For Zion's Sake, Don't Give Up | Steven Francis

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[Music] for Zions sake there is a certain responsibility we carry as we serve God of course that people who have asked me why we are not teaching about how to have peace how to get this thing done how to the 7 steps and all that great men but this is not a self-help club I don't know what we did anybody bring you Jesus my king self-help club did anybody introduce you as my king Yoga Center you have peace when you come here did anybody depth no no it's not it's a place where the Word of God is being taught him in there must be a difference between the conference's we are going for self-help reason there must be a difference that you are going for leadership motivation classes and they are coming to a church where the Word of God must be expounded there must be a difference that you are sitting in the house of God we don't have to do what their job is because they are not doing our job are you listening and so this is the challenge it is not to become anything else except where the glory of God is filling for God is looking for burden bearers who can say God for your sake I will do it for your sake I will bear it burden bearers from God can entrust he Grace who he can give a vision a strength you may not have been called like the way I'm called I'm not the call like the other guys who are much more bigger and stronger and and what they're called for bigger portion you may be called in just just what you are doing but for science Inc do it you get what I'm saying because at the end of the day Jesus say I died for you right I remember I was in a gym I think I've told you this before but for the the contextualization of our text been like when the journey that I went through a journey of brokenness a journey where the Lord just you to go through this grinding machine and there's no way you can come up there no way no matter how much you pray you'll be up for five minutes and then you go down the drain again and then the Lord was very gracious he said you will go through these for three years don't say anything else after that three years not three days not three months not three weeks that means no matter how you going to pray no matter what angel you're going to see these three years is appointed time and so it was heavy you keep grinding I remember went to the gym sir because I was trying to think of ways to spend my time motivate myself so I sign up for a gym session I was looking like or rather looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger before yes you have to believe a lot of things by faith so the gym activity was on and the first day I was on the treadmill the guys set up everything do you need their safety clip Shane O'Neill all that I know how to run all this done I was running right I started the treadmill run at the time Andrew used to come we sign up in the same membership so we will talk about things of God but this day I was alone and I was telling God you know Lord everybody is telling me lift the ministry everybody is telling me give up and I named all these people who are the ones who are saying it you see all these are people who are saying it Leif your days are done you got to go out and an hour I was asking what what do you say you called me right you tell me to leave our leaf I don't want to hold on to something if you have rejected me if I've got no more if I found no pleasure in you I mean if you have found no pleasure in me anymore then rather I will receive the salvation crown the last one you know Alyssa will be a child of God and then Leif right rather than pretending to be a servant of God do so many things at the end of the day it's all burned down to the ground I want to know whether you are pleased with me you know and and then I was brought in to a vision while I was running in this treadmill I was brought in to a stadium now the treadmill disappeared the gym disappeared I was brought into a stadium and I saw there was a race that was about to start and all the races and the runners were at the starting point will be a number and they were squatting down there already I know that feeling because I used to run a long distance in school but one number one track number 8 was empty because it's me land there and I said and the Lord said that is your number yeah but Lord I can't run I say I know why are you giving up your track because someone else said it didn't I died for you or how will you even answer this kind of question how would you answer this I said yes you did did I fail you in anything I said no you did not and the moment I said yes Lord for your sake because now I know he wants me he didn't want to me go out just because everybody else is saying it or what I am feeling about it the moment I saw that track and he said I will not give in or give up I was brought back to the gym I'm again running in the treadmill so this time I want to do the holy thing Lord thank you Jesus the moment I say thank you that thing throw me a broom because I couldn't keep up to that try and everybody came brother are you okay I okay I told you put the safety clip [Laughter] how could I tell you Jesus pushed me down you know so I kept quiet laugh for Zions sake and I can tell you a catalyst after accounts thank God for the privilege that I had to be taken up to heaven to hear the voice of God or to be transported into different locations where here the way he encouraged me not to give up not to give him not to let down the cross Oh another location that was a church that I planted in Malaysia there was a lot of challenges that was going through and they tried they had a lot of meetings to overthrow me and that's their plan this interesting plan and then sometimes you get discouraged why because ministry is all about putting your heart I was telling Anjali now just a ministry got long service of order we don't have long service afford National Day award that award this award know what one about go there defence diver we tell you what what you can of course in earth I think about what six years ago we did celebrate an anniversary where the church gave me a surprise of 30 years there was a fantastic surprise but I'm