Former Golden Era NASCAR Race Shop Time Capsule: INSIDE Tour From a Crew Member! (Stavola Brothers)

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It would be cool to see a series of videos like these going back into old shops snd hearing about what they were like in their prime.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NYJrFan01 📅︎︎ May 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really disliked this dude when I first saw his videos a few months ago thinking he was just another rich YouTube kid showing off his toys but he's gone on to do some really great content. Gotta admit when your first impressions are wrong.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/UptownDonkey 📅︎︎ May 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

Love the part about the coke selling

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chrisperry9 📅︎︎ May 10 2022 🗫︎ replies
look at there oh wow can i pull that down are you in that picture uh what i'm thinking that's harry hyde there's billy oh there's still fuel pump under here i remember things [Laughter] yeah now you know how they got so much done it's a big have you ever heard about the ghosts that's here we are standing in front of the original race shop of the stevola brothers with greg peterson who used to work there back in the day when did you start and stop working here i started here in 1988 right after the daytona 500 and that was the year bobby yeah allison won and i was at raymond that's another story but i i landed here ron furrier who was the team manager and i actually lived in the subdivision i lived in and i called him and he's like when can you be there and so i started the week after daytona 500 to bob to the house one 1988. wow that all came right out of here yes and we're we're going to go in there and see everything in there but we figured we would start the historical tour right here there was a gate here you know you have to have authorized interest so this whole thing is fenced in all the way around the property and that's part of the original fence there but yeah this gate here like it stayed shutting lockless they knew so yeah yeah there's the posts are still there paint oh that's cool this is crazy oh yeah the pole's still there with the barbed wire yeah yeah it had the ball wire this that was the front main entrance front office area there and then so i guess kind of like shipping and receiving kind of was there and right behind that door was machine shop okay so yeah everybody had to come in that front door you didn't come through this side door unless you worked here when uh when was the last time you were in there i was in there in probably about two thousand really was the last time i was in there donny johnson was the team manager when it shut down and the stevolo's kept them on to keep up the properties and he used to let me come up here and use some of the equipment and then i bought a bunch of stuff that they were selling off you know extra parts and pieces they had so i think it's 2000 by the last time i've been in here wow yeah so this is going to be pretty cool first time in there in 20 years yes sir all right let's uh let's go around back and see if we can find joey the uh the current owner here he does fiberglass and carbon fiber um composite molds and stuff like that it's pretty cool there's it is i don't think a whole lot inside has changed okay it's gonna be pretty cool what did what did this stuff used to be here so right here was your that was like that was kind of where i started i was a parts runner and i i busted out all the tires and cleaned all the wheels and all that went happened right there and then that was the whole original paint paint booth which the epa now wouldn't like but what's funny is you used to use a forklift with a chain to pull the inner liners out there was a lag in that concrete i wonder if it's still there because i had i did both teams so when they come back there would be 30 sets of tires and wheels per team and i had to dismount all them tires wheels pulled the inner liners cleaned the wheels and that was how i got my start here wow so both teams what was over there that was that was the allison shot oh really yep so just the eight car was in this shop that we're gonna go in and then that was the 12 car which turned into the 84 after bobby got hurt and they hired mike alexander to drive okay so this is both stevolas okay so they just had one car out of here another car out of there yes okay yeah i don't know what they do in there now when did they add the that second building that building was here when i came so like i said it was the eight car and the twelfth car well actually it started out i believe it was eight twenty two and then they changed it i think bobby wanted 12. yeah so from the time i was here both both cars had their own shop and then inside there was the engine shop for both teams okay then they built this building and the allison team with keith and earl allman and uh there was three almonds they built all of allison's motor 12 car motors in that building okay so it kind of became two separate identities you know with eight cars over here motor and everything 12 carbs over here motored and everything wasn't uh the building weight on there called wiki's engine building it bobby bobby hillen i think built that building i think he run a few like bush races back then and then when he shut down that deal wiki rented it and yes that was where wiki's motors were built huh yeah that's pretty cool did they paint both cars in here they did until they added that that one on so would uh bobby allison's daytona car would that have been painted in there or in there and that might have been already there and then like i said that's been added on to and i think