Overcome By Resting in the Lord | Steven Francis

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[Music] this morning as I again when I woke up this scripture just flashed into my hearts I knew that this is what the Lord wants us to say okay one of the research thing that I'm doing is the word burnout and burnout simply people say to explain burnout they use a lint electrical term browning effect because before a wire gets burn out there is always a smoke and some browning effect then I spoke to another professor and about this browning effect and I spoke to a research scientist just about bouncing of ideas and he said about you know why an apple gets the browning effect you know and I pull have you seen it before it's edible thing you seen it okay good Wow it works and an apple and if you just lived there for a few minutes or in less than a minute the browning effect takes place and we think something is wrong with the Apple because it's becoming brown but if you look at what the Apple and in the scientific reason behind it it is the enzymes goes and protect the exposed layer of the Apple which God design it to be isn't that fantastic there is a layer that comes because of the humidifies ation and then the enzymes comes and protects the layer so that you can cut off and eat inside it is a protective nature which God designed when he designed this Apple that it's always edible I mean always meaning say there's a time spent the same way humans are created when there is a cut immediately your blood coagulates there and it dries it up now you know sometimes if you really think about the wood burn out I'm burning out I'm tired do you know if it's a sign God is designed in the psychological makeup of a human being it's your first sign to rest did you realize that so God creates certainly a science in our body it can be a fever it can be a burnout it can be any part of the human body like tiredness the the human system tells you you need to take a break and Bernard always has to be in emotional psychological makeup it burns everything out you've been giving out without receiving in and it gives you a sign it's time for you to slow down so that your mind can reset are you with me when I think of that way isn't God good he creates a lot of landmarks in a human person that he created so that we will know how to refresh ourselves in God now the world will tell you a million of one our ideas how to refresh yourself and people say any when you look from far those people who are in the picnic and they are all playing you see the smiling path you got to see when they pack their bags back they don't smile anymore when I took up diving scuba diving years ago you know it's so fun to see the photographs the way divers smile when they are walking towards the board you know and they are if they are diving gear they are smiling but when you are really doing scuba diving you know there's nothing to smile about because the diving gear is that heavy I've not seen one person smiling towards the board they all will be crying away they get very stressed up because there are so many gears to remember and when you put up the only time you are smiling and when you jump into the ocean because then you become weightless otherwise it's totally heavy-duty and all the people who smile remember its advertisement as Singaporeans we have learned how to mask ourselves and sometimes we mask ourselves even before God we say God everything is good thank you for being good and thank you for being a worthy and thank you for blessing me we are so afraid that if you acknowledge your burnout process before God then it is something wrong now there is nothing wrong to be honest with God amen are you are you following that's nothing wrong to say god I'm even so tired to sit before you I'm so tired to pray I'm so tired to even read your Bible I'm so tired to push myself to it's here you know what I found out each time that I'm honest with God instead of he asking me to push myself many times he has come towards me he said it's okay I'll walk to its ear I mean his sanctuary moves into what's your heart he embraces you and you know you are tired and regardless why you are tired you don't have to give you wholly reasons why you're tired regardless of why you're tight the moment you say god I'm so tired His grace embraces him I mean my brothers and sisters this morning let's come to have that kind of an approach before God to remember he's your father too to remember he's got motherly nature's inside him he's not asking us to mask ourselves he doesn't tell it's your fault he always gives us strategies to come out amen in the Bible this scripture Psalms 57 was fleshed in my heart and I was wondering why that scripture then I realized it is something to do with the nature of my introduction but before that scripture I want to give you I want to bring you back into Jeremiah chapter 12 verse 5 which is very relevant charge the of the nature of our work the nature of our service to God the intensity of the worship the intensity of Prayer the intensity of the meetings that are coming and sometimes people say or people think we are trying to do a load of meetings without resting because they are trying to make their church popular or big number one tell your neighbor we are not interested in your neighbor that we're not interested to become popular at all honestly because you see popular people suffering you know you don't find people who are popular they they're not at peace at all they're suffering because