Living Word Church - Thursday PM

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we're at church tonight it's great to be here with you would you please stand to your feet if you haven't already turn your attention to our flag and we'll say our pledge of allegiance together i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united i pledge allegiance to a christian flag and to the savior whose name it stands one savior crucified risen and call me again with life and liberty to all who believe amen great job lord we thank you right now for our country we ask you right now would you help us we would you heal our land we call we just speak peace over our nation and over every other nation in the world lord we need you more than ever we thank you jesus for your perfect will in america in jesus name i pray amen well come on up and join us as we praise and worship our god tonight hallelujah [Music] there is one thing that i know you are faithful [Music] yeah you are faithful so i speak how your work has the power to change my world and your my breakthrough i will trust you i will trust you you are never [Music] and i will run into the water of despair you are god and you are there you're always with me you're always with me i will trust you [Music] here [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm praising him [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] never [Music] and i will run into the water [Music] i don't care what it looks like [Music] i don't care [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen isn't our god [Music] you and sir when i fall you are there by my side [Music] you delivered me out of darkness now i stand in the hope of your life by grace i pray you rescue me now all i am [Music] stronger enough [Music] now i'm alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] foundation it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] stronger [Music] oh i'm alive for you [Music] when i call on your name you answered when i fall you are there by my side you delivered me out of darkness now i [Music] is [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] alive oh of you [Music] yes i am free because of you oh we thank you lord we are free because of you [Music] oh we thank you lord amen are you grateful for him tonight hallelujah lord we just thank you right now we thank you jesus for the sacrifice that you made on the cross for us we're so grateful for your spilt blood lord we would give anything we're so grateful to be here worshiping you we honor you lord oh we praise your name [Music] you are worthy of all praise oh we praise you lord [Music] the morning sign was dead the savior of the world was falling [Music] his body arm across his blood poured out for us the weight of every curse [Music] [Music] the sign of god was late in darkness [Music] is [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] you are worthy to be praised [Music] we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb is overcome and we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb is overcome and we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] we lift [Music] oh we thank you lord [Music] you have overcome it all you have overcome it all and we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb is overcome and we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah the lamb is overcome and we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is is [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] the one who made the blind to see is moving here in front of me moving here in front of me the one who made the death to hear is silencing my every fear it's eyes and seeing my every fear i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles [Music] i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles we believe you can do all things [Music] the one who does impossible is reaching out to make me hold reaching out to make me home the wife will put death in its place his life is [Music] [Music] i believe in you [Music] [Applause] i believe in you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you can do all things [Music] the power [Music] you're the god of miracles [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles that's who you yes [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] we love you tonight lord jesus we've come to honor you we've come to worship you we've come to present the tithe and offering make mention of your greatness make mention of your name to sing like this on purpose to honor your presence to realize we're not just doing church [Music] we're in the presence of the almighty god you're here to help us you're here to strengthen us you hear every cry every prayer everyone from every one of us and somehow in your greatness you can hear every individual heart and mouth and noise thank you touch us in our soul tonight put your hand on your heart somewhere inside inside inside touch us strengthen us emotionally we live in a very disturbing day a very uneasy day a day of pressure uncertainty we're covered with lies and and uh and in a dark cloud we just pray right now over our soul to be at peace no more turmoil be at peace be at peace i speak peace i speak peace supernaturally over our soul i speak to our mind it'll settle down stop racing stop worrying in the name of jesus we'll have a clear mind i speak to our memories we're not going to lose our mind [Music] i pray over our fast response system and may our mind be at peace peace your word my lord says those who keep their mind stayed or fixed or concentrated on you will live in perfect peace we're going to determine to get our mind off from all this junk all these lies all this bad report even if they're true they're still a bad report they still breed fear and uncertainty and worry and we're going to place our mind on your word and on you and therefore we're going to live in peace everybody say peace we're going to live in peace thank you for healing our bodies [Music] may all pain go that we can enjoy the healing power that you bought and paid for in the name of jesus christ of nazareth [Music] praise god praise god praise god now lord i'm going to pray over all of us right now so stay in prayer mode let me pray over you right now now lord this free market not only is it work for us we're going to do the work we're happy to do your work but we're going to be soul winners i'm for helping troubled people i know you are lord this church has always been very generous to help people in the name of jesus we're going to be soul winners this saturday when people come out we're going to be there individually we're going to be friendly we're going to shake hands we're going to pray for people [Music] and in the name of jesus that anointing is going to be on us you're going to honor our faith we're going to give up things on saturday morning to be here to touch people's lives we thank you for it anoint us for it in fact anoint us to do this every day to be bold and loud people have lost hope but we know you your name is hope we know you and we're going to