just saying for the sake of saying it not that we are running after such awards but this is the call of ministry in the ministry you don't have earthly recognition the recognition are given by grace but let me allow allow me to tell you just one encounters are ok in one of these encounters that I had with God when he brought me up to heaven and this was a very recent one two years ago I told you I shared with you that he gave me a new weapon this is now he said all these array of new weapons are yours but the recent one was when he came and he put a chain and you know every time the Lord comes of course you love but it's not like yeah it's me come on put it on you don't have that feeling you are fearful you don't even dare to present yourself but he comes and he he put on this gold chain and then he put on this ring he said this is yours and then of course you asked Lord why why are you giving this what does this mean he said this will 6 as a signature of authority you will carry my angels will recognize when you come different signatures from God gives different recognitions in heaven it opens the door for different levels of experiences because now you are climbing differently and that's what we are waiting for to be recognized by the grace of God to have authority and power as we serve if not we will be praying but it's on empty heads we will be laying hands just like everybody do but nothing happens we will be prophesying it will come up but it will not come to pass because the mark of a true prophet is what he says will come to pass are you making me and the first day of the those who came to the Moses conference just last week I think yeah I think on the first night or the next day Monday events your mother passed away Monday Tuesday Monday I think it was the time when I was giving a prophecy about Thailand that's coming a change and so on and so forth we already receive a confirmation email from Thailand leaders that a change of government has already been announced as you prophesy fantastically encouraged but again I didn't say the Lord said it I just took the Lord's and tell to the people what the Lord is saying nothing to feel big about but thankful that I was able to hear what the Lord was saying amen and that requires us because one of the things that the Lord said for those who didn't come for the conference that Thailand is one of Satan's gateway in Southeast Asia for demons and demonic spirits to come out that gateway is open through sorcery and so the Lord said we have to go there to do a conference to shut the gates down and I didn't know how to tell my brother you know I mean I'm this guy and tell him what to do you know so I just approached all the new turns and left turns or right turns approached it by the grace the mercy you know every technique I NOLA then he said either don't worry about it I know what he trying to tell me three years ago the Lord said have a conference or next year we are doing it amen the job of the church is not only to propagate the gospel not just to build a church the job of the church is not only to open and make sure the gates of heaven are open it is given to us my brothers and sisters because there are different churches for different reasons but it is given to us one of the calls that we stand on is to push the darkness out to become the gatekeepers of the lane the enemy will we will go through the same tests as everybody else we are not exempted you can have a million angels around you yet your children will be arguing with one another you know that right it's very disheartening I could be five minutes ago I spoke to an angel 10 minutes later I'm arguing my wife you know how sad that I feel sometimes I thought I was this hero but now I became nothing again I got a running back for the sake of that grace you want to walk in peace with your loved ones I are you with me because you kind of fought to lose that because when you see that you will exchange anything for that for Zions sake and this is why one of the reasons why we in our church we will go through a lot more spiritual stress and that was one of the reasons why we as elders when we talked about it we said we need to give this October WTC arrests because a lot of things has been going on a lot of demand on our team has been put on your shoulders the conference just finished so let's take another month rest take time to recuperate your spirit of it because when we are tired and when we are broken down the enemy finds all the ways he can to walk through our own weaknesses in our strengths our weaknesses will become a monster our strength will become a stumbling block and this is how the enemy works my brothers and sisters until our right our righteousness come forth for Zions sake each one have been given to us a measure of His grace to build to pray to do all the different things that you are doing everybody is as critical and is important and the same passage says do not be silent the Lord Himself the many many encounters I had with in heaven there is such an activity is as though if you are involved in national day parade in some of you in schools or in the army the whole year nothing else you do but just going March and practice and March and practice Fame eat sleep don't sleep everybody think was fantastic too much on National Day you ask them Allah for this fantastic it not of course they will get an award for doing all this but the amount of time a friend of mine years ago when he was in the National Day Parade while they were standing on the hot Sun there was a couple of you what a number of years ago he fell forward broke his entire jaw and for the next six months he was in braces and he know those days braces was not as good as now the braces like iron rods going in I am brought sticking out it's like one one big you know touch-me-not type of thing for six months his jaw was all holding by metal plates and everything because he just dropped forward and that was National Day Parade there are weak people there are strong people and whatever not God is saying don't be quiet don't give up don't give him the Lord Himself is saying that he will not be silent the Lord Himself said I will not be quiet until these things are done so