Forcibly Mating 500s For Educational Purposes

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anyway let's start start the uh let's start with  the arena can we get E4 I'm gonna play E5 here   let's go Knight C6 here D4 now my point is playing  the scotch which is pretty reasonable again what I   recommend against a scotch is always trading and  going Bishop to C5 the place Bishop G5 is funny   I don't think I've ever seen this move by the  way I'll go here and trade the bishop this looks   like a cheese attempt with Bishop G5 and then I  just take with the queen pawn and E4 is weak I   also have Queen before but now I can just take it  already he's in some trouble here with the blocks   I'll trade he can take with a knight and he takes  with a bishop loses the Knight now it's game over this Castle keep it simple develop the pieces I should have bought Bitcoin 10 years ago and then  you have some money nowadays I did own Bitcoin I   own Bitcoin at 900 and I sold it at uh I sold it  for at 40 so 4 500 or 4 000 or something it was   somewhere in that range I don't remember exactly  where I sold it but yeah I did own Bitcoin I sold   it for a nice profit so um I I don't I don't  know what you're asking me exactly let's go   C6 and Bishop five here and then rookie I just  want to trade the pieces off and win the game go rookie H's trade off the Rooks straight forward here I have the extra Bishops I  just want to trade off all the heavy pieces on off   the board immediately that's just the plan how do  you use Rooks effectively you want to use Rooks on   open files so there's only one open file here so  generally you're looking to like stack um stack   piece on the open file like I want to Stack that  works on this there's only one open file there's   only one open line and so I want to put both the  Rooks on the open Line works on open files that's   like oxygen to the Rooks why invest into Lucid  um I actually I own Lucid one it was a SPAC and   it went went public I think I bought into like  15. I made I did very well I did very well on it   um I I think I bought until like 30 or something  and I sold cover calls like 45 or something for   like 20 bucks maybe it wasn't 20 bucks but  something insane I did very well before it   all collapsed let's just take I'm just gonna  sack here because I can simplify the position now I was going to trade the Rooks  off here and it's all very very good   I have one two three four five six seven he is  one two three four he's down three pawns which   is why I'm willing to sacrifice cause at the end  of the day I just keep trading off the material   do I own or rent my dwelling I I own  it um fully paid off so yeah I own it um let's go check let's go Rook G2 Chuck  there should be a force made here there's   no reason really to prong this game there's  nothing technical that I can explain that   makes a difference keep going I think I'm  saying if you bought Bitcoin when it's   one dollars and you still have it current  price you have some money at that I guess   okay you guys uh let me put it this  way that's like buying a lottery   ticket anything that you buy at one dollar is  gonna be a lottery ticket let's play E5 here yeah I mean you buy anything at one dollar it  could be a penny stock it could be Bitcoin it   could be you're buying something as like you  know quote unquote investment or something at   one dollar there's probably like a 90 95  chance it's gonna be worth zero dollars   um okay we get we're gonna  play the four nights here   let's trade this is a classic uh Scotch for  nights now I go Bishop B4 to pin the Knight   so I can threaten to win the pawn I also developed  this bishop and then I can Castle the king too so   I threaten to take I Castle three three actual  reasons behind playing [ __ ] before let's take   now I captured towards the center so I can build  a center let's Castle go D5 and trade some Pawns   now I'm gonna go CSX build a nice  little chain of Pawns here on C6 and D5 um let's go Bishop E7 I think I was just saying  if you did though that would be pretty crazy   well actually I shouldn't I should be I shouldn't  say that because I I did actually own a stock at   um that I bought it two dollars and it's  being bought out at forty dollars so   um I should uh I shouldn't I shouldn't say  it like there's no chance of those things   happening but it's very rare let's play Rook  B8 and then after B3 I'm gonna go Rook to B4   and activate the Rook on the fourth rank  again it's kind of weird activation of The   Rook but it's on and open well if he's  gonna hang the pawn I can just take but   um but nonetheless I could go Rook before so let's  go here guard the pawn on C6 play Rook E8 move the   bishop there's some issues here with these active  Bishops on G5 and D3 which can cause me problems could be some issues here  but shouldn't be that bad they added Clips on Kick yes there are a lot  there are a lot of Clips on kick now indeed there   are there have been clips for a while it's not  it's not like something super new not something   super new because Knight B3 to trap my Rook on B2  which is actually a very good move potentially um I could go C5 here uh that's I actually I missed  snipe you through that's a great move great move   by my opponent um I guess I'll just sack The  Rook then I'm just gonna sack a rook here   yeah I go here sack The Rook but I have the two  Bishops it's not great but it could be worse I guess I'll go Bishop to a three-stop knight  C5 here and then I'm gonna I guess I'll play   it's actually not a very good position for me here  I think I'm just gonna play like um I think I'm   gonna go Bishop C5 I need to use these Bishops on  a diagonals like this bishop on this diagonal can   spy everything so he goes Knight of five logical  move I think I'm gonna play I'm gonna go H5 here   the reason I'm gonna play H5 is I have the hook  with Knight G4 to hit the pawn I also can go G6   to hit the Knight and after G6 takes or after G6  Knight moves I can scoot up and I should be fine hey who look who who's my favorite Chester that  would be me thank you so much appreciate I hope   you're enjoying the stream my friend um again  pretty decent position here for me I'm a little   bit worse with the two B's I should be kind of in  the game here it was Queen G3 which is interesting   um not a