there is actually sprayed booze in there now but at one time everyone came out of that they used to paint a lot of red cars in here yeah they're still red red chassis oh is that what they were a lot of them chassis was red back then yeah that's cool to find to find evidence of that still present yeah like when we did a video at robert g's shop you could see a couple spots of levi garrett yellow on the concrete i was watching a little bit of that yesterday actually at my shop when i was working but i was couldn't like i was listening i didn't get to see all of it so that was that was a cool find in there most of it was just listening to daryl on the phone it's so yeah you've been making the farting noises with the welder that's funny let's see what's in here hey i'll just fix the open the door awesome i'll just uh make yourself at home this is joey hi craig hey hey man yeah i'll see you around yes yes yeah would you hear what right right pressure was here yeah yeah yeah what comes to your mind first when you stand in here this is where this was the shop this is where we worked on the cars like this was all we had and i mean back then we didn't have a service plate and actually that corner i guess was the designated flattest spot in the shop so we set up the cars over there really yeah we didn't have surface plates back there and then that area there was the fab shop in that that room there yes that was your fab shop that got that part got added on so when you first got here in 88 all the machinery was in there but they do chassis in there too we when harry hyde came we started building our own chassis really yeah so the chassis got built over there and kind of like the body hanging and stuff that's kind of over there but all the equipment that you needed first time ever attempted to well take willard against the back wall in there really yeah you want to go in there yeah all right you got some cool stuff in there yeah yeah okay you don't want to like guide the guys okay oh wow [Music] that's good okay so that wall was up when you got here right yeah yeah yeah they're fishing that off at some point yeah i think y'all usually set them up right here well that's what essential tips here that was the body plate that's what they're here then too yes i've worked with cecil too but yes that was the body plate was right there yeah so that's where the body's got in hand all right so i'll back up for you now that got partitioned off because up front i'll show you where the parts room used to be but when they built that fab shop this became the parts room and that side was geared transmission suspension room [Music] yeah but at one time this was all over because it was all the fab shop okay chassis kind of chassis jiggled over on that side but it was all open then that's uh these squares in here from the body hanging stuff you're talking about yeah i can't even remember if they they had like a plate up built up or i honestly don't remember exactly what it looked like cecil said he thought that when they poured the floor they wouldn't put these tie downs in case somebody wanted to do something here but they're just tie downs with short chains right and nobody ever used them yeah they never got used they just put it in they pour the floor yeah this this concrete is freaking good concrete yeah that's the original color when i first started working really yeah here you would you hear what you weren't here when they build this billy build this here where was that welder at the first time you tried to take weld right with this wall being here i would say about where that wall was that's where that tick machine was that's where the floor is yep there's a plug oh wow yep there it is yep that's so cool they still got random stickers and stuff yeah i found the stickers stuck it on there that's cool i found this sticker over here and i figured out the years it was like 35 years ago it might have been as much as 35 years that this decal was made and it would hardly not come off of the off the paper that pit board is really cool too did you find that in here those boat shop jones i'm gonna say this is the stuff left over from smaller brothers clipboard size and then there's this one with the handle on it oh that's awesome wow this is this is just the the first room we haven't even seen bobby allison only got carried away long before we got here so this is the other side of the wall in here looks like you do some cool stuff in here now yeah this is barn getting uh it's van gaten's um this time oh definitely we're doing repairs where we make this for they them using up so many they've got a school now i guess there's like five cars so they're using keeping you busy yeah we just finished up a big order for a whole bunch of new that was you could uh bend square tubing on that oh so this is the original yeah thing yeah like i'm always wondering where it works i really haven't been able to figure it out yeah it's just a mandrel so you bend square tubing and it all it got left on that pole when this became this became the gear gear and transmission suspension room so i worked in here for little i've been working in here five six years but you've already got stuff from texas retirement yeah well anyway with our gear man for a long time longest time like but his man cool he got the cardboard around it yeah don't say that yeah right so yeah the gear rack was on that wall and his his the gear and transmission tables were there and then i had my suspension tables there we had park walkers there but i was just sitting there thinking about that all the brake clean of our saw and we had that one little fan with all we had man they were making your way there you can't kill racers [Music] grinding rooms were hardly any ventilation paint boost with another