the amount of encounters that I had in heaven few different locations that I went it was there's no kind of National Day parade was going on everybody's hurrying everybody's doing things and the orchestra was getting the angels are getting the war angels are get ready and all these are different angels now because of the chain that I told you I get to see the different classes before it was all the all the lovely angels will come here and heaven is full of worship that and now you go to the War Department is full of war full of when to start the fight we can't wait you know while I are like that I told y'all are nice angels but every angel in the in the in the drawing shows that the Angels show that's all it's a cupid baby it's a nice angel that helps you in love moments but these are all warrior class of angels and it's carry such a hurry nurse and an angel and trumpets are being blown because it's going to be showdown any moment of our hearts any moment of our lives sadly I have to add another news sadly I have another news one of sister VG's workmates that I brought we brought as she brought her here a couple of times and I did mention that she was my schoolmate as well we never get to talk much in school because I became when I accepted Christ I became the holy Joe see no woman really you can ask my school and so whenever they call me I don't respond I'll just be praying in tongues Rioja Shalimar never looked up unless the teacher comes and tell me something to do I will do it because I was involved in different clubs if the girls will come and tell I won't do anything so I became the holy Joe the Saint that lives in the school you know my classmates when I go to the classroom in the morning they will run away take off why because some of them come early to class to sleep until the bell rings you know so I find all these fellows who come early I'll open the Bible itself witnessing to them because they are sleeping they are tired they have to listen there's no way right the moment I walk in you're all calm because the same is in you can choose to break the planes of the enemy if you would come to the hands of our Lord Jesus in it because God directs the flames of the enemy and he will rewrite your destiny and that's what God did for me God did for my father God did in Angela and some mum because the according to doctor she would have died 10 years ago but 10 years ago she accepted Christ and God gave her ten years extension God get my father 35 years extension God gave me all this time and extension because according to the stars I should have died on each 14 and the amount of troubles I had the excellence I had in all this miraculously I escaped today I realized God rewrote the destiny of the enemy I'm in my brothers and sisters my heart was troubled and so broken yet the mission that God has given to us to reach out about Jesus and the passion we should have because God knows when someone is going to die in other words that I everything the son who drove the car he's a life the daughter is alive she had injury call abroad break but this girl was sitting behind died on the spot God knows the date God knows what's gonna happen for us my brothers and sisters if this day if there is a day we should be thankful come back to the mercies of God do not be silent for you to tell about Jesus to others why I became so passionate because for one week when I accepted Christ remember I told you that I became the holy jerk in thon doxing road at going to conducting from ballast year there was this court judge called Apostolic Church Irrawaddy wrote I went to conducting to see my father but right on the center this is like 30 years ago that was this church they were singing songs I was so attractive Wow Christian Church why don't we just go in so I ran in and they were tamil service and the pastor was so surprised that this 15 year old boy is walking in and then every week I started attending the service one of those service I I met a classmate in in in my former secondary school whom we used to have game clash with so kind of rival enemy right but a guy saw me I say brother I forgive you we say what's wrong with you here the moment you say brother forgive you there's something wrong how can you rival enemy waiting to ambush you can forgive then I told him about my testimony then he said come tonight I want to hear what God did in your life and I didn't want to go I said I know you will do this but you will never listen I didn't want to go and I chose not to go I said I have this fellow forget Hitler this next morning 10:00 a.m. I heard the news at at 11 o'clock in the midnight he was he was a knife to death and they throw him up from the top hitch to be building and he died oh I tell you that waiter responsibility breaks my soul each time because he called me come I will listen to your testimony but I did not and that day I made a vow whoever who calls me about Jesus testimony I will be there because you don't know when they're going to die you don't know that that call was the last moment to divert but I was 15 years old is he probably God would have forgiven me I didn't know the intensity of that moment because you don't take chances you don't know and we won't know we don't have to know when someone's gonna die that's God's job our job is not to be silent my brothers and sisters that responsibility is given to us for Zions sake don't be crying for Jerusalem's sake don't be crying and those who serve the Lord in our place don't slow down and those who are in the prayer ministry and those who pray don't give up because this is the Lord command the trumpets of God are not silent I was brought one in one location to a room where all these long trumpets and they were last thing away you can hear it physically you will start checking so what's what's this urgency and you're practicing now these are being blown now because Jesus is coming now they didn't say soon they said now he's coming so when you go near these angels they are scary creation now is responding to the coming of Jesus see how the floods are coming in see how the eight earthquakes are moving through when I was in Japan just before this flood came I prophesied in Japan I saw a big landing