Ford DENIED my engine. Here's HOW I plan to FIX my Mustang Shelby GT350..

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good news and I have some bad my hand because I know a lot if you're gonna be asked hi everyone welcome back I hope all of you have been doing well I know it's been one of the business I've been here it was since the Halloween videos first of all I don't want to say thank you so much for all of you that watched and enjoyed those videos second of all I am back here so we are back to regular posting so now today's video is going to be about something that a lot of you guys have been asking me like almost every single video I've been getting this question and that is about the Mustang so as you can see the Shelby is finally back in the garage I've been missing this car greatly so I'm so glad to have it back here and I did put it back together with the help of this lift so this has come in really handy I still have a few pieces that I didn't put back put either way today I finally have an update for you guys about this car I have some good news and I have some bad news and to get a chair sit down and let's have a chat about it I have my chair alright so first things first my hand because I know a lot of you're gonna be asking me what happened to my hand since it's all up in your face so funny story it actually happened with this car so I was putting the bumper back together and then I was putting it from the bottom and then I'm cutting myself with the bracket to the oil cooler at first I didn't notice it on sorta just started bleeding out then my friends were like man kind of looks like you need to go wet some stitches and I thought about it and I was like you know what this is not as bad as the problem that I have now with the Shelby which I'm about to throw you guys so I thought you know what I'm gonna live so it's okay I had a son that I want your percent better but it's recovering but I'm okay but alright so let's start with the bad news first the Shelby needs a new engine so once I took it to the dealer they actually ran a few tests on the car the first one was a compression test then once they did that it came back with both cylinder 4 and cylinder 8 both running 20% lower than the rest so once they did that they actually figured let me just run in the section camp with each track slug hole and they found out that both sit into four and cylinder eight both had piston damage with eight being the worst which makes sense with how many spark plugs I was just going through like as the Carl Schurz drinking water so once they figured that then they were like alright this car needs a new engine so and the tech contacts they deployed hotline putting the warranty claim so once they got that and Ford came back with we need more information the first thing that they requested was a picture of the engine bay and the second thing was a screenshot of the Diagnostics once you received both of those they went through it and they just straight up came back with denied we're not gonna acknowledge your warranty came this car is not gonna get a new engine through warranty but let me show you one of the reasons why they denied it so looking at this engine bay right here is there any way that any of you can actually determine that this car was ever tuned no not really but for did for one reason and it's because of this intake elbow right here so if you can see this intake elbow is a lot cleaner than the rest of the engine as well as this filter right here so that's how they figured that this was probably switched out it probably had an aftermarket intake inand for obvious reasons it was switched out and then now the stock one is here so that's how they determined that this car might have been tuned in now the second way that they actually proved it was when they requested a copy of Diagnostics from the tank which is basically just ignition cycles and they saw that the number of times that the car had actually been started did not match the miles that it had so that's what they came back and they just said nope this is just denied the car has been tuned so that's what we're not gonna go through with the warranty claim and I mean it's understandable now speaking with the service adviser he did told me that the only reason that this is actually like a long vigorous process that port actually goes through is because it is a Shelby gt350 so it happens with Shelby's and Raptors if you take in your car or your truck in support and you have an issue with they where it needs to have an engine replacement then they are very very very picky just because these engines are very expensive and that they're hand-built so they take pride in those so that's why I mean unfortunately I have a Shelby GT 250 and that's why it happened he did tell me that if you have a 500 and you 20 you could do whatever you want to the car put it back to stock or it doesn't care if it was tuned so go ahead no questions asked and then just replace the engine so I mean it is what it is no worries from here because I knew exactly what I was getting myself into I knew the risks I was well aware of possibilities at that Ford can actually just warn my warranty with tuning the car so I mean that's okay the Zenon was actually very very nice they were wanting to try something else to see how they can get it to the warranty but I like you know I don't know because Ford already has the vein and it's probably already flagged and it's okay I'll just take care of this myself so now what I want to do is actually just validate the text work so I'm going to go ahead and do the same test that he did so I'm gonna do a compression test and also put a camera down each spark plug hole I'm gonna go ahead and remove these spark plug covers remove the spark plugs remove the coils and then we can go and do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I already moved all those spark plugs and all the coils now the order that this goes is one two three four five six seven eight I also had to remove a few fuses which oxley more of that in a bit but now after looking at all of these spark plugs they look pretty fine and normal except eight which is this one now check this out I replace the spark plug right before dropping off the car the dealership and now it's just completely charred but now looking at or which is the one that the tech told me that it also had an issue I mean this looks pretty fine I don't see an issue with this but I guess we'll find out once I do the compression test and once I put the camera down each hole but let's go ahead and do that next now we can go