ventilation and i'll i'll show you here in a little bit too the original grinding room that was for the cylinder heads and the motor guys us everything this this part right here is where they actually built we had a chassis jig when harry high came we were building our own chassis and then uh i said then they petitioned it off and departure in our gear suspension room that makes sense why the door is so wide because when we came in here last time like those are really wide doors for a parts room yeah they get taken whole cars in and out of here that's exactly okay a little bit a little bit not too bad paul paul wise was earlier he was the one that basically built most of chassis him and uh rick wilson no no no rick wilson drove here he crashed everything we had good guy though i can't think of rick's last name it'll come to maybe later but they were kind of the main guys that built the chassis and then you had your body guys and everything so what's above this there's stairs just storage yeah with back in the day like you said we had because i'll show you the original parts room up front but like so they kept all look like cases of oil and gear oils and back then like you got stock body panels and really trimmed them like a rough quarter you know what i mean and then built kind of the size so all that big stuff and windows and everything got stored up there okay there's still some right there this is really good old stuff there's a window too really yeah let's check it out when was the last time you were up here oh my god well like i was telling you when uh donnie sold me a bunch of stuff that was probably about 2099 [Music] yeah i guess it's a backlash on the thunderbird is what i would kind of looks like it just guessing oh pro glass that's right that's who i used to do all the lexan witness is there like an attic thing inside here yeah yeah it's where we can get up and work on the roof and patching holes anything up there there's nothing up there oh okay oh we got a check you see that little walk through door we came through yeah and then that extra part was like i was telling you that's how we brought pallets of stuff up with forklift that next piece is where they opened it up even more to get that chassis up here and i think it literally like sat right here in the middle really yeah wow yeah yeah it was kind of kind of weird a little eerie in a way you know what i mean yeah i i heard that that was the um the talladega car pocono yeah pocono car that's when he wrecked with um that's when he got hurt obviously bad and that thing sat here until at least 98. it was here it was still here when i left in 1998 middle 98 wow yeah and that was 1988. that's crazy yeah yeah you can see the the hinges on there where that extra part would open up that was really more handy work wow all right what are you talking about now that's where they widened this oh yeah because the chassis wouldn't fit through there so they knocked out that extra section right there and then i guess at some point somebody hit i hinged it up without so you could get it up here i mean i remember forklifting it up i think i helped him we put it on some kind of just chassis dollies or something got it rolled over here wow yeah i think hank might be a little well stand up to it you're about exactly the same height as hank the third [Laughter] so i remember when this happened right here was this outside before that this was just outside wow went out to the yard and i never forget when they would start building this thing man we were so excited to tell you that that was all we have for a fab shop and then like just like state-of-the-art for us like we had they bought a bunch of new equipment like never forget they had like a plasma pattern cutter like it was the first school first stage of one like you got to cut out a pattern but you could bolt it on the machine it would trace it it sat over in that corner right there yeah and but yeah this was like state-of-the-art well is that is that the original cutter right there that i was talking about no you were probably talking about a magnetic one with the uh that tracks a magnet so this one was later this is it that that's no that is the one here oh wow i said it was in his car there's a firefight yeah yeah that's it that's the same one yeah wow it's got a laser eye that you can follow the pattern right yeah see right here just about yeah yep that is it really great and you still use it yeah but you have to wait till it gets hot you have to warm up for about two hours don't the first two or three times you know after about an hour messing with it it started working yeah i wasn't doing anything different except the machine got getting hot just uh right up here or something i got you but yeah that's it that's that's the original one you have to want to really yeah yeah you have got to want to cut something [Laughter] was that clock there that talk has been there longer than i've been here i believe that clock is the original clock that got hung up in this building when it got built it looks old yeah the paper is all yellow it still works it says made in usa that's why it still works exactly but yeah i believe that not that i ever tried to look at it and see what time it was you know [Laughter] i just don't have enough to stop an answer wow back then what does it feel like now i think did you own this place it feels like i feel like i'm rich yeah we wouldn't even stop and ask for a job that's crazy yeah yeah i like that did you build this barbecue truck yeah that's cool oh wow yeah it's a rat rod oh yeah oh is that why you got so many of those things outside yeah i just collect junk trucks what's all those things over there oh that's a oh my god that's uh rotax punches um that they well both of them were here