Former Chef To The Queen Dishes On Royalty And Royal-Tea #jamfirst #creamfirst

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Pronounces scone wrong. Short o.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mackduck 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm down McGrady the royal chef I spent 11 years as private chef to the Queen Princess Diana Prince William and Prince Harry a buckingham palace Kensington Palace and traveling around the world with the royal family wherever they went welcome to my youtube channel I'm gonna be sharing with you some of the Royal Family's favorite dishes some new recipes new ideas to get you cooking in the kitchen too and the first one I'm making is the royalty scones the Queen's favorite scones we start off with flour and sugar baking powder and butter all these ingredients go into the bowl and you just rub them together until you've got real fine breadcrumbs afternoon tea dates back to the 1900s when another 7th Duchess of Bedford decided that she got those hunger pangs she was feeling hungry between lunch and dinner so she asked her maid to go down to the kitchen and ask if she would make some sandwiches and a few pastries so that she could just enjoy those in the afternoon before dinner pretty soon she started inviting friends over and they decided to have afternoon tea with their friends - and he really took off once you have these beautiful fine bread crumbs then we'll add the egg and the milk at this stage it's important that you don't need it too much you just lightly bring all those ingredients together it's not bread we're working with and if you work on the theory that each Porsche each little turn will tighten that dough it'll help you realize how little we need to move it around just keep adding the milk until the dough comes together and it's really important that we don't need it once the dough's come together we can put it onto the table and a light dusting of flour just knead it just a little bit and turn it over so we get the real smooth surface then lightly roll this out it needs to be about an inch thick after that we can cut it using our 2 inch cookie cutter the queen would have plain scones one day and fruit scones the next raisins sultanas and they alternated each day but she'd always have afternoon tea wherever she was in the world I remember being on the Royal Yacht Britannia we flew out to Australia joined Britannia and it was like five o'clock in the morning but to the Queen it was 5:00 in the afternoon it was time for tea so my first job was making scones the next stage is really important for me it's putting the glaze on the top of the scones so they look really pretty when they're on the table and for me the secret is just to use egg yolk it really does make a nice glaze when they come out of the oven we need to set the oven at 350 degrees and the scones will bake for about 15 minutes or so but keep an eye on them so they don't burn on the top we want them nice and golden brown and they'll raise beautifully when the scones are ready they'll be golden brown on the top oh my goodness Tay they smell so good we need to let them cool down before we put the jam and cream on them but they're nice and firm on the outside but inside they're going to be absolutely gorgeous and soft a chefs treat was always to take the first one and then just open it up look how soft they are in there a little butter on each one okay it's more than a little sandwich that together and before they went up for royalty there's always one for the chef oh it's so good it's brings back so many memories of baking these in the kitchens of our human powers turn the cameras off I want to eat all of them oh they're so good but the Queen voice has them with jam and clotted cream let me show you and the best way to split a scone is not just to break it it falls apart serrated knife cut into it halfway and then just lift it off and it comes away perfect they smell so good after that it's jam now I say jam and cream but there's a huge debate going on us - is it jam first is it cream first depending on which part of the world you live in some say yeah you've got to put the cream first another say no no no it's the jam first the Queen was always jam first the jam when Tom followed by that delicious clotted cream so you are jam first or a cream first leave a comment below and let me know thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe so that you get to see all the new content as we release new videos let me know below what you want me to prepare what you want me to cook and I'll be preparing lots and lots of new dishes and recipes see you soon [Music]
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 731,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, Scones, clotted cream, jamfirst, afternoon tea, high tea, cooking video, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, windsor castle, foodie, chef, celebrity chef, cooking class, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, katemiddleton, queen, britishroyals, monarchy, royal, royalty, royalfamily, royal family news, garden party, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, foodporn, teatime, cake, yummy, delicious, tea and cake, luxury, dessert, afternoon tea time, tea, food
Id: G5TuRZq0tko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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