INSIDE Holley's Carburetor Factory and Its Epic History! (Things You NEVER Knew)

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a lot of people don't know Holly started out making cars so there pressure sensors in that cutting head yes 426 Crasher pull it and bend it and like I said that little slinky thing is inside that tube Logan's discovered the Holly spark plugs that's my long-term goal in life is to have a holly Museum we are standing at the Holly world headquarters in Bowling Green Kentucky and we're about to go into the building where they've been making carburetor since 1952 we're here with Shane werly who is The Unofficial historian of this place so I've been here about 22 years so I know a fair amount about Holly and all the parts that are made here and a lot of our history so it's a pretty cool story and I'm proud to be associated with it let's check it out all right see all this magic happens so the first thing we're going to see here is some CNC machines that machine some of our carburetor throttle bodies and Main B these uh machines take a raw casting and machine them into a finished throttle bait plate that is used on the carburetor production line several different machines that do that how were these things machined in the' 60s '70s ' 80s before they had cnc's so before they had cnc's all of these would have been machined on manual machines uh they were called Kings berries and they were a rotary turret machine put one in and it would drill it one station and move to the next station the next station and all the way around each station did a different operation but it would you know it was actually as fast as the C C Machine but it was dedicated and it would only do one carburetor and one style one configuration so interesting definitely much more flexible Machining operations with the [Music] CNC this is one of the coolest machines I've ever seen cool with a robotic loader and everything basically they load the machine up you know several times a day and it runs unattended all by itself does it that door to keep the Met out it does the cutting hit also holds the the tip to probe and measure it also that's that's crazy so there pressure sensors in that cutting head yes it measures the load on the spel uh RPM still blow everything wow and it's changing tools like rapid fire yep no yeah this is definitely this is probably the coolest CNC machine I we've ever seen operate and we've seen a lot of machines do a lot of things that's that's freaking cool you've been making carburetors as long as we have you figure out how to do it right the next area we're going to go to is where they start they also machine more of these uh carburetor components as they head towards the assembly line so this machine machines the metering blocks which is kind of the brain of the carburetor this one would have just come off of the machine this has all the internal passages hasn't been cleaned or deir yet uh but it'll also get anodized once it's done so it has a protective finish is that where the Jets go the Jets go right in here power valve would be in here from this side these are all your Emulsion bades here pretty cool stuff so this is for those who don't know this is where the center part of the carb is these go on either side of that where the rectangles are right I don't extra screws go in these holes so that's pretty cool yep what are all these bars right here for so this is the Earl's Machining Department this is where we make all of the uh Earl's fittings just small braided hose adapters fittings uh and fitting ends starts out with bar stock uh the bar stock all is either hex or around and then they put it into these bar feeder machines for these CNC screw machines I did not know that that happened in the same place is all this other stuff that's crazy so these are fitting nuts it just takes the hex stock the hex stock has the Earl's name marked on it before it's machined and they're all machined they'll go through a production quality control audit then they'll go out for anodizing brazing assembly those types of operations so these are making screws basically so it's making those from a piece of bar stock turning them out this is our MAAC PCH system essentally it has six CMC machines that are connected by this Trolley system The Trolley system somebody is running one person is running all six of these CMC machine they're down at the other end loading Parts on the trolley the trolley comes down knows which machine need to be loaded loads that machine pulls the other part machine out takes it back down and deposits at the other end and it just does that all day long because one person running six machine very efficient we've never seen anything like this before either pretty unusual machine lot capacity we make a lot of our um carburetor parts NASCAR throttle bodies are made in this area some of those so the parts come in from down here where uh you saw the Machining operator they work their way down and then they step across into the production area so this is actually the assembly area different lines assemble different parts one assembles throttle bodies one assembles the front fuel bow one assembles the rear fuel bowl one assembles the choke those all feed down into the main assembly line which then puts all of those subcomponents together into the complete carburetor where it hits the end of the line and gets tested so you have the sniper kits that look like carburetors but they're fuel injection are there any parts that are shared in both where they go through a certain point together and then they Branch off to