be that spreader we're going to be contagious and we're going to help people pick their chin up pick their head up and walk in hope and not despair everybody say so be it in my life and on me in jesus name hey love on somebody you can do it show yourself friendly for a whole minute one whole minute one whole minute one whole minute praise god praise god and praise god thank you lord jesus thank you master everybody shout i love church [Music] shout it out say i love my church then i'm in good company because i love this church too amen welcome thanks for being out on a midnight uh midnight midweek certain well i've been doing the midnight thing so the midweek service we're going to we're going to abbreviate just a little bit tonight the preaching time and such because we want you to go next door and there's going to be a little meeting immediately following church it won't be long for those of you that plan to be here saturday to help us whether you're a worker or you're going to come and hang out we want to just give you a little instruction we're going to do that under the tent also saturday morning of course is the free market and on saturday morning at nine o'clock we normally have saturday morning prayer from nine to ten we're going to do it under the tent and get everybody prepped and ready to go uh you know for uh for evangelizing and loving on people while they come out here amen and so if you can be a worker please do it if you can come to the tent right after we dismiss again it won't be real long we're going to give you some instructions and pray some anointing over here in jesus name amen and then of course between right now and saturday morning we need all the help we can get to help set up sort things out you know we need some more ladies i know you men are okay but you don't do real good at sorting out certain things you know yeah it'd be nice to know the difference between a blouse and a pair of slacks yeah so some of you ladies come out and not only help us but help us repair the damage the men have done and all the ladies said amen well praise the lord it is what it is we need your help so do that and you can bring your stuff anytime now a lot of you have but we just want to touch people i know you know this but i want to say it again we really have no no ulterior motive for what we're doing in the free market there's only two things we want to help people that are hurting and in doing so i don't want us to make them feel little like like i don't want that you don't want that the lord doesn't want that we want him to feel good so we try hard not to separate out who's the most poor no no no i was raised in that and it's no fun to have people help you you take to help because you're desperate my family did but somehow there's always that we're not that we're not as good as others and here we are we're glad for the help but it's kind of like a put down we're not going to do that we're going to boost people up we're going to encourage them in christ we're going to give away everything we can for free to help people who need it praise god and then we're going to evangelize let's tell people about our jesus because that's what really brings hope amen so that's the motive uh please get hooked up to that that the helps team asked me to give you this announcement and that is that we have a lost and found you should go back and check it out because according to to uh peggy heisted there are dozens of unclaimed items and uh they're gonna go to the free market after tonight's service so you better go look see if something is yours and you really like to have it and do not drop your children off they are not going to the free market this is not a drop-off this is pick-up stuff so amen praise god glory to god i feel like praying again will you pray with me again lord we want to help people we do help people all the time that's that's who we are we're constantly doing community things but this free market may be one of the coolest ideas the finest things we do may people who need help be drawn to it may they may they get what they need may there be enough supply to just help everybody that comes i know usually hundreds of people come throughout that saturday morning but more so lord maybe may we influence influence them would you anoint us to be a witness to love on people to help them to bring some hope to them and if they don't know you to lead them to you the living savior somebody was strong enough and kind enough to do that for us let not this day pass let not this free market pass by that we were not out sharing the love of christ and being friendly i ask you one more time anoint us for this and they say in the name of jesus you want to clap once because we're happy come on praise god hallelujah usher stand if you will if you're visiting with us tonight the ushers have a free gift cd pack for you you can have it no strings attached uh here at the alder is our friendship team coming forth they'll be here one here at the exit doors and you can shake their hand they'll love on you even if you've been here before and you just got some questions or you want to fit into the family better that's what they're here for we do not want anything from you there is no weird strings attached we're trying to get things to you and i tell this even if you never came back that's your decision but let us bless you while you're here there's nothing wrong with that right to strengthen you and bless you welcome to all of you by internet and the stream tonight thank you partners thank you you're helping us preach and we just take a minute what a troubled day to live in thank you a special thank you from mark barclay ministries living word international church for you in law enforcement thank you for keeping the peace it doesn't seem to be very easy for you anymore but we're behind you we're behind you and may your bosses sort out the bad cops and find them something else to do deal with them but most of you are really good hard-working people we love you and we pray for you don't we church we're not just saying this we seriously have you on our prayer teams and all of you in green you know i am just um i'm really i'm not messed up but i feel messed up over this whole afghanistan thing uh this is to a guy like me this is a repeat of what happened in vietnam these people left behind are going to be raped dismembered killed beheaded tortured and then they're going to go after christians just like they did under the black flag before before our government stepped in and said enough is enough we need to pray don't we church we need to pray but we but the bible talks about first the household of faith so i'm asking god to put a burden on all of us that it's not this nonchalant thing that we pray for the church the believers in afghanistan because what's coming to them without a god intervention is a very bad bad situation so do that put that on your prayer list any time you think about it ask god to have mercy on those people and to protect his church amen can i have a better amen on there amen well visitors good to