of popularity so we are not interested in being popular but we are very interested to be faithful to do what God has given us to do but sometimes and and being a human and if you look at this scripture this is Jeremiah he in the first part of this chapter he'll be complaining himself to God how come you are blessing others and you're doing this to them instead of judging them instead of treating them for their wickedness you are being so generous of God and he keeps on going and this is the first verse God he's answering back I'm not going to give you too much of the context because this is not our subject I'm just going to extract that scripture out if you have raised with men on food remember Jeremiah was very tired he was doing a lot of things he's doing his best is it good just like all of us being a mother and being a father being a working person providing for home coming home do all the stuff that he need to be doing that he need to manage your own life look after you all things and all that could just end up on and on and on and then all the talks we have in church this is good that is godly this is reward all that could be mounting up and I've found out even the years of growing up even our spiritual life can become a burden if it's not managed well the moment it goes into the burden mode you know that self-righteousness is trying to kick Kim are you are you listening because you're not relying on the grace of God somehow if I don't pray you now if I don't do this enough if I don't do that if now if I don't keep up to certain things enough we forget that you do what you need to do God's grace will do the rest because most often when we try to keep up it is to keep up our image it is to keep up our level of putting our nose eye when we look how many hours are you praying you want to answer that question instead of saying well I try my best how can you say that why not try having children and see what happens after that you'll be praying more above the children God please help me they become your sanctuary they keep you alert and active all the time if you raised with men on food and they have already very you these are just human and they've already make you so tired and this is God tell your neighbor this is God speaking it's not human I mean God you should be more understanding than men he says how will you even complete before horses hey this is kind of a wrong thing to say to a tired man this the type of things people will run out of church the moment you say you are just doing this much you're complaining there is much more to do because we are always thinking of subtracting when you are faithful but God always thinks of adding on when you are faithful something about God is so different his maths is very different from human one can chase a thousand and ten thousand isn't it it doesn't make sense I mean to ten thousand God what kind of math is that but God works out his mess amen because it's not thinking of you alone but you with the company of heaven together when a husband-wife decide to make a stand on any issues with the family against the enemy no one can put you asunder amen so the enemy manipulates that relationship by bringing differential opinion thinking right in between them because the moment they are divided nothing can hold against them it will just penetrate through you understand I'm saying there is what God always says about the minimum caution of two coming together God is saying to Jeremiah now if we can put that same scripture but in amplified bible look at what it says if but the lord rebukes Jeremiah's impatience if you have raised with men on food and they have tired you out how then would you compute houses horses and if you take flight in a land of peace when you feel secure then what will you do when you are tread and tangled maze of a jungle hunted by lions in the swelling and the flooding of Jordan I preached about this scripture before in the other context meaning to say if you're all frantic all the time when our country is in peace but it makes it sound like your whole country is in a mess you make it sound that the whole life is done when nothing is down everything is good I mean and I've you are short circuiting your own faith by sounding out there are wolves when there are none what will you do when actual lions come hunting for you so there is a prediction of what's going to happen in these end times there is a prediction of what's going to happen in the end times of the Bible says terrible times are ahead of us if now itself you are so frantic when everything is at peace what will you do when the enemy will come like a lion hunting for you do you get what I'm saying hello so God is teaching us how to regulate our faith in and that's what's happening here number two for those of us who are serving God when we run with horses now you know no one can run we forces so there is an important reason when God says what will you do when you run in compete with horses that means there is a supernatural strength that is awaiting for the body of Christ in this end time your strength will be as equal to running horses amen and I'm not sure whether you want to run like a horse or not do you how will I run before this I'm not sure what are you but if God commands me and if that's God's will for us as a church to run together then we should be running together with the horses because he will ensure that the grace of God will be sufficiently provided for I mean the grace of God will give us the strength the grace of