get machined a different way there are sub components that are the same so things like throttle butterflies would potentially be the same throttle levers some shafts would be similar but probably not quite the same uh and then at that point they both kind of diverge into their own products but some of those parts do interchange that's pretty cool yep now we're entering the main assembly line we had the lines that we feeding into the main assembly line uh it is towards the end of the day so they're probably cycling through finishing up some builds but this is where the main body would start into the process work its way down and through and then out the backside this is the hillborne business unit um one of the gentleman that working work in here is Don Enriquez Don has been with hillborne we'll have to ask him how long he's been with hillborn so how you doing today Don good yourself good good to see you this is Mitchell and Logan how you do that's me so we were uh just admiring the the hillborn business unit and I told him that uh there probably wasn't a man on Earth that knew more about it than you how long have you been with hillborn 60 years 60 years so wow Don uh don is also an avid drag racer um if I'm not mistaken he won March meat this year he won the March meat and the uh well last here was Marge meat hot rid Union okay and uh junior fuels so high die hard hardcore drag racer uh still puts the hurt on the young guys every chance he gets and uh quite the uh quite the knowledgeable individual so we're really happy to have da with the company he uh he works with Stuart hillborn for decades I imagine we're reintroducing a lot of the hillborne stuff um got the big block uh stack in out now we're going to continue to work through more of the other new products as we go along this one's 426 crer this is a small block Chevrolet that's big block for the blowers but they're not going to keep this one going all the electronics are inside huh few Rail and these things are so cool so you got like your own little hillborn section in here right here it's a hillborn center of excellence we'll call it than you nice meeting you appreciate it nice thank you where are we at now we are now in the engineering development lab uh this is where a lot of the fun and a lot of magic happens uh this is where we do all of our fit tests this is where we do a lot of the R&D a lot of the development uh a lot of the initial prototype construction um you know durability testing Dyno testing those types of things so for example this mustang actually belongs to our CEO uh we've got retr bright headlights that we fitted into it these are LED upgrade headlights that we make uh really a cool piece substantially improves the visibility at night uh over a standard sealed beam headlight so we'll put them in all types of different cars make sure they fit the original buckets Plug and Play like they're supposed to and it's just part of our development process but uh we've got a lot of different things in here we've got you know stuff where we're fit testing um uh restoration trim uh bumpers for instance those kind of things in our Holly classic trucks line uh we've got this square body that we're working on now uh looks like it's getting a full build with Detroit Speed suspension classic instruments you know hooker uh engine swap uh components and probably getting an LS swap in that one or an LT swap um we've got an alignment rack in the back here for a lot of our suspension work and those types of things um got a couple of projects over here we're working on some new engine swap applications that'll be coming up so a little bit of everything back here that truck was at the forest yeah I remember those little orange wheels we go over and check out and see what the check out and see what they've got in it moment let's see a set of headers over there that are all pieced together are those like prototype headers they are certainly we can go back and look at them so this one's got an EcoBoost in it um this is one that that uh we're building prototype motor mounts and everything in and they probably had it at Ford Fest to kind of gauge interest and see how many people would be interested in doing an EcoBoost swap but they're killer Little Motors they fit really nice and uh you know they make good power so should be an exciting platform for us that's cool yeah the header prototyping process is something that interests me personally cuz a lot of you guys know that I make headers was an example that would be a prototype header um we make prototypes a lot of different ways we can laser scan the vehicle uh and you know build them all in CAD Bend up the pieces or we do it the oldfashioned way depending on the application and uh just start piecing them together with you know uh mandrel bent tubes and collectors and then we ultimately end up building a fixture off of it to develop the production parts so you have somebody just kind of make the primaries the old school way and then you could turn that into a CNC bent singular piece corre like that you'll see on the Shelf correct that's correct yep so but that's where it all starts that's pretty cool yep is there like one dude who does that who's the header guy there are multiple people we have on staff that do it we've got a pretty good team of people that uh have done it for a number of years and are pretty good at it at this point so that's pretty cool cuz that's not easy to do it is not easy to do I I built a couple of header things in my life and and it is tedious and uh takes a long time so I'm glad you said that some