see you internet thank you we love you church family you're out some of you've been out throughout the week helping us set up for a free market here you are give yourselves a good hand clap come on do it we love you thank god you made it that's what i say good to have pastor wayne babb with us yet from alabama praise god give him a good handclap glory and uh lynn hall is with us uh we love you lynn give her a good hand clap praise god and and uh and yourselves usher stand again we're going to receive our evening uh tithes and offerings whatever you brought for the house of god and we'll put it in here praise the lord you know what to do wave it in usher if you don't they'll hand off an envelope to you we're doing really good guys we're paying all the bills of the church amen praise god praise god we're building the buildings you notice we're out here we're doing stuff so won't be long you'll start seeing cement being you know mixed up and concrete being poured and the concrete pillars being put in and that's what's coming and so we're out here we're doing it it won't be long now praise god we're going to have the money save money have the money to do it and there's no pressure say no pressure i'm not pressuring you and so don't you let anything else either i mean this ought to be fun you know how many churches don't get to do this you do right i was telling i was telling a pastor last night that that you ought to rejoice in the building you have because it's shocking actually how many churches i say pastors because they pastor the churches how many pastors and churches don't even have their own building one of our churches in california not saying names they pay they lease a building for 35 000 a month to have church why don't they build a building 1.5 to 1.7 million dollars an acre and you have to have 10 acres to build on to be a church so i told them you need to you got a building you need to rejoice man there's a lot of pastors that would take this building in a heartbeat and most churches they don't get to build like this and and uh and pay cash are you kidding me and look where we're at put it put the building screen up i know we're we're taking a regular ties and offerings but look how good you're doing 375 000 almost 374 106 has come in and on all the buildings we've done look at the cash 2.6 plus million dollars million [Applause] maybe that's not a lot of money to you but where i came from you should rejoice that's you you're millionaires i mean this is the lord's and so are those buildings but you and i i mean they're ours to use and we this is cash there's no debt and that's how we'll build this next building it will it will some be somewhere around 1.5 million give or take the craziness of the day but look where we're at we're already at a you know you're at a third of a million dollars cash cash and the rest will come in because god will keep blessing us but god doesn't want you pressured and i'm not going to pressure you we got to have fun doing this say fun notify your face this is fun to serve god and to build for god and to help other people this is what it's all about amen well stand with me you got me preaching already father thank you for every dollar that comes into the house of god at the end of the service we'll receive our building program offering and we'll probably talk about this again lord but we rejoice in your goodness we're we're purposing to have a blast serving you serving together doing things together helping people building your buildings and uh and everything else thank you we consider it a high privilege to be used by god and in the name of jesus according to your word according to your word let there be the biblical return of hundredfold on those who give and sow into your kingdom in the name of jesus say amen say i am blessed come on let's do it because we love god we're so into the kingdom praise god will take the building offering at the end of the service [Music] [Applause] [Music] love you master praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god praise god [Music] now we're going to pray over anybody that you know that's struggling in their body couldn't be here right now or especially facing something um really tough so today's been a really weird day for bad phone calls and i couldn't tell you i mean i could but i won't so so let me say it right uh all day long it seems like since early this morning people have called from all over the place so-and-so is dying who just got a death report they just had a you know one of our greatest partners his dad just had a stroke and and now his brain is bleeding and he's not going to make it through the night it looks like it's just like we need to we need to pray right you do believe in prayer right it's not just something that we say and then james just told me that um mark klein one of our members one of the top cops here in midland his dad jim klein one of our longtime elders is not expected to make it through the night and so let's i'm going to pray for jim and the other people that i heard from today while i do that you take just a second think about who you know that's struggling and let's pray for everybody heavenly father you said let your house be known as a house of prayer and so we asked you to intervene to help there's nobody better there's nobody like you and those that are passing into heaven what a great promotion they if they really do go they that's the goal to make heaven and i thank you lord that it'll be peaceful joyful entry into what they've believed for these christians most of their life touch the families that are involved whether people's whether they're dying or living we gotta have healing manifest and i pray for these that i heard from today struggling for their life thank you thank you whether it's coveted or coveted blamed or strokes or heart attacks or some other weird thing we ask you for your mercy and if there's anybody we know may we be able to get to them somehow somehow they've somehow lord in this system they have learned how to blockade ministers and christians from reaching those beds with dying people and they just won't let us in but you can go in we send your word in the name of jesus oh how we love you jesus how we praise you master for that for that everybody say amen all right please be seated did you bring a bible tonight all right i'm going to do a mini sermon can you believe i can do it okay according to your faith so so be it unto you i'm not sure i believe i can do it either but you want to at least whack at it and see how we see how it turns out i'm in deuteronomy 11. come on let's go there yeah i hope you're that enthusiastic when i'm done deuteronomy 11 i want to talk to you and teach a few minutes if you're taking notes i'm just calling this the wonderful majestic word of the lord this will be my third time with you teaching on this the wonderful word of the lord the wonderful majestic majestic word of the lord oh praise god help us lord as we study together in uh in this holy scriptures for the few minutes that we have tonight in verse 8 say eight