Ford 302 Complete Engine Tear Down #FairmontProject
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Channel: EricTheCarGuy
Views: 577,569
Rating: 4.9210458 out of 5
Keywords: 302 Ford, Ford 302, Ford 302 engine tear down, how to tear down a Ford 302, 302 engine tear down, 302 engine disassembly, small block Ford, small block Ford tear down, Ford engine, Ford engine tear down, piston, valve, how to remove a piston, how to remove a water pump, how to remove a cylinder head, how to remove a crank pulley, how to remove an oil pan, how to remove a cam, how to remove a crank, automotive education, how to auto repair, EricTheCarGuy, Eric the car guy, ETCG
Id: y7qHlmKzWG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This guy has a good channel. His videos are accessible and informative.
I really liked the vid, but while the block damage would be disappointing, I don't see why it bummed him out so much. What's a 302 block go for? $100-$200? Those heads and the roller gear are many, many times more than that.
EricTheCarGuy is great, such a good channel if you want to learn more about car repair and a lot of fun stuff like this Fairmont project.
He seems to put a lot of effort into his videos, I often wonder how he finds the time to (presumably) work on customers cars.
I'd love to watch it but youtube spontaneously collapses after exactly 30 minutes in this video ... good job youtube -.-