God will give us the immunity the grace of God will give us the psychological makeup to endure the faith to withstand because now you are willing you are a willing participant in the race which God has for you are men oh that's a very loud email was so deafening oh wow okay it's working I don't know which party has taught the men or the horses are you following okay remember this all the introduction some fifty seven let's go into the real deal some fifty seven it's a passage where our beloved David he ran into the cave away from Saul and he there he is crying to God verse one be merciful to me O God be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge now what did you pay attention to this statement he said now in the shadow of your wings I take refuge pay attention now go back to es VR pay attention the next line I take refuge what does it say can we all read together one two three go till the storms okay let's read really like everyone know how to read okay one two three go till we'll stop and sometimes you're wondering how long must I wait God how long must I hide how long must I pray how long must I worship you till the storms of destruction passes you by till the time you feel you are no longer in the wanting moment that you are above water now till your challenges has passed you by now that is not for God it's for you to hold you up together during the moments of challenge until you think you can breathe keep trusting God be merciful he said in you my soul no it's not the spirit my soul my mind my worries my concerns my energies throw yourself into God the Bible says in you I will take refuge in you if you have been into a hot desert sin the only way I can talk about all this is if you come to Jerusalem there is the only place I could think of where there is basically no trees for miles it's just a desert and if you could find one place where there is a tree and there is something like a shadow falling you will immediately go instantly you will appreciate a shadow you will appreciate a refuge place because it's burning hot Sun and here he gives that kind of a reference in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge think about what he's saying because it's so hard it's so tiring it is so worthless I'm supposed to be a king I'm supposed to be my family the day you called me and touch me the day I said yes to God I start running it looks like hell he's against me and worse is I'm running into a cave the cave of a doula where First Samuel chapter 21 22 onwards the story builds up so here is a man who prayed my brothers and sisters if you are wondering what David was doing while he was in the cave he was busy talking to God he was not busy wondering he was not busy complaining he was busy talking to God he was busy training others and encouraging others he was having a sword fighting the other fellows were there remember how many of them inside the cave I'm knee nevermind give a pic now everybody's okay increase 400 wha he said the three hundred men of David so 300 plus hundra for hundra very good very good they were all there they were doing a lot of things but you know this man of God David when he was inside the cave there was a spotlight and the spotlight was he was making his peace with God it was not complaining though it would be though he was so tired he's saying but in your presence in the shadow of your wings I take refuge remember he knows what it is in the holy place in the Holy of Holies the Ark of the Covenant where the two surrou fiends will be having me - with their wings spread forth it creates like a shadow when there is a candle candle light now he brings him into that picture god I wish rather than being in a cave I could be in your holy of holies resting under the shadow of your wings where your presence is within my sight now it is not physically but it is a in my heart and it becomes so difficult because I'm being challenged when of course the answer is kill the storms of destruction passed by it is just one line but the one line for David took a couple of years it was not just one line for him how many of you know when God says be blessed it takes a lot of years in it because when God says be blessed that's the greatest prophecy why because it doesn't give a timeline to it as long as you are breathing on earth you are going to be blessed MA . you don't have to keep reminding God the moment you are breathing and you want to be blessed that blessing one word from heaven is enough to touch us amen because sometimes my brothers and sisters will reduce God to human reasoning we reduce God to our unbelief and say God you are out there but where are your promises I promised you didn't I I will bless you look at this guy he cries out till the storms of destruction passes you by my brothers and sisters this morning I want to encourage you to anchor our faith in the Lord even when things are challenging us when he say destruction you got to name it what is destruction I mean let's be fair don't over blow things if it's not destruction it is not it is yes a time of tests is a time of tests some people are interesting because whenever you are with them it's a lot of storytelling a lot of emotional events that takes place another spot that's not wrong but sometimes the more you create the story you create a lot of stress to your soul the soul releases a lot more energy when it's not required that's what I'm trying to tell you if it releases a lot more energy it depletes faster are you with me you know scientists every research