Forbidden Archaeology Documentary 2018 Ancient Ruins That Defy Mainstream History

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planet Earth is home to some spectacular relics from bygone eras constructions that seemed to defy the technological capabilities of their time strange and mysterious thought-provoking and puzzling these unexplained archaeological discoveries keep attracting the attention of researchers worldwide the scientific community is not yet been able to shed light upon them let's see some of the greatest findings that still remain unexplained [Music] the sight of sex a home on consists of a fortress that has layered walls multiple walls located behind each other the rear once higher than the frontal ones the more one advances in words one has to climb higher meeting more walls the immense fortress was put together with the usage of huge stone blocks nobody knows exactly who built sex I human when and most importantly how [Music] sexy human can be admired mostly for the remarkable architecture engineering skills that were needed for its creation the Incas told the Spaniards that they weren't the ones who built sex like human but the Giants in their mythology there were huge people living in the Cusco area and they carried the huge stone blocks and put them together it's believed that the upper parts of the fort contains smaller stones which were easily demolished and taller moved away and used for the construction of colonial buildings the large stones were too heavy and the Spaniards simply left them in their original shape specialists affirm that originally the walls of the fort were approximately three meters or 9.8 four feet higher than today shockingly anyone with a keen eye can notice that some stone blocks used in constructing the complex are gigantic the size of small trucks even nobody knows how these huge stones were cut and moved into place many stones weighed over 50 tons and the biggest one was over 120 tons by comparison a US Army Abrams tank weighs just over 50 tons imagine lifting a tank even with modern cranes it would be a very difficult task now imagine lifting twice that weight about 120 tons in the Middle Ages when it's believed that this fortress was constructed hard to imagine how the Incas could have done this we can also add the fact that the Incas did not know the wheel they did not write either the cutting of the Hard Rock's is another mystery that so far no one has given any plausible answer to with understanding the construction of sex a human were no further than with understanding the construction of the Egyptian pyramids famous spanish writer Garcilaso de la Vega once wrote about sex a human this fortress surpasses the constructions known as the seven wonders of the world for in the case of a long broad wall like that of Babylon or the Colossus of Rhodes or the pyramids of Egypt or the other monuments one can see clearly how they were executed they did it by summoning an immense body of workers and accumulating more and more material day by day and year by year they overcame all difficulties by employing human effort over a long period [Music] but it's indeed beyond the power of imagination to understand how these Indians unacquainted with devices engines and implements could have cut dressed raised and lowered great rocks more like lumps of Hills than building stones and set them so exactly in their places for this reason and because the Indians were so familiar with demons the work is attributed to enchantment [Music] most people today consider the fortress and Inca construction though they themselves till the Spaniards that sex a human was built by giants writers like Erich von däniken bring the theories further as far as talking about alien activity in this area when they speak about the Nazca lines in Tiahuanaco this latter site being in Bolivia indeed many of us doubt the fact that the Incas could have constructed sex a human the immense blocks are just as large as some used in the building of ollantaytambo were the lower larger rocks placed there by some other culture some have even pointed out to the Church of pious culture those who built Quayle app estimates tell us that approximately 20,000 to 30,000 people were needed for the construction of sex a human the works would have went on for about 60 years [Music] the name of the city comes from the new hotel Te'o T how Caen or the place where men become gods simpler said people acknowledged it as the city of gods the noodle origin of the word was put to use by the Mexica Aztecs in order to distinguish this city that a previous civilization already built when the Mexica arrived here the city was in racks up until today the original name that the civilization constructor Givet is still unknown [Music] many reasons set tota Halcon under the ramps of a huge mystery we only know it was one of the most important cities in the American continent the rest of it is only a blurry uncompleted image as a matter of fact researchers still analyze the real origins of the city near the outset of the Christian era the city of the gods was only a village however it was a place that gained in popularity as the capital of devotion in the analog Valley the first significant structures most likely formed at that time as excavations performed at the pyramid of the moon-- confirmed it the city increased its reputation during the classic period 3rd to 7th centuries ad it reached an area of around 21 square kilometers with a population varying between 100,000 and 200,000 citizens all the region of Mesoamerica sense the power of Tod how can discoveries around tikal monte albán and other sites prove that they had a connection with this city of gods before the Spaniards arrived in Mesoamerica the city was a long