ahead and start with the compression test so in order to do that you have to remove all of the coils and the spark plugs just like I did and now those two fuses that I removed those are for the fuel pump and also for the injector now the reason that I remove that is just so when I try to start on the car it won't be trying to dump fuel in but in order to do this compression Ted and you're gonna need this compression tester so this is what it looks like I got mine from Amazon I think it was like around $40 and ideally you're gonna want two people so one is going to actually thread that in down the spread plug hole you're gonna want it snug not too tight and then the second person is gonna be inside the car trying to start it up so once they try to start it up one the person that's gonna be here in this case me I'll just be looking at that reading and then once Chris starts the car up then it's just gonna build the maximum pressure on that cylinder and then once it has a maximum pressure then this is actually going to stop the reading and then I'll be able to see where it is now every single car has different readings in this case for the GT 250 reading online each cylinder should be within like around a 220 - like high - 30s maybe to 40 range so I'm looking for each cylinder to be within that I mean obviously I know it as a problem so it's not gonna be anywhere but I want to see where it is not all of them are gonna be the same they're probably gonna vary maybe between it 10 to 15% of each other now once I do this I will be starting with cylinder 8 because that's a problematic one and then after that I'll move to cylinder 4 just because the mechanic did say that that was having an issue as well so I just want to verify his work so once I do 8 and 4 I'll move on to all of them and then you'll want to actually note down what are the readings for each so let's see let's start this compression test now now starting with the compression test already have this compression tester snug now the only thing is for the car to start up so I'll be here just taking a look and see where it stops any guesses on where sunday is gonna stop I'm thinking maybe like 200 so once it stops and I'll just tell Chris to stop and then I'll move on to the next all right so let's do this stop wow that's like 1:30 between 130-140 alright ok so now it's on four so since we already did the compression test on Nathan this already has air so in order to release say you just need to press this button and I'll just reset to zero and then we can start so I'm moving to four just because the tech at the dealer said that this one is bad it's not as bad as eight so I I don't know I'm guessing again 200 since your home was way off than what I expected so let's reset it and then start okay go okay that well again i'm way off so that looks like - 35 - between 2 to 30 to 35 something like that ok well so just finish the compression test on the rest i just powered through it now here are the results so this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 so clearly with cylinder 8 i was completely off this is horrible this is not what I was expecting now with everything else it's well within that range that I told you guys and there are pretty close to each other and this actually matches with this what's all these spark plugs you're just like I showed you earlier everything seems fine except 8 is the one with the biggest issue now I'm just a little bit confused because the tank acid leadership did say that there was an issue with Senator for when he did the compression test but here wasn't it the test it seems fine the spark plug seems fine as well so hello it seems fine to me but I'm just a little bit confused either way now I'm going to move on to put the inspection cameras on each spark plug hole and then just see if there's any piston damaged then I'll be able to see more into four and then just see if there is some damage or not and then eight as well and then just take a look at the rest so let's move on to that there is another test that I could have done which is the leap bounces but I don't have the tools and then second I mean it's pretty obvious with just doing the compression test and then actually putting the camera down there so let's move on to putting the expression camera and then let's see what we find alright so this is the inspection cam that I'll be using this I did get from Harbor Freight and this one has like a bit of a bigger screen than the others let's see how it works if the reviews seem to pretty good the way that this works is you stick this down the spark plug hole so this end right here has some LED lights as well as the camera let me just get this straightened out and then I'll start with cinder eight and then we'll see what's in there okay so I had to place this camera here just because I can't fold both of these and then also navigate this camera through this Park photo at the same time so first I'm gonna start off with six just because I really want to see what I needs a healthy piston is supposed to look like and then I can go to eight and then compare it and I'll go ahead and put what I'm seeing on the screen exactly here you guys can see that too okay let me move on to eight okay so I do see some foil on the threading here I think it's a little bit more than on cylinder six let's keep going alright so comparing this with six I see something like way I'm not sure the guy supposed to go up there towards like the sides that seems to be damage with the fork the mechanic they told me that this piston was deformed so I guess that's what he was referring to yet but this looks nothing like six me see if I can move the camera a little bit more now I'm not sure I can't really figure the water squirt or anything I can definitely see that back there doesn't look too normally doesn't look like six okay so definitely something there that's not supposed to so now let's move on to four and see how that one looks okay so now I'm moving to form I do see some oil on the threads too but it seems like six it's not as bad as it was on e or not as much but not it's let's navigate down it does seem like there's something there like towards the side just like on e but it doesn't look as bad it's definitely doesn't look like six like that was six looks like intact but this does look like there's something there not as bad as eight so I guess the the tech was right when he was talking about before have some piston damage but it really wasn't as bad as eight so I guess but it's not affecting a compression at all but there's something there doesn't seem