the a drooling rush that came that comes through our brain because of stress from there morphine was discovered the only problem is this ethylene is much more powerful than morphine can you believe that when God creates some Jews in you it can endure anything Amen I'm saying I'm into God - what do you think and that problem is this juice is released for all excitement whether it is exercise or whether is fear or whether is worry or whether you think wow everything is bright enough and so people what they do they go to gym to be alive all the time because they feel excited so you've got to stir up your excitement and wondering is this I wonder is this serving God and living for God is that an excitement for you because if it is then this energy that God created in us will be released to make you spark up like a bright light but people make it sound very big and the moment you become very dull about serving God this runs into energy saving mode it dulls you down because people don't see as an excitement for living for others and sisters do we count it as lost and if it's lost praise God it's a good loss in it you have never lost really anything you have lost the ball and gain Christ and nothing to feel bad about praise God you have a God that you can go up to amen oh the excitement that must come in my brothers and sisters so my question is this when people look at your countenance do they feel your excitement when you talk about the house of God and how you are serving God do they see the countenance of excitement or for Tina I didn't know what you're doing in just so much you know anytime you need help please call me the Bible says here David was inside and he was crying out to God he said in the shadow of your wings I will take my refuge till destruction passes you by my brothers and sisters there are many reasons why weariness could come in just out of the record when you overwork when you keep working and you know sometimes the opposite when you do nothing at all wearing less still comes in isn't it amazing you think that you can compensate overworking by doing nothing you realize that you're more lazy than ever because the human body is not designed to do nothing you realize that it is always designed to do something all the time it keeps your energy and sometimes we get discouraged we get stressed out we get used up by everyone around us we are seriously one thing of a deserve rest our soul becomes too thin without enough energy from the presence of God going in and he feels very very after that can I encourage you to do what David did but we wonder when God chose us him to become a king instead of the throne room God leads him into the cave like David we could always send we have done it many times I think you say God I don't deserve this and the famous slogan of everyone when they go through a challenge why me I imagine if you are God and how many times you are listening the same why me in other words why not them isn't it because the why me is a question and it's also a statement if I say why me that means why not them why me instead of being the king God brings him to the cave to mold him my brothers and sisters I think the challenge is this we are interested in the position which God wants us to bring but we are not interested in the process of molding to where God wants us to become we want all the promises I will bless you and I will miss you and I will bet you but we are not interested in the edit a tional process that God will move us look at Joseph God says I'm gonna bless you I'm gonna use you but 13 years in prison not anyone else could train him he was to be trained under the royal prison where he get to see the royal prisoners he gets to be trained by them by dialoguing do you know you can learn a lot by talking to people you know that right don't talk to the wrong ones if we talk to discourage people they will discourage you they will transmit their discouragement into you learn wisdom and God places you in position where you can learn wisdom the second thing he remember he reminds us always the refuge of any man any woman going through any challenge is the presence of God can I ask you ladies and gentlemen is there any other thing other than trusting God I remember one day I got very frustrated when I was waiting upon God in the midst of all the challenges you can go through and I'm talking about intensive man you know in God our Lord speak to me I was waiting and waiting and he I could see his simul tude of his face like like smiling very gracious and he said trust me I tell you honestly I never got more angry on that day that was the day I really got angry what do you mean trust me of course I'm trusting you to see something more the Bible says trust me at all times and do good I mean if that could be another version of the Bible version 2 for those who go through trying times and the same Bible the same passage whether a a new believer or s or older believer whether you are young in the Lord or you're mature in the Lord trust in God it doesn't change because in that trusting everything you need from heaven and Powis you amen it doesn't change the language of a father or a mother who inquires you doesn't change it is the same regardless whether you're one year old or whether you're 70 year old when you come to the father's house it is the same language of love and welcoming amen and that's what God does no matter what challenge you're going through trust me I will take I will take refuge in church I wanted to remember all those