Ford F150 5.4 No Start, No Crank, No Communications Codes: U1900, U2023

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and their viewers Erico here self main auto welcome back and welcome to our Channel got a new fix well hopefully a fix we've got a new diagnosis how's that got this oh six f150 they got towed in today and it was towed in from another shot they looked at it couldn't make any headway with it so they dumped it on me like they usually do and it's our turn to have a look at it and see what's going on see if we can't get this thing fixed all I know right now it is a no start no crank and no communications according to the other shop they said they go to plug their little code reader an editor or whatever they were using and and couldn't get any codes couldn't communicate with the engine so they said send it Derek here we are let's plug in our verus verify what they've done and maybe their complaint and see what we got [Music] we got power or data link connector that's always a good thing I just said so Chuck I just dumped it inside here save me from pushing she's had this thing about me not everything what slow on the inside I don't mean speed isn't always like they've got power at the data link connector okay no no no I'm here the fuel pump so let's pull codes or see if we don't have any communications and kind of just see if we can troubleshoot this down from there sometimes number what your habit is with no crank now start you know sometimes it's mind is too it's kind of good things you look over some sometimes I mean I don't know it's not too often you get cars that are you know no start no crank and you know don't do anything don't click and no nothing sometimes it's pretty obvious I mean you know you can pop the hood to see somebody put a battery in it you know neglected hook up a single wire or something as simple as that so it's gonna pull around here under the hood real quick get the scan tool fired up and go from there I got the information put in there so let's just go ahead and do a code scan here and see what comes up if anything then see if this gives us any clue or maybe we just got to go right to the to the starter circuit but I doubt that because the shop that dropped it off said that they tried to jump the starter with the key on and they didn't get any get any words with that so I doubt it's something the starter circuit oh gosh so our pants module bus looks like we got a pretty repetitious code here the uuhhh 1900 that's the problem with the high speed can most of all most of all yep in that it was also part of the communication there and that driver seat module but you know what I don't see here I don't see anything here for the for the PCM usually this will dip indicate whether or not it has you know zero codes in a module sometimes easly having a communication issue here which if we have a you know a dead module then certainly will have so let's I guess before we get too excited about this and chasing down a fault on the network let's just see if link communicates this is I think where they had issues let's see if we can pull codes out of the engine controller here yeah see so this is probably what they were doing so there's no communications with the inter controller and that's part of the canned system just check I'm just gonna go through I guess so if we can read data it's gonna go through and check all these other modules that are part of the high-speed network here and I think Pat's isn't that part of the I think that's part of the PCM isn't it gonna Ford yeah so there's no communication with the Pats no communication with the engine controller so I think the answer my cluster that's all I see and see if there's a toast now instrument cluster we communicate with well I did it pull the coat out of the driver's seat module so I'm sure that can communicate so that's good we're really security knowledge on hate the border you guys so just looking through all these modules but I think this is our best bet to see what what doesn't work which which modules down and transmission that's part of the PCM I believe right yeah okay so this is starting to uh I'm probably way wrong you guys probably there's probably a couple for Tex out here where we are looking at component Lita probably laughing at me right now alright so we've got an air bag so so far what we don't have is we don't have transmission we don't have engine and we don't have pets but I believe they are all in the PCM I'm gonna have to look to double-check but I think that's how I think I tell them these work that's fine I didn't call the PCM I just used generic language temp control or we had we only got two left party that's kind of I don't know sometimes it's easier to find out what you do know than it is what you don't know if that makes sense last but not least got our transfer case module all right so we have a bunch of codes for communication error and then we don't have an engine transmission or pat's they are the three that are not communicating currently I'm gonna take a little poke here and make sure that all three of those modules I believe let me show you what I think I believe they all go through when I would consider the PCM or the Incheon controller you know whatever Ford calls it nowadays I think that handles all three functions there so starting to make a little sense I know this is kind of a cheesy way of doing it here but so these have two anti-theft circuits so you've got your you're forced what do they call it a forced entry circuit so I think that's like your body's security so that is a separate module the body's security module but it also is separate when we were looking at it they called it the vehicle security module so this is what we want to listen what's dead on this is this passive anti-theft and that runs you know right here so yeah