people just don't understand no it uh you know it's it's pretty easy to make one tube it's not too bad to make two tubes but then when you have to start squeezing the third and the fourth tube in it gets really complicated cuz this one's in the way and I didn't think about this you're like dang how am I going to fit this in the car now exactly so it's like nope throw that tube out let's start over again uh now I'm going to go this way or that way so yeah computers definitely helpful from that standpoint uh the scanning technology that's available today uh is really helpful do you guys uh make some of the Scott Drake stuff here um not at this facility uh we've got another facility here in town that does some assembly of the Scot Drake stuff uh it'll be over near the warehouse where we're going a little later we got like the whole platter going on here one one of everything it's like morus Board of engines yeah these are a lot of our development engines that we do testing and development on uh some of them are just blocks like this one uh that we would do for fit up in a vehicle some of them are actually running engines where uh you know we can do EFI training on them we can test sensors we can test dcus that type of thing but uh we try to keep a a wide variety just so we have the ability to you know test things anytime we need to do we hear some injector testing going on over there there is some uh injector testing over there but I can't show you that oh there there's a lot of secret stuff in here we can't see a lot of secret stuff a lot of R&D going on in here a lot more than one would expect that's right it's pretty cool lot of fun things got coyotes and Godzilla and a little bit of everything laying around there's a blueprint engine yep yeah yeah we have a video inside the blueprint Factory if you like Factory stuff you should go watch that one too this highlights a lot of our history of Our Brands uh we've got 70 Brands uh 70 plus Brands now as part of the Holly family and we're always looking for ways to preserve the history for the brands uh we don't want to lose that Heritage uh it means a lot to each of us that work here it means a lot to the people that built these Brands and um it influences the products that we make going forward so you can see in here we've got some vintage malerie stuff uh back in the days when you had really cool old vintage packaging uh when they made their big high fire ignition systems got some early prototypes in here that is prostock throttle body number one when they converted to EFI we set those types of things back some preliminary uh examples of our uh Terminator fuel injection uh some of our throttle body sniper EFI which is our current uh you know bestselling product at this point and then uh some rapid prototypes of other stuff that we've done over the years when you're making packaging for things do you ever draw inspiration from these old ones we do it really depends on the product uh if we're doing a Nostalgia product we want a Nostalgia packaging with it um if it's a new state-of-the-art product then you know certainly it it needs a different you know feel and look but uh absolutely I I collect vintage packaging just because I I think it's really cool so so if it were up to you everything would come in a cool like a lot of it would for sure a lot of it would for sure so I have a very old soul uh but a lot of carburator stuff uh this was a giant 2000 CFM TBI unit that never went into production one with the red metering blocks there is a Barry Grant fuel injection from the very early days when uh he was developing his own EFI um is that just like electronic blocks bolted onto a carburetor it basically is uh it sprayed through the boosters and overall um the mechanical part wasn't bad the uh the EFI Electronics just wasn't there yet and uh so he was not up to speed on that um you know it sell it's done a lot of things over the years a lot of cool products um you know ignition related testing equipment related um you know certainly one of our bigger better Brands famous Brands like NOS Fast and the Furious uh certainly has a a large following Legacy brand uh that uh has you know incredible past associated with it um you know even some vintage stuff like an electronic carburetor uh that was that came out during the gas crunch um you know the 70s uh was a major gas crunch period and uh everybody was looking for ways to save fuel so we try to keep that type of stuff around um it's just part of our history and part of our heritage what's in the wooden box glad you asked like this is buried treasure right here it is the uh I wish I knew more about the history of it but uh this is actually a mallerie branded product oh wow um I believe this was a test unit for that has dual points on it has dual capacitors on it and I think this was a way that you could check uh spark using a coil so you could plug a coil into it you could plug your leads onto it and I think this was a way for you to actually be able to test the coil uh in the field but uh I do not know what date it is I've tried to get more information on it but I don't have uh that information at this point so this looks like athetis made this thing or something I'm guessing it's probably from the 30s to the 50s uh dual points I think came out probably became popular in the 50s so I would say it's probably from the ' 50s through the the 60s but I don't know that for a fact we were talking about you know building headers a little bit ago and uh here's an example of something we uh did some experimenting with a few years ago there's a complete