Mini Farriers Axe made from a ball pein hammer.
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Channel: Gary Huston
Views: 58,767
Rating: 4.9385562 out of 5
Keywords: anvil, kengityspaja, gary houston, smith, Атпен, Atçılıq, Army, farrier, DIY, Підкови, פרסה, Farriers axe, hammer, Konjska konja, Gary Huston, ພະມ້າ, Ferradura, welder, horse, Fardooley, home made, Móng ngựa, اسب سواری, Podkowa, Podkev, blacksmithing, tongs, פּאָדקעווע, blacksmith, axe, Коњање, Horseshoer, Ձիասպորտ, 马蹄铁, 馬蹄, ہارشوئنگ, Blacksmithing, pony, forge, ball pein hammer, UK, жүру
Id: pCb8Gddi0tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 15 2014
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