so that communicates through that is the PCM oh look I even have my terminology right so yeah but the PCM so that's part of the PCM let's let's take a look at obviously we know the engine controller which is it's the PCM and then the transmission I don't believe has a separate TCM so that's the full drive circuit full drive circuit full drive circuit well it's got to be on here somewhere here we go automatic transmission and right there is our proof yeah so that is part of I get a little click happy here yeah that also is a PCM so that confirms all of that noise alright um I don't know what what to say what I would say I guess my thought I get kind of under the gun on these like diagnosis slide diagnosis once again sometimes I'll I'll poke around a little bit I'll do a little I'll do a little read and I'll do like just kind of my own thought like I say just kind of gather my thoughts as far as what I know you know as opposed to alright let's whip out a flow chart and you know 57 steps later you're like ripping out your hair so what I would say we got you know engine trainee Pat's nothing's communicating it's you know it's throwing throwing these codes because it's not seeing this module on the network I can only assume where the you know the wires are shorter than maybe the PCM is fried I don't know I don't know if that what even the story is behind this truck other than this isn't my normal customer and they had it at another shop in the other shop you know tote it here what I would do if and it were me and it is why don't we look on a wider diagram let's see what powers at PCM just kind of see if we got some of our basics we'll start with the basics cuz I usually can't get you out of a jam a lot sometimes that's the best place to start is power ground it's a module getting power if it is then we'll kind of go from there and we'll check out the communication lines there I think with these high speed cans I think you can diagnose them at the data link connector to see if any modules are shorted I don't I don't know I work on so much different stuff it's hard to keep track of what's what but let's start with that first start with the basics fuses things that nature its pulpit diagram look at a look at a wear diagram for the engine control module here this is a 5.4 liter and I think that might be what we need right on the first page you can zoom in here so hopefully everybody can see let's see what we have so we have a central junction box near the right a pillar so that's gonna be inside the vehicle and then it appears that we have a PCM power relay which turns out a bunch of fuses which feed a bunch of stuff probably what controls this relay so we got a hot at all times a few snubber 12 goes into a relay and that comes down here you know you can see it on the camera not but it has a ground here on the PCM which is right what was it number 40 pin number 40 as a ground ground relay turning it on providing power to all of that stuff let's just see out of curiosity I don't know how to turn on the highlighting tool let's see where that goes that goes over here and that feeds three of the powers I'm in a violent wire so well you know what instead of chasing down where all these wires go let's just grab a test light the old scope on a rope and see let me grab a piece of paper here well I'd print this out and then I gotta go in the office so we got fuse number 12 34 33 32 gonna power relay now because 4 it is awesome I need to say that out loud it was a sarcastic remark we need to find a fuse box identification because they don't tend to label anything fuses circuit breakers identification central junction box well only that think yeah where we got PCM power relay so that is right there in the top right hand corner well let's let's go grab grab this thing see if they are labeled in the box if they because otherwise I'm not I'm gonna to print this out let's go ah let's go see if we can find this thing first and then we'll go from there clean car fuses see owner poles and pull like if your need okay oh cool well this is this is labeled so let's take this back over the computer I think if I remember in the diagram that one there is our relay but let's go over and let me go grab my piece of paper that I wrote this going on and I'll grab a test light too me too bad I got my paper that is the relay up there the PCM relay but we gotta check fuse number twelve that was the one feeding the relay key let's find the good ground got like $400 power probe hook but it's always like my Tesla you know for stuff like this it doesn't matter if you use number 12 let's see if this lines up yeah number 12 is good and then how do they they put this in a really convenient spot I'm not a Chevy guy but way under the hood was a whole lot nicer 32 33 and 34 goes up uh there we go oh that's 31 gotta be in the right neighborhood oh there there after way at the top 32 I'll just check those real quick we got power here we'll go out under the hood and just verify to the PCM but this is the easiest place to get to brilliantly my bees you're doing under the hood let's see 32 I did you hear that do you guys hear that this thing started [Music] well now it's dead again I had power on that let's see so that's so that's number 12 over 12 has power I don't know if you guys can see anything it's number 12 has power but when I was checking 3000 foot sign to relay the fuel pump when I shut it off and I got nothing really let me bring you down here know when the Thunder is going on but let me see so this fuse over here is number 12 this one feeds a relay that one's good so this is the one I keep checking these are the outputs see that's dead no that one's dead that one's dead let me check this man this is really tight under here I can't see hang on yeah just a second I don't know you guys can see I'm sorry