yeah yeah i remember using i remember using this thing quite a bit wow back back back in those days racing like yeah i did you know suspension and rear ends and brakes and stuff but you one day you might be underneath the car doing exhaust or helping put crush panels in or whatever like it wasn't like what everybody just specified one little corner of the car like we all bounced around did everything whatever it took to get the card up you know what i mean so so yeah i mean all this stuff in here that's where i got diversified that's what was cool i got to learn a lot and then my later years at dei i got crammed into suspension rooms like all right you do front suspension that's it i got burnt out that makes sense yeah oh my god look at that barrel over there yeah okay so you know what that was that was our hose barrel for an hoses really yep well the two barrels together i don't remember who actually started building the thing and all the ad hoses were curled up in there you know your dash three four and then that's six eight ten twelve sixteen it says it on there yeah it's still wow right there yeah see oh my god that way you just rolled around by the car you know that she was plumbing and i think we had something to roll around with all the fittings on them but i don't really remember this place was full of all kinds of needs yeah i can't believe that you still see it on there that's crazy wow yeah you utilize everything very well now these bolt bolt bands used to be against that wall they were everywhere there was boat bins all through this place yeah i mean i know we had some over here but that that whole wall yeah over there the bolt bands are lined up they've been uh pillaged so there's nothing left but fine thread the only bad thing about this building was so basically on the side of that wall there's a void between then that building and where but that the dyno pipes came out so when they dino engines they were the exhaust ran straight towards this building it was deafening it was deafening so it was just loud in here oh yeah i mean at first it's kind of cool and then sometimes like all right y'all done i made enough polls now come on [Laughter] we can't hear a radio man come on after that once have a set of mufflers they put on one yeah i think they finally yeah yeah yeah they were going straight out that wall yeah yeah there's the old original the tubing bending table the better used to be mounted up on top of it didn't it joey hold it there yeah that's all there's all the dyes hanging up and everything so those things built dick chuckle chassis everything yeah yeah well when the trickle was here we'd like to say the only years that they built their own chassis was with harry hyde oh yeah someone harry left they started buying them start buying them from hopkins we had a few loftline cars that's when the drop snap craze was in people wanted to drop snap cars what did you just say about this tractor that's the original tractor dude i think they bought that thing when i was working here yeah no billy moore i thought about that's that's what he used to go around here mow grass and tear up stuff with i can't believe it's still here this is a rear end for uh harmony moody this is a gt-40 that's just so cool right yeah this yeah returning to a firmware yeah sheet metal and aluminum and everything was all laid right in there wow and then like i said this was originally like shop this is where we assembled the cars and like i said it got set up over there in that corner right there but we'd have them lined up like there was there were workbenches in the l over there and when i first got here that was like literally kind of like where this front suspension and hubs and all that got done uh when i first came to cv league he he was like the hub guy and he worked in that corner and there was some other stuff right in there and then the cars would be lined up right in here that's where we assembled all the cars and then set them up in that corner and then roll out that door to the transporter wow yeah what was in there that was the original grounding room oh that was where all the cylinder heads and intakes and all that stuff that's where all the grinding got done and there was there was benches across that wall and then obviously that's why there's so many air drops in there right there that that is i thought maybe it was but you know what's funny there again going back to thinking about how we survived doing this stuff there was no ventilation in here there was a what was up there where they kept like a lot of gears and transmission parts and stuff because the original gear and transmission room we'll see here in a second around this corner and that's where because it was so small that's where like all his parts and pieces and i'm sure there was a lot of them just like miscellaneous stuff up there but i remember that's where they kept a lot of that stuff it looks like this at one point was the outside door like what was the original structure here was it the very front building and then they added this then they added that and they added that like this is like lumber yard i think this i'm thinking when ken barbie bought it it was a lumber yard when i got here this was already added on cool place yeah this is like that was funny too somebody added that walk through the door okay because that wasn't there this place is like a scooby-doo fun house add this add that add that it just keeps going yeah they just had to keep getting bigger and bigger that's funny i'm them things humming like that when i was here 30 years ago [Laughter] there's one box that's just overloaded i don't know how the breakfast is flipped continuously here i uh i didn't think of his first name but uh quinzenberry did everybody tag off on who was