Cleaning a Fence Line

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[Laughter] oh my gosh severe anyways so gots another job here we're working on today got a fence line we're gonna clean up customer once all this trees brought everything off the fence line he's buddies with his neighbor said anything on that side of the fence he wants cut as well so just couple I don't know maybe dozen so decent sized pine I say decent him in there not humongous but they're 12 inches at the stump maybe a little bit bigger so we're gonna cut all these out lay him over here on this side to be able to grind up you see he started and [Music] he did that in the summer and he said it got hot he was hot and tired and he stopped so we're gonna get in here and get it down for him oh we're all just gonna start hanging cutting here and then this stuff pulled over on this side of the fence and roundup [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] by Johnson did the excavator all the weights on that side I got the notch in it he's gonna reach over and swing it in this way is the plan [Music] no in there a little bit more lien on it but it's not as big [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] try snapping it off snap it my quad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and yet being it cutter back on boys bad girls yeah all right as you can see we've got all the trees down it didn't take its long at all about an hour and 15 minutes cut everything off the fence line josh is starting to push it all back this way I didn't want to mulch it up up there up here you know in this kind of field area we'll do it along the edge of the pines over here so he's gonna start raking raking this up pushing his way back down and then once we're finished with that we'll go back through with a blade and a weedeater to get the you know the real little stuff right up against the fence so got a machine warming up and josh is gonna get that stuff down there so I can start grinding all right so I've been I just started over here tune up these puns and about a week and a half two weeks ago something like that we replace the the tracks and undercarriage work on this machine and there's two wires that go to each track system and Willie's like hey do you want me to I remember seeing a wire on this left side that some of the covering was missing on it and he's like yeah we should probably take that up and I was like yeah or we'll get it later or something like that completely forgot about it and to get to that you got to slide the whole track system off and everything and I'm not going to do that so what I can do is this is what is coming up this code right here undesired track movement of the movement of propel shut down so what what it's doing is the machine if you're on a real steep hill or you're in a place where you probably shouldn't be and you're trying to work the tracks and stuff like that too hard they don't throw that coat up and it'll put it in park you can hit the park button and it'll do it again but that wire somewhere I got a this can actually cut the wire something's going on so I'm going to lift the cab up here and try to figure out and just unplug them and it should run should run so oh boy so that's my plan it's gonna let the cab get those out of the way and go from there so there we go got the cob up and this is our wire right here this one here so what I'm going to do is just unplug that sorry good boys suckers over there good gracious I'm playing it real quick come on there we go off to get some grease or something put in there later I think it's this side over here but I'm just gonna gonna plug them both just to be safe there we go [Music] [Music] it's amazing how much stuff gets in this machine are in forestry machines you know we just just had this open two weeks ago we'll clean it will drop the pans and stuff like that I don't know another another week or two but and we take the precaution to put these things here on the sides alright here's the little pieces of rubber we put in our phone we put in there they do help keep stuff out it's about time for some new ones they're getting kind of thin and worn out and stuff but just put them in there like that I don't lower this cap down so it just helps us debris coming on the side here doesn't you get in there and trap but I mean that's kind of loose need to get some more of it but one day one of these days I'm gonna get this thing bolted down the cab bolted in it's got four bolts it's got four bullets in the in this pan this comes out separate this right here and then this is the cab this raises up one two three four bolts so I'll get those put in get the cutter head to hook back up and give it a shot fingers crossed that fix it I'll just drove back and forth here a little bit I know once I get down into here more but [Music] they're working their way down through there getting it all laid out for me but one thing about this machine people give me a hard time about running a SD that's the second time of how to lift this cap on a job and probably [Music] I don't know year and a half so I'd say that's that's pretty good you know knock on wood um we've had other issues you know hoses or you need that drive motor guapa that really wasn't it was expensive but it wasn't that hard to face you know of thousand dollars but anyways but my point is machine it's a great machine I love this machine I wish I had to waiting on another customer to pull in over here real quick gotta sign some contract or something like that yeah very very happy with this machine so if mo was wondering safety purposes its it's perfectly safe to run the machine everything's still gonna function the light bar the parking brake all that stuff will function like it should with me I'm plugging this with those two wires it's just areas right there it's just for if you're in a bad spot and you shouldn't be there so hopefully I know about hopefully America sister [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that thing will not be good to hit let's at the marker pop a long marker [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] horses are checking out our work what's going on air put my shade tree go well and he's gonna go for it there for a second but uh customer I just talked in he's gonna come Police Post aren't looking too great he's gonna come over here and fix them and tighten up this wire and stuff but yeah that's it all wrapped up we had to do one little section over there he's got a bar on the other side of the property we did that got it cleaned up for him so I got the fence line all straightened up for so hope you guys enjoyed that video ASVs running fine it was just that one little unplug that off those sensors and seems to be running fine so I don't know why now or whatever but must hit a stick or something got short out along the way but uh hope you guys enjoyed that video and if you did please hit the thumbs up button like like it and subscribe to the channel we appreciate it buddy who subscribes thank you for all this people who have subscribed and we are loaded up getting ready to load up over here guys are over there getting everything ready probably going back to the shop it is 12 o'clock right now gonna go back to shop and get things cleaned up and figure out what we're doing for tomorrow so thanks for watching y'all have a good one
Channel: Upstate Brush Control
Views: 914,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asv rt 120, asv, forestry mulching, fence line, clearing, land clearing, field clearing, lot clearing, forestry machine, mulching, mulched, mulch, upstate brush control, travelers rest, south carolina, tree work, excavator, skidsteer
Id: ldZpt7R60DQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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