deuteronomy 11 8 therefore shall you keep all the commandments which i command you this day that you may be strong in other words if you keep the commandments you'll be strong and you'll go in and possess the land now that's that's a domineering promise that you'll be a success in life whatever that means to different people and you'll be able to conquer the elements if you own a business may it may it stabilize if you work for someone else may they be stabilized so you still have a job et cetera so we go in and possess the land wherever it is that you go to possess it verse 9 and that you may prolong your days in the land oh i like that statement i mean i'm heaven bound i'm not in love with the world i love some things in the world like i love you i love the work of god i love my wife vicky i love my kids etc there's some things we love on the planet of course but i don't love this life and when my time comes and i get my promotion to heaven hallelujah thank you jesus now i might be going to reform school for a while but i don't think they're going to kick me out i think i'm in good enough to stay praise god i'm your pastor can i at least get us some agreement on that okay praise god that you prolong your days in the land which the lord swear unto your fathers to give unto them and to their seed a land that floweth with milk and honey hmm now if we keep reading i think we will another verse or two for the land whether thou goest in to possess it is not as the land of egypt from whence you came out whether thou sowest thy seed and waters it with thy foot as a garden of herbs but the land verse 11 whether you go to possess it is a land of hills and valleys and drinketh water and it drinks water of the reign of heaven wow and the land which the lord thy god careth for the eyes of the lord thy god are always upon it from the beginning of the year even till the end of the year now i know and if you're a bible student you know this is talking from god through the mouth and eyes of the old covenant to natural israel about their country and their agricultural products but the old testament was preserved for us the bible says as in samples so we can look back and learn the heart of god and the principles of god now we're not under the ceremonial law we're not the sons and daughters of moses we're not mosaic law people we're new testament we're under the the law of the new testament the law of love and the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus that's that's us right however being even the sons of abraham like the new testament teaches us we're under the abrahamic covenant through jesus christ and but even so we do not do away with a moral law we don't follow all the ceremonial laws as new testament people we don't follow all of the festival and all of the annual bi-annual celebrations and the marking of the jewish religion you might if you're jewish of course but most of us who are new testament christians we we understand that we we we honor that but we don't participate in most of that because we're new covenant and the book of hebrews says we have a better covenant so i can't find any good reason why a christian would become old testament or convert to judaism when our covenant is a better covenant in jesus christ they should keep coming forward to christ and into the better covenant thus saith god the better covenant that's what god said it was so no there's no anti-semitic nothing in that it's just how god set it up and we're just talking about how he set it up so we're new covenant people but what is the moral law the moral law still stands today it's the ten commandments you can't name one of those ten commandments it's okay to violate you still can't steal kill bear false witness covet what's your neighbors you're supposed to keep holy the sabbath have no other gods before you no not not even graven images of false gods so this is all still standing why because it creates a moral base for society and it creates a moral base for you raising your family and god's never changed his mind on that now in the old covenant they had this as well but they didn't have jesus christ the savior or the spilt blood of the lamb they weren't in this covenant right they weren't born again you are they weren't new creatures new creation you are i am through christ right they weren't water baptized to put the flesh in remission remissions of sin they weren't filled with the holy ghost and led by the spirit uh we have very few signs of them being led by the spirit and when we did it was the prophet or someone like moses being led so everybody followed them but in our case we're led by the holy spirit we're a whole different a whole different kind of a of relationship with god in in person in the new testament you still with me but the moral law still stands don't commit adultery right thou shalt not i like this i have this judge friend he had the ten commandments that was in his chambers no no in his courtroom and a certain group here in america this anti-bible anti-christ wanted that removed and they had a big deal about it big old bunch of people came out and they were just really just cursing and cussing out this judge and i loved his response to the press he said when it comes down to the day that as a judge i don't have to judge anybody on that wall you can remove it but as long as you keep bringing me liars perjurer people thieves stealers etc then as long as i have to judge them it stays and they left town and it's still up there why it's moral law so someone asked the other day what about keeping the sabbath well i'll tell you what jesus said jesus said jesus said the sabbath was made for man man wasn't made for the sabbath what's that mean we're not under some obligation law that because there's a sabbath day you better not even push an elevator button no no no no no no no the sabbath basically the day of rest to honor your god and to recover from the workforce is still in effect whether you do it or not i don't know but it's still in effect almost never in this ministry anywhere do we have saturday meetings or even our conferences i end them all on friday night we have sunday church that's not the sabbath by the way kind of quiet in here okay let's rehearse a minute sunday is the first day of the week not monday not monday jesus was raised on the first day of the week the bible's clear on that on the first day of the week which was which is a work day the earliest christians decided to work the first day of the week and give it to jesus christ to work in his kingdom to work around the temple to work et cetera and that that was the they said we're gonna tithe basically they didn't say that but i'm illustrating we're gonna tithe our seven days and we're given the very first workday to jesus christ to work for him to serve him and to build you know whatever his kingdom then they went back to whatever they did on monday basket making ranching agriculture you know whatever they did was monday through friday that's where the five day work day week came from and then on saturday they kept the sabbath