rapid prototype printed header wow so I designed it all in CAD printed it all out in 3D and uh you know would allow you to fit it in the vehicle make sure everything was exactly where you wanted before you tweaked it and put it into production so I think it's so cool how you doing Jim how these look like a carburetor like we have a sniper on the blueprint big block people like oh why are you putting a carburetor on that like it's not one there's nothing wrong with carburetors two it's just not one well it's uh you know everybody has a different different opinion some people want their EFI motor to look different than their original you know carburet motor like an LS does some people want their carburet engine to look just or their EFI engine to look just like the carburated engine so just depends on what people are looking for old school is like way cooler Yep this was a product we did a few years ago called the hydromat uh this is basically like a giant sponge that sucks up the fuel holds it inside and then basically allows it to be transferred up to the fuel pump uh and to the engine without any air bubbles in it and it will literally suck this Reservoir completely dry uh so if you're using an off-road application or a hard cornering application the fuel slashing all over and you just have a tube sticking down in the middle of it it won't pick it up but with this any fuel that hits this mat gets absorbed into it gets filtered out and gets drawn right up in that'd be really beneficial to have yeah that's really cool that's really cool so this would be back in the days when you were making a new intake manifold you would make a mahogany uh wooden pattern uh the you actually had a pattern P maker that would make this it would set in the core boxes and this would actually make the finished cast aluminum part uh so all of your all of your patterns were wood back in the old days okay so yeah Lee Holman had some of these like for valve covers and stuff yeah it's a little bit oversized doesn't it yes yeah make it uh they have to factor in all the shrinkage of the the casting and stuff but yes uh they make them just a little bit different than the Finish good size so that's a rapid prototype of our stealth ram intake manifold so isn't this what's on Escalade yeah next bunch of stuff I've got together here is some historical artifacts from the company uh as we talked earlier you know history is a big part of Holly and all the companies that that we own uh there's a whole bunch of us here that really respect the the uh history and the Heritage um and and we try to preserve it everywhere we can so uh a lot of the things on this table you see uh some of them are old uh artifacts some of them are new things that will uh be our future artifacts around the company so um wide variety of things in here we've got uh you know old 2x4 tunnel ram uh stuff for a 426 Hemi got old cataloges and brochures and photographs for a variety of different brands Logan's discovered the Holly spark plugs oh I didn't think that there' actually be there's actually spark plugs in it so that's cool look at the old packaging Holly had a ignition line did distributor caps rotors Distributors uh spark plug spark plug wires all that stuff back years and years ago um you know kind some kind of cool brochure here this is a uh a very old document that went ran across uh this talks about uh high-press fuel injection time port fuel injection started 1956 was tested on a 56 Mercury 57 Buick and 57 Chrysler the the uh the system was a fuel injection system was mechanical but if you look at this this is you know a 50s engine that looks like a modern LS engine you know individual cylinder fuel injection rounded Port single throttle body like an LS would have in 1956 so uh I just find this stuff fascinating that you know they had you know something like this in the ' 50s and you know here we are in 2022 you know still Dev develop thing you know state-of-the-art fuel injection so a lot of cool things in here uh for those Lindon fans out there this is an actual uh outfit of hers that she wore at the drag races probably in the ' 7s maybe late 60s uh but uh this was something that we ran across the other day and thought it' make a great piece of our historical collection uh we've got few parts that would probably be near and dear to your heart um this is NASCAR throttle body number 10001 so this was the first uh NASCAR Billet throttle body that we made when NASCAR went to fuel injection uh I stuck it aside just because uh it's part of our history and wanted to have number one but before number one came the Prototype so this was a prototype that we made for NASCAR uh this one had removable removable Venturi sleeves and uh we proposed this to NASCAR told them that they could hand these out at the track for anybody that was racing and they would have 100% control rather than having to use a restrictor plate they prefer the restrictor plate design which is what we ended up with there but this was uh a development unit that we sent to them therefore the Holly fi prototype but uh wide variety of things in here there's a uh carburetor off of a 1903 motorette like you saw down in the uh uh Lobby down there uh that was back when Holly was making their own cars before they went to work for Ford um got a bunch of hbr History here really cool old photographs of you know some original staff building Quick Change uh rear ends that would have been used in sprint cars champ cars Indie Cars I thought this was a pretty cool indie car picture hrand uh powered by Ford fueled by marathon it's got the