who are serving I know you are serving I know some of you are going double the mile and some of you have already started to run like horses the issue is not that we will do less but we need to learn how to hide in the shadow of his wings because there is a divine enablement that comes but people say pastor you don't know no no I don't know you what you are going through because I got enough stories to tell you mine it's the same stories when you need to prepare for a cell group while you're sitting in the bus after work looking through your notes and praying through thank God we did not have cell phones no Wi-Fi I'm talking about 30 years nothing to disturb your attention preparing through your tightness and praying in the spirit because in the cell group you need to share I was 16 after school I'll carry my back and run through the causeway to Malaysia just to conduct a cell group every week for two years that was even old level was coming I said well if I would serve God God will just give me the strength you'll take the first and last bus to come back that's about 12:00 midnight next morning 4:00 in the morning to pray 6 o'clock to school it just went what I did not realize is that God was about to lift me up those who sow in tears will reap with if it's your season now the younger you are if it's you are in a season of sowing in tiredness and sowing in tears do it with all joy when God will lift you up amen you see God doesn't do magic promises he doesn't do magic blessing he doesn't just elevate you to become super rich without giving you the wisdom how to handle your elevation God gives you a reason so you can boast about in your testimony I did this and God bless me praise be to the name of God amen he gives us the process of teaching God how long must I press on how long must I wait upon you you know there will be times when discouragement is so strong you'll be praying extra than normal you'll be reading God more than normal you'll be fasting more than normal you'll be very specified what you are doing more than normal until the destruction passes you by and that's a word that God is giving to us we are in a season right now as a church together we are in a season of running together of the horses each one of you is accounted for for you to say well pastor all the team do not know what I'm going through is a good and a bad statement good statement because we really don't know bad statement you are discouraging yourself because God watches over everyone you are running your race the race we ran before when no one knew but God was watching hello are you listening God was watching each one of us will do all the things we can for the kingdom of God and God watches over you we are in a season of running like horses are you with me look at what he's saying in verse 2 and 3 I cry out to God Most High this is not I cry see sometimes if you want to have energy and live when you're reading Bible don't really like you're reading some new paper give energy to what you are reading the scripture says I cry out to God more sigh let's do a test are you ready let's do a voice test are you ready I want to see energy when you say I cry out to God okay really one two three go wow this is a real cry okay that's good you see for the guide to go through some intense moment he's not just simply saying it he's crying out to God there is such an intensity so first thing we learn when we are going through challenges it is to increase your intensity or prayer you can't pray regular prayers anymore because faith less preyas doesn't help you he doesn't help the situation religious prayer will make you tired hello because if you pray religious prayers the same thing over and over again reciting over and over again without faith it's gonna make you tired you feel I've prayed so long but nothing is happening no pray to touch the heart of God not to just a piece yourself oh I'm brain it's not about that it is an intensity before God and and the word I cry out it means there is so much of trust when I pray God will answer my brothers and sisters when you are talking to God I think we all have to know God is answering God in it you see when I know that it just situation just taking a Uncle Barnabas now for example today's uncle my name is okay you see when you are in need of health there will be some people that you would have in mind that when you go to them they will not turn you down it's not about how much will they help you no matter what quantity they help you or even if they would encourage you and give you wisdom how to handle your problem they will never turn you down in it you also know who not to talk to the they will always say no to you isn't it so for David to say I cry to you he knows that God is an answering God he uses the word El Elyon the Almighty now for God's name to be called El Elyon the Most High it is the highest of God's name in its order in other words if I would bring my measure to the Supreme Council of God I will not be denied but in order for me to go up there you must know how to sustain your life in prayer it is not those jellybeans prayer that's going to help you it's an intensity I cry out to God amen you can't do that all the time and so we learn to pray different types of Prayer different types of intensity are you are you following I get right to God masai are you ready together like next line are you ready who fulfills who fulfills say the word fulfills with the S see that what tense is that he's working on your prayer while you are crying