You Shall Be Righteous | Steven Francis

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[Music] you I wanted to show you a scripture which I was in my mind struggling mind in the mind not not or not in the spirit how to approach this matter how to say what is the angle which the Lord wants us to look at because if you talk about geological way of speaking this chapter when Isaiah had the vision he's talking about the Millennium what's going to happen when Jesus comes back and four thousand years the rain that is going to take place this chapter is about that time where there are no more diseases there are no more deaths are you listening so you got to keep in your perspective the certain promises are given for millennial time not for this lifetime that means in this lifetime there will be debts are you are you following there will be the challenge of diseases there will be challenge of health and our faith will push through but in the Millennial there's nothing for you to push the Lord himself had banished death and his banished sicknesses he has banished away all kinds of destruction has taken away from then it's a different time of reigning so this is during that time so you see geologically I know this is what it says but now why is the Lord giving that scripture to us now so let's go through that if we all can read together one two three go your son shall no more go down no your moon be draw itself for the Lord will be your everlasting light and your days of mourning shall be ended now I believe the Lord wants to give a new thrust of heaven a new life a new strength to come into our church now all of us remember the church will go through cycles say the word cycle there will be a cycle of popularity a cycle of repair a cycle of restructure a strike a cycle of challenges reconfiguring every way in everyone's life will be tested until it becomes a true strengthened relationship it is not a mask relationship it we all will go through that you saw that in the Ministry of Jesus while I'm teaching on the life of Christ I teach about the that's different stages of popularity opposition all of us will go through that cycle and this is expected of us as well isn't it the Bible says here your son shall no more go down do you know what happens if the Sun doesn't go down now God created the balance you know it's a balance of the cosmos is some balance of astronomy when the sun goes down here the earth have to come up there and so the sun doesn't overheat i'm saying just in simple layman terms without quoting scientific way of talking about it so there is always a time to cool down this part of the world when the sun goes down and the other part of the world gets all warmed up so there is life and death and blossoming and so on and so on and so on right but here the Bible says the Sun doesn't go down the moon also will not go then you can deceive two planets out there nothing will draw itself but you will not draw your light from the Sun nor the moon but the Lord will become your everlasting light suddenly there is a shift of who you looking up to are you with me just look it at a simple terms right now there is a change of leading the Sun is not going to lead you any more the moon is not going to set your appointments Sun and Moon is the one that we have in now watch isn't it I mean thank God country at least Singapore in Malaysia the first two countries here our clock is very easy twelve hours here twelve hours then no need to worry about it we don't have any more time difference and and it's so easy twelve hours these twelve hours that and we don't have the worry of like in Alaska six months darkness six months like we don't have that problem as well our our system is very well balanced okay we are not too cold because Singaporeans always behave cold hi they're not too good you said they want to have the fall season now all the time they just be ho ha ha very hot they give all the reaction but otherwise we all good because it's very balanced system but now God is saying the Sun in the moon is not going to lead you anymore I am going to leave you the Lord is going to become the pacemaker of our life he's going to dictate the rhythms of our life that means we being so used to the Sun and Moon to be every day leading of our life to the mundane things that we do this by that and that by this he's going to have a change of direction regard himself is saying I'm going to be your everlasting light I tell you it will challenge us you know it will challenge our theology it will challenge our common sense it will challenge our faith because every time we think we have reached a point of faith God goes further up we think now I've walked by faith God increases the steps I thought I'm ready God shows himself a little bit more I've heard a lot of ministers who have said 50 years 60 years in the ministry 70 years Kenneth Hagen was 75 years in the ministry full time ministry but not once heard him say I've seen everything that is there under the Sun serving God but there are some who do then there is nothing new I've seen it all but here God is saying something I'm going to be your light that means I'm going to learn new laws how to do and how to operate under God it's going to be challenging is going to be difficult sometimes when you are in a full-time ministry or rather you're worked for so many years of your life and God calls you to come full-time and when you change the entire way of looking at your life reconfigures