haland wheels on it and uh pretty cool vintage Indie Car piece that's pretty cool that like all these companies have a a guy who who did this who've made life sacrifices and their family or Generations that ran this and you know most people think you get absorbed by a bigger company all that just goes and they just use the name for marketing but that's like not the case here no we we take take the history very seriously and and if you think back most of these companies were an individual person so you know Hal brand was Ted hran Wan was Joan Wan uh and her husband uh Holly was uh George and Earl Holly from you know the turn of the century um you know so on and so forth so a lot of these companies were actually started by their founder their founder was the name of the company hilborn is another one uh the standup person I have here is steuart hillborne Stuart hangs out in my office every day and makes sure I take care of his brand for him so uh these are all real people with real histories and uh we just we're the caretaker of their brands for the next person and we want to make sure we're taking good care of them that's awesome that's how it should be yep we hope hopefully people will know that now but there's a lot of cool artifacts that we've you know rounded up over the years you hear the term blueprint but you rarely ever see one this is an actual Hal brand blueprint from 1953 showing the Sprint wheel and uh it's a cool piece I just you know any of this type of stuff that we come across we try right round up I've got file cabinets and file cabinets of this kind of stuff squirel away and uh it's just pretty cool to be able to see you know this is a book that shows all the different tooling for haland wheels that you know some of which we still have um you know just all kinds of neat stuff quick change Parts hbr made brakes they made in and out boxes so just fun stuffff uh land speed record Wheels all of those types of things but very anant built the inline four barrel carburetor system uh never made very many of them uh not many exist that's one of the prototypes that we've managed to hang on to carburetor off of a GT40 uh Shelby uh type of car um so a little bit of everything that we've you know been able to to keep track of over the years that's an actual pattern for a Hal brand wheel uh that was a uh uh 18in wheel and uh that's the actual pattern that the wheels were made off in the foundaries so still have a bunch of those um just you know cool stuff so wow you said that saw this on here where it says CT Industries what's that all about so Colt Industries uh owned Holly and I wish I could tell you the years that it owned it uh they had just sold it before I got here in 2000 so I think they owned it throughout maybe some of the ' 80s and the '90s um they ended up selling it to another company called coltech which was a private Equity Firm and that's kind of where the start of the the private Equity uh ownership began but uh Colt is the the uh the same Colt that owned uh Colt firearms so pretty cool deal that is neat some interesting history to know about y whenever Holly acquires a new company do you actually go into the facility and pick things out that you like so you're like the Indiana Jones of H except this belongs in my office me me and the operations guys sometimes are at odds because uh you know their job is to move things as quickly as possible and only keep the things that really matter and my job is to try to get all the history rounded up and and ensure that we've got all of that so it doesn't get lost so seems like like a whole museum room that's my long-term goal in life is to have a holly Museum so maybe someday be really cool yeah it would be really cool put a lot of neat stuff in there yeah leave a comment if you want to see a holly Museum we can expedite that sounds good what is this thing so a lot of people don't know but uh Holly started out making cars um this is a 1903 Holly motorette there's only three that exist left in the world uh it had a 5 horsepower single cylinder engine in it uh this is a four-wheeled version they also made a three- wheeled version uh that was more like a Horseless Carriage and um look at this belt going to say cool old tooth belt um could take it apart put it on or make it shorter whatever you needed to do but uh this is where the Holly Brothers George and Earl Holly started out uh they developed this uh engine and car this entire powertrain um Henry Ford took notice and uh they were from basically the same area uh Henry approached them and said hey you know I've got this production line uh assembly line process that I'm putting in place you know rather than building cars why don't you let me build the cars and you guys build carburetors for me because you guys understand how they work so that's how it all started and uh Holly started building carburetors for Henry Ford in 1903 so I think we're now one of three or four vendors uh that have been dealing with the Ford Motor Company since day one and uh the other ones are you know Mass conglomerations like uh BF goodr if I'm not mistaken but uh pretty cool history uh um like I said I think there's one of these in Michigan uh there is one in England and then there are a couple of motorcycles Holly also built motorcycles uh look like a motorized bicycle and uh there's a couple of those that still exist as well although I'm a motorcycle Enthusiast and I've never seen one in person so uh they're pretty rare for sure is that on your bucket list to find one of those is definitely on my bucket list I uh you know there's a cool story a