using power basically uh i can't think of his first name but his last name was quinsenberry he had an electrical place he was electrician up in harrisburg he was always out here you know fixing stuff all right we're here during the years yeah yeah man we found razor [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] wow now you know how they got so much done well it was just part of the industry it was part of the summit of the industry a lot of people that you wouldn't even fathom did it yeah well we never had enough money i sure did so yeah that was for people having done yeah this was the original uh gear transmission room and then uh when they put it back there that became break room i mean not very appealing like he was talking about he's like what they do they see it i'm like no they've got a fan sitting right here man when you're here when y'all one day come on uh they weren't painted all this gold like miller gold yeah like i said i came the week after oh yeah was that painting at the end yeah yeah i asked darling i said that's not really a meal ago i don't think he said it was as close as they could yeah this this this was the machine shop for you know any everything and everything but mainly the motor stuff was that bridge has that place always been there or did you lose it there used to be two of them back to back right there and then i won't say there was a third one and then there was well maybe that lay there there was two or three lays down this wall and that surface grinder that's always been in that corner oh that's awesome does that clock still work that miller does not still work or it would be plugged in well that's nearly said about 5 30. all the time [Laughter] that's right but we're just where does that go to that goes to the tire room and then to that little body shop oh it's a uh storage look at that thank you that's really good wow there's been so many areas in this building that this thing would run every 15 minutes bro said he's been riding down the highway in here come on you still see you you still use this too they make this they still make this right now it's probably the exact same yeah well what year is it from i don't know that compressor i mean it it motor shop car shop it supplies everything wow hey check out my old door there they came off of a fuel truck well that's awesome yeah this is our boat room we used to fish a lot but now we don't we work a lot when we had the employees we had more free time yeah it's a little window for you to see the name of that yeah just so you can get a tip watch i guess i mean look that was like the mixing room where he mixed all the paints and stuff on the other side of that window wow okay so yeah see all these fans still work you turn these on yeah that that was that was all you had for i if i ain't mistaken the 12 car allison's car this was all he had for both cars and then they finally built that over there so the daytona 500 car got painted right here and everybody was here when they built the body shop this is the room i was telling you about billy moore had that boat in here and he built this frame exotic framework up off the walls and these pipes and everything he was trying to reshape the bottom of that boat they were hung stuff like that whatever they wanted to hang the paint they got hung out in poles fishing rod now i wonder which larry wallace's is that larry walls of grounds cams larry wallace had the engine shop right up the road here and then there's the old original layer whilst the grinds cams over home and moody so it's either one of them too um we did that car here the uh the one for uh that's so cool that you do like a lot of this significant stuff still in here so what is this the front door the main front door yeah well no no this goes into the front hallway four-year-old offices offices all original offices were up there and they had a receptionist right on their side of that door this suit the left office was ron perriers and the right was ed braswell and braswell was he came down from jersey he was he was kind of more like the business manager and then ron pereira kind of was more like the manager of both the race teams as far as what got excited and ed was more the book bookkeeping type guy fire extinguishers still say stavola on the handle they're certified i wonder when they're from though [Music] so those rooms weren't here when you were here yeah they they got added i forgot that they added so basically what they did was so they added an office right there uh it's basically all that game and then some more storage but this this up here is that was the original parts room when i first came here that was that was the parts room for everything both teams carl made somebody mad who's carl oh wow look at there oh wow can i pull that down are you in that picture uh what i'm thinking yeah cause that there's that's harry hyde there's billy that that might be ed roswell i'm gonna put my glasses on y'all i'm sorry here hold up for a second oh well eight days wow there i am right there wow that's that cb league i was telling you about which one's bobo bobo's probably not in this picture see now is this just a eight car that's that that's miss sue there jim cook that rick that's that rick guy i can't remember his name tommy johnson billy moore dennis beaver he was the parts guy i believe that's mark graves who was the head engine builder when harry came he brought mark graves shorty and hot dog and he brought them guys and he i can't remember his name they they they started doing the motors here is that taken in the parking lot yeah that is right it was for ages that was right out there that's basically the trucks nosed up to the internet the last building we were in right there wow that's cool and it was for the engines