Forgotten Rainbow Friend Mod in Among Us

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okay Nico we were called onto the scene apparently red is very upset about something happening we're gonna go in and save them I don't know what's going on hello oh thank goodness you're finally here oh my goodness things are out of control hi I'm Ray hi red red what's wrong this is my facility and the rainbow friends are out of control and I need Animal Control to get them in control even though they're not animals they're friends um hey so like I said the rainbow friends are a little out of control wait I can investigate him investigate what do you call a duck that loves fireworks a fire quacker yeah that's exactly what you're here to solve your animal control so like could you control the animals that'd be great okay uh I'm just saying it went dark and I instantly just see it's you and me it is you and me scratches see these scratches yeah and the friends are all being super weird look come on come on in here come in here oh hi blue hi guys can you hear me I can hear you you're talking loud and clear blue has been super sad lately like even more sad than he should be I mean out of his mouth or is that drool I can't why is he always drooling oh no he's wrong in front of me look at my platform somebody scratched it up and I don't even have claws that's true his little stubbies oh they're retractable wait so when I drag this down someone like ripped her blocks apart oh gosh why do you think I called you I see why you called me now this is making sense was it right was it you oh wow okay listen okay I will say this I it was not me so dark okay I need to start writing stuff down I need to figure out who what's even going on who who has messed around with everyone why didn't you just fart Soul fraud blue is hurt red who people have now been injured around you so I know you called me but I'm a little uh little Sussex I literally am the most innocent I called you but blue could have done that to himself to give himself an alibi that he's not I would hurt everyone I don't even hands look at me I'm handless oh you oh you were like clogged wait you might have been orange I don't know okay uh you wanna you wanna talk to Orange I'll take you to Orange I'm down to talk to Orange let's go let's go why is there paint everywhere yeah it's not paint huh weird that it's red I'm what okay will you calm down you're really accusatory for a guy I hired I don't know I I have to I have to be sus of everybody now everyone's excited me what oh blue okay so this is this is going is not I don't like I don't like how this is going listen you're ow tell me everything you know for me I have to be sus of everybody it could be you for all I know in fact that would be a perfect Alibi if you called me to make it seem like you want sauce okay are you leading me to Orange I want to talk to Orange okay yeah if you want to talk to orange juice you're freaking me out before I follow him I want to go ahead and investigate oh where do developers spend time making these mods wait I just got a clue for where do developers spend time making these mods the trash on the computer oh okay so blue had a clue on him so whoever is killing them whoever killed my partner Nico okay I need to figure this out so who okay that has to be the computers right okay let's go to the computers and maybe I don't know maybe we'll find a part of a clue to figure out who is doing it did you a favor though that's true I'm actually kind of glad Nico's gone okay throw the computers ready welcome to the computer lab anything nearby okay I'm checking everything oh I've been investigating boom you found a tranquilizer oh no what I just found a handle I'm not telling you right I'm not telling you I don't trust you I finally do a train for life okay what I need to do and I need to put whoever killed is killing everybody whoever the Forgotten like friend is if I just want to kill the rainbow friends I can just do it why would I even call it oh no yeah hey hey hey all right stop running around hey hey sorry I have to stop you I had to get your attention orange what why is why are you running around what is your problem I'm super hungry man look at me I'm skinny I haven't eaten damn gosh I forgot when the orange doesn't eat he gets very angry and he wants to kill things okay orange orange calm down listen listen where is your food why is it all gone why is your food all gone no I don't know someone's been taking all my food I was hungry I mean I've been Scavenging in these trash cans and I've been fighting nothing but weird little notes I don't know what's happening okay orange tell you what I know you wanna fight right now I know you want to kill me if anything kill Brad because he's he's probably the one probably doing this colors are almost the same killer look I know I have like scratched like things like I can scratch action if I don't want to scratch anybody literally everything is scratched up so something that's kind of weird of you I don't know okay I'll tell you what if I help you try to find food you help me and protect me against whoever is killing and whoever's hurting everyone around here because you'll start I'm gonna get really close to you I'm gonna get really close listen I will be your bestest rainbow friend if you give me food I will