of flood waters coming and hitting a bridge and exactly this flooding the bridge was flooded and it broke and they wrote to me it has happened wow you're a prophet you think I am prophet why it is God you know how scary for you to give a word like that it behooves on us the responsibility to carry the weight age you can go with me to Galatians chapter 4 verse 19 my little children Paul is saying Galatians 4:19 my little children whom I am again is in anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you if we can put it that in the Amplified Bible you'll find my little children for whom I am against suffering birth Thanks now as a man you can say you are suffering birth pangs of course you have no clue what it is like no a woman who have given birth you will know what it is we can say we think we know what it is because they have seen our wives going through but I have no clue what's actually to go through it until Christ is completely permanently formed and molded within you Paul is saying I cry for you and I labor again I pray for you I teach you again I will walk you through this journey until I see Christ coming through you a brothers and sisters Christ is not formed instantly it is not forming a day for some of us it requires a lifetime of challenges molding refiners fire whatever that God arranges circumstances in our life that we are being formed you know what's the problem after being formed you know you go to the barber and what he does after doing all the whole thing he shows a mirror and your job is yeah it's good finished the same way after being formed and Paul then train the Mira comes back can you see Christ oops oh no go through the game until crisis form and I the first trip that I went to Australia this outreach that I went in the backyard I mean in the outback of Australia we went to preach and this pastor's wife she was involved in pottery she had a whole workshop to reach out to this town so she asked me since you are preaching all this would you like to try a little bit of poetry of course like heroes cause my hand he says gentle I said she said this is not the auto machine no you gotta push the wheel at the water that's a no problem the Lord is with me she said then come so I said she start the wheel going and I was a little bit too careful she said don't too hard right so when I was to light up came papadum she said Wow beautiful potay never seen this before she cut it out she said never mind let's do the next one she's a nice flower you know she was encouraging Mila she said okay the next one this I was careful not to touch too soft but at least there's some kind of a pressure so while she was doing that she was encouraging me talking this the way that way so I press will be too hard in out one it came curry puffs all molded gives way that way this way nothing was inside and then the third one she said let me do this together with you you don't worry about you just hold my hand and you see how am i touching this whole deal and I said okay that's that's good and I did all this came a beautiful small part I was so happy one nice but it's not my hand like no I'm just holding like that while she is molding I'm holding this to feel the pressure how she touches it it came as a nice spot then I thought wow fantastic job is oh no no no I gotta put it into the burner to solid if I in and after that he gotta paint make it look nice and then it's there people buy I brought it back home but not the papadimoulis yeah so what he's still somewhere in the house bad memories until Christ is forming us sometimes God gives us light pressure sometimes the pressure is increased sometimes different circumstances which no one in this world could understand and I will help you my fair share of story to say God why me but every time I say me the pot restarts okay no you say Mia let's go again not me it is to die for the sake of Christ until Christ can be seen in me and the challenge goes on finance prayer love relationship children marriage house everything you touch God deals with it until he wants us to remember we are just a surge owner on earth this is not our permanent resident God is the poetry lesson was too painful and the memory is just too deep in my mind every time I think of the scripture Jeremiah says I am the porter and you are the clay do you remember that when God is going breaking us through the building process when the weak are being molded the weak ones in Christ it's painful when the reluctant are being molded it is stretching and you'll be crying because you are too reluctant to allow God but when the strong are being molded he sit and that's what I saw him the poetry that day this guy was able to mow the entire pot it's still wet and he's still running he could just crush it remotely and because he's a master you see he could do anything you want one the bodies are change one thing I've learned is to submit to God's will but in God's Way and the church is no different my brothers and sisters we are molded and being shaped in God's Way in his time there is a divine orderliness when God how long as I go through this and the scripture says Isaiah 62 1 until my righteousness can be seen in you until you push forward and this is the season I'm telling you as God's servant as God's prophet this is the season where God has given the last showdown time for his church before Antichrist takes over now is the time given to us as a window of grace to work on our salvation to grow in our salvation to overcome the challenges we are going through so that your righteousness will push and shine out we all will say god I'm like this because of that I'm like this because of this I'm like that because of that and and God you know what we'll do he will remove all these and debts and debts and this and now give you that opportunity okay now remove everything shine out then you will realize all this time you did not shine is because you did not want to not because these people existed you choose not to we use them as a reason and so God will create this window and this is the window the last window that is given for the church to rise up before we lose or before we fight seven years ago we made a promise today I'm saying that again