out to God he fulfills not we won't fulfill know he has fulfilled every time you approach God your life is always in the present tense he is doing a wonder he is going to accomplish things in your life and the Bible says in the Youngs literal translation there is a translation very old time long time ago if you know is some of you guys even know the Young's concordance a very old concordance he wrote a translation now that translation is called the literal translation other words it does not have a grammatical connotation the way it is said in the Hebrew exact word will be used he will not make it sense how the grammar should sound he doesn't care about all that it's called a Young's literal translation of the Bible and the word use use God is perfectly in you and the Jewish translation of the same scripture says God is accomplishing his purpose in you accomplishing accomplish what I don't feel anything accomplished yet no you can't see but I know the things that I'm doing the people I am placing a along your path that you will meet at the right time and they will lead you towards my purposes I mean hello now if God places people in your life then you need to work on your people skills now if you've got a very lousy personality you don't like talking to people then you will not meet your Barnabas in the Bible along the way God uses people to lead you out so that you will know God places his value on human and not stones are you listening on my brothers and sisters I've heard a lot of people when they are pro caste natives they use a very godly term and that term is they are the broadcast inators the term they use is well if it's God's will pastor will call me they won't do it because they are procrastinators what if the pastor is also praying if it's God's will they will call me so procrastinators will never make the move do you realize what I'm saying because if you want it you will run for it hello and there is something about God when he looks at your passion when you want it you will run for it my brothers and sisters when I was fifteen and a half when I found the anointing of the Holy Spirit I was so desperate for the will of God I was so desperate I didn't know what God wants which will be a prophecy one day someone will say that this is what God wants you to do you know from 15 16 17 18 every other conference and seminar in this country I'll be that in other words there will never be any conference without me knowing about it any church it doesn't matter I will be there because you are hungry for God I want to know where God is gonna speak me so you'll be everywhere it's a season of hunting and seeking the will of God are you with me until you know you have resonated this is what God wants you to do so all of us will go through that season but if you don't work on your procrastination see you see my brothers and sisters sometimes it's easy for me to say things certain things back then because there were no 24 hours TV the curse of wife I was not there it's the curse of modernism and being so connected was not there there is nothing to come back home besides parents yeah but there's nothing to occupy you there is nothing to make you stick to a computer you know what computer was not there when we bought the first computer you know we had the biggest hard disk 120 megabytes and people were celebrating why because our floppy disk was the size of a a5 size pamphlet I wanted to show you how I don't have it but it was that big you know some of you have seen it before so we were all the time in God pressing forward there will be the season have to know that God will fulfill his purpose for you amen tell her neighbor God doesn't forget he is fulfilling and that's what this tense present tense means he is working on it he is fulfilling and when God does it whatever he's doing now it will sustain till the end of time hey are you ready to listen to something are you ready or not say what's the magic word oh yeah it works oh okay okay I will say it I will say I will only say Davis's please passive learner okay okay I'm gonna say thank you I found out in the ministry of the Bible if you notice the Ministry of the Saints the Ministry of men and women of God who died in the Bible even after dying their their ministry doesn't stop it continues my brothers and sisters God is not just preparing you for life on earth you know God is preparing you for what you and I are about to do when we go up there and it doesn't stop recently someone came and told me that they are husband who passed away in the Lord and this lady was going through a very terrible time she was asking God for a word encouraged me in a dream she saw her husband all brighten up he looked like a saint or he looked like an angel he brought a message from heaven and he said this is what God wants you to do isn't that shocking you realize that but some of you wouldn't like to hear from your husband that's why is to come in a bright light you can find out who the police the administrate doesn't stop it continues in heaven Amen God is preparing in our life for something bigger now this time in this season that we are living in the enemy is doing his best to sidetrack us you and I are born this season of life I mean please do not say I wish it could be in the 1945 there is a second world walks please don't say I wish life could be so better than now everybody had their own take for life you have your choice now you have to fight through whatever enemy that is being presented present yourself to God and