bad move per se but the thing I don't  like about Queen G3 is that now I can trade the   bishop for the night I give him a bishop pair  but after King G7 or actuate wait after H4 wait   wait maybe I have H4 here to tickle the  queen because because he the only reason   I can't take the bishop is because of the  pen but I have H4 I can take the bishop now yeah he actually blundered and now he has big  problems I think maybe not big problems but   he has problems for sure I didn't play only up  yet the reason I was happy to trade the bishop   even though I had the bishop pair is it this  bishop is unopposed now there's nothing that   can get in the way there are no pawns there are no  Bishops there's nothing you can put in the waves   the diagonal is completely open for the bishop  completely open when did hikachu get a haircut   oh I cut my hair the other day because once again  I'm not worth 50 million dollars um okay now I   can just take the bishop everything's guarded I  can slide the king over and then go Knight to H7   if actually if you were to go Queen G5 just  to point it out I can sack the bishop and then   go Knight to E4 with a double check and the  double attack so that's why you play Queen H4 oh did I missed something did  he find a trick to save the game uh he found a trick to save  the game I didn't see that ack yeah there's nothing I can do it's just a draw I missed Rook be it all together that's  just a draw I just have to Wade In The Edge   I go here King h8 King G8 and I just sit and wait yeah it's just a draw let's keep going all  right next game Let's Play E4 here trivial rant through C6 now at the lower levels there are  many ways to play against carcon I think the   simplest way I remember when I was much younger  maybe I was like 2 000 something like 1998 I was   playing in this turn this uh weekend tournament  in Somerset New Jersey and at the time I had only   played the exchange with e takes D5 and Bishop  D3 but then my stepfather actually showed me   this quick line of Knight C3 with Knight G3 and  H4 H5 and it is generally very easy to play now   my opponent doesn't know that he's supposed to  take he goes to E6 now probably playing E6 here   though is the lights where Bishop is trapped  behind this triangle wall so I'm gonna go E5   takes more space and play Knight F3 and Bishop  D3 what did I switch to kick I was actually the   first first big streamer to switch to kick  um I switched at the uh at the end of March   let's play Queen G4 and hit the pawn on G7  yeah I'm the I'm the original Trailblazer although I mean yeah there's like  uh the ones who've come over since   our ex of course X and amaranth and I  think Bruce Bruce uh picked me up or   Bruce whatever Bruce whatever whatever  his username is um not that I follow   him but uh there were a couple of them who  came over uh much more recently than I did it was 86 I'm just gonna cast my king out of the  center of the board um play like 92 and Knight G3   he's creating weaknesses and without a bishop  here there's a lot of Swiss cheese now on the   dark swears around its king a lot of Swiss cheese  were the pros and cons honestly they're no real   cons I mean the only cause I see it is that you  don't have um you don't have I I'm aware of Aiden   Ross and train wrecks obviously you guys but um  you don't have um there's then peasant which you   didn't realize exists um the only real drawbacks  is there are no sponsorship opportunities thus far   um with kick that's the only  drawback so that's the only drawback there's no sub button on mobile well yeah I  mean I was gonna say the the the me the main   drawback from my perspective is that there's no  um there are no sponsorship opportunities that   being said in this current economy even with the  stocks going through the roof with interest rates   so high companies don't have the same budgets  for sponsorship so that's the first big issue   um that I would say from my perspective  now in terms of General issues they have   for getting viewership up uh obviously the  mobile apps need to be improved without a   doubt you need to have like the full screen  you need to have casting um all these little   things need to be fixed um without a doubt  now here I have check if the kingdom comes   up I can actually Checkmate him very quickly and  if he blocks well that's GG so I check and take and we keep going so yeah the mobile stuff is very is very big  um and then from my perspective just the the   fact that so many people view it as like this  gambling gambling Valhalla as they would say uh   when it isn't so let's play E4 again we're playing  J shaper long time sub with a twitch Channel by   the way who I've seen before uh now one opening  that I do think is reasonable to play as well   is something like The Bishop's opening where  you bring the bishop of the night out Knight   F3 is probably simpler but Bishop's opening also  quite easy to play I'm gonna go D3 Here and Now F4 actually let's go Knight C3 sorry I want  to stop D5 opening up the center and now I   take a knight of three in castles and I get  this like very straightforward development   play the bird the bird is a bad opening is  beginner level I think you need open you   need open space Vienna Bishops I mean they're  both pretty they're both very similar at times   let's go Knight F3 uh it's always very late  here whenever you stream and by the way I'm   also an early riser like you well Beach lad if  it's really late you must be somewhere like in   the Far East maybe like Asia I mean I apologize  for that but I'm getting up early extremely early   in the U.S you must be very far you must  be in Asia or somewhere if it's very late   I'm gonna go here in D5 we've got a nice White  Center India okay so yeah exactly yeah now I   can go D5 open up the scope Queen D4 are also a  very good move to hit both the pawn and the night now I take and I have Queen eight checkmate okay resigns let's go next game okay we're playing cornball regular again E4  as I said always opening that I recommend I do   not recommend modern setups I know uh sometimes  people see me do it and they try to be cool but   I think modern defense is very bad and I'm  going to show you why it's because you give   your opponents just way too much space even if  what I'm playing is not the best he's gonna have   real