either we fight and die we fight and push forward and win but we are not going to give up amen a-five amen thank you that other Amen is because of this five Amen we are going to stand before because you don't know which is your last test and which is your first says I don't know but whatever tests are being thrown at me I'm supposed to overcome using all the graces gifts fruits of the spirit character nature you name it use it to overcome I mean because you don't know which is your last test that defines who you are and that's what the Bible is there is a divine orderliness in all that God does because he will finish what he has started Philippians 1:6 s and I'm sure of this and I encourage your church you be sure of this as well Philippians 1:6 says that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ he will complete it look at Isaiah 62 1 before we wrap it up how much the scripture says until your righteousness Paul was praying how much do you need to pray Paul until Christ will be forming them until your righteousness goes forth that means for each one of us God has created a level of righteousness it's not your level it's not what you think is right is what God thinks has run are you with me are you listening you see in every issue in every problem there is a spiritual application if you fail to see you fail because I I find it really naturally speaking ridiculous every time God people bring a natural problem to God he gives a spiritual answer to it all these problems but then he says the way I see it there is a spiritual application would you dare to tell God that you are wrong would you we can't therefore my brothers and sisters the divine orderliness and the level of righteousness God has created for all of us it has to stand through I got those people in Pakistan can say Singaporeans you will be behind time because you don't feel the persecution we don't face the persecution they are facing or in East Malaysia or in Africa or in Middle East where people are dying for being Christians we are not we are full freedom but we have enough different evils to bring us down think about it for a minute Jeremiah 23 6 says God you are my righteousness the near I live with the glory of God and His righteousness allows me to experience His goodness 10 days ago while my heart was very heavy with the different challenges praying and brought this broken heart before the Lord about in the morning while I was going through this mental state of course many things the story was going on in another part of the stories my mother-in-law was you know physically fading away and you can see that physical thing happened and I want to tell you ladies and gentlemen honestly Angelina's my witness for the last 10 years she would always ask me when I said not yet every trip that we go your heart is always pumping what if she passes away we need to come back I said not yet well the last few months I said now is the time she will go this is the last season this year it will not pass she's this luck so we paid attention for every Mother's Day whatever day birth we were there because we know but to save physically they are fading off in the last one week and you know that that creates that pain so I brought this pain before God the challenges our church is going through and the pressure of the meetings and the ministry matters and so many things that was on my heart I brought it before the Lord when I was brought I was brought into a different garden usually I've been to paradise many times I saw I can recognize the place when I go but this time I was brought to a different garden in this garden everything you touch there was a healing virtue there was a healing presence it was like a scanner the moment this you are in this garden it scans you it heals you straightaway it's not like the Lord is asking you a question wherever you touch the grass it's as though it's dying but it comes back and like the air that you breathe in breathes healing and I saw my physical body whatever that was painful for last few weeks that I was going through this healing but you came in brain regenerated that flesh or the muscle and I felt strengthened for a moment while I was in this place and I asked the Lord what is this God and God why there are so many few very few people not as many at least for my eyes maybe they are somewhere else you know and the Lord said this garden is not the paradise I brought you now for I've lifted you up and I brought you another location I was praying with another person that the other person was there as well and my prayer partners saw the same vision that I saw and I was describing what I saw a place where the Lord said it's meant for those who are matured in me a place where the healing of God the virtues of God your prayers being answered remember jesus said before you will ask it will be given to you before you have a need he knows what you have that's that place that location where the Lord Himself built your house it doesn't mean he Christ for you it carries the pain no you will have the natural burden the natural pain the natural pinchers the natural anger you have to humble yourself or give all that things still exists but there is a divine place where I was brought and I saw Wow and the Lord said for a mature and I was crying because then you're thinking why did the Lord bring us what worthiness do we have nothing but the love of God where he brings you but then the Lord told me about the level of righteousness we must grow and the challenges of what we go through every day in our life if I will ask a moment in each one to stand up here in church and tell about your story your testimony the unfairness of heaven over your life you will have hundred things to say but it chose to follow Jesus you choose to carry the cross and that's what that sets you apart from those who play Church and those who carry the cross my brothers and sisters you will not feel the weight of the cross many times but when you start feeling don't let it go lift it up I've seen too many times the cross on my shoulder when it's so painful you're not joyful anymore you know it's heavy and becomes weighty and the Lord said don't let it go don't let it go the enemy wants you