itself isn't me I thank you you may not know what I'm saying but it's okay just listen because you're not in put a ministry okay now if you have a full-time ministry where your salary is almost equal then it's just a change of job line or a change of company but if your salary drops your income structure change and you have a lot of commitments everywhere when it comes to full-time ministry everything changes now God becomes the sole provider what does that really mean and people almost cry and say I go to pray about everything you know we should pray about it everything every time or why wait until your joyful time I go to pray even if I were to buy something that should be the basic lifestyle of a disciple regardless whether you have money or not are you following don't make it sound so bad I mean the full-time ministry please help me people are coming to people who are in full-time please help us God reconfigures all of us that's what I'm trying to tell you I cannot put a finger and say how I just want to follow the light which God is showing he's gonna become the everlasting light he's saying that I need to break down the laws of gravity if I have to teach you something that it is possible all the miracles which God does when he walk on water you're the buying loss of gravity when a big person is becoming a life God is breaking down the loss of nature when you're supposed to die and you are alive God is breaking down the loss of science and there are many other things that can keep going on and on and on where God supersedes almost everything to show that I am the creator and I can do everything is this a lesson that God is teaching us and utter dependency on God from day one I've been saying and again I'm saying it does not matter who we are what we are what we have in the bank what we don't have in the bank who we have and who we don't have because God if he's in charge then he's going to be our light and that's the hardest thing we need to swallow this pill all of us are dispensable before the Lord it may be a hurting statement because we all will die someday God's work is not dependent on me I am just a part of God's plan why then what is really God's plan God's plan is for me to spend time with him in his house that's the ultimate plan of God do you understand I'm saying that so if you are praying forever leave here that one will come back one more thousand satoori buddhahood one more thousand to come in spain time we've people on earth don't worry about it but the point that I'm trying to say God may define science may defile the science of how to do this God you see when he brought the twelve disciples in a short period of time he taught them and the Bible says and history records by the way that the twelve changed the world unschooled no idea how to do it no enough money but they got the job done by the power of the living our weaver church no we are part of a church that God is doing when I wrote my first book in 1998 well doughboys samuel was born I was very engrossed in my writing remember we did not have laptops so everything is by I mean we had laptops by then I did not have one to type on and I'm so used to handwriting and then you'll keep writing and writing and writing and I forgot the boy was born really from morning to night him so engrossed with that how to's and then I a disguise that so I took him giving my in and continue writing and then time to die a a come come hold this pain and you know that is writing I have a picture of that as well so engrossed because you don't know how the book is going to become you don't know how you're going to write and then you it must be a perfect book you know this is kind of a mental block because when people read you they must know you you know that kind of stuff and I prayed before the Lord help me God and then the Lord said I wanted to write a book not the book Wow I tell you that broke this mental pressure on my head that broke because this is verbal I mean this is the book every other book that we write is a book it doesn't have to be that perfect my grammar was terrible today when I read about it it's so embarrassing and shameful and I pity the ones who get money to buy the book you know really because no more the pressure I just want to do it because the Lord said he'd do it he did not look at how qualified I was he didn't see whether I got enough grammar or not angered he didn't check my whole level of paper how I did for that I just said do it I realized that every one of us are given an opportunity to serve God regardless of your limitations and you just come up along the way 'la if I do the same mistake I have the same way cannot lie now you know my mistakes now are advance mistakes no more basic mistakes advanced mistake where you check whether semicolon is and where the comma raise and raise these and ways that and that kind of thing but listen what I'm trying to tell you is this number one God is saying I'm gonna be the light in this church you are going to operate in a different time zone everything about the way of a common sense is going to change the Lord becomes the pacemaker when he tell us what to do follow now what he doesn't tell us is human emotions dealing with one another our sets our backgrounds our styles of communication that's our challenge telling god what to do that's not our problem we dealing with one another that's our challenge isn't it okay five people say yes everybody else who is talking about I'm talking