I usually don't do I think I'm in that fuse alright well we can see hopefully you can see I really hope that's turning out good so basically we've got nothing coming out of that relay we got going in so either the PC I'm providing the ground and kick and I really on let's uh you see if I can't prop the camera up here I'm sorry for the porridge okay my camera's propped up warm that's a really uh oh oh you hear that that relays clicking but look what I see we may have just accidentally diagnosed it well not accidentally but look at that relay I hope you guys can see that it's got some green buggers on it and there's a little green booger up there in the box but this relay is clicking I mean that doesn't mean squad I mean I just means that it's clicking it doesn't mean it's transferring power through the contacts so let's what's this one do but I don't need it now you hear that can you guys hear the fuel pump I bet you it'll run [Applause] all right so don't know what this really does we'll stick it back where it was see that goes back in there here is our problem we've got a bad relay now this is a great exactly meter Nakia this is a great example that if a relay clicks it does not mean that it's good because listened that relays click and it's being commanded on it's not passing any power through it but now we got a look to see where did the corrosion start in the box or in the relay i pulled the camera out for a second IgM my head up under here and I'm gonna try to try to zoom in on this but there's a little bit of green posture right there on the edge of the box and you can't really see that terminal maybe you can just see the edge of the gray but down inside there on the terminal and on the circuit board it appears good it appears in it so it tells me that the corrosion is inside the relay and I took and I popped a couple of those fuses out at 10 a.m. that 20 amp there and they look good I mean it's not like it's full of corrosion I don't I don't understand this that's in a motherlover of a spot cigarette I was for thinking this thing needs Samantha thing stinks and it was cool we got a fix like no time flat we doing that's a look at it I mean oh there's some wiring that Graham's use there thinker but look at that look at that really how does a really just corrode usually then this is not the proper way to do this but let's have a little look use our Tesla has a really opener it's like cracking open a crab you know it's junk anyways right so who cares if we break it I just want to see if two contacts ah that yeah this is by the crappiest video I've done as far as quality shaking around I hope you can see that I hope that's focusing so there's our contact I really I really hope that's focusing I'll just hold it still for a second in case it's not so look at that so it looks like the corrosion came from within that's weird because like I say to the bet the best and I can see inside that box it's clean other than a little bit on the plastic this PC on power relay or engine control relay whatever you want to call it it's just it's just corroded and it's right on the context side so cuz the I'll put it I'll put a link in the description in case you're unfamiliar with how it really works and you're watching this video there's a guy that I know that I watches videos I'll I'll email him and see if it's okay if I use one of his videos on how it really works and I'll put a little link to that maybe right here on this page maybe in the description so poke around look for that but look at that I'm fascinated by that that's cool not too often you run across the relay that that clicks that I'm just excited we found it so fast it's awesome it's not too often you find a relay that clicks it doesn't that doesn't transfer power you know it's not impossible I mean right here there's proofs in the pudding so we see it got this thing running in like in no time if I wasn't recording we had this thing running like ten minutes that's really good so oh maybe the other grab just got intimidated by those communication codes but sometimes you just got to keep it simple I mean it can be intimidating pull codes on cars are used in peas and elemental peas and C's and DS and I know there's so many different codes now we've got so many different stinking cars sometimes see just keep it to the basics is what I figure and then you know expand out from there find out what you know we got power going to stuff if we do great let's check out them you know high speed controller network and all that hoopla so let me yeah let me see if I can locate a relay all right yours I got us a relay and to get it through our local Ford supplier down the for garage they did not have one and advance or nap or anything so we got this one and it is oddly enough like this I don't know if it makes a difference but it's a different color it's not so there is the part number if for some reason this is a common problem and you can you need one it is a different color so I don't know maybe they've changed it a little bit maybe they had some problems some no problems some corrosion problems and they they've got it solved with the black one let's go install it I'm gonna grab some q-tips and a little bit of brake parts cleaner and kind of just swab out that little green piece of gobbly that's sitting there on the edge and we'll stick this in come back out a hook a host to it whenever exhaust is going out in the back and we rescan it I looked in there good again and I do not see it inside the fuse box man this guy is really fortunate because like I'm the dodges wood you know the integrated power module crap under the hood them things are a disaster when they get the you know when they get the green boogers there ain't no going back so we'll put this in and see if it see if it works I wouldn't put this cover on let's something