I'm detransitioning. (FTMTF)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Daisy Chadra
Views: 391,135
Rating: 4.7912288 out of 5
Id: R_KD46_Ophg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 55sec (1615 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
See I don't understand people who were happy with their transition for years and then suddenly want to detransition. That doesn't really make any sense to me, how can your dysphoria just change like that?
"I didn't want to be a guy, I wanted to be seen as a guy" and that for me... what resume it all. Social dysphoria (or simply gender roles) don't make you trans (while it can be linked to dysphoria), it's physical dysphoria that make you trans.
I like how calm and gentle she was too, not making it sound like something dramatic or making us look like it's our fault.
I'm not religious (and will never be with my background education) but I find very interesting how many detransionners turns themselves towards faith. Hope she'll get better now that she's "herself".
Wow, there's a name for this phenomenon?
Anyway - if someone suggests that maybe what you did was a fleeting fancy, just say "see you in 2040". You can talk about your feelings until you're blue in the face, and skeptics will still be doubtful. The only real 'proof' is time.
But yeah, it does sucks how these voices are much louder than people who are happily living transitioned.
Why is it that detransitioners always get the best voicedrops??
Can I just say, what's with all the Christian stuff?
Christianity can be super toxic. It really messed my life up as a kid because my parents were ultra right wing conservative Christians. All these arbitrary rules and having to "ask forgiveness".
Having an internal belief is ok to an extent. But for most Christians it doesn't stay there.
Like, I was taught as a kid that people that weren't Christian's were going to hell. What brought me out of that was taking a solo trip to New York when I was 18. I just walked around as and saw every different race and religion right next to me on the street or subway.
It made me realize that their was people on the complete other side of the world who believe the same thing. That their religion was the "real" one s d if you didn't follow it your bad.
The lack of empathy and willingness to see others and put yourself into their shoes, HONESTLY, is crazy to me. How can people not see that being a Christian is kinda a white European thing. But someone from Indonesia will have a mirror image of being taught their religion is absolute.
I don't think this girl will be happy in a few years. She's found a new group to be apart of and feels accepted and amazing. But that feeling will fade and she will see how little it makes any sense at all.
I hope she can feel comfortable in her body soon.
Honestly it really sucks so many people are detransitioning. It's just so shitty for them and can be used as ammunition against people transitioning now. Nobody wins except transphobes.
We really need to make it more well-known that social dysphoria alone doesn't make you trans and that physical dysphoria (since childhood or early puberty) is the actual indicator of our condition.
She needs to seek therapy, its clear for me atleast that she still absolutely cares about how she is perceived. Shes giving herself a reason to detransition by believing its God pulling her that way, sure she probably should detransition but why can't she just acknowledge that its an internal thing?
Nothings wrong with believing in a god or gods but some statements really worried me. She seems to want to always follow something and I think she should pave her own path. I'm glad she's not seeking control all of the time but I also don't think she should forfeit all control thats concerning.
I remember she considered herself a truscum when she was transitioning (I watched her videos. I was a big fan.). It’s almost like it’s not just a tucute thing.