they rested the problem is most people can't decide what rest means what do you sleep in and do nothing and you lay on your couch that that might be rest to you some people get a lot of rest by not having the demand on their life and working a little bit in their garden and bouncing their baby on their knee and and uh making sure that they're raising their family in christ and one day one day of the week you have the jewish people have what they call the shabbat and that is one holy meal that they do i respect that most gentile christians converted christians they saturday's just another a lot of them work work all day long work three jobs and you never have a day of rest then they think sunday's the day of rest so what they skip church they don't work for god they're tired they got to tuck in they don't want to come out to the evening service because monday comes and and we haven't rested we haven't kept the sabbath and so we're going to cheat and use the first day of the week as a sabbath so no one takes a hit for that but god i did bring another message let me just start over and i don't know if i agree with that you get it's okay we're not like this cult that you better believe everything i say go study for yourself and if you disagree we're friends where you we don't fight over it go study and then you live out your life the way you see fit i'm telling you from the best of my student ability that this is how this was set up and it's not old covenant it's the moral law to keep this day holy means before god and then i'm going to say it again sunday we go to work for god we build his kingdom we come to church we serve we help other people remember they got mad at jesus because his disciples wasn't what what was it someone got their car stuck in the ditch their oxen you remember that story that's a real account and they were judged and jesus was a attacked judged because oh my god his disciples did something manual on the sabbath and jesus said wait a minute god didn't create humans to worship this day and submit to this day he created this day for humans to have a day of rest and recuperation and a day to remind themselves who they are in god and god's blessing right and then you come to church on sunday and we work for god and then monday through friday you work your business your you work for your boss and i hope i hope if i hope if you're the boss you're taking care of your employees and my hope as a pastor would be if you work for another man you keep your word you show up on time you be the bet you're a christian you'd be the best worker of anybody on that team i'd like a better amen on that you take nothing that's not yours those tools are not yours the time is not yours if you committed to work eight hours a day you don't work seven and a half by goofing off 30 minutes on your phone you promise that man you're a christian you're a christian you keep your word um some of you are looking like i wish he wouldn't have ever taught this message or brought this up but that's how god set this up now you don't have to extend your days in the earth the bible says if you honor your mother and your father tell me the rest it will be and you will extend your years live a long life now that seems like a pretty good system to me it didn't say you always agree with your parents you grow up sometimes you disagree but you don't you're a christian we don't live dishonorable and nasty and judgmental and full of strife and bitterness and i don't think my parents raised me right how can you judge that you didn't raise yourself and you couldn't have raised yourself and wait till you start raising some kids okay i was going to preach short now you're challenging me and i'm adding 10 minutes of penalization to this message for your holy silence i hope you just listened to me god had this all planned out didn't he god knows and god wants us to know that's why he wrote this i've told you i've been here a long time being your pastor every all the time i tell you you should i'm glad you i think most of you trust me if you don't i'm sorry i wish you would most of you do but you can't take my word for this you're gonna you've got to get in the bible you know we need to know god's way and get it in our own spirit and our soul and be able to live it because we read it and we got it amen now let's read on just a couple more minutes i am honestly watching the clock for a minute because we got other things we want to do tonight now we're still in uh deuteronomy 11 and i want to go down to verse 19. everybody say 19. all right let's do 18 just to put it in context therefore shall you lay up these words in your heart lay up by the way means means to store them through meditation so right now hearing the word is not storing it up you're hearing it it's coming to you you may know it you may not know it you may agree with it you may not agree with it you may have to wrestle it through that's your privilege but once you meditate and you take time to say after this meeting tonight you take time to go look these verses up again and meditation is the digestion system of god to where you get these truths down in your soul and then they guide your life forever they're a pillar the word of god's a pillar in our life read it again 18. he's still there therefore shall you lay up these words god's word in your heart and in your soul and bind them for a sign upon your hand that they may be as frontless between your eyes verse 19. and look at this and you shall teach them your children that's what we do here i think that's what most good churches do they either have children's church like we call it or they have things like vacation bible school for children they have sunday school classes so the kids can grow up from age to age and so i think most true christian churches are doing all they can to teach the kids about god and about living according to the bible would you agree with that yes that's what i think i don't go to every church but the ones i know of uh they're they're totally for teaching the word of god to our children but parents need to do it at home this is not a word to living word church midland michigan with an address this is a word to individual people so this would include parents this would include pastors make sure that we're we're sharing the word of god you know with the kids amen but you've got to make sure you're doing it at home as a mom and a dad verse 19 you shall teach them your children speaking of them i'm reading slow on purpose when thou sittest in thine house what isn't that weird we're going to sit around and we're going to speak about the bible in our house in our chair we're going to we're going to say something about the bible and pray the bible before we eat our meal what isn't that kind of weird i mean come on this is this is 20 21. seriously isn't that kind of religious isn't it kind of out there no it's very bible you want to live a long life extend your years have it be well with you this is what god's telling us how to do it there's new testament verses to back this up to 19 again and you shall