this part where God says I am fulfilling my purposes in you find out what that purpose is if you look at this scripture in verse 3 he will send from heaven and save me can we all read together one two three go he will send from heaven and save me he will put to shame him who tramples on me Seiler and God will send out his steadfast love and His faithfulness you see this guy he cried to God in verse three is God's response but this is what I learned from that scripture God does it his way you have to tell God how to answer he was sent out from heaven and save me he will put to shame him whose trembling against me God will send his steadfast love and faithfulness God will do it his way but sometimes we want it our way in it that decides how he wants to answer and the way he wants to answer listen are you ready for another revelation are you ready sometimes you wish that God will curse your enemy but instead God will change your enemy and bless them are you ready for that because we don't want our many me to be blessed we want them to go to hell but God changes them when God changes them he's changing you he wants you to have his heart the Bible says for no man should perish think about it my brothers and sisters I pray that trying not to change others we ourselves will be condemned trying not to forgive others via ourselves we'll go down and that's what the enemy wants I want to be see in verse four my soul is in the mix of lions look at his description I lie down amid fairy beasts the children of men whose teeth are Spears and arrows whose tongues are sharp words the soul goes through this test and I was sharing about elders today in the last one week it has been all through our newspaper the whole world is now going upside down because of that and that's called a very big powerful word it's called the fake news look at fake news that is tearing the country apart fake news and bring down an election fake news then can alter the destinies of country David is saying look at those people God whose words are tearing me apart the way they're discrediting me the way Saul is running up to me as though I took something from him the way he has turned an entire army to look for me as though I stole something but I did not I'm being chased like a wild dog by wolves everywhere spies are coming to David and they are saying you know Saul he's looking for you he can't peacefully sleep he can't go and drink water somewhere he's got always look out for which spies against him and sometimes God allows that kind of a test where fake news is all the time tearing your integrity apart now some people will say don't make me angry don't test me and God loves those words because he will test you he wants to know when you are angry who you are becoming I hope it's a green so easy to handle because God wants us to become so authentic that we will change from the inside outward in in think about it for a minute this guy is saying Lord everybody is doing this thing in telling lies has been from the day of Genesis isn't it the world is finding out because it's harder to put down a lie than it is to defend our truth the lie has a different version when Lions are coming against his soul he's crying up to God David gives us solution number one pray seek the Lord sing the Lord I wish I can tell you let's go for a bike rider let's go for a barbecue your soul will be ok you know this one it's worship God when your soul is tried we sing a powerful song it was running through my whole morning you know verse 5 says be exalted oh my God my brothers and sisters in your trying moments who you are comes out of using it would you be able to say be exalted when you are hiding in the cave will you be able to say when you have taken away your privilege and given to others would you simply say be exalted when your promotion is being stolen away from others and you know it when someone has fake news you and pull you down so that they can come up and you know would you be able to forgive that person and say God let your name be praised it challenges us if you know promotion comes from the east nor the west it comes from the Lord you're not worried about who's taking over here promotion because God's time is always for you amen amen if he doesn't want you to go there someone will come and steal what God has given up it doesn't matter in it hello are you following it doesn't matter which dog is going to come and steal the game because it's not for you and God will leave it defenseless for others to steal blessing it's okay because that is not for you when a promotion is meant for you God will command in angels to surround and protect it just for you surrender this morning your ways and our future in the hands of God don't fight for what is not yours and what's yours we'll come without you fighting for it because God is mindful of his promises over our life there's a lot of ideas that comes by and the people will say pastor why don't we do this why don't we do that why don't we do this why don't we do that just do what God wants you to do just ask God what to do I mean and it will stand through time so number one it's a time of Prayer number two it's a time of worship be exalted or God was five and verse 11 look at number three you'll find in verse six they set a net for my steps my soul was bowed down they dug a pit in my way and they have fallen into it themselves now I wanted to understand David uses this terminology because in the desert it was guerrilla warfare they will dig a pit for your army to run