oh that's cool they use this to put their hinges on a cart so no what what happened right here was the the uh see so you could hone and board the block those machines were here line board machine honing machine but a lot of your like block block work machines were here i can't remember like i remember having those the sun and ck 10 honing machine it was here boring machine line board machine and then this room here was like the wash bay was this floor this color when you were here oh yeah that's that's real paint so you can see where the machines used to be because they just painted around some of them there was a big hot seat wash tank in there and that's where they washed the blocks and everything and there was parts washers and everything in here so yeah that's why that beam's there and that would run you to all those machines that did all the block stuff you got any dead bodies or anything ain't no we were hemp here for our season we had a yeah you know y'all see the pictures [Laughter] i remember getting these stickers at the doctor's office and putting on everything patient yeah when i got the dance off michael gave me a stick before yeah so they'll order power will be gone and we'll stay away there for 23 minutes if i remember correctly the float bench used to sit right there where it floated all the heads and intakes it's that right here so like the cylinder head guy this is kind of his room he assembled them uh close them and everything yeah i had a floating machine sitting right there what's in that door what was that that's my son-in-law's office huh well it used to be there oh we've had it for our office and we've had it for two or three different things over the years i literally think you can just go through that door and then right out there yeah never cut through there like that yeah that's amazing i love before yeah seriously this was the first dinosaur it was the old uh oh what they call it the old older style that the super blue got put in over there like a husk husker yeah like a suspect yeah you had like literally sit there and dial it see where that duct tapes that right there yeah so this dino cell at the later years only got used when they still were doing the buick v6s and timmy petty was doing the v6 motors for hillary when he had that chop over there and i'll never forget being right there and shot one day and heard that thing zinging up and also and it went to a whole nother level zone up like another five grand and heard a hell of a racket so we all come running because he killed it timmy petty's standing here and he's just going like he's just staring up there like this and he's white as a ghost and we're like timmy you alright dude what the hell happened he's like driveshaft broke he just points and the driveshaft shaft stuck in the ceiling right there it had a little stubby dry shaft from back of dyno and that thing broke and went flying and stuck in that hip filler i'll never forget the look on his face he was just like driving so he just taped it and life went on and it's still there yeah wow that's what i was looking to see but i don't remember anything really getting fixed but i didn't know there's still just duct tape on the plumbing stuff was in the floor there had covers on it yeah it's like the stand was like right here like you can see where they pat the holes in the wall that's where the pipes ran out yeah in circles yeah yeah wow that's so cool you can see exactly where it was so if i ain't mistaken here's another atom it seems like it see the difference in the paint yeah added this home to add that dyno and then that was like the assembly room final assembly room for the engines you are here [Laughter] wow what was in there i don't remember i want to say they had some more like parts washers and stuff like that for like the final assembly stuff if i remember correct and then like i said literally i think there was the shelves in here i think they had you know what like a lot of the motor parts weren't in that parts room up there or back in the back it all kind of stayed in here the big hills are in there i did not use your assembly room yeah that's what this was this was the cleanest room in the whole shop and when we were out here it was still playing but it's not clean we finally found a window that's a rare thing in here there's there's no windows yeah you can't figure out where you're at like what the shape of this building is you're just like you don't know where you are anymore it's like a casino yeah yeah exactly no i was looking at that what did that say what does that sticker used to say carl's [Laughter] how old is this dolly it's like an old it was here oil drum hand truck i remember that thing you remember that i remember that yes you can have a real terrific amount of weight on that if you keep it balanced oh that's fine machine [Music] oh there's still fuel pump under here yeah oh wow the fuel filters i've never had that many bowels over there already shredded that have you ever heard about the ghost that's here have you heard anybody say anything about it yeah you don't have to put that in there well donnie uh i went to donny one time johnny johnson i was like there's a ghost here and he says been here ever since i've been here and i've been here 15 years that's good i never really believe in him i heard people say stuff what does it do it's just noises when there's nothing else around stuff you know i mean back back when i was still here we always talk about like this place had been possessed after bobby got hurt because they never won a race after that yeah but i mean the one of the coolest drivers we got to work with here was was was dick trickle oh he was see ray left here and came in and came to uh roush yeah and then him started hanging bodies