time deserted even the few accounts we have in our historical sources do not reveal proper information about the first inhabitants but rather only those who lived after its downfall [Music] the Niehaus sources of Bernardino de sahagún believed that this city was the point where the gods assembled to give a surge to new Howey alene the fifth son according to local mythology this period is inherent in the contemporary age as reported by colonial sources he now has believed that Quinnie metazine built the city they were a group of giants that populated the world during the previous era the pyramids were believed to be large tombs of the gods creators of the city moreover the city was a holy place where after death men became gods [Music] archaeologists claim the advanced layout of TOD halcón puts forward that the ancient founders had knowledge of architecture but intricate mathematical and astronomical science as well one of the most amazing things that distinguishes this city from the others is that an aerial image of it presents it as a circuit board with two large processor chips in this case the chips are the Sun pyramid and the moon pyramid the fact that it resembles a modern computer isn't the only thing that's weird a large amount of mica found the monuments is also abstruse the mineral is located 3,000 miles away in Brazil it's present in almost all the structures and temples around the city [Music] Mika is solid when displayed to electricity light humidity and intense temperatures it has excellent electrical characteristics as a nonconductor and as a dielectric it can also maintain an electrostatic range while consuming minimal energy in the form of heat so we literally have a large ancient city whose authors are anonymous to history and created structures that resemble a computer board when seen from the air [Music] is there an otherworldly explanation behind Te'o T how can is it possible that the whole city wasn't just a city but some sort of an energy collector [Music] [Music] [Music] the mysterious ruins of Baalbek one of the great power places of the ancient world for thousands of years its secrets have been shrouded in darkness or bathed in an artificial light by those who would offer us a simplistic solution to its mysteries the temple of Jupiter is one of the most impressive temples in Baalbek it measures 88 by 48 meters and stands on a podium 13 meters above the surrounding terrain and 7 meters above the courtyard it's reached by a monumental stairway one of the most amazing engineering achievements is the podium which was built with some of the largest stone blocks ever hewn on the west side of the podium is the trilithon a celebrated group of three enormous stones weighing about 800 tons each according to Phoenician legends bow back was the location where bow first arrived on earth in ancient times here we find gigantic megalithic stones incorporated into the foundation each weighing between 800 and 1,200 tonnes and perfectly fitted together have they served as a huge landing platform for the aliens who once visited our planet [Music] Eastern Lebanon the Bekaa Valley here stands the ruins of Heliopolis built in the fourth century BC by Alexander the Great to honor Zeus but beneath the Corinthian columns and remnants of both Greek and Roman architecture lie the ruins of a site that is much much older according to archaeologists it dates back nearly 9,000 years archaeological surveys have revealed that the enormous stone foundation that lies at the base of the site dates back tens of thousands of years some of the stones are of such magnitude that modern machinery is incapable of putting them there but somehow our ancestors were able to do this but with what purpose these are perfectly fitted 1,500 tons stones assembled into the biggest ancient foundation known to present-day science what exactly made the builders leave without a clue regarding their existence and what purpose the site once held remains a complete mystery is it possible that Baalbek had been considered a sacred place for tens of thousands of years because it was where extraterrestrial beings first arrived on earth [Music] [Music] in 1994 a chance discovery by a Kurdish Shepherd and the forgotten notes of a previous archaeological survey led German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt to the find of a lifetime a series of megaliths located in southeastern Turkey known as Gobekli Tepe indicates civilization may have existed much earlier than previously thought these megaliths are not just random stones but rather shaped and sculpted into pillars pointing toward the sky engravings and carvings depict animals both familiar and unknown and there's some indication of cuneiform style writing carbon dating a method that determines the age of something by measuring how much of the radial isotope carbon-14 is remaining places the earliest time of construction at 11,000 to 12,000 years ago that being the case civilization is quite possibly existed much longer than previously speculated [Music] gobekli tepe which literally translates to potbelly hill is located on a mountain ridge just northeast of silently Urfa turkey looking south one can see the border of Syria which was once part of ancient Mesopotamia or the Fertile Crescent did humankind evolve from the top of this hill more than 15 years of excavation and study haven't brought us much closer to the secrets of this structure that challenges every theory presented in modern history [Music] Klaus Schmidt has been overseeing the excavation of this area since the German archaeological Institute was contacted by the Sanliurfa Museum in 1994 Shepard had discovered the tip of a buried stone structure and upon seeing the extent of what appeared to be underneath he