to let it go remember I told you about the Jim this one of the times when I was in the gym again I saw the cross on my shoulder I was heavy because I was not fun anymore for the first time while I carrying the cross whoa after this noble walk war doom easy and that's what Paul said worn to me if I don't preach the gospel because he have seen what the Lord has done and my brothers and sisters I encourage you with us there are people who have crossed 70 80 60 50 10:12 and for some of us your life is just starting out now so you may think it's not fair you know [Music] but you are nevertheless you are not short of God's goodness and grace you are given this lifetime to keep pressing forward and this is the generation that will see the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and I've said it many times I've been preaching it many times for 30 years I've said about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in fact my children have memorized what I'll say the next line they know what I'm going to say somehow the message if I open it I you you you know because they are hearing me so many times until two years ago while preaching Sado was sitting in the front Israel conference was going on I was a speaker for the day and while I was speaking just in the midst of my preaching the Lord caught me up and I saw the second coming of Christ you'll not even dare to breathe or to speak the glories in which he came the angels that surrounded the brightness of his glory is unmatching to the son that we have all that he said and you are caught the Bible says you'll be caught in the mid air while he's coming ladies and gentlemen that is rapture it is post tribulation and rapture is simultaneous while you are caught up he is coming down and then you will come back on earth with the Lord and the rapturous moment of that one moment would you dare to say anything otherwise it means a lot to me my father was a Hindu priest served a lot of idols given up everything to follow Jesus and the hardships and the demonology and the spiritual warfare I mean where's Esther I mean all the you know she's mentioned about all the challenges of family go through it was for us entertainment almost every day and guess who get to hear all that me because I'm sleeping in the hall my brother gets the room remember those early days what we used to do everybody sleeps everywhere as long that is a space put of Metro's and just sleep every day became an entertainment because the demons did not let us go to follow Jesus what we didn't give up are you following my brothers and sisters there is a garden there is a level of righteousness can I encourage you for the sake of God for the sake of Zion push forward until your righteousness is shining out let me finish with this weather Isaiah 2060 2 verse 1 verse 1 again the last line says until your salvation is as a burning torch look at that your salvation cannot be blunt it cannot be weak it cannot be like a a weak battery that doesn't have lights on these thoughts light isn't it funny no matter how powerful torchlight you buy we've two or three thousand lumens if your battery is weak you're done it doesn't matter how powerful your torch is and here God is saying no more you can say you are a burning light to myself I'm a Jesus to myself I just want to go to church and come back to myself I just want to be a good Christian I'm happy how many times you have said it I've heard so many people say that to me past I don't I'm not like you you know I just go to church I come Jesus loves me I love him I give my tights I do whatever needs to be done I'm good but here it's a call and a warning from heaven that your salvation must burn as a burning torch that means increase your intensity increase your density increase your consistency you cannot be like a matchstick anymore it's a burning torch a burning torch is able to lead others and leave you you cannot just live for yourself anymore and that is what God is reminding I mean I will continue the the next time I'm preaching this passage but can I leave this with you if there is a prayer we should try out in the midst of all the challenges that you and I can go through say God fill me with a refiners fire fill me with your fire that purifies us changes us help us to see it the way you are seeing it and the fact is we all will stand before the judgment seat of Christ please do not think ladies and gentlemen that when I accepted Christ hooray I'm done now that's the first hooray the second array is the Bema judgment seat that is reserved for the righteous people they will come and the last part when everyone who's dead in Christ regardless of race and religion they will arise and God will judge them now you and I think that show is over thousand years is done the Bible says after thousand years Satan comes again tems to deceive the nations are you listening that means during the thousand years that means is God Jerusalem where Jesus is ruling personally okay are you listening theology amp listen there are other nations who still do not know God the earth will not just burst into flames you know they it will exist Jesus will come and put his feet on to Jerusalem that's what's a wreck sian he will rule that area but other nations will still exist those who still do not know God that generation will grow Satan after that ten thousand years will come back to deceive the patience for one more last time the show is not all our life will be over that's what it is but the show is not so on I encourage you when I decide to burn as a burning torch then that becomes the muck of separation that we burn for Jesus we live for Jesus and His glory we're not trying to stuff ourselves out unite to overdose our sulfur but we are burning at the right position because the Lord wants us to be for him and his glory amen can we all arise together [Music]
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 2,655
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus My King church, College Of Prophets, Warriors Training Camp, Prophetic, Prayer, Rivers Media, Rivers of Life Ministries
Id: EinDysMb6L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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