh through the media of of transgender instead of just saying wow okay you're just playing around or or you know it's not a big deal or maybe you're gay um they rushed them to the gender clinics of which they're i think more than 50 in the united states now pediatric gender clinics i'm talking about funded by multi-millionaires who may themselves be transgender or are transgender and um so there's the stream of the children and the blockers where from the age of about two uh they they're brought in and some are encouraged to do a social transition in san francisco that's the big popular thing it's a one-way trip if a boy starts wearing dresses at age three and says you're a girl and you play with the girls now he doesn't go back to start the weight minimum boy i mean normally normally they would but they're given these blockers from about eight or nine and that just cements it then they're on a trip so that's the one stream and the other stream is rapid onset gender dysphoria or it's a it's it's a mass craze going on in the world right now where teenagers and young adults predominantly girls young women uh are just suddenly coming as she described just suddenly announcing i think i'm trans and so it's it's uh see if i got there back on the blockers uh it's um right they just suddenly pipe up with this and and everybody is expected to go along with it and because nobody wants to be a bigot nobody wants to do the wrong thing accidentally and you know nobody wants to misgender anybody i mean everybody's thinking about these things now when these are just made up constructs and uh the gender identity is it's it's like it's the new eating disorder it's the new goth or you know it's it's maybe a little more serious than that because medical interventions are involved uh and but that's where it starts out it's on the level of a social kind of thing where you know your friends are one of your friends is i'm trans i think i'm non-binary i saw a tv show over and over you hear stories where they're saying yeah i saw this show and it really clicked with me that that um that maybe i'm trans and what's really happening is the the uh the the young girls uh have a kind of internalized misogyny or internalized homophobia or their internalized sort of like uh safe they want safety it's they've traumatized you know they've been men have been hitting on them or worse and they're and they're just want refuge and maybe i'll be a boy so there's a variety of reasons that girls get into it um the young boys might have the beginnings of autogynophilia which is is a paraphilia that is sort of encouraged in society through pornography and through uh just sexualization of of everything of cross-dressing is in the public uh in the media so the boys have the beginnings of of of this kind of a fetish in a way and it progresses and it pretty soon they internalize it that wow maybe i really have a maybe i have a feminine gender identity maybe i'm a girl inside and it it steamrolls from there and and in the old days it might have just been sort of self-limiting but now you can act on it while you're before you're mature so that's the two streams the children who their parents kind of put them in there and and the old clinicians in the 60s used to check check out the parapsychology or psychology psychopathology of the parents and often found that that they would discern borderline cysts symptoms in these parents you know you'd look at why the parents bring these kids in here but not anymore now it's this wonderful wonderful thing uh so uh let me see we have any slides i think i'm just gonna go extemporaneously um so with the the blockers it's uh it's it's it stops them from growing it stops from from maturing physically and it also because puberty is more than just your genitals changing it's it's your mind it's a socialization you have you know your your your peers and and if you're you know as i say if if you're if you think you're the opposite sex and you're being on that train already for a few years it's really very difficult to get off and and and most don't i think don't none do and those that do disappear do they commit suicide nobody knows that's never never checked um that's the other thing about trans medicine is if in if they ever look with their populations of people they put through the process a few years later check on them if they ever find you know most of them they usually miss about 30 30 40 50 uh loss to follow up no big deal i mean with hiv if you had 30 to 40 loss to follow up it would be an emergency it's considered oh they've moved on with their lives or something you know they don't want to participate in our study anymore they're fine you know when you have this that many loss of follow-up and that many suicides that they're reporting you have to wonder is there a connection we don't know so many of these young people and really there's been thousands uh we saw that that's that chart from the uk with uh a couple thousand kids well imagine that in every english-speaking country and and and mostly it's english-speaking countries i think um the united states has just extrapolated from that british figure it's many thousands 50 gender clinics come on so they are now able to get their surgeries at 15 in oregon and with the parents consent they're they're getting mastectomies at 13 years old in los angeles there's a doctor called dr joanna olsen kennedy who has a study it's funded by the nih and she refers young girls to the surgeons as young as age 13 for radical mastectomy and the world cheers it's considered cutting edge and wonderful and she's very proud of it you can see her on her videos it's really pretty disturbing and the boys can have their genital surgeries from about 16 and there's some hint that it might even be 15. the doctors want to get them while they're still in high school there's a paper even out where they've surveyed the doctors to see what they what they think how young is too young is the title of the paper they want to get to get the boys while they're still in school because they'll probably still be living at home the parents can help with the extensive aftercare that takes months and it's extremely intensive and lots lots can go wrong because if it when they're 18 they want to go out and party they're at college or something and more things go wrong so can you imagine the doctors are thinking how can we get to them before they're 18 and have these genital surgeries so it's it's really the barn doors are wide open i mean really they're just going going for broke and uh society is sort of indoctrinated to to now think this is human rights and i don't want to say the wrong thing here i mean i can hardly imagine what doctors must be thinking i mean just general practitioners around the country who refer their patients to the gender clinics that i mean these are people who are trained to be critical and to have uh differential diagnoses i mean you can't read everything they can't keep up with the latest of this in the papers do they just say well i mean i'm surprised to hear you have that this is true that people can have an innate gender identity and actually be the opposite sex and that it's fine to put them through these these these surgical changes but i'll go along with it because i don't have time to read all science or look at it critically you know but as i say if you look at it critically very critically you can see right through the spin and just see you see they're talking about a d and b and c are missing but somehow a is now connected to d so um anyway i think you get the idea from what i'm saying the science is complete junk and people go along with it just because they don't know how to uh assess bias in a study and uh you know what's the value of this evidentiary infidentiary value of this and how likely is it to be um just complete crap well it's it's really likely and and uh the sort of tendency in in people to want to do the right thing whether they're liberal or conservative they want to do the right thing they can't keep up with everything it's pretty surprising but you know we've had a lot of societal changes so okay everybody's transgender you can be transgender non-binary whatever this is all a bunch of nonsense and uh we have to stop it i mean thousands and thousands and thousands of children now are going through this
Channel: The Heritage Foundation
Views: 678,386
Rating: 4.7485766 out of 5
Keywords: Transgender Activist, transition, sex, gender, danger, lgbtq, puberty blockers, lgbt, lgbtq+, trans, transgender, Hacsi Horvath, transgender propaganda, drag, drag queen, feminism, feminist, liberal, walt, heyer, lgbtqia+, queer, bisexual, homosexual, Title VII, Title 8, gay, transexual, supreme court, gorsuch, identity, the heritage foundation, SCOTUS, youtube, censorship, censored, google, gender reassignment surgery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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