not do anything to you and I'll protect you okay with my claws and my tail perfect okay you protect me especially probably from my shopping distance for me both of you I am the boss here okay yeah he's our boss he's our boy all right red where you leading us now where are we going this is Green's Lair okay but Green's also upset there I told you all the rainbows and friends are upset I don't know what's going on with them they're all being stupid hey no green over here green over here green green green Green oh yeah I know you're blind you can't see me but listen I'm here to help you I instantly I don't think it's you I I'm I I was called here by red I can't even see how you know calm down just follow this out of my voice I'm here to help you don't worry red why is why did orange just die was it you hear the things when I called you they were just upset ever since you've been here they started dying I think no no red I'm keeping my eye on you I need to investigate the body I need to get another clue orange I'm so sorry you died investigate fluffy and green is where it must be hey where do you have something that's fluffy and green here uh you mean other than green oh I'm sorry again I'm sorry I'm sorry I have to do this again just to get a clue oh that wasn't it sorry okay okay well fluffy in green honestly my first time somewhere else yeah no I don't know I'm testing every angle my first thought is that bushes are fluffy and green and boom okay okay slowly building this gun in the top is good okay don't worry about a green don't worry about a red don't worry about it I am putting Clues together right I need you to lead me somewhere that's actually helpful because everybody is just a green this way come on follow me now this is purple oh this is the investigators what's wrong they broke my bed oh yeah look at all the events everywhere just like completely ruined oh gosh oh no so the map is torn apart all the vents are just ripped up oh gosh what is happening who is doing this yeah it can't be blue because he's dead it can't be orange because he's also dead oh yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry are you even a professional I'm not a professional uh Giver up to death uh whatever that's called I don't even know clearly purple and green I listen we need to all work together if we need to figure out because it could be one of you for all I know so first of all right but just the purple and green and not red you already know your Susie sometimes hey green what happened are you okay you look pretty rough I don't care yeah he's a little he's a little bit left me in a corner all alone separate everyone separate one is going oh my gosh okay so I know how this looks red rise in my laboratory and you're rude you'll kill purple and I'm purple that's literally a crime come here come here stop punching me I am gonna sue you ground I'm helping you okay you know I'm doing an investigation I'm searching I'm searching purple I'm searching green boom can you spell z k l z k l what is that hint stay away from me you're freaking me out you're freaking me out right stay away [Music] you're the most house right now especially oh the block smell things Z no that's it that's a z no Z okay no that's not okay no that is kzkl wait investigate stay here down stay down here right stay down here look zkl investigate look at this I have three points to the gun now I can Assemble and now this is how I'm gonna take him down I can take red down this is how I can do it all right red listen back up back back again what do you mean back against the wall no I died and orange just died and now I have three pieces to the clue I can assemble this I have a tranquilizer gun uh no thank you uh what Brad I don't think I'm sorry I'm sorry I know I know you don't want this but I'm gonna have to use this on you no no no I I literally no no hey put it down come here come here I can see now oh wait oh you tried to turn off the lights so I wouldn't be able to see where you're going huh no I I don't have any High blue oh look I'm trying to turn the lights up again trying to run where are you trying to run run huh you're not going far stop it stop it wait what wait who are you wait you can't see me I can see you the train gun is giving me powers yellow I thought it was red the entire time come here where are you trying to go I'm going to kill you no yes yeah it's okay I got him he is next to the thing can I cage him up I can K Jello boom get out of here yellow you're going to jail yes we put him in the car oh sorry I forgot Nico died all right I know you died but you're still there I don't that's kind of weird actually bye yellow captured JG
Channel: Zud
Views: 272,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, Imposter, Among Us Mod, Zud, Among Us Funny Moments, among us, new among us role, among us mods, among us impostor, among us mod, among us imposter, among us animation, animation, among us song, ssundee among us, among us vr, zud among us, among us custom mod, among us gameplay, among us rainbow friends, rainbow friends, Forgotten Rainbow Friend Mod in Among Us, forgotten rainbow friends, among us forgotten rainbow friend ssundee, yellow, rainbow friends yellow, blue
Id: _SveVMTPug4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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