teach them your children speaking of the word of god speaking i'm going to add it for a minute speaking the word of god when you sit in your house when you sit when you're at home so i wonder sometimes vicky and i caught ourselves doing this and i don't know that i'm the most spiritual person in the room you may be but i don't feel like i'm carnal either but we caught ourselves doing this back during the end of coven into the elections um we one day vicky and i looked at each other it's almost like we memorized it we said that's enough of that we're all done we're not going to sit around here and talk about the news anymore we're not going to talk about which news station we endorse we're not going to talk about the election no more we're not talking about covet no more we're not talking about the mismanagement of coven not anymore no more we're talked out this is the end of it in fact we made a decision that day i'm not even turning on the news until further notice why would you do that doc because we weren't sitting around the house talking the word of god talking the hope of god building each other up with the bible we start talking we were echoing the world in my house i'm a holy man of god she's a holy woman of god there's no open sin in our home and we were sitting around and our mouth was being used to repeat what the pagan is saying and if you believe half of what they say you need special prayer tonight they are really goofed up bunnies you sit in your house and you talk about the bible and when thou walk us by the way you talk about the bible you talk about the bible now don't freak out on me okay uh don't be this guy i ask a guy this is a long time ago but i asked god hey brother how you doing he goes i'm like a tree yeah i said what because i like a tree planted by the rivers of water and he quotes you know psalm 1 to me i said wow that's powerful how you really doing he goes not so good you know what's all about being freaky and weirdo but shouldn't we at least i mean there i guess there's a time to order the pizza and talk about hunting or talk about you know school but it shouldn't be the mainstay even our children our spouses should say i'm married to a man of god i'm married to a woman of god and uh and and we believe in the bible this said even when you go for a walk talk about the bible talk to each other about the bible is this too spiritual for some of you it goes on i'm still in verse 19. this turned into a whole seminar look at this and one thy lies down and when you rise up so i'm going to talk about the word of god before i go to bed sleep and i'm going to talk about the word of god when i get up because if you do the word of god will talk to you when you lay down and the word of god will come to your heart out of your soul when you wake up then you don't go to bed in sorrow listen i'm going to help you if you keep going to bed trying to digest the late late show or some other crazy thing or the halloween movie where they chainsawed everybody's head off and you wonder why you wake up every 60 minutes hearing chainsaws and feeling blood splatter in your dreams this said here this said give way to the word of god for you go to bed i challenge you as your pastor you may be doing this you might do this better than me but i still challenge i'll include myself i challenge every one of us and from now on the last thing you look at and the last thing you hear is that you find a bible to either a first bible verse to say to yourself or if you're married to your spouse if you're not married get out of that bed but if you're married amen you tuck the kids in last thing put the word of god that's this this will extend our life this is what this is what washes away all that fear and all that trash and all this uncertainty and all and and and oh my god what's going to happen wow this is the word of the living god in verse 20. stick with me i only got a couple verses left verse 20 and thou shalt write them upon the doorposts of thine house and upon thy gates during coven i put a sign on my fence i live on a main range street over here i put a sign on my fence that just uh it said praying for my neighbors because everybody they didn't know if we're gonna live or die you know this is back in the the middle of 2020. and uh then i once in a while you know i go out you know ride my bike or walking jogging and i notice after about three two three weeks when i rode through the neighborhood people started putting up uh signs i'm praying for my neighbor or we're all praying for healing and then i started seeing the signs on fences and mailboxes of uh you know all bible verses that bugged me because i wasn't smart enough to put a bible verse on mine and i'm the pastor huh yeah what were we doing telling covet the invisible enemy that we're praying to the almighty god and you don't have the right to get us i don't some people think this is like fanatical way out no it's not right it's putting the bible first in our life don't put me first don't put your favorite if i'm not your favorite preacher don't put your favorite preacher first we're just faucets we're vessels you don't go to the faucet and you're i don't think you do if you do you need help we we don't go to the our faucet and say honey look at this isn't this a wonderful faucet let me turn it down wow let's feel this faucet you go there for what's coming out of the faucet trust me please i love you i'll do my best to help you i'll try to never fail you but you but you've got to study this book we got to do what this says you do i do there is nothing wrong with posting the word of god in your life so you see it all the time memorize a verse i'll challenge you i'll challenge me how long has it been since we memorized a new bible verse write it on a card and stick it on the refrigerator door you go there often put it on a sticky and put it on the mirror where you go when you pretty yourself up read the verse write it out read the verse until you got it memorized it gets inside of you post it put one in your car yeah put a little two three four five little cards in your car and instead of texting at every red light or you know fulfilling your duties to d facebook or spew tube why don't you pull out an index card now you could do it on your cell phone but most people don't the cell phone conquers other things what if you just what if you just had two or three cards in there that had bible verses written out that you're trying to get in your soul come on that's what this is talking about call it fanatical if you want but i believe the lord was trying to tell us how to stabilize our life and beat the enemies of the day there's something about this book the bible that on your darkest day fighting your greatest battle if you can get some verses out and get them in front of your eyes or have a friend read them to you it brings hope it turns the light switch on some of the darkness drifts away and it's god trying to tell us this is how you live on planet earth this is how it's done amen amen amen and i don't just preach this this is how this is what we