Forestry Mulching with New Fecon Blackhawk

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hey everybody it's john with upstate brush control here we are on another job doing some grinding and uh here we have the brand new asv rt120 with the fikon blackhawk head uh just to clarify a couple things this machine we bought that we we have not uh we're not getting sponsored by asv they did give us a pretty good deal on this machine but uh we we didn't it's not given to us or anything like that they're not paying me to say this or anything like that i love asb they make a great machine for what we do and uh you know even after being up at the factory you know just shows even more that how much i really like asv but um so this this is our new one here we got this out of uh dealer in wax on north carolina cce if you uh if you're looking for a machine in the area you know the carolinas go see them tell them that you saw this video and uh and you know tell them that you saw it on upstate brush control so that'll help everybody out so um here she is yeah she's we actually have done one other little dirt job with it it came with i think 2.2 hours on it and it's got 8.8 on it right now um as far as changes that they have made to the machine uh this bumper here we built it we've had it for coming up on two to three weeks right now just uh i've i wanted to build a bumper i wanted to get this cage on here i did not do any video of it um we just been busy and it was kind of in and out uh with the videos they changed this right here this here comes all the way out even with the side of this that's one of the changes that asv has made um you know we talked to so i had some people ask about are they gonna be putting the new bumper on or the bumper we make on the new forestry package i don't know possibly we talked to them about that so hopefully we'll see that they uh this right here is new this little cable instead of like a chain uh thing to get your doors open um let's see here oh that is pretty much the same up there but once again we built this this uh wire cage right here this wire cage and then the bumper we added on um several pieces of steel i don't know how well you can see that but um it turned out a little bit shorter i wanted it to come out a little bit farther this way but i could not find any steel and then there's no way i was gonna buy a full sheet of one-inch plate uh i went to scrap yards called a couple people nobody had anything but we worked with what we got over here you can see my other one came out i think it ended up being three quarters of an inch shorter on either side but i mean it's still pretty close and it works um it it does the job i need it to do so i was kind of bummed about that but it's no big deal uh they made they come out with these covers right here i don't know how well you can see that but yeah these covers are uh brand new uh new design on those help keep debris out and helps lock everything in there as far as nothing being able to slide um the door the barrel hinges right here on the side they upgraded these i believe it's a half inch now and they did that little weld on the top to keep this piece right here from wanting to turn and then get that piece right there that's new um it's just a little bit heavier duty a little bit tighter which is nice so this is this is a breakaway doors you pop those and then you can kick your door out if you ever get stuck in the machine or something but cab is pretty much same they do have a new uh there is a new screen a little bit bigger um you know i i i don't really use it i glance in it to make sure no one's behind me but i don't use it like i s i don't stare in it to back up like i with my truck but just take a glance make sure no one's back there kind of thing but she is nice and shiny and clean oh i hate even i mean it is what it is it's going to get dirty it's going to get scratched up but so that's pretty much the machine here's the blackhawk head uh this is owned by fikon and they are this is one of many cutter heads we'll hopefully beginning over who knows how long but uh this is one of theirs and we're trying it out for them uh we're going to put some video up on it obviously see we see what i think and see how it performs it is wider it is i don't know the width which have my tape measure uh maybe it's on a tag hold on so my other one is it goes from from track like this right here is even with the track right there and then it's even with the track on this side this hangs over a little bit on either side let's see here uh it is lighter it's 2750 pounds um i don't see the width excuse me but oh man i'm just missing it but a little bit wider a little bit lighter uh still got 30 teeth um the drum i can't remember all the details on i'll figure out some specs as i learn more about it but i think i think the drum is lighter so it will have a faster recovery speed um i think i'm pretty sure that's if if i'm pretty sure i'm saying that right i hope i am but so that's pretty much it i have spooled this thing up at the shop when we were unloading it i uh i dropped it i flipped it this i fell it forward broke a tooth so uh yeah that wasn't a good start but um got a new tooth on we spooled it up at the shop sounding good and that's pretty much it with the machine but here's the job we're doing um we what we got here is oh sorry that sun is super bright it's like an old logging road right here and i don't know or maybe 100 something feet that way and just brush stacked up uh buddy mine craig for the job craig the referral but um he's a uh grader here in town and he did some clearing over here on this excuse me there's some clearing over there on this and he stacked this brush up for me so we can grind it up so anyways that's that's what we got so i'm gonna spoil her up here and we'll see what happens and uh i don't know you know i'm just guys going to find out with me how she's going to cut oh it does have a um my other one it does yeah it does have a glow plug but it never comes on this one actually comes on it's not weird so look at that no scratches on that windshield this is nice nice this one's a little bit one of the other benefits to the blackhawk is the visibility from the cab here um it's shorter and it's closer to the machine um so the other one sticks out farther uh so i don't i don't know we're we'll see we'll see how she does um i don't know we'll find out see how she chews up all right here we go the machine did warm up it's i drove it off the trailer and all that kind of stuff so all right here we go i set it at uh 40 gallons per minute i just wanted to uh i didn't want to put it up all the way yet just kind of let things break in more or less that's it full throttle