else I had been in here exatly guys busted off it's even broke down here it's even missing a bananas quarter panel trim it's even missing an ear so maybe let's ain't her first rodeo let me get all my broken pieces wine in that port of this thing it's part of like a caveman scope on a rope let's go back over by the skin alright keys on so let's just go ahead and clear all the codes and then more will rescan it see what we come back up with maybe there's some other underlying condition but I think we're about ten steps further ahead than we were because it runs yeah let's do a another code skiing engine codes 1 OS break yeah he's gonna say probably p1000 yep look at that I'm work codes and anything except the engine and trainee which we've learned that are the same exact module on this monster it runs now me I didn't hook those up I came over here in a big hurry so let me go hook the hose up we'll fire this little guy yeah while we got it running I think I might give him a quote on some exhaust manifold have you guys ever done manifolds on like that I was the old five up they sorry got Jack the engine off terrible terrible well told in dried it out that's way we like them I always say some days you get the bear some days the bear get you we got there well viewers that's gonna do it for me this is a pretty easy fix I think we come across a problem pretty quick with some pretty easy thinking I think or just a pretty pretty straightforward logical diagnostic approach I don't know what your guys thoughts are what your approach would have been whether you would have jumped right in and you know just kind of tackled that you know zoomed in your focus on the high-speed can there and got to jump to that see if any modules are shorted or whatever I don't know sometimes it's pretty tough for me working on so many different makes and models to really have a you know just kind of a set pattern or just know how to jump in and test this particular vehicle I mean they all they're all just so different I work on you know everything from the 1990s to today you know so it's hard to to know everything so sometimes to have a very common-sense logical you know very elementary beginning approach to diagnostics is really I think helped me a lot in the sense that we look at it see what's working what's not let's just check the basics on that module then you know kind of come over and do a little more research or a little more reading to see you know how this works what it takes to generate this code and then kind of you know trace it down from there but I have found that you know quite often I mean you've seen how it was yeah we got an expensive scan tool we could we could look at all these different modules and yeah that's helpful I'm not gonna discount the fact that you know that that is helpful that tell us what's wrong with it no not really you know it's great having you know repair information we can look at we can look at wiring diagrams we can you know kind of chase down our thought process and that's and that's good I mean I'm not gonna say that you know it's all up here you know which it's not I mean it's it's the information that I have at my disposal you know which I'm grateful for but in the end you know we didn't need a real expensive scope to to chase it down we just needed the information to start with so that's not leave it at that I hope it all made sense I hope you enjoyed the video I've got no idea what its gonna look like it's not usually my have it you know kind of grab the camera and peel along but I just wanted to show you what I was seeing but that fuse box is in a heck of a spot who knows you know did it cause see you know being that close to the floor you know why did this crowed but none of the other fuses or other relays did you know something manufacturing did this get a little moisture in it when it was over being made and whatever country was being made in you know I don't know trucks uh no six so it was eight years old nine I can't even do math we got you know we got a nine year old truck I don't know who knows you see the fuse boxes you know the cover it's broke on us so maybe people had these in and out maybe it laid on the floor where they did some other work I don't know it's all just a big guessing game but at any rate I'm gonna write a bill up for this guy he's gonna be tickled to death I think to know that it got fixed and it got fixed pretty fast and it's gonna get fixed pretty cheap I don't know what the relay cost but my labor time wasn't much probably spent more time screwing around with this video than I did actually fixing the truck so anyhow viewers thanks for watching if you like this video give us a thumbs up if not give it a thumbs down but please let us know why I let us know what you want to see different or what we could do better and check us out on Facebook you want connect with us socially make sure you go there and like us we're almost 500 likes on Facebook pretty cool thirty-one hundred and some-odd subscribers and growing by the day and we owe that all to you and just thank you for your donations and all your likes and everything you give us like gifts your hatch and your jelly so just remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching
Channel: South Main Auto LLC
Views: 1,769,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: U1900, 1900, U2023, 2023, Code U1900, Code U2023, Ford, F150, F-150, no start, won't crank up, ford truck, truck dies, truck died, no fuel pump, FPDM, Ford F-150, no codes, check engine light, CEL, MIL, SES, starter, fuel pump, fuse, relay, No ecm, can't read codes, truck won't turn over, cluster, abs, DDM, wiring, wire, will not start, no communication, HCAN, CAN
Id: sEThPhO6MxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2015
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