do that's what i do that's what vicky does yeah yeah we got stuff laying all over the place bible pages and right next to my bed i have a not my preaching bible but i have a bible and i have a pen and i have a notepad and i don't know i'm always this is how we do it i think you probably do it too i'm not judging anybody i'm just saying so you know we're not gonna watch some weird thing and then go to bed and you wake up at three you're the gunslinger and you're taking on the marshall or you're gonna go to bed with the word of god and then we wake up with the word of god yes my pastor john osteen used to say now when you get up in the morning and you're getting around or you're drinking your coffee go to the good news first before you turn on the bad news because the news on tv for example they are paid to report bad news they never rep report a good running train it made it to its destination they always report a train crash you never see headline news breaking news it's going to be sunny all day long no they're paid for bad news they're going to report the you better watch out the hurricane's coming the tornado's coming there's thunders it's all bad news you watch it i'm not i'm just saying so why would we not start the day first with the good news and then every time we hear the bad news we go back and say well that's what the bad news said but this is the good news i was flying i think to i think to africa on one of our missions trips a few years ago and uh i was blessed to ride up in like business class which on that airlines is kind of like first class but not really you know and so that was a real blessing to fly that far and uh some partners helped me do that so i said well thank you i'll take that and so i'm sitting there and i got my bible out this is what i do i didn't do it for a reason i just my i'm a bible guy so i read my bible and the guy next to me he got the newspaper out and i noticed as i was reading i'd have kept peeking over and i noticed when i peek over he really was looking at me i mean if the newspaper's here and your head's like this you're not reading your paper bubba you're reading mine so after a little while i don't know i turned to him and i said how how's the bad news going he goes what the news the newspaper the bad news i see you've been reading it he goes yes terrible ain't it i said yeah and he goes well what are you reading i said the good news he goes what do you mean the bible i thought that was a bible my grandma had a book like that isn't that something i said yeah that was probably like what your grandma had i guess i didn't know your grandma but uh it's a good news i said let me ask you a question after you read this paper now you've been reading it for i don't know half hour 45 minutes what's it do to you i mean do you like really feel strong you feel hopeful like man i'm gonna go i'm gonna conquer or do you feel like oh my god oh it's terrible oh i hope that never happens to me he goes oh that's that's what happens i mean this is bad news after bad news i said isn't it amazing i've read this bible many many many many times and i've never when i'm done i never feel like oh my god it's going to happen to me we're all going to die this is terrible all those poor people i always read it and i feel inflated i feel powerful from the word of god i'm not making up the story i don't make up stories he literally took his paper folded it you know like they do folded it in half threw it on my seat and grabbed my bible and says we're swapping for a while so i said do you even understand the bible he goes no but if i have a question you're right here you seem to understand it i said yeah read on brother and i'll help you out praise god everybody say it's good news we're not bearers of bad news and one and when there's something negative to say let the prophet say it right god anoints them to say not just the pretty things but to bring warning we don't have to run all over and be doomsday people let's run all over and spread the light let's pray let's spread the hope let's i mean come on you can't notice that people are like hurting for certain they're troubled and i love them i'll tell you i love the souls of men they don't know where to turn everything that's been the mountain of their life the answer the collection center the distribution center the pharmaceutical center the medical people everything the government everything that they have always turned to thinking they'll help me they'll bail me out they got the answers you notice if you just look back three years five years you notice they don't have the answer the world's looking like what what there's no way out of this what are we going to do the government did what you want me to take what pill you know the dollar's going to be no good it may not be one day but i've heard that since i was born and it's still the master money of the world no i don't know it may not be you got your own take on that your predictions but i'm just saying the doomsdayer oh my god you better store up everything why i mean come on people thought you know clinton was the false prophet obama was the antichrist and they're just presidents they come and go he's come and go this president will come and go but the bible is established in the earth and in heaven forever so as for me and my house i think i can speak for everybody in here and everybody on television as for me and my house i'm going to serve the lord i'm going to stick with the word of god amen i'm going to and so heavenly father help us all jesus christ my lord our lord thank you we're gonna do our best to get in this book memorize it post it have it around the house talk about it out on a walk talk about it in everyday life talk about it at lunch break talk about it when we're sitting at home we're gonna we're gonna do it we're gonna memorize verses we're gonna get this in us we're gonna meditate these powerful truths and we're gonna live for you and because of it you're going to blockade evil and you're going to bless our life i ask you lord if there's anybody hearing my voice whether they be in this house on television in in the live stream or somehow get this recording later and they just don't know you it's so easy lord you made this the easiest thing less than 15 seconds they can turn their path no pain takes pain away in fact costs no money how great is that how great it cost you plenty it cost us nothing why wouldn't anybody and everybody bow their heart to you and invite you into their life to become a new creation i pray for them may they accept you now if you don't know what to do you can just say a simple prayer something like lord jesus come live in me forgive me for being my own god calling my own shots doing my own thing come live in me and you know the lord turns nobody away it doesn't matter how good you are how bad you are do it now now that's the beginning that's not the end you're going to need people like us or somebody just like us we can help you with that but to just say the prayer and think you can make it in such a dark and dirty world is going to