problems developing his pieces like see  already as a beginner you're taught to develop   your knight towards the center and he doesn't  know how to do that so he goes B6 and I'm not   really trying to stomp him but I'm gonna stomp  him to show you guys why it's such a bad opening   because F6 I'm just gonna develop see he  doesn't realize he has to put the Knight   on H6 because it's not a normal theme when you're  a beginner player like 90 95 of the development   has a knight going to F3 F6 90 like 95 plus  but he doesn't know what to do so he's trying   to get his night out and now he's just gonna  lose the game that's exactly why you should   not play these sorts of systems because I wasn't  trying to cheese him but when I go E5 and I take   all the space with the pawns he doesn't know  that he has to break break the pawnshop with   C5 doesn't know he has to play 96 because he's  always learned that he's been programmed to put   the Knight on F6 or F3 all the time and so he  tries to play F6 and he's just getting squished so yeah I really don't recommend  the modern really don't recommend it okay now I just got submitted mating two see I  didn't do any I didn't do anything special but   see I wasn't even trying to cheese him but  this is why you cannot play these systems   because when you play these systems like here  the only reason that black is okay is because   you can play C5 and start start trying to  break the punching at an 800 level you do   not know anything about breaking up ponchit  this is a this is a probably a like 1500 plus   level concept at least so it's like it's  just not something that you should play as   a beginner because you you give up too much  space if you don't know that you can't put   the Knight here you can go this way it's very  weird because you've also been taught don't   put the Knight on the rim so you don't put the  Knight on the rim you don't know about breaking   up the pawn chain and you just lose games for  no good reason really so I don't recommend it yes the opening theory for this system is  very hard to learn for little Evo yes and   the the themes or Advanced themes they're not  obvious okay I'm gonna probably just play e   forks I truly believe E4 is the best move I  do great example of why you don't just learn   theory but understand the base of the foundation  exactly yeah okay now I'm gonna play the Spanish   again I really like the scotch at the lower  levels I think it's a very good opening just   getting the getting the standard two Bishops  two nights out but it doesn't happen now my   opponent plays Knight F6 plays the Berlin  reasonable Choice even at the beginner level   um because because there's no you're still  going to develop the Norway's official E7 I   personally wouldn't play it though because after  castles you have to know you have to know you   have actually be careful not to lose the game  very quickly there are tricks here even in this I hate the fion Cheetos of h4a5 yeah also their  wing attacks as well with H4 H5 so I'm gonna play   Bush B4 we need more instructional advices yeah  I'm trying to do more of these Arenas I know for   some people it's probably quite boring uh but I I  rather enjoy it a lot of people enjoy enjoy this   content on YouTube as well again Shin one uh I  don't next time next time uh next time I get a   twitch deal for prevention I'll do it okay we  get D5 it's already a blunder see this is why   I don't recommend to actually playing the Berlin  because you have to know to take and go Knight   D6 if you don't know that you try to default back  into standard Spanish lines and now he's already   blundered because the Knight takes E5 like it's  it's much it's much better just play A6 Bishop A4   and then like B5 or D6 or Knight F6 but straight  forward and it's not like he still couldn't have   played um B5 here and been flying or Bishop E7  but he because it's out of sequence the order   looks off he blenders with D5 so you don't want to  allow the situation at the beginning at the lower   levels where there are multiple sequences  transmissions and all these other things and it's already very very bad for black very bad so yeah I mean I'll try to do more of these when  I can this is the opposite of boring okay fair   enough okay so see now I mean it's now what  I want to do is very simple I'm I'm up a pawn   I've castled the king I've developed everything on  this side but you'll see that I have four juicers   that are not in the game The Rook tonight the  bishop the queen none of these are developed here um more of these tips please okay what's  up with the essaying are you talking oh   oh I see yeah okay now it goes Queen E7 now  there are a couple ways to play the way that   I'm in a place I'm gonna take the pawn E5  is objectively a better move but it doesn't   really fit with the themes of what I'm gonna  try to show here so I'm gonna take the pawn   he's gonna capture now it's just a matter  of developing these pieces that's really the   the most important thing I can't really attack  him because if he takes away the Knight of the   queen he can always just cover up with Bishop  E7 and Castle so with a lone Rook on this open   Lane there's not a whole lot that I can do so I  need to bring the bring the boys to the party do   I recommend to play this uh play foreign I think  normal Scotch is good you just have to be careful   about the bishop C5 lines so I'm gonna trade  Knights because I'm up a pawn so if he takes I   I don't mind getting the double pawns here because  then the bishop gets very active immediately very quick development so he takes so I  take I have double pawns but I can bring   the bishop out very quickly and put pressure  now both these Bishops are on great diagonals   and now my development is complete Rooks are in  the center of the board and it's just winning   the the simplest way to win this actually  I'm gonna I'm gonna explain why Bishops   can sometimes be so good especially if  your opponent doesn't have an opposing   Bishop so you're gonna see me show why this  bishop can become so strong very very soon I take with a pawn not towards the center of  the reason in this case I didn't I could have   I could have taken this way and played D4 I took  with a d-pawn simply so I could bring the bishop   out quicker but yes actually taking this way  