informed the museum it didn't take long to see that this would be a major undertaking to dig and find what was underneath further investigation showed an American Archaeological Survey had been done of the area in 1964 and had noted these stones underneath were not natural for reasons unknown there was no further attempt to find out what laid beneath outside of a few speculations [Music] before that chance encounter by the shepherd who just happened to glance down at the right time there was no further consideration given to the area since the discovery there have been many theories about what these megaliths have to tell us was it a temple of some ancient religion did the pillars that remain once support roofs to house the people in the area one of the animal carvings on nearly every surface many of them show animals and humans interacting along with depictions of snakes and reptiles that appear menacing upon closer inspection there's writing on the stones that grace the hilltop this writing includes several din jeers an ancient cuneiform sign of the star to take it even further is it possible that the writing tells more of the Sumerian beliefs and extraterrestrials [Music] as with other ancient structures such as Stonehenge in the Great Pyramid there is the question of how the building could have possibly been done with what was available at the time one theory has been that humans didn't build these monuments but rather a race of extraterrestrials that had marked certain areas of the earth for habitation the late zecharia sitchin believed he had translated these Sumerian texts to reveal that humans were created by the Anunnaki or those who came from the heavens if the translations are correct these Sumerians believed the Anunnaki came to earth to mine its resources they created human beings for doing the work and the building could this structure have been orchestrated by these beings using humans as slave labor Schmidt believes that for this to have been done by human beings it would have taken a minimum of 500 workers who would have had to have supplies brought in from elsewhere there have been intact Hut's found inside gobekli tepe which indicate possible housing for laborers working on the structure it would have taken hundreds of years to complete and the construction shows that time and intricacy was put into its creation it is possible for humans to have built this monument however it should be noted that at this time no remains of tools have been found to show how it was constructed it's simply there a testament to a time that changes everything we thought we knew about how it all began [Music] as the excavation continues the question of why it was buried in the first place has also puzzled many very shortly after the last of the structure was built it seems to have been buried deeply enough to hide its very existence for thousands of years what will cause the builders of this ancient temple that obviously took a lot of work in detail to bury it so far underneath the ground that it couldn't be seen [Music] [Music] theories range from the structure being hidden from the Annunaki out of fear of their return or an attempt to preserve the site in case they did burying the temple certainly succeeded in preserving it after 10,000 years the pillars and engravings are still in very good condition in modern history we have struggled to understand what these structures could possibly mean or who was responsible for building them our minds automatically look for what similarities and common threads they all have they all seem to be built in circular patterns and they're all built high above the ground as if the intent was to be seen from the sky were these specific points possibly marking territories or energy grids one of the possibility of landing strips [Music] such large structures with little evidence showing how they were built ask far more questions than they answer many of these ancient monuments have carvings on them that indicate at the very least a belief in life outside the earthly realm if that belief was a reality perhaps the knowledge of physics that these beings may have possessed could reverse magnetics nullifying gravity and thus making the enormous stones easily maneuvered that is simply a theory of course and the very discovery of the structure proves that previous theories were wrong it may be we have underestimated what people of the Neolithic period were capable of doing [Music] [Music] Gobekli Tepe was the only one of these monuments that seemed to be deliberately hidden why how did it remain undiscovered for so long the survey that was done in 1964 by the University of Chicago along with the University of Istanbul did note that there was something underneath the ground but they had no reason to suspect anything other than an ancient cemetery or a possible former monastery [Music] for thirty more years the mysteries of its existence stayed underground until a shepherd a museum and a dedicated archaeologist started the journey to unearth what could be the first religious oriented structure of civilized man or another piece to the extra-terrestrial puzzle gobekli tepe is certainly an interesting piece and whether you believe in ancient alien involvement or not this is a fascinating glimpse into our own ancient past [Music] [Music] Aliante tombow according to some scholars and historians the architectural complex of Aliante tombow belongs to the inca imperial stage that is the one included between the Incas pachacutec and huayna Capac this stage which comprised only three generations of Inka rulers and that preceded the conquerors for only a hundred fifty to two hundred years the apparent little time that existed between the design and construction of this granite Citadel or