together yeah he was he was i mean if he could have got in the cup earlier he'd have been really really badass because he he in all honesty i got more bonus money when he drove or didn't need another driver because we were constantly top fives and top tens with them yeah yeah really loved him they got rid of him and got somebody else you know any objective stories that were that took place here like that was he here often he would come here quite often and back there where i told you in that back room we were in where carter i said we set it up he he was really precure about how he wanted cars set up well we had some management that were kind of ahead saying that we don't want to do it that way i'll never forget one morning he comes walking in he's got his cup of coffee he's got a cigarette and he has all those legs you know walking ahead and he's like hey greg how's it going that's good buddy he's kneels down he looks eyeballs down the left side he walks over and eyeballs down the right side and he looks at me says why is that ran back in eighth he said you know i always like to think four four about 16. i'm looking around and i'm like what are you talking about he says no he said seriously why is that running back and i kind of went up front they didn't want me to pull it forward and he's like i'll fix it but he knew that rim was backed as my eyeball if he had a vibration he was a transmission man he said these output shots got about five about five thousand running out he's i can feel it and they always doubted him they pulled transmission apart if he said it was in the transmission or in it if he called it it was they would find it wow he he was really really good but the man drank coffee and beer that's it nothing in between so he was my hero i actually went after he left here um i stayed in touch with him and he got a wild hair he wanted to run a big ten race out of concord super late model so he called me up and i went up to shop one one evening to help him get get a car ready and the shop was like brand new i mean it was awesome up in uh iron station and he flicks the lights on and walk in he's like which one should we take i mean he had one car set up on and roll back style haulers you know and there was two sitting over here one was in the paint booth there was a brand new chassis sitting there and you finished putting together there's like four of them he's like well he said i guess we'll take the one that cranks up first so we went around and start heating up oil and stuff and went in a body shop there and fighting that one fired up because all right i'll take this one you know so now it's like about eight o'clock that night and i'm like trickle we ain't drinking beer he's like we gotta get a game plan first then we'll start i left there about three o'clock in the morning shouldn't have been driving and i was going to race the next day too and i lived like an hour and 20 minutes from there but he made it and i made it too so but he was cool he was cool he said he showed up the racetrack uh ray was working here when when he when he came to work here mm-hmm i believe so yeah and uh ray liked him he ray said he had a briefcase and he was ray was impressed with his briefcase he thought he had all the papers and stuff in it right out there looking when you have that there was a carton of cigarettes in it yeah that's it yeah that's all he had so he just carried there was in these cars not here they wouldn't let it so what he did what he did was uh before race he would tear the top of the pack like just tear the whole top off and he had the tips of his his index finger and thumb the tips gloves were cut off so he could just reach in grab a cigarette and he could get his lighter light and yeah put it in his front pocket yeah he had a pocket in his fire suit absolutely hey i was going to come and uh oh my god and fix this too before you didn't see it uh billy was gonna have a party here invite everybody that ever drove or worked for him and then code would happen he needs to get that fired back up again yeah i'm not all in for that maybe this video would help uh facilitate that yeah won't you have one anyway yeah i mean really yeah i'll drive my truck out oh yeah you've got you're catering right there you got your bunch of people so like right here is where they we did pit stop practice in fact for most the time i worked here i drove the pit stop car so i'd like well i lined up back around the corner a little bit come flying around here and stopping us they had it all marked off nearly this is where we did all the pit stop practice right here really yep yep i don't think this was put into about the last two years i was here i think it was just one of them deals epa finally cracked down like y'all got to have like a real paint move this is cool so they still painted stuff in here just without the booth before or was it painted in here here in here they added added that on put that booth in this was the original paint paint booth right here so this is the paint booth after the little shed over there yeah you got more cool stickers on this fridge oh nice stickers right there i was working there and uh these are all hand cut right i never got these off the paper they cut that by hand that was before the decal machines would uh wow so these these ones are from the 2000 daytona car yeah like extras or they were just in a pile of decals the valve covers these are not additional but i got the all the original breathers too oh wow see they put they stamp this little sticker on there and then this is a casting it says so how do you get a boat with a hole in the engine well these little companies bought the home and lady was just a distributor for ford stuff it's a stock motor it's just uh it's a 68 model block so it's a