and going D4 followed by Bishop F4 with the   white center is also completely reasonable  too it's basically uh you know it's it's a   fielder's Choice as we say in baseball you  just pick a pick one way and you go with it   yeah so I'm gonna trade I'm  gonna take this Pawn here and now I'm gonna go visit B3 I could  have taken the Knight obviously hung   it but what I'm gonna illustrate  is why Bishops can be so strong so   I'll go work C1 Rook C7 and the reason that  Bishops can become so strong sometimes right here   there's no way to close the diagonal you have no  pawns to put in the way you have no light Square   Bishop to put in the way so the bishop here  becomes monstrous it's just very very strong   I could have taken either Pawn doesn't matter it's  all winning um I guess I'll go I was gonna take   this Pawn to illustrate the point I mean also this  bishop dominates the horse too the horse can't go   anywhere either this horse is stuck because  the bishop just controls all these squares as   well as targeting F7 so I'm gonna go here stack  on the seventh and create the the classic kebab I'm playing the scotch I fight sometimes it's  hard to punish opening Mistakes by my opponent   any recommendation you're saying if they play  a scotch if you play Scotch I'm gonna play here   not rookie seven because of the ice skater so  I create the Luft first now I guard the bishop it was better to take the knife  that wasn't the purpose I'm trying   to explain some themes here so I'm  going to create the double works   on the seventh rank here and this Knight is  completely dead still has no jumps anywhere it was Rook B8 so I will take the pawn oh you play  the scotch are you saying Scotch is white or black   I go back still the same problem  with the Rooks on the seventh rank because here I check and then I  meet him with Rook H7 next move can we get E4 uh this time I'm gonna play  something a little bit more thematic not just E5   um the place is still in here I'm gonna play  D6 trade and now Knight of sucks attack in the   pawn by the way the reason you also play D6 here  it's the same thing I was explaining with like   the modern is that if you go Knight F6 white can  play E5 and your knight has to move so when you   play D6 you basically want to develop the Knight  and stop E5 so after D4 I try to go Knight F6 he   develops and now I'm gonna play G6 which of course  is the Sicilian Dragon defense here because the   pawns is everybody who has spent years studying  constellation knows this this formation of the   Five Pawns it follows the formation of Draco  the classic constellation in the night sky   um that we all see every night so that's  that's where the origins of the dragon come   from is the fact that he's Five Pawns resemble  the the Draco constellation it's Castle here   and now I'm gonna play Knight to C6 he takes  which is not a great move because what he does   is he connects my pawns now all these pawns are  connected kind of like a snake action everybody   played Snake when they were younger if they're not  super young um and he connects the pawns whereas   here I have one two three or five connected but  this Pawn these two are split on an island now   I only have one on an island and these six pawns  are all gonna be able to move up the board very   nicely and additionally now I can use the open  file as well for my Rook here with Rook B8 I so he goes B for it now I'm gonna go here just to  guard the pawn against the threat there are better   moves like Knight G4 at the higher levels but  that's not really the purpose now he goes Rook B1   but the thing is white is sort of by training the  nice he's giving me more chance to grip the center   now if I wanted to go for some big cheese I'd go  Knight G4 followed by D5 with a Checkmate on H2   but what I'm going to show you guys why normally  with white you don't want to trade the knights on   C6 because now I can start to take much more of  the center I can now play D5 and I'm getting some   good grip here now I actually have five connected  by the way and now I can play E5 and D4 and I'm   just starting to slowly take more and more of the  center which is why normally with white in dragons   you don't want to trade these Knights because  you give black more chance to start gripping   the center and now after E5 you see the pawns are  really being pushed I've got total control here   I can use the other open file here put pressure  on the pawn on C2 great great position for black   goes Rook to C1 now I'm trying to find a general  technical theme here which it's hard to find a   good theme for a beginner H5 is what I would  normally play just to just to kick the Knight   out of town but it's not really a beginner theme  or concept so what I'm going to do instead is I'm   going to move my knight and try to play F5 and  grip the center even more here with F5 and E4   this is great but how do we use the first bet  to skip the second and reach the third you guys   seriously I'm gonna go E4 I'm gonna trade the  Bishops here maybe not the best way of playing   it but again I just want to keep building building  more of a center so here I'm going to go Knight   to F6 back now now I'm guarding everything night  guards all the pawns I can kick the Knight back   now I can go Queen to E5 attack of the rook and  I can really just start taking all the space like   on the king side now I'm gonna start playing on  the king side I'm playing the center of the board   white is really in a lot of trouble here I will  just take and why it's kind of just running out   of space and running out of oxygen just like  on the submarine so I'm gonna go King h8 and   Rook to G8 here and now I use the open file  I push to G4 and this is really this is just   falling apart immediately I just go check and  that's me so what do you really do wrong what   he did wrong was he traded the knights on C6  he should not have done that um too soon well   actually to be fair that didn't happen right it  just exploded right it just exploded they weren't   stuck at the bottom right it just exploded  um yeah so okay let's play ceiling again played D6 yet again and 906 it  just exploded right it didn't   they didn't actually sit at the bottom  for days like what the media was saying   uh it imploded exploded yeah okay let's just  go A6 here the reason I