be a really tough walk some people do it most can but we'll help you wherever you live wherever you live we'll help you the best that we can do it now and for the rest of us lord i just speak over us we will take what we have received freely you said we have freely received we should freely give to give others what we've got yes and to show them the way to you jesus yes and may our ministry have the biggest impact it's ever made before in jesus name in jesus name say amen let's lift our hands to him just for a minute i can feel his presence maybe it's because i'm up here and i'm preaching but maybe you can feel his presence there or by television or something i just want to honor him for a minute there's nobody great in here but jesus christ we love you lord with all of our heart mind soul and strength thank you for helping us live in the dark day in the name of jesus say amen praise god did i help you at all clap whether i did or not come on praise god hallelujah usher stand if you will we're going to go ahead and receive our building program offering for our visitors or people you know say by stream or television uh we keep this separated on purpose we don't have to we could the ushers are smart the counters that we have here we could do all this at one time but the covenant that we made with the lord is that we would keep the buildings separated the best we can take the offering separate receive the pledges separate as unto the lord and i believe we're doing our best to honor that and i believe it's why the lord's doing his best to honor that pledge and commitment to him so that's why we do it like in a second offering so whatever you put in this is going directly into the new youth center and fellowship hall building and uh and we'll move forward praise god i got a report today from james and uh my son-in-law of course and dawn that um that um the entire free market all but 2 000 has been totally paid for think about that i mean that's thousands of dollars i think the tents are thousands of dollars and uh that budget was like 14 000 and some dollars that we pay in order to put this on and then uh you know we're going to give away bicycles and there's there's just certain things that cost us money and she said dad we got it all but two thousand dollars and someone pledged four thousand that hasn't brought it to us yet and when they do we'll not only have it paid we'll have two thousand dollars towards next year is that the grace of god or what yes yes so praise god we're doing it this is uh this is going into the building program if you're ready and you're done writing please stand i just want to remind you of a couple of things uh for those of you that will help us on saturday whether you're going to be a worker or just come out to the meeting or out to the you know the free market uh there's a little meeting that's going to take place we're going to dismiss here in like five minutes go right next door as fast as you can to the tent take yourself with you take your friend with you take your children with you take your possessions unless you want to be in the free market go back and look in the treasury the lost and found because after tonight peggy heisted said she's putting it all in the free market so i hope there's no lost cars out there or anything amen you got it come on let's do it so whatever you're going to do i call you blessed i call this building paid for i call this building paid i ask you lord to bless the contractors bless the workers in the name of jesus that it would be safe no one's going to get hurt and we are going to have a blast working together serving together in the name of the lord and building your house and we're going to pay cash everybody say cash we're going to pay cash in the name of jesus amen greg bussell where are you at you in here come forth greg is uh he is a heading up smti which is about to start up again so you're going to give us a little punch in the arm here a little booster shot i learned that from i'll do that trauma from all the the vaccines that was supposed to cure everything and now we gotta have a third one the third one yeah it'd be a fourth one too probably you think i mean you never know you are prophetic well i hope not but you hold on okay yeah me too let me retract those words yes exactly anyways smti talk to us for just a minute yeah um smti will be starting here um in midland on september 20th so in about a month wow very fast um i hope you're paying attention to the message tonight uh because pastor talked about studying the word of god and what it does for your life um i had something else i was going to say but i'm just going to piggyback off of that smti is a great opportunity for you to study the word of god um i know people say i've heard all these messages before pastors preached these outlines during service there's a huge difference between sitting here in a service and setting in a classroom setting so true yes you're you're a student in that environment and there's so many things that god wants to impart through these messages to us in a service yes but also as a student there's things that we can take from that so i really encourage everyone if you have taken it consider taking it again if you haven't taken it you need to take it i have this really cool database that tells me who has or hasn't um so maybe i'll start coming around and saying hey you've grown up here your whole life and you've never taken smti what's up with that you never know who knows i might i might not because i'd have to yell at my wife because she hasn't say that no believe that she's not here so hopefully she's not streaming but yeah you are really brave i am very brave because she's not here i don't know well we'll find out if i'm not here next week you know something happened to me um got it but i just encourage you there's a sign up sheet out in the foyer there's also some packets out there for you we are changing a little bit this year all applications are being done online through our website so in that packet there are some instructions that explain how to do that if you have any questions please feel free to call the office ask me i'd be more than happy to walk you through that process or reverend cosey as well and we'd be more than happy to help you amen psalm 91 go in god i'll see you next door at the tent come over and get some instructions and uh praise god see you saturday morning after that i sure love you going god you know there's some ministers and elders here in case you need a little prayer i'll see you next door praise god shout amen or something glory to god god is good thanks greg good job good job
Channel: Mark T. Barclay
Views: 348
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #bible, #church, #familychurch, #healing, #holyspirit, #livestream, #marktbarclay, #michigan, #midland, #midlandmichigan, #preaching, #psalm91, #wordoffaith, #worship
Id: ZF4n7q3cgdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 45sec (5445 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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