right there baby sorry about that song a little bit of dirt in there crack [Music] so all right so been running just a couple minutes here and um pretty cool thing about the asvs um you know i don't know if you could do this on cats or kubotas or whatever but i'm sure you can to some point whoops what i do go back okay so um it's set at 100 speed right now i'm going to dial that down a little bit i go to um i'm going to take it down to 90 maybe 85 percent with just running in the woods and stuff there's no need to be you know zipping back and forth and everything and um we dialed our other one down it just you know a little bit safer and i wouldn't say it's it could it can be a little bit jerky um if you're running a hundred percent but i like to just be able to slow the machine down a little bit so i'm gonna do it at 85 percent and then uh i've been running a couple of minutes here i'll get out check everything just make sure we're all good you know no hose is sleeking um but shoot she rips man for sure uh you know i'm just going to look underneath here and i'm not expecting to see anything but you never know brand new machine like this even smells new just kind of checking it out real quick no point of damaging anything and yeah everything seems good here everything sounds good so just i'll probably do this a couple times throughout day just make sure everything's looking good it's been that kind of money just make sure uh she's not gonna you gotta take care of it anyway so back what i was saying here so another pretty cool thing is um you could change your high flow i had it set on 40 gallons per minute oops so i'm gonna bump that up to 42. how that does it could go all the way up to 45 gallons per minute um we'll run it at 42 a little bit it does need to be uh i call it married to this machine um they will set it up to be able to run on it is set for an asb but i don't i don't know the number that it's set to you know we could set it to 45 up here and we get it exactly where it needs to be as far as the timing and the pump and all that kind of stuff we're going to have uh pecan's going to come in and do that for us but that wipe that wipers right away [Music] right here oh wait this wiper actually works look at that unlike my other machine [Music] all right let's keep going here so so so so so so so so so [Music] all right so where i was working was just right over there on that little fire road and willie's been laying this out he there was a big pile over there and uh we're gonna mulch it up right in this area right here so i'm gonna try setting up the camera and see if this will work getting some of this uh bigger stuff ground up here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so i've been running it for about an hour and a couple things okay i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest with everybody what i think of it um and how i like it it's my personal opinion that's all it is it's it's not like i'm gonna tell you what i think and i'm gonna be honest okay so a couple things is uh first thing i noticed this over here it is very hard to see it may be different in other machines in my machine the visibility is not the greatest looking out these corners like this and it's very hard to see the ends of those the ends and that's why i have the narrower uh cutter head if you're out working on a sewer line right away or power line right away or something like that where you're just going straight and you're not having to snake through all these trees that would be great that would be very ideal this this uh width setup but uh for me personally if i was to buy one i would probably want to try to get a narrower head that's just me uh another thing i noticed is the blackhawk i don't know if it's the if it is the same pump i think it's the same pump as in my other one but it is louder i can hear this pump whining uh from inside the cab now the other one is down inside the cutter head you know it's actually you know has more of a covering over it than just this this metal box [Music] that is something i did notice it is it is you do get a little bit more of that whining pump noise going on there it does seem to i have stopped it up like you know made the head stop a little bit more than i think my other one would have i did notice that uh i don't know what that is if it's just a little bit more aggressive and you know i just got to figure out this head basically but that's that's basically what uh what i come up with so far overall i like it all right will you want to do some video here i got you [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] ah uh i just can't get it to turn super long let's try pulling this way foreign i um that's good all right so we just finished up show you this area up here where we were last grinding kind of a little bit of change of plans this is it right here makes a nice fine mulch but this is a that big old pile was down there and we moved it up here and then we ground it all up so looks good looks nice now i'm gonna show you over here what we ended up doing a little bit of change of plans but it's all right so um the customer says said that he had a um oh that he needed to get a well truck in here and are on the property from what i understood you know well trucks coming bill dig a well so i assumed that it was down here by the house uh i did not know where it was going you know we started out grinding up this road and then he i called him you know kind of checked in and stuff i said you know hey we're getting close to being done he's like hey did you see that that flag i was like no he's like yeah that flag a little blue flag it was right it was right here in the center of this it's like that's where my well is gonna go like oh okay so what we ended up doing is scraping all that mulch off there there was a good bit of mud and just trash material so we pushed it down the hill over here uh we ground up you know a good bit of it but there's still some bigger stuff it wouldn't be worth sifting through it trying to get out what's there so we got the road cleaned off to where they could get a truck pull the truck in here and then back it up to be able to drill the well so we're out of here let's go let's go we're going to see uh going to find josh mica we might do some grinding over there if they're done i don't know yet but if not thanks for watching y'all have a good one
Channel: Upstate Brush Control
Views: 133,690
Rating: 4.873868 out of 5
Keywords: fecon, blackhawk, mulching, fecon blackhawk mulcher, upstate brush control, forestry mulching, forestry, forestry mulcher
Id: SUl9cRFi5kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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