play this I want to   play Knight C6 and kick the queen but if I go  Knight six right away there's Bishop B5 pinning   the Knight so I do this and now I go here no  Bishop B5 and now I develop the Knight has to   waste time moving the queen and now I continue  the rest of my development on the king side so I guess here I will play E6  and develop my Bushman Castle basic development so far from both sides both  sides have developed good play from acurai now I'm gonna go B5 here I take some space I  wanna be on Kettle my Bishop but also B4 is   a threat so for example in this position  of Whitewater play with King H1 B5 Kings   you won then I can play B4 kicking the  Knight which guards the pawn but also   taking more space so he plays B4 which is  not a great move in most Sicilians because   now I have to Bishop B7 eventually he's  gonna have problems on the C file here so it's very difficult to play for for white uh I accidentally unmuted the tab where  I have my dashboard sorry about that   um uh yeah so he goes A4 here  I will just take the pawn A4 yeah sorry about that I I just I actually I  haven't the tab muted um so yeah apologies   oh yeah it takes the Knight what he needed to  do here was he needed to take with the Rook   um but he takes one night tonight take with  the Knight on B4 attack in the bishop on D3 who is Bishop E2 and now I just take  a pawn and see this is what happened   here is like he very quickly he got antsy  he got like ants in his pants he tried to   push pause on the queen side and just  like that he'd lost a Pawn on both the   queen side and in the center of the board  and these Knights are really well placed because Knight B6 I always play Rook to B8 it should be pause so I  don't know why it's playing weird anyway goes Queen B1  now I'll play D5 creating a   chain of three but also guarding  the Knight as well he hangs upon what was the big announce with a big announcement  yesterday is that I will be playing in the feed a   World Cup at the end of July in Baku in Azerbaijan  he goes Queenie one now there are many ways to win   here I'm looking for themes I think the basic  theme Here is I'm just gonna trade and try to   trade more pieces of 984 I have Bishop B5 which  wins material but for the themes I'm just gonna   trade the uh Bishop for the night I can't wait  for only up we're about 30 minutes away from that uh and the grand Swiss as well but that's much  uh Knight C2 was a fork by the way but if I go   to ic2 I lose the horse I lose both horses  for The Rook if I go here he takes this and   then I lose the other horse in the corner so  I don't want to give up these two horses for   The Rook that's why I didn't play it  okay takes which now allows me to take   now here again many ways to win but I'm  just happy to trade off the queens or win   the night he has Trout the Queens are losing  actually he's gonna lose tonight anyway I guess I train and I just actually stuck  they're no good jumps anymore bacon and now what I do is I just go Rook B8  trade the Rooks on the at the end of the board   and this will be uh either an ice skater or  a simple end game that I'm winning I go check   trade off the Rooks no heavy materials left I'll  go Rook B3 and trade off The Rook for the night   or maybe he can try to dodge it but  all the squares are covered here so   he's kind of running out of running out  of time I go H5 kick the Knight back and   now I'm just gonna sack the Rooks tonight is  one last piece I want to get off the board your check let's start pushing the pawns and now I  have three connected pawns no way to stop them all   he resigns next game okay it goes D4 here so what I'm gonna do  in this position um is I'm gonna play the   Queen's game of decline which I think is fairly  standard let's go E6 so you can actually give   links in kicks chat no I don't believe  you can um okay let's play Knight to F6 and now I'm gonna play Bishop east of standard  Queens game of decline I developed the knight   in the bishop and I just Castle the king out of  the center of the board this is an opening this   played a lot at the lower levels and now there  are many ways to play is what what I would say is   that at the lower levels you should be looking  for the activity um so if you're looking for   activity what I recommend is something like A6  now this isn't the absolute best move of course   um but what I'm looking for is activity I want to  open I want to have an open diagonal now you could   obviously play basis which is completely fine but  if white trades the pawns you get the bishop on B7   you're staring at it at a pawn there's a pawn in  front of the bishop on this diagonal and it's very   hard to understand the theme so what I'm trying  to do here is just get the open diagonal for my   Bishop here and then I can play like 97 and C5 and  with this open diagonals it's a lot easier to play   with the open diagonals versus closed diagonals  if you're newer to the game so I'll go C5 here so again I think that's why like I don't  recommend G3 or B B3 or G3 opening so you   end up generally having closed diagonals  I feel like if you're newer to the game   you want open diagonals for your Bishops it's  very hard to understand how to use the Bishops   otherwise playwork C8 and play Queen B6 I want  to dodge any threats on this open D file here uh queensy of decline is pretty  common at the Laurel I mean maybe   it's not as common lower levels as it  once was but it's still pretty common   um H6 B6 Bishops have 94. I don't think it's  a good choice because when you play those   systems I'll explain after the game actually  well I don't think that's a great choice   um uh I'll explain it after this game why I  don't think that's a good choice h6b6 yeah because I tried to explain it but without actually  seeing the the moves on the board it might be a   little bit hard to follow oh this is gold content  okay he takes now I'm gonna tickle the Knight here which is a mistake but we'll  see if he understands why   okay you missed a great chance to take and then  sack the bishop because there is a theme of the   queen H5 idea actually I'll just explain it after  the game um I'm gonna go A6 attack the bishop   Bishop H4 logical let's just trade some Rooks   probability with the work is now before and the  Knight is actually trapped he doesn't have a