while back where uh we got a call from somebody in Pennsylvania and they found the original patterns to cast the motorcycle engine case and the blueprints in an attic in Pennsylvania and uh we we were able to get that stuff and that's also part of our history collection so lots of cool stuff but uh yeah people don't know that Holly started out building cars not carburetors so we see Bradford Pennsylvania there and then the thing over there says Detroit Michigan and now we're in Kentucky corre explain the lineage of how that happens so started out in Bradford Pennsylania uh certainly when they you know started working with Henry Ford very closely and Ford Motor Company took off they had to have a presence in Detroit so they moved to Detroit uh this plant here uh was actually built in 1952 uh this car this plant built carburetors primarily um my understanding is at one point they were building between 3 and 5,000 carburetors a day out of this facility uh those would have been going on 60s muscle cars you know pickup trucks all of that kind of stuff a lot of were originally equipped with Hol and um so it's pretty cool history and uh you know the plant's been here ever since so why did they pick Bowling Green Kentucky to build the plant I know they make Corvettes here but that would have do that have anything to do with it I was going to say it wouldn't have had any bearing on it at the time cuz the Corvette plant didn't get here till 84 and uh so this was well before that and I think I think the biggest reason is it was just affordable Labor uh you know it was farther south than Michigan Michigan was all unionized and um I think it was a way for them to you know have a lower cost production facility so maybe to spend less money on heat in the winter that too that by itself would be a big plus so so I noticed there's a catch pan under here with some oil on it so it says fluids when was the last time it ran I will be honest I have wanted to fire it up a lot of times but it has not been run in the 20 years that I've been here so uh uh my understanding is they did take it out and drive it just before I got here uh but it's some point we need to get it out and cruise it around again so yeah that'd be awesome it would be cool maybe one of the the Holly fests next year we can convince them to bring this thing out take it for a lap on the circle track that would be cool might take a while but it I don't think it'd be that hard um you know it's got uh it's got a coil box and as long as we get the coil box working the rest of it you know should be pretty simple so maybe you can test the coil with that thing in there at my use that mallerie coil tester to make sure it's all working right so that's awesome f was this thing restored or how did Holly end up reacquiring this I am not certain uh when we acquired it again um look at the picture I mean everything looks like exact right it uh like I said it's been here a long time it in my opinion it was restored before we got it uh but I don't know all of the history to this car and where it came from um there are some people that uh we have a lot of people here with long uh tenures uh we had a couple people recently retire with 50 years with Holly and uh you know some of those might be able to provide some missing details that I don't have but uh it's certainly a uh a showpiece of the company and and not something that everybody sees yeah when when we walked in here I saw that thing I'm like what is this just like some kind of mission statement inspiration like here's the beginning of Transportation kind of thing I did not know that this was a holly car yep yep it's pretty cool piece so it uh like I said I would love to love to see one of the motorcycles well uh but you know if you think about developing a car from scratch in the at the turn of the century the Holly Brothers had a lot of talent for sure maybe we let's show this picture over here maybe someone watching this video has seen one of these things and doesn't know what it is so they were a single cylinder air cooled a motor um they still had a uh set of cranks on them to be able to Pedal so you had to Pedal to get it started and then I expect that would help fire the motor up uh once you got to a certain speed and then would take off but uh pretty basic uh speed control spark control um there's also a picture up here of the Hol carburetor company on airplanes and uh there was a lot of history with Holly and and airplanes they built uh carburetors for uh bombers and other uh you know warbird type of aircraft during the time but uh you know did a lot Holly has a lot of things in its history that it's done even uh you know some rocket related stuff over time so jet controls and a little bit of everything I think it'd be cool to take those blueprints that they found and make H trust me I have thought about that many it uh I collect vintage motorcycles so one of those is definitely on my bucket list if anybody has ever seen anything like this before or might keep your eyes peeled cuz you know maybe it doesn't say Holly on it anymore but there's got to be one floating around out there somewhere most definitely now we went a few miles down the road to the manufacturing location we got Steve here who's going to tell us all about this place yeah so uh this part of Holly here is uh we do the manufacturing of all the exhaust systems here uh this is for flow master uh hooker exhaust hooker black heart some APR and some dining stuff here also and are these the original mockups in here too so you can compare like does the mockup fit does the yep correct