about you Amen that becomes our challenge and I'm not talking about the first line I'm talking about the part where the Lord Himself is saying I'm going to be your everlasting light you know you ask people who are following God the more they follow the harder is becoming it's not becoming easier the harder because God is allowing us to go into different deeper zones of your life and then as we enter into the deeper zones you thought you can discover God you are discovering ours more the more undone we are the more light penetrates the deeper you see the impurities as the fire increases Wow but listen can I say something tell a neighbour listen don't become obsessed with yourself because you can spend your time cleaning cleaning cleaning until you start bleeding everywhere because it's an obsession with self-righteousness it's an obsession with perfections because you want to present yourself well and that's why Jesus said none of us are perfected unless Christ in us there is no way we cannot afford to become like the Hermits or like the monks in a polite center which is open by the way for any one of us to join in Europe in England different Island there are monks and monasteries of people who are fed up with this life they just want to run away with everything and go there and just talk to God and nothing else it is an important obsession with self spirituality which doesn't touch anybody outside but that's not the call God calls us to and that's the thing one of the pastor friends I was talking to what do you think about spiritual directions and this you know all the inner focus of inner life he's a Methodist pastor I don't know Cody's name of your own video now good guy anyway he didn't say bad thing it just says Steven all that is good but we must be so careful that you are so focused on your prayer on your time if the word you're spending hours there and you forget to touch other people in need and to serve them because that's what ministry is all about so I was thinking my head by the way your method is what else you gonna say you know it's all about action but we need both the platforms isn't it the Lord Himself is going to become our pacemaker for some of us it's going to frustrate us because there are three types of people sitting in any church given our church as well one come from Church of different churches that has gone through building programs and he gone through like milking the cow until the car is going to die draw your blood out to K until you're finished the moment I say building you go through through my attack F blood all goes up I've ever become a cow again that's group number one group number two you'll see how group number three are the young people have never been into that kind of a program before there is also many the younger generation you have never seen what it is to build to be part of what God is doing you know oh man Angeline and I we freaked out when we were drying up in the highways in Japan both ways are closed up you get very close to phobic because it's going like a roller coaster free rides you know and adjoining from island to island and we were lost in that breach for forty-five minutes like one free round Japan to us and we are not coming in the and and the lady was drying is a crazy fast driver and she's talking oh yes master wow I was really great can you slow down please little bit or can I Drive two things I told her that day but you know it's fun to do that but the people who built the bridge that was the hardest part are you listening and you know this engineers and the builders the funny thing is about them when they finish building something to go and build another one and it never stopped building isn't it because that's your job they never stop building a lot of people will come to church to see the finished product Wow nice church but few of us who will be inside to build the process in because when we say the word nice it is a lot of hard work isn't it I heard through the National Day Parade our National Day parades procession cannot be compared to anything in this world you know but one year goes into practice to put the precision together the way the fly past happens the pilots and the way they do every minut second matters when they are doing acrobatic flights and my brothers and sisters and if God is counting on us to do something big that everything we do beacon small matters to us our faith our attitudes our behavior our the whole walk comes into play but God is saying listen you can be watching the Sun and the moon like everybody else but I want to become your everlasting light so I require new ways of following God new ways of thinking about God new ways and things that he could not have told people and we have to just charter those calls and when a church if I could say politely BOCES itself that we have an Apostolic Church Apostolic Church always do things in a very new way and that's going to challenge us today things that have never heard before when we started the college of prophets there was no such thing called college of prophets if I spoke to ten pastors nine were laughing away is there such a thing called college of prophets I told yes well you see I wrote that college of prophets what do you mean is there such a thing who will come for a school that is eight months if we can go school for sixteen years eight month is not a problem right hello tell your servant say Amen better sign our next one amen amen eight months uh that's a