good   Square I cover the critical squares here and the  Knight can't go anywhere so it's basically a dead   horse on C3 and they're three piece there's one  two three that are taking away the squares of a   horse there players take and again still no  squares really unlucky that is the Queen the   Knight and the bishop basically on the only  the Queen the night or the Queen the bishop   and The Rook on the wrong Square so I trade and  now I just take the Knight and I win the game it was 94 I'll just trade off not worried I just  tried to go Knight f8 now I have an extra horse   which also guards against checkmates around my  king So this should be should be pretty simple now   what I want to do is just trade off some pieces  do I think I'll give the noob lab grown chicken   a try I don't know whether that's a troll or what  you're asking exactly nor do I particularly care it was B3 okay so now I'm just gonna go A5 the  reason I do is just like get rid of a Target and   I put the pawn on the opposite color of the bishop  Bishop cannot touch the pawns um and without the   bishop being able to touch the pawns everything  is good in the world so let's play Rook d8 um and   so everything's on the opposite color the bishop I  can trade some Rooks here I can go Rook D2 I just   want to get rid of the material basically since I  have the extra horse just get rid of the material it was Queen E2 I will play GSX and King G7 let's go King G7 here and now what  I want to do is I want to bring the   Knight into the game night's good  but it's a little bit passive here the Knight D7 try to bring the Knight into the  game eventually on some of these dark squares it's crazy to me how many of these  Concepts you constantly keep tabs on   yeah okay it goes up four not a bad move  I'm gonna go here just go after the pawn I guess I'll I'll move my knight back again just  keep an eye on this Pawn No need no need to start   move the Knight and potentially hanging stuff now  you go see for now what I'm gonna play here is I'm   gonna go Bishop to C3 just lock the bishop where  it's guarded pawn and Bishop guard each other I   still have ideas on all the diagonals but I can't  lose the bishop because of this grip that I have   so let's go Queen to E3 and now eventually I want  to go after these pawns on darkstars the opposite   color of his light Square Bishop so because  they're on the opposite color it'll be much easier   to to go after them let's play G5 break up his  Pawn chain here and this will be winning very soon so he takes now I think I can actually just  take the palm of check and there should be   a classic ice skater here as well as a  pretended right triangles on top of that   so like okay okay so yeah so I thought I was  gonna explain a few things first things first   um a couple things first of all I played A6  which is objectively not the best move but   the thing is the theme is more important than  knowing the precise lyrics for example if you   go B6 and you get some position like this there  are two things first of all the bishop there's a   the diagonals closed Bishop has no no no uh  no scope the Pawns in the way of the bishop   no scope so it's very hard to understand how  you're supposed to play this with this bishop   here because it's not an active piece it's a very  passive piece down the road maybe you can reroute   or something like that but nothing is going  to happen with this bishop for a good 20 moves   um additionally if you play something like  this you have to know when to place my like   Knight E4 and the problem in general with these  setups is that white can always go Rook C1 and   understanding how to deal with those potentially  slight weakness of the Pawn on C7 it's very very   difficult like for example here 97 is okay  but if you're doing basic calculations you   see it takes takes takes Bing Bang Boom you're  going to lose some material here so it's very   hard to understand what the right development  is now yes you can go F5 somewhere as well but   like just as an example what are you supposed  to play here as a beginner player obviously   for me it's different what are you supposed to do  because they're they're big threats first of all   there's Knight E5 which is a big problem with an  outpost but even here say you go h692 what do you   do about this Pawn on C7 do you go C6 and close  this diagonal permanently do you try to play C5   it's very difficult to understand what you're  supposed to do if you're like 1000 level player   that's why I don't really recommend ideas like  this I think it's very very difficult to play its   positions it's the same reason I don't recommend  you play like modern structures like for example   say you play um whoops with white piece let's just  say um let me flip the board for a second um how   do I flip the board there we go um it's like for  example you you got some position like I know that   these aren't the actual Right Moves but you know  you got some position like some position like this   um just to illustrate the point it's like what  do you do here how do you open up the scope   the bishop is staring at a at a relatively close  diagonal this diagonal also not not great either   you move the Knight black and black and always  just or if you move this Knight black can always   go D5 it's very hard because when you play with  Bishops on these which are fion keto you have to   know where the pawn breaks are and understanding  Pawn breaks is very difficult to the lower levels   which is why I don't really recommend playing  B3 or G3 same reason that in this game if we go   back to it I flip the board here I don't really  recommend playing B6 Bishop B7 now someone who's   stronger they're gonna say well you played A6  oh it's a bad move theoretically like white is   better here after this A6 move but at the end of  the day at the lower levels the theory doesn't   matter so much as Concepts and when I play A6  and I play play with B5 I get the open diagonal   there's plenty of scope for the bishop and it's  very easy to then play for C5 C5 next move and at   both the diagonals are completely open for these  two Bishops open diagonal so it's much easier to   to play than with the close diagonals with B6  which is why I would say you should play it so   back to the game um what I was trying to say  about this position