like normal so I guess this could cause a problem in the future so I see now what the tech was talking about all right so all right so horny definitely do have an issue okay so now I'm just gonna move on to the rest and then just see how they look okay so now we did those tests you can see that there's a piston damaged on cylinder eight and awesome senator for although once we did the compression test like I mentioned before it didn't affected on cylinder four but that's not to say that it's gonna cause an issue in the future so now let's move on to the good news so the good news is that this car will be getting fixed by who by me so I do plan on fixing this so how I plan on doing that is dropping the engine this is something the engine replacing those parts and also replacing oh and also upgrading parts in the engine then send me in the engine back together and then putting it back on in the Shelby the only catch is that I've never done this before so this is going to be my first time doing this so when I just off the car at the dealer I was really hoping that they would go through with this if they found any issue but I also knew that there was another possibility that they if they found the issue they could find out that the car was tuned and then maybe run into the same thing so I penny has time to think once it was there once they came back to me saying that they weren't going to go through with the warranty I mean at first I was a little bit down but I really did think about this a lot and eventually I was planning on working on an engine in my channel that was just something that I've had to do way later on down the road with a little older car that no longer had warrants but as you know things happen so this just pushed it for me to actually come with actually do that project a little bit early on and with nothing more than my duty to do safety so that's exactly when I just decided you know what I'm gonna go through with it so right now how I feel it's a little bit nervous I'm not so excited but more than anything I feel very determined because this car is very special to me and it was very sentimental value so I will be getting this fixed where there's a will there's a way I will be fixing this I know it's gonna take me a little bit longer than maybe someone that has already done this before or it has a bit more knowledge than me with this but I will get it done I don't know anyone like not even Chris and none of my friends no one personally that has ever done any engine work so this is going to be a learning curve if something that is completely out of my comfort zone but like I've said before I like a challenge I am willing to fix my car because I mean I'm sure I do have another option I could take it to a shop and have them work on it but no right if I plan on doing this before I might as well work on it myself and I will be learning a lot with this project so I'm very excited to go through with this so another question will be do you think that the tunes that cause this issue so I'm gonna go ahead and say no I don't think that the tune caused this issue just because there's many GT 350s out there that have issues and it's not something that's hidden everybody knows that and as gt350 owners when you're buying this car I mean you're well aware that or at least I hope and those issues I mean it could be a brand new GT 350 that I've seen have issues anything from like having 2,000 miles or like up to 40,000 miles it all varies and the issues are are from either spinning a bearing oil consumption or just completely destroying your engine so many tracks days that I have with this GT 360 and then just driving it hard I mean I've never had an issue like a never spun a bearing I never had oil consumption issues until I started having the misfire so I guess those misfires it's kind of like a precursor to just having engine issues so that's why I'm gonna go ahead and say that I don't think that the tuned cause this now one thing that I will suggest to any of you that have a GT 350 and it is tuned and for any reason you need or you're having issues with it and you need to take it to the Zener just make sure that either one you clean up your engine bay make sure that insuk elbow is clean or make sure that it's dirty so make sure it's even a cleaner even a dirty throughout the entire engine bay and then the other thing is that once you splash it back to stock depending on how many miles you have make sure you turn it on and off a bunch of times just because of once you flash it back to stock every sets the ignition cycles and then that's how they'll be able to determine whether it's 200 not and this was very unfortunate that this happened but you know now I know it is what it is either way I'm looking forward to having this project and working on the Shelby and then just bringing it back up another thing that I do want to mention is that with the five holes that is something that the service advisor told me but it is up to the dealer's discretion whether the actually wants to go ahead and not go through all those tracks and then just give you the the engine if you need it or not so just throwing that out there but either way I hope that this video was somewhat helpful to any of you if you have this car or any other car really I think just doing these tests that they're very simple and easy to do I guess you're kind of like a check up on your car so it it's something that you could do want any car just to kind of see like the state of the engine and how your car is now I'm looking forward to this GT 350 engine rebuild series I never thought that I would be any bad but I am that will be coming in very soon so if any of you have any questions concerns advice suggestions and please let me know I'm completely open to it because I will be reaching out to others that are more advanced and have more knowledge when it comes to this but we will be getting the GT 350 up and running in due time so I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Woman.Driven
Views: 529,752
Rating: 4.7966514 out of 5
Keywords: woman driven, woman.driven, lady driven, girl with gt350, gt350, 2018 gt350, shelby gt350, ford mustang, dorace, mustang gt350, shelby, women driven, cobra GT350, woman driver, #womandriven, woman driven youtube, womandriven, drvnfast, lady driven mustang, compression test, borescope, inspection camera, rebuild engine, gt350 blown motor, warranty denied, compression test engine, gt350 compression test, ford
Id: Pl17Rf3U8hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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