Forging a Farriers Knife

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okay so i'm going to use a couple of bits that i've had left over this was from a another knife i made some time ago bit left over this was from the cleaver build that was what was left of that and i'm gonna try and reproduce something like this this is a knife i made a couple of years ago and it's the best knife i've got it really is the shape is just right everything's just right about it really holds an edge but that was spring steel this is not the same steel but we'll see so we're going to get this hot and see if we can uh thin it out a bit and it's not very thick to start with it's only about eight thick so i'm just wanting to thin out one edge i don't want to take any thickness out of the sort of spine so i'm just trying to just thin out the back edge a little bit obviously with it being so thin it gets very cold very quickly so you don't get much time to do an awful lot to it but we're getting there you can see that's spread that bottom edge quite a bit i think that's going to be about it i think i'll do the rest with a grinder otherwise i'm going to end up mucking it up i've got fairly fine grit on here being so thin i don't really want to start off with a hefty grip i'm just going to do a you know real rough sort of grind on this by hand not no point putting it in my uh bevel jig really i'm just taking the worst off i think that's almost there i'll probably do it so i'm now going to try and replicate the shape which i've drawn on the end of the anvil there i drew around the the other knife [Music] i'm just trying to get somewhere similar making this is a bit hit and miss because i don't make many you might remember i made a we may not have seen it i didn't don't think i did a video of it you may have seen pictures of it on my instagram account i made a a rasp knife or a knife out of a rasp and put some blue fancy handles on well it looks lovely but it works rubbish so i'm gonna try just that's why i'm trying to reproduce this one because it is such a good one everything's just about right on it i'm just gonna put the little hook on the end i don't want it too tight if it's too tight you can't uh sharpen it very well plus it gets clogged up a bit too quick i've made it a little bit short but i think i'm going to leave it at that the shape is about right compared with that one ain't far off i'm now just going to roughly again file it up get towards an edge i'm not going to put an edge on it yet but getting that way take that burr off the back i'm going to leave it at that until we've done the heat treatment so i'm now just going to harden it doing this quite slowly because it's so thin it gets hot really quickly so i'm heating up nice and slowly so that it's it soaks spread the film up a little bit people get the idea that should do it be nice and hard now [Music] just taking that the black from the oil off so i'll be able to see when i temper it i can see the colors i'm just gonna do it real down and dirty the old map gas just watch the colors come up i'm aiming for sort of a brownie color but they come up so quick it's a bit hit and miss but for this job i'm not worried it doesn't come up too but it's come up more of a purpley bluey brown but i think it'll do so i'm just going to clean it up again get ready to attach it to the handle [Music] i love these discs they're like a bit like a scotch brite but they're not scotch-brite but i use them for all sorts right let's just mark up where i want the handle where i want to put it in the handle let me show up here i don't want to make it the hole too big i do want a bit of room around it to get some epoxy around it so that's about where i'm going to put it i've got these um things they're supposed to be a drill and file in one so this one i'm putting in is a three mil and obviously it's gonna make it a little bit bigger and i'll put loads of holes and then start going from side to side but unfortunately which i've just noticed there i've snapped it i don't know where that went a lot good that was cheap chinese um stuff oh there it goes see if we're anywhere near hmm getting there wants to go in about another quarter inch or so i think not sure if it needs a little bit more width in the bottom i think it feels quite nice let's hope it'll work i'll just put the bit that broke off back in i hope it's just going to be long enough just to clear out some bits of the edges and near the bottom i don't think it'll get quite to the bottom but it might be enough i reckon that'll probably do it put it in the right way around that is get it the wrong way around yeah right now though so i'll get some epoxy uh mixed up get that glued in i'm sure you've all seen this trick before my previous videos put the epoxy in a little baggie it's a lot less messy and you can use it like a an icing bag then just bin it make sure it's nice and mixed whip the corner off squeeze it in see what happens ah not enough okay that's the hole's obviously deeper than i thought let's find somewhere to put that covered in epoxy and i'll mix up a bit more and you can use the same bag if you're careful just make sure when you're mixing it you don't squeeze it out the corner i found out what uh antler this was as well it's red deer according to my source where i got it from a few of you asked on one of my other videos that i used it on anyway i can't remember which one now it might be the cleaver or it might have been the uh buffer and clencher a clench cutter that's better yeah that's squeezed up there now leave that let it go dry overnight also [Music] right two days later i didn't come in yesterday and that's dried nicely although it has still shrunk a little bit more than i anticipated it would i left that quite proud on monday and now it's not but it's it's got it so we're just going to sand it down a bit um file it down a bit and then sand it i'm going to resist using the power tools wherever possible doing this and because it goes everywhere absolutely everywhere i need a a shop vac of some sort that i can rig up to it i've just slung out my last shop back which is about 40 years old just about had it all right let's get some uh sandpaper on it just using an old belt sounder belt that's one that's snapped that's still got a little bit of life in it just taking the dirt off really i don't really want to take all the definition otherwise it will just look like a lump of wood so i want it to still look like an antler i'm just trying to get a lot of the dirt out [Music] so now we're down onto the finer paper this is another belt but this is a finer one it looks more out of shape when it's uh clean all right i think that'll probably just about do it nice finish on there i'm pleased with that anyway feels nice in the hand i guess the only thing to do now is try it so there we go nice wide blade on it so i should get plenty of use out of it plenty of wear nice shape hopefully it'll be the same as the one i copied so it'll hopefully work well i've sharpened it up again and it's sharp enough for me that's good for showing nice and sharp so there we go uh well let's just have to try it now so keep an eye out i shall be doing a video where i try this and the clench cutter out so thanks for watching i'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Gary Huston
Views: 9,715
Rating: 4.9750781 out of 5
Keywords: Gary Huston, UK, blacksmith, farrier, welder, smith, forge, hammer, tongs, DIY, anvil, horseshoe, knife, antler, shoeing knife, farriers knife
Id: zg20bcA9IpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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