is my opponent had a nice   tactic here with Bishop takes Knight takes  now he could sack the bishop because after I   take there's Queen to H5 check King G8 takes  and it's basically a draw here a white sack   the bishop but I can never Dodge the checks  so that was the next point I think that was   really the only other point I had to explain  for this game so let's play our next game all right let's play E4 yet again C6 and  now I'm gonna play D4 um and I can play   Knight C3 here which is which is the two lines  where I suggest exchange or an ic3 generalist   take now he goes 906 I'm gonna play Knight to  cheats her back now this is not the best move   but generally players at lower levels  We're Not Gonna know they're supposed   to play H5 and he goes push about five which  actually isn't a blunder by the way [Laughter]   you know what my opponent got my I'll tell you  exactly what happened my opponent meant to play   Bishop F5 but he confuses lines he didn't have  it memorized to to T so he plays here first and   then he thinks he can go here now the funny thing  is this is not a blunder it's after Knight takes   Bishop there's actually Queen A5 check which  wins the night back but he plays G6 now I can   just move the Knight I'm simply on a piece it's  not a blunder though it's actually not a blunder   because he can play check hitting the king and  capturing the Knight next turn let's go Knight F3 and now I'm just gonna develop the bishop and  Castle my king out of the center of the board play Queen E2 Rook D1 Bishop G5 just  simple play all right maybe I'll go C3   to connect the chain first and now I just want  to bring the bishop and The Rook into the game are there free resources you can recommend for  those my wife isn't letting me spend money on   chat so finding decent resource has been hard  um so send me uh free resources I think on a lot of the resource even if you  don't have full access uh are good enough   um I think there are many YouTube videos like I  would say John Bartholomew's videos are very good   um for for beginners I I think things along  those lines are what I would recommend   um buy a new wife bro I mean find one well okay   yeah I mean I think there are probably a free  accessible courses I I mean I I'm trying to figure   out what exactly I would recommend um Lee chess  also exists yeah lead chest exists um as well yeah I don't have a problem with Lee chess  personally no he goes C5 here now I'm just gonna   trade ponsor and play Bishop B3 I just got this  one I just got this wife last month cost me 28k   very funny to me please turn Rook D1 just bring all my pieces  to the center of the board   I'm just gonna trade the [ __ ] for the night here   I'm happy to trade the [ __ ] for  the night because we're the bishop   back maybe play like uh just play like 94  and trade the pieces a lot of I mean like I'm gonna find what is this uh what's  the it has there's a book that uh has   Bobby Fischer on the cover let I'm gonna  um uh let me see if I can find this book yes I think okay you guys so let me open this  image in a new uh open image in a new tab yeah   so let me pull this up okay so I'm gonna tell  you guys something so you see this cover I'm   gonna blow it up of course I'll control pluses  so it's much bigger um I I don't know where this   book is available but yet but let me make this  once one one pixel smaller um but there was this   book that's called Bobby Fischer teaches chess um  and this is a book that is that it's not really   a book it's just tactics puzzles but when I was  very young and I first started out this literally   was what I used I literally used this book and I I  literally just went through I set up the pieces on   my my small little magnetic Chessa which of course  just sounds ridiculous in 2023 but I set up all   these switches on my little magnetic chess set I  would try to solve the puzzles and these are the   sorts of things that I cannot stress enough are  more important than the theory or anything else   puzzles Puzzle puzzles if you do like thousands of  tactics you are going to get better just from that   alone you're gonna get better inevitably there's  no question about it so um that's what I would do   when I was much younger when I first started out  that's actually How I Learned that's how I learned   um is is basically I I have these puzzle books  with thousands of puzzles and I literally just   set them up on my regular chessboard  or my magnetic chess set I would just   go through all of them over and over and  over and over again over and over again   that makes it a little bit  like nostalgic too though let's play Rook D3 here I'm just gonna trade  off the the Bishops Bishops and the Rooks here content actually I thought  of some fun content okay I thought of some fun content so um I  I thought of something fun that we're   gonna do after this since we're talking about  magnetic chess sets and like retro and old stuff I thought of some some really fun content so okay uh let's just trade off here let's  take let's take the Knight covers   the classic Square let's trade the Rooks off not a react video no I thought  I thought of some fun content um oh let's trade some Rooks let's  go King F1 maybe Rook D7 next move let's go here okay yeah this I'm actually psyched I  just thought about this uh I'm psyched   let's go here and go after the pawns on G6 and F5 we're gonna we're gonna go hunting in a second  you guys so I'm taking I'm using these nights   or coming into the game let's take the pawn I'm  threatening to meet him on G7 by the way next move I have to make sure I'm not  signed in that's the only thing uh we got King H7 is actually Checkmate here we were playing soup sailor now he goes to E4 now  again I think Sicilian is a pretty good pretty   good concept actually I guess I'll make sure  I'm on Firefox um so I'm not signed in anywhere okay okay we got C3 uh this is the  classic um this is a classic uh   um uh elephant Sicilian or see there's ceiling now  there are many ways to play against this uh this   is actually what my brother played for his entire  Chester from the time he started out until he quit   playing shots so I have a lot of familiarity  with this with this opening so I I think this   is a reasonable Choice um now I'm gonna tell you  guys I I alluded to this game that I