and then all these little uh what's it called white dots are all from the 3D scanning too we 3D scan them so the pipe started as stock here where does it go first uh raw stock then it goes into the Mandel bit uh tubing machines over here and uh basically the difference between a Mandel bent tubing and compression bin tubing is compression bin is basically a hydraulic ram that has a U-shaped die and you're forcing the pipe to make a Bend so when you do that that's called compression bending and what the problem with that is it's going to rob you of horsepower and torque uh the reason for that is let's say you start with a 2 and 1/2 in exhaust well when you crush that pipe to make it fit that u-shaped bend it it's going to get smashed down to 2 and 1/4 so if we're going from 2 and 1/2 to 2 and 1/4 then back up 2 and 1/2 that inconsistency of the air flow basically will rob you of horsepower and torque uh then these machines over here produce what's called mandr bent tubing basically there is like this I call like a slinky ball the slinky ball kind of follows the pipe as it gets bent so it does not allow the pipe to get crushed so you get uh like you see right here you can see the pipe is not crushed at all it stays the consistent uh this one's 3 in so it stays a true 3 in so you get what's called free flowing exhaust when you have free flowing exhaust gives you more horsepower more torque and actually helps reduce uh basically heat that radiates off the exhaust so it helps with like any rubbers or Plastics underneath the car from drying out or you know rotting out because of the heat so let me see the machine do it work over there yeah we can come over and check it out yeah if you get exhaust made by local muffler shop or something they're going to do the crush bent or you look under car sometimes the crush bent it's got like those wrinkles on the inside exactly that's how you know Mandel has no wrinkles exactly and most mom and pop shops just don't have the funds for a mandrel bit tubing so here's those little slinkies I call it those are the slinkies that go in inside the uh the tubing this is where the Mandel bent tube so as it's getting bent these things will bend as the tube is getting made and it keeps it from getting crushed so you can see raw spot goes in the Mandel bit tube will basically pull it and bend it and like I said that little sling L thing is inside that tube and you can see it does not crush the pipe the pipe stays the same position diameter throughout that and he'll program it to do whatever it needs to do 45 here go x amount of Ines and do another 45 or whatever let see how the pipe is staying the same diameter throughout so this is all mandrel V tubing that's so cool this is like CNC it knows how much to feed it how much turn it that way you get one header primary that is one piece instead of guy like me in the garage having to cut and weld everything together to get up like this booth right here is looks like it's hooker and dining and looks like they're working on headers right now so they're taking a bunch of header tubes that you just saw getting bent up and then basically this is the beautiful fine product I mean he hand TIG welds all this stuffff crazy so he gets it all in there and then they'll cut the the excess off flush exactly yeah and then well it and blend it all in there and everything yep that's pretty cool these are all being hand welded one by one the exhaust hangers they'll stick it through that machine and that thing will do this little Jiggy Jag thing and it'll basically put out itty be little hangers for the exhaust systems and I'll make hundreds and hundreds of those out of a big old roll that is this a relatively new building looks like it's built with expansion in mind yeah it it was this is a fairly newer building it's hasn't been here very long this building is enormous I didn't realize it went the whole way down here yeah this is nothing yet uh our distribution area where you actually ship all the stuff out of is probably like five of these we're going there too you're going there next so this is basic shipping area basically houses all the parts that Holly does make um pretty much when they get a order in they'll have a uh basically we call a parts picker go down to whatever aisle and Pick Your Part goes down this little conveyor belt they have a person over there with a computer and they'll just kind of check everything make sure everything's in that order and then they'll box it up pack it up and then it goes out the door to you so there's literally Parts Runners here I said they'll they actually run around with a shopping cart they really run around like a shopping cart shoing shopping cart or uh forklift they'll they'll get all the stuff down and then put in the shopping cart and that's the easiest way to get it on the little rollers right there but then yeah it gets boxed up in Saran Wrap and then we got all the different uh trucks we got FedEx right here XO right there so many I found the row where the carpet for my 67 came from this is for a 64 but this is the row that it came from we hope you enjoyed this video and learned a little something about the backstory of Holly and Weir did we had no idea that they made they made cars oh okay yeah Shelby's just going to Der roll this whole thing we didn't know Holly made cars that's so cool yeah I want them to fire that up or like use the blueprints to make one of those motorcycles that' be cool yeah we got to like we got to get Holly to get that red car fired up and drive it around or something take it down a quarter mile I