Sharpening Hoof Knives

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hey guys so uh I had already made a video on knife sharpening but I guess I was more talking more about theory and and overall how to sharpen all knives someone had requested that I make a video on specifically on hook lies and I'm assuming that they probably want to see you know closer detail on how I'm doing it I kind of wanted to avoid getting too detailed because I I don't want to get too nit picky about how to do it just because there's you know there are a lot of people that are really mid picky on you have to do it exactly like this and that's not that's not my style my style is more like you know explaining the theory and stuff behind it and so that you understand and then you can figure out how you like to do it because there are many different ways to do it and it doesn't mean that it's wrong or bad necessarily just as long as the the theory is in place and really when I say theory don't get scared adjust for knife sharpening or sharpening anything even if you want to take a credit card and sharpen an edge to it all it takes is to be consistent with an angle and just keep going at that angle you know keep going at the same exact angle for anything wood or a credit card plastic or anything and you're going to get a sharp edge so so that's the all you're trying to do is make it come to the perfect point you don't want it to have a burr on one side or the other side you want it to come to the perfect point and then this all will matter right so like if it's like this it's it's not gonna go very deep into something but a really thin thin thin blade like a scalpel or razor blade that can just slice right through because there's no drag so so things like that and that's where hoofed knives come in there's very little drag on them so they're they're actually pretty awesome knives anyways let me go ahead and show you the details now alright so the first question that people are gonna go is what what sharp should I get this one is made by save edge they make rasps and this is there's it's really nice and fine and then you have this which is a thin point and then you have a flat point as well so I actually like having this in my toolbox and then this is a chainsaw type sharpener and it is also quite fine and it tapers down to a tip and then this folds out so that this is a very nice handle and you get a long length of it there's another kind where when you it goes inside you unscrew the thing and then it comes out and then you tighten to lock it but then and then you can also pull it completely out one end is going to be a tapered and one end it's gonna be a thicker end so you can you can reverse it put it back in and then tighten it up again those ones are great the only thing I don't like about those is sometimes you're working sharpener is really really short this one is nice because it's so long so you have a lot to work with and then I do like having something superfine this is ceramic and it's a triangle and I like having that because the finer finer you get then the the more smooth you're gonna get the more glass like you can get the surface to be then the better the course or the surface if you looked at it under my microscope you'll see the course and the coarseness of the blade it's it's the coarseness of the sharpener that you're using will actually you know the blade will still be like like that so the finer and finer it's gonna be smoother and smoother until it's like glass okay so this is a really cheap Oh hoof knife that I actually is really handy to scrape off glue left over from the the hoof glue and stuff but what I was saying before is the bevel you want something that doesn't have much of a bevel oh this looks horrible because it's all rusted I'm sorry I was using this to carve wood as well because I actually worked really well for that but so ignore the state of my knife and I apologize but so this one here is actually curved so it's kind of flat here but then it curves down because a tapers on the end so I'm a little bit cautious about using the flat end of it like that and but what I'll use is this end of it so start on one end find your angle if you need to rest your hand or rest the blade or something like that find your angle and then just run it across trying to maintain that same angle so your focus is to make sure that the angle stays consistent if you're only able to keep the angle consistent by going like this then that's what you do if you can also keep the angle consistent pulling back well then you can do that too there is no real wrong or right just you just want the same angle over and over and over and over that okay so this right here is the basic now some people might find it more or find it easier to go like this and to imagine that you're taking a thin slice off of the sharpener you're not okay but the this the motion and the set you're also going to want to listen to the sound of it so you can do it that way and then you can go down this way now for both knives this part is not is flat okay it's only beveled on one edge it's a single edge bevel so this side is going to be flat so when you do this side you don't want to make an angle you want to just make it flat and all but all you're doing is taking off the burr because what is going on is the blade is okay the blade is gonna be a single point okay and ideally it's going to be the single point coming to a sharp tip when you're cutting it bends a little bit even just from hitting the chalk the board or the hoof or whatever it's just gonna bend a little bit when it's bending it's no longer sharp because you're now hitting the bent tip so you can sometimes feel when people are doing like this they're feeling to see where the burr is this is called the burr so you want to take off that burr when you take off that burr then you you come to the sharp edge again okay hopefully I'm explaining that right so when I keep doing it this way then I am making all these microscopic little metal shavings and burrs and it's bending the metal over this way and then I can feel a burr on this side so then I'm gonna take off that burr and that's why they say if you do one here you should do one on the other side but that's mostly for double-edged blades this is a single-edged blade so one one edge is straight and one edge is has the angle on it like that okay so hoof knives are single inched so yeah just just run this down all the way so now you come to the tip and I would do the tip separately so that you can really you know make sure that you're getting the the angle right on the tip and it's just coming through and whatever you want to sharpen just go ahead and just run it down at the right angle that you want that's it and you can get this little hook to be extremely sharp and then once again to take off that burr just run this across and then if I want to get it super sharp then I also do a few few slices over here all right so my favorite hoof knife is the icar brand they are made in Italy and they are awesome I absolutely love these they come SuperDuper sharp and you see how this taper goes all the way down so there isn't an actual you know real bevel on it that makes it slide so nice this one is a drop blade so you see how the blade drops down your typical straight hoof knife this is my cheapo it's just you know straight blade right and then here is your drop blade like that so I like the drop blade I don't know why it's just a personal preference but once again you're just gonna you know pay attention and just go like that and then when you get to the hook then you're just going to then you're going to take off that burr and sometimes I do go like this as well I've tried that technique you can go like that if that's how you feel like you can be more consistent like this you know then do that the key is the consistency yeah I could actually feel the Bur take that off there we go and then to do a loop knife then it's gonna be all with this one to get in here sorry I'm also looking through my camera to make sure that you guys are seeing the correct thing so so my angles are going to be off and stuff but basically it's gonna you know you could just gonna come down and work this edge just do one side and then do the other side and stuff like that so that's all just get your angle and then work it across the reason why you don't want to just do one like this is because then you can you can shave this part thinner then over here so you want to come all the way down so that everything stays consistent that's why they say that okay but you know you can modify and do however way you want once you get a hang for it and then once again you want to lay it flat and take off that burr now if you have stuff like nippers to it also works these are great for getting inside and detail work and the bars you know of the Frog sometimes as well these are great these are bonsai knob nippers there's they have different kinds but this is the one that I like to use and you can also sharpen your nippers so you just find the angle and then you go now sometimes you can just lay it very very lightly and then you can actually feel for the angle and then all you do is follow that along and then same on the other side and then take off any burrs and this gets SuperDuper sharp and it's really easy to cut you also want to make sure that there's no gaps that it's meeting right and stuff like that all throughout my GE nippers they they naturally stop because there's a little because there's a stop on the on the bottom end so there is a little bit of a stop and that's normal I'm trying to remember how big the gap is like just very very tiny but there is a gap and but that makes it so that when you're actually cutting and you're using your force then it will close all the way like that okay but just sitting naturally I think there's a little gap and that's normal so I think that's all really really simple there any questions go ahead and let me know in the comments below this one is olanski but it's just called a chain chainsaw sharpener I believe it's for sharpening chainsaw blades alright so there you go bye guys
Channel: Vyshtia
Views: 15,604
Rating: 4.685864 out of 5
Keywords: Dawn, Champion, Dawn Champion, Sharpen, Sharpening, Knife, Knives, Loop, Icar, Drop Blade, Hoof, Hoof Knife, How To
Id: 9noVhp05JcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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