played when   I did the confessional Booth with um during my  game against D gukesh I alluded to this game   um that I played in 1998 and the reason  I eluded this game is because the game   against goo catch even though it was out of  D4 it's the same isolated Pawn structure and   um all the way back I think it was 1998  I played the worldly trust festival and I   played a game against this player from Portugal  his name was Xiao Casa and the preparation that   I did before that game was with this exact  setup and I'm gonna it was with chess base   it's like chess base five or something  actually let me see chess base um let me let me let me see if it's  chess base five or was there a chess base it's so old that I can't even find images  anymore let's go [ __ ] B7 castles like   I think it was chess space five  or chess space four [Music] um I'm I'm looking for this um  yeah let me open this image okay I'm gonna Castle here I'm gonna play  Knight C6 rook d8 and Bishop D7 this is   my exact prep from 1998 for a game that I  played in the world youth chess Festival   um and the point of what you're doing here is  you just develop the Knight the bishop bring   the Rooks to the center of the board and then  you go from there so I play Knight C6 I'm gonna   go like Queen d8 If he if he tries to attack me  and I go Bishop D7 rookie eight Bishop 8 97.95   this this was my prep from a game that I played  in the world of Chess Festival in 1998. yeah let's go Bishop D7 I want to play Rook C8 rookie  Bishop 897 and then Bishop C6 this was this was   my preparation for a game that I played only 25  years ago good God 25 years ago geez ridiculous   um absolutely ridiculous to think about that um  yeah this I played the worldly chess vessels the   tournament for the best players around the world  so at the time only the best player was able to   go to the event so like best player from like  say China best player from Russia best player   from the US they had an under 10 section 12 14  16 18. nowadays because of this terrible thing   called capitalism anybody anybody can go plan  if they're willing to pay the entry fee so it's   no longer the only the top players from every  country play but anybody can play if they're   willing to pay the entry fee um so when I went it  was just the absolute number one player from every   country could play that was it so like I played  for the United States in the under 10 under 12s   and everything else and um I played against the  number one Portugal player now I don't think we   actually got into the Owl pen in our game but I  remember the preparation for whatever reason so   yeah anyway okay things have been traded but I  have the two Bishops here with much more scope   or in an end game I am a little bit better  because again these Bishops can Target from   long distance these Knights have no targets  whatsoever so I'm gonna go here go after this   Pond and this bishop this bishop in this night  really caused quite a lot of problems here why would someone want to play because  they actually are going to learn a lot   like they can watch this back they can they can  either watch they can they can actually have it   open on stream and learn from it they can also  watch back when we publish our YouTube videos   it's a good chance to learn it's a very very  good chance to learn that's the point and and   I'm not stomping them either that's the other  point like I'm not trying to just like cheese   them and like win in 10 moves if I was trying  to Stomp Them there would be no actual value   to it but I'm not trying to Stomp Them in these  games so he goes 94 and I could take the pawn   um and why not let's just  take the pawn it's a free Pawn he's played a good game he's played a very good  game plays rookie one now rookie one actually   is a better move because he puts pressure on  the Knight and then he can capture the pawn   which he's currently down right now so Rook  A1 would be better because the bishop covers   the square so like rookie one night before he  probably was worried about the ice skater but   the bishop covers the square so he goes rookie  one not not the end of the world either though   um pretty decent move I'm gonna go  push it before to attack The Rook now he goes for K1 and we play Knight T3 here so I was trying to look up some stuff on eBay um okay one second um actually I'm looking up  something on eBay I'm just gonna put it in my car   because there's only one left uh one second uh he  goes eight straight I'm gonna play Bishop D5 here sorry I I gotta I gotta put this  in my car it's under 13 one second   wait just so that someone  doesn't buy it before I do uh uh um one second okay let's go uh  let's go Bishop Bishop takes Knight   if he takes with a knight I have  92 at the four can I win the game um one second also I need to get my get my phone  let's go Knight E2 check and win the bishop I just need a code for PayPal and second take the bishop on F4 foreign oil I just bought all of it yeah um there we go oh I'm outside let's go Bishop D6 here guard the  Knight I I will share it since there's only one um uh let's go Bishop to B8 yay I ordered it okay you guys I ordered it one  so let's go 96. okay I think I'm just gonna skip   the last game of the Arena once I win this we'll  just move on uh let's go to Knight C5 and play 94.   yeah this is gonna this is gonna  be this is gonna be rad you guys   it's gonna be freaking rad whenever this arrives this is gonna be really rad let's go to 96. okay let's go uh H5 here   yeah I will after this game let's just  go here let me just win this game quickly it's 113 bucks not cheap actually I just can't even buy a lamb but a Lambo  for 113 dollars oh I'm really I'm really   happy I'm really happy I feel like I feel like  a kid in the candy store again let's go work C1   oh let's just take and go check and take  the pawn no I just push P let's go here   so here I work A4 or B3 B2 4k1 go  Rook D1 win the night and win the game okay we got the win all right  you guys we're gonna move on [Music] [Music]
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 765,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: nw6mk4vUdG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 15sec (3255 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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