MAKE WAY! MTL XCT Cutting A Road Through An Old Logging Tract
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: IDigIt4
Views: 339,409
Rating: 4.7922969 out of 5
Keywords: MTL Attachments, MTL, XCT, XC7, brush cutter, brush cutting, forestry mulching, mulcher, forestry, trees, brush, mulch, heavy equipment, John Deere, Deere, 329E, skid steer, CTL, operator, outdoors, woods, timber, field, logging, hunting, landscaping, pine trees, stumps, trail, path, blades, carbide teeth
Id: rPmUOPa0D0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 7sec (3607 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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