fortress makes many researchers doubt their true origin the defense's that face Cusco as if they wanted to defend the city from the Incas themselves are another of the riddles that Aliante tombow presents it's important to emphasize that this fortress shows the foresight spirit of the Incas who supplied it with water through underground aqueducts whose places of capture were state secrets in their time and are still not discovered already at the top of the architectural complex six gigantic blocks are discovered that apparently belonged to the temple of the Sun neatly worked as if it were a soft and moldable material [Music] how did they manage to do it the housing complex exhibits houses with solid walls of carved rock with doors of trapezoidal shapes and / streets who straight lines were the water runs in perfect channels Aliante tombow is located at an altitude of 2,000 792 meters or nine thousand 160 feet above sea level during the Inca Empire ollantaytambo was the actual state of Emperor Pachacuti who conquered the region built the city and a ceremonial center at the time of the Spanish conquest of Peru it's served as a bastion of Manko Inca yumpin Kui leader of the Inca resistance the citadel is huge located 50 kilometres from Machu Picchu and served as a temple and a fortress at some unknown moment and for unknown reasons this great project was mysteriously abandoned and is one of the most spectacular archaeological sites not only in Peru but in the world how are those Titanic blocks of stone brought to the top of the mountain of the quarries many kilometers away how are they cut and with what equipment how were they planted and put in place there are archaeologists and scientists who want us to believe that the dense and hard andesite rock was cut in shaped by means of stone or bronze tools such an explanation is so absurd that it's not even worthy of consideration there are no tools or stone utensils in place to cut or mold the andesite and the bronze does not make any dent [Music] erich von daniken in his series of books that begin with Chariots of the Gods has a theory that the Andean megalithic works were built by extraterrestrials gods who visited the earth a long time ago and brought civilization to primitive man the scientific community before such an idea simply laughed when you think about your theories many ancient monuments around the planet that challenge a rational or conventional explanation come to mind and you inevitably start thinking about other factors the temple of the Sun and Oly ante tombow is made of andesite granite some of the quarries from the temple of Sol weigh more than 40 tons and were brought from an elevated quarry on the mountain that lies on the other side of the river how is it that someone even with modern technology can move so many stones of that size towards the lower part of the mountain cross the river and then climb them for several hundred meters to a place where the temple of the Sun is located [Music] [Music] millions of people around the globe are fascinated with achievements of ancient civilizations the truth is that a number of ancient sites point to the fact that ancient civilizations lived on earth in the distant past had incredible technologies that are still misunderstood today a temple that ancients have carved out of a mountain rock is an existing evidence of that [Music] located in Ellora maharashtra india the temple symbolizes mount kailash the home of Lord Shiva one of the most important ancient Hindu deities the Kailasa temple is the sixteenth from a total of 34 caves which were literally excavated out of the surrounding rock the temple originated around 8th century AD but conspiracy theorists suggest the caves are much older it's really intriguing the technology of the period could not have contributed to such a monumental construction task this amazing structure cannot be replicated with ease even today in the 21st century unlike many temples that were built from the ground up the Kailasa temple was carved out straight from the rock of a mountain to add further amazement staggering 400,000 tons of rock were excavated and hauled out some researchers believe that builders of the Kailasa temple used a vertical excavation method to achieve what they did they started at the top of the original boulders and work their way down word carving out one of the most fascinating ancient temple complexes on the planet but how did they do it what did the ancient builders of the ellora caves used to excavate and build mainstream scholars indicate that the caves were built with use of hammers chisels and picks thousands of years ago one may wonder at the scope of the construction and estimate the temple had to be completed after many decades or centuries however according to scientific reports it took less than 18 years to finish the construction of the temple it was estimated that 60 tons of rocks were being removed every day during temples construction phase it's believed temple workers labored for 12 hours a day hauling at least five tons of rock out from the mountain per hour scientists still have not fully figured out the construction methods used in conjunction with the tools available during the period and we're left baffled at the scope of the operation [Music] whoever is built these spectacular caves thousands of years ago definitely had more advanced tools than ordinary hammers chisels and picks the Kailasa temple is part of a complex of 34 monasteries and temples which span over an area of 2 kilometers as they were all cut out from the mountainside they're collectively known as the ellora caves carved out from a basalt cliff the temple has a height of 98 feet was 109 feet wide and had a depth of 164 feet this makes it possibly one of the