and people will fall this is the actual event but he's making it sound his soul he said but verse seven my heart is steadfast wow oh god my heart is steadfast and I will sing and make melody my brothers and sisters if you are going through trying times right now no matter what it is after complaining away after crying away after asking God for mercy begging God for faith make this line and see what happens after that Oh God but my heart is that fast towards you in other words nothing is going to change me nothing is going to make me doubt you nothing is gonna make me dislike you my heart is Tech fuss Oh God and I will sing and so the third thing we realized number one is prayer number two is worship number three the only way you and I can be state for us if we will be rooted in the word of the Lord Sam's 1 1 9 verse 28 says strengths and me according to your word oh my god allow me to finish in verse 8 awake my glory a wig or harp and liar I will awake the dawn you remember was it awake my glory the word glory in the Hebrew original means awake my whole being towards God in the midst of his challenges instead of shutting down instead of giving up instead of slowing down on his face instead of sake way Sarah Sarah whatever it be let it be God I'm not going to follow you anymore he is crying out right in the cave oh my god awake my whole being towards here let my entire being be so alive for you and the next line says I will awake the dawn in other words early in the morning will I seek you right in the dawn I'll be awake praying because I know you are a faithful God amen my brothers and sisters you know God is a faithful guy I mean you know that right certain answers to prayer will only come if you seek Him early in the morning the intense your problem is the early you must wake up and seeking God has rules in the game and when you seek Him early in the morning you know sometimes you think if I wake up early I won't have sleep the truth is you'll have such a supernatural strength in your body you'll be just awake you seek early in the morning the whole day you get things faster because God's supernatural enablement comes over your life are you with me I'm telling the truth why sometimes I go to prepare so many messages I don't be thinking how and what and not but the moment I am seeking him it takes five minutes to write what I need to speak for few days in a conference because God can do that early in the morning all that he wants I want you to myself if you wake up early in the morning I know you love me enough because you are coming in the privacy of your time and if I don't wake up I don't get that moment you get him say but Laurentide it's okay sleep but it won't get that moment which is only reserved for those who seek me early and they will three people know this answer very good let's try this group which didn't know what the answer was if you seek me early you will early you won't find me because I'm not hiding from you I'm waiting to be found I mean these are the virtues in which we are building this church virtues that you know how to pray you know how to worship you know how to make a stain in your world in the Word of God because my brothers and sisters you think these are times of testing this is nothing man greater times are going to come when the lines are gonna hunt and God will give the space for the enemy to have its day you thought after the Jesus coming second coming when the glory is coming everything he stopped and fantastic place God he comes the Bible says the Satan the dragon will be given another space of time to test human men unbelievable and then the end will come after the thousand years isn't that shocking yeah who cares now you know alive after they name and come and don't come you know why God is telling are you ready for another revelation last one tell anybody after you are dead and me when the thousand years comes the Bible says the dead in Christ will rise first right that means we will have a reborn kind of a status somehow in a sinner or whatever it is you understand that means our ministry is going to continue even at that time so God is preparing us for that which is about to happen not just for your earthly living because our 8090 years whatever you're living is very much short compared to the thousand years we are going to reign with Christ God is preparing us for that to happen this is too small it is like a a small feat offering for what God is about to do in our lives my brothers and sisters for those who are new and joining us and for those who just came to church months ago I wanted to remind what God said about our church just before we started or rather on the first time we fasted and prayed in this place he said God will use Jesus my king as a forerunner as a model in some ways of a prophetic church that we can follow God and be healthy and do what we need to be doing I mean there will be tired people complaining there will be disheartened people complaining there will be dissatisfied people wandering there will be the strong there will be the weak there will be the upset ones that's normal human life I mean if everybody smiling and laughing away the visitors will know the church is faking it are you with me we are as normal and real as it can be because there is a God who's watching over us [Music]
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 8,107
Rating: 4.756906 out of 5
Id: ShXI2rrGy_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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