don't care if it takes 5 minutes if you like the factory tour stuff we got all kinds of different Factory videos like blueprint Comp Cams the new Factory you want to see all they make motor homes the best ones we did that too where we have some videos upcoming using some of the parts that they pack there yeah for your car yeah do you want to show the floor pan just like the the new one just the new floor pan yeah not the car just the floor P watch out well that's it this is my brand new floor my seats get mounted on those this is like the the floor pan kit for my car and I'm really excited Peak and if you would like to be involved and support the channel you can go to Stapleton and find all these cool shirts that we have this one's my favorite but we're like we have super low stock we're really really low on these like we need to place another order yeah we need to get more but the white one's really nice too we're we're out of some sizes on them also I we have the smaller sizes we only have one more 2x but like um medium large extra large are good yeah literally like you want a white 2x shirt this is you right here that's the only one we got but we have everything in the um UND disc this one yeah this is the only one we have all the sizes left of like the old Winston style ones we got the boom tube shirt I just want to make cool no shirt's like really cool well obviously this one's cool but the Monte Carlo shirt yeah these this is the back by the way so this first gen Monte Carlos are just really cool mhm you got the arrow wheels on there and boom tubes and you got the Good Wrench style pit crew shirt like the the staple I think I'm going to make some dog bandanas with this logo on it too yeah who wants a dog bandan I do so that's why we're going to make it and we got like every one of these has matching hats so like this hat matches these ones they got the boom tube eagle with the wrench foot on the side oh I have some right here is this one yeah this is like the one I'm wearing right now matches this Flex this is flex fit and we got the Good Wrench style one oh that one this one's a mess up don't look at this one but you get the Gest of it yeah this is one of the messed up ones where the thing is not in the middle we have a handful of those fun fact if you leave a good tip sometimes we throw in blemished things into your order as a bonus cuz like we're stuck with these anyway so we just you know if you don't care if it's offc Center you can have it it's free well I'm sure some people just like they like when I throw those in there it's like their shop hat then yeah cuz it's get dirty it doesn't matter it's fine like the Hat you were wearing earlier is like your like messed up shop hat I've like thrown it in the washing machine like four times yeah now this one's going to be messed up shop hat cuz I went to plug in an airline and it exploded in my face with dirty water even though this was like my nice hat now it's a shop hat well I had to like go bother you to help me tear AP my car yeah that's funny it was like I was working on it by myself and then I just like he was sitting here doing work on the computer and then I just like was like hey I need you and then he had to stop everything he was doing and come help me yeah and we got stickers too so that's Stapleton you can find it in the description or I'll put it in the Pinn comment too uh we're just glad you're here if you don't want to get a shirt it won't hurt our feelings but it'd be cooler if you did with the state of the world we understand like yeah not being able to afford it right now yeah and we're not even making as many different types of shirts as we used to for that exact reason just like having the inventory cost so much more everything cost buy the t-shirts in general cost so much more yeah the blank t-shirts before they get printed cost more and then everybody's power cost more so the places that print them charge more to print them and it's just gone like through the roof and we have not raised our shirt prices since pre like year and a half ago so the margin is just smaller and we've done that because we think it's cooler to have you guys that want to support us or want to walk around with our logo on yourself do that like that's cooler to us than like trying to make a bazillion dollars doing it like this is not not a t-shirt company with a YouTube channel this is just fun stuff it's stuff that we would want to wear anyway that we made yeah basically is that's why it all kind of looks the same cuz he has like a certain style but I'm going to make some like different shirts yeah like I design so if you don't Vibe with my taste well I like them but you know what I'm saying everything has like the similar like you know vibe to it like everything pretty these shirts all had like the same you know what I mean I don't know if you've been here for that long then you know that yeah
Channel: Stapleton42
Views: 72,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lsxcalade, escalade, turbo, twin turbo, pfi speed, stapleton42, Mitchell stapleton, 427, lsx, dyno, 2000 hp, street outlaws, bald eagles, 4x4, rowdessy, big turbo, suburban, yukon, denali, 1320video, dale jr, do it for dale, Brent pfi, rmrw, drag week, boost, v8, ls1, esv, boom tube, daytona, Alex bowman, suck it, dale truck, monte carlo, first gen monte, ls swap, pro touring, lsa supercharged, iroc x pipe, dr gas, rippin, vice grip garage, vgg, amc dealership, junkyard, sterling marlin
Id: gjuVQsTNlG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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