little heavier than later on when they went when they made them thinner for emission yeah you can hold it up here look at this that's awesome we're gonna have a ford logo wow that's crazy this one what year is this one from that'd be eighty eight and nine oh what so this is like your very first one yes that's a bobby alexander yeah wow that's really cool oh that's cute oh my god oh my god wow okay well i love y'all i didn't even see that that is crazy my ex-wife [Laughter] wow wow that's insane i don't love you anymore feeling mutual i just like to say if you watch this whole thing you're cool you're cool people you're just like us it's a lot of stuff a lot of stuff to absorb but if you're there for it you're why we do it you're why we're able to do it because this this youtube thing is the only thing that we do that's it people want to complain about having too many ads and videos well if there's no ads in them they don't exist or it just won't happen because i have to go get a job somewhere else doing something else so if you like the videos you watch the ads it's like you watch them on tv except you're not supporting some massive cable network you're supporting two people in a steel building who are set out to dig up history capture cool stories build cool cars and try to help other people find the ability to do the same thing um you should also check out the racing history nerd zone playlist where we have a hometown history tours with mark martin kenny wallace um more will be coming to that in the pipeline soon the race shop video that has every single almost all of them in it including this one we're kind of like that was like the master video and then we're gonna dive into every like maybe not every single one ideally every single one but as many as we can we've never met greg before i just went on the internet and started asking people did you work at sevilla brothers did you work at civil brothers do you know someone who did yeah i did no i didn't hear this guy talk to this guy that's how we found greg and he was awesome that's like that's what it's all about and it was really fulfilling to see him walk into some of those rooms and just i think you could see the gears in his head turning and to be able to facilitate that and just bring that that experience to him is is really fulfilling to me because all that stuff happened before i was even born i don't know why i gravitate towards it i just do and they love it it it's just fun it's fulfilling it's a good word i feel satisfied when we do things like that is it matters to me to hear the comments and people say oh that reminds me of when i used to watch nascar with my grandpa when he was still alive and stuff like that to conjure up those memories and those feelings that it's it's substantial it's heavy it's important and that's what we got to keep doing and if that's important to you share this stuff send it to someone that you think would be interested in it help us grow it help us spread it because not only is it about looking at cool stuff but it's about learning the lessons that are embedded in these stories to apply them to your own life your own situation your own experiences to just be happier be more satisfied do cooler things find success that you would have otherwise not found because it's out there and if you're still watching this and i haven't scared you off yet from the most introspective talk i know you're you're like you got it going on upstairs and you can do it too and like i was saying before this is our only source of income this is what we do and if you want to support what we're doing you can check out find the same shirt and hat i'm wearing here good wrench style stuff we got more than that we got like a robert gates style one we got some daryl waltrip styled ones and uh ones with our original logo on there as well hat shirts stickers last thing make sure you're subscribed because if um you may not be you may have unsubscribed if you have the bell clicked and you're not getting notifications unclick the bell and then click it again i was told by some people in the comments that that started turning on their post notifications again and leave a comment let us know what you think uh what you want to see what your experiences are like what wraps you up into this world because we go through and answer as many as we possibly can i really like to interact with you guys because it it matters to me people matter everything matters everything's so fickle now people just want to you know it's a rotating circle of brainless entertainment on the internet these days and i just don't like it i don't want to be part of that i want to be help i want to be a part of the solution not the problem so let's get it welcome to the team this morning at nine o'clock and i haven't opened the door since then there's some will run by itself did you make that yeah that's really cool oh wow it keeps going where's your toes we run it in the rain i mean you just wrap it up in a that's awesome cool it works very
Channel: Stapleton42
Views: 161,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lsxcalade, escalade, turbo, twin turbo, pfi speed, hondaru, stapleton42, Mitchell stapleton, 427, lsx, dyno, 2000 hp, street outlaws, bald eagles, 4x4, rowdessy, big turbo, suburban, yukon, denali, 1320video, dale jr, do it for dale, Brent pfi, 2.0, rmrw, drag week, boost, v8, ls1, esv, boom tube, daytona, Alex bowman, suck it, dale truck, monte carlo, first gen monte, ls swap, pro touring, lsa supercharged, iroc x pipe, dr gas, rippin, vice grip garage, vgg, amc dealership, junkyard, history
Id: WuOe-jquF6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 30sec (3270 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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