Singaporean favourites eight months ah oh God exam one now what tests one now why don't you send your children to school speech don't have textbook an eye exam some of you parents are the teacher don't give tests only torture the teacher how come no test you know my son had nothing to do I hope you know think about it for a minute the Lord wants us to do something new that's number one number two the Lord said that we will become a pioneer leader in the prophetic movement in our country the Lord said we will be a pioneer therefore I'm not glamouring in the word pioneer but I'm looking at the sacrifices that must be made in the word called pioneer pioneer means there is no reference point pioneer means there is no one that I can use as a model to say this the way it's going to be but God will give us people of wisdom God will give us people of divine wisdom and earthly wisdom to put everybody in place and see the whole picture that is going to take place I mean the actual word which God gave this just a intro is verse 21 your people next line okay are you ready one two three go big shout stronger stronger one two three go your people shall all be they shall the the branch of my planting the work of my hands that I might be glorified verse 22 the least shall acclaim and the smallest one a mighty nation I am the Lord in its time I will hasten it somebody say this is the promise the Lord has given to our church your people shall all be righteous and this is a challenge we are going to go through what does that really mean the need to live right with God in the society with one another now second Corinthians 5:21 I wanted to bring your attention to important Greek word there second Corinthians 5:21 the Bible says here for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might what we might we might see the word might and then might what the righteousness of God and how many of us we have confessed I am the righteousness of God isn't it I am complete in him easily but Paul is saying this God who has no sin became sin so that in Christ we when he same might become what kind of statement is that that means is your choice no matter what the challenge is going to go through his hope is since Christ died for you and his Spirit is in you the grace of God given to you the Holy Spirit is in you the Word of God is in you you might you might become and the word become is a very powerful word called genome I simply says that God's righteousness will take place in you I am praying that you might become the righteousness of God in other words there is so much of hope that I'm wishing I am praying that what God has started in you it will complete its work there will always be the becoming experience in your life there will be a progressiveness of growth that you might become the righteousness of God because when God says your people will be righteous today when we pray for Israel that much when he go to Israel you mean the whole country loves Jesus no the Messianic Jews yes the other Jews believe in Jesus but he's not the Messiah he is not the ones going to come by again somehow there's a lot of theoretical challenge yet Jesus gives a blanket statement G Ellen Israel is my beloved isn't it so when Jesus says your people shall all be righteous it's a blanket blessings but there will be challenges in between is it fair to say that are you following but then what is righteousness then the what you know my it means I am becoming and taking place has another powerful component to the Greek word it's another word call arise every time I choose to arise the righteousness of God will display and grow itself in me every time I choose to obey God the righteousness will root itself on me look at Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 look at the Greek word for now Metis chapter 4 and verse 17 oops sorry wait what did I write Matthew for sir yeah yeah yeah for seventh mark chapter four sorry go to mark chapter 4 verse 17 okay and remember Jesus talks about the four different types of ground and one of the ground it says they have no root in themselves they endure for a while when tribulation or persecution arises and this is the word called the genome I on account of the word on account of what which word my word your word whose word God's word that means you can be so righteous on the account of God's Word some tribulation and persecution will rise up immediately they fall away pay attention to the word arises the same word Greek word called genome I in other words you are becoming so therefore part of me becoming the righteousness of God includes tribulation and persecution that I have to go through the challenges of my walk with God where the enemy will try to pull out the roots of my face the roots of my stability he's not just going to try to interfere with my emotions of happiness he will try his best to put his aims on the root I with me but there are some will fall away if you have no root therefore our focus is not on the tribulation or the persecution our focus is on having our roots stronger to India isn't it I'm not going to let go long time ago there is a lady she passed away she preached a message in fact the book Singapore is really won by that kind of book la you know it's called the half the bulldog face even bulldog never like go no CC dump testimony go look at that even bulldog say praise God meant because why she said she has a bulldog in her house and this dog the moment it bites onto a bony never lets go