biggest known structures of its kind on the planet this incredible temple caused a real sensation among the archaeologists who were unable to explain how such a structure which Chile [Music] [Music] on the Micronesian island of Pohnpei there exists a mysterious ruin city of stone known as the Venice of the Pacific - it's not known how nan Madol which is made up of massive stone blocks was constructed since none of the peoples living in the area have been known to possess the required organization or knowledge to pull off such a feat it's been uninhabited for a long long time because it's believed to be inaccessible and haunted but now new images of the ruins caught on camera by satellites revealed to archaeologists this is an island with something that goes far beyond ghosts and local legends it might be the Atlantis of the Pacific according to experts it was a political and religious center yet home and cemetery - the first ruling elite class it was discovered in 1928 and now thanks to the modern technology available scientists were able to explore it in more detail new astounding images from above led them to think it might be a lost world the Atlantis of the Pacific that lies in the middle of the ocean far from any known civilizations [Music] composed of 97 small artificial islets separated from each other by narrow channels of water and once capital of the saudeleur dynasty it's origin is dated back to the second century AD the satellite images show megalithic stone buildings with walls 25 metres high and 17 metres wide it's been calculated that 750,000 tons of black rock were used to build such majestic structures it would be 1,850 tons moved each year and without our contemporary technology we still wonder how this ancient civilization could do that like the Egyptians did with the pyramids [Music] a local legend says the stones have been flown to the location using black magic but scientists disagree believing that salt boulders were shipped from the other side of the island using rafts while palm tree trunks were used to leverage them into the right position what do you believe we can't really be sure it's the real Atlantis but the mystery continues along with the legend or fear about ghosts investing the island and fireballs locals sometimes see during the night this made it an untouchable scary place people prefer to go to only during the day all these islets are remarkably similar and geometrically shaped but the reason is still unclear and another question arises why did they build the city in such a remote place in the middle of nowhere the mystery continues [Music] in 1814 200 men crossed the lush canoe plains of Central Java to search for a legendary Mountain near the small village of Baro for six weeks they slash and burn the choking vegetation they cleared away tons of volcanic ash hidden beneath the debris they find strange figures carved in stone thousands of them they had just discovered borobudur or one of the greatest temples on earth the temple is the second largest Buddhist temple after Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia and would not be out of place as a new wonder of the world there are several versions of the origin of the name of this temple the first version says that the name comes from the Sanskrit Borobudur is bara which means temple or monastery and Badu hor which means high or above the second version says that the name Borba d'Or is likely to come from the word semhar aboot ARA which means mountain slope terraces the third version is interpreted by professor dr. poore abort jarocho he explained that the word borobudur comes from the word pájaro which means monastery or dorm and beador which means above when we see the reality of borba doors immense size it's not surprising that we wonder how and why this temple was built how was it possible to pile up thousands of stone blocks to create such a magnificent structure at a time when people had no knowledge of sophisticated tools and equipment how did they carve the thousands of reliefs to produce a work of art the temple has nine platforms of which the lower six have a square shape and the rest are circular the upper platforms of the temple were built with 72 small stupas surrounding a larger one each stupa has the shape of a bell and is decorated with different holes there is a Buddha statue in each stupa whoever built this temple used 55,000 cubic meters of stones this is without a doubt a monumental building that cannot be fully comprehended unless seen in the flesh with the temple in decay a restoration was carried out between 1907 in 1911 using the principles of anastomosis and led by theodore van herb van arp dismantled and rebuilt the upper three circular platforms and stupas along the way van Ark discovered more things he could do to improve the monument he submitted another proposal which was approved with the additional cost of thirty four thousand six hundred guilders borobodur has been restored to its old glory many attempts have been made to uncover the mystery surrounding the temple since its discovery yet the monument remains a mystery when was the construction of borobudur begun when was the original foot of the temple covered and replaced by a platform for processions when was the temple completed these are some of the questions to which no definite answers have yet been given these are just some of the mysteries from our remote past that remain unsolved today we hope that one day these mysteries will be solved so we can find out more about the history of this planet that we live on [Music]
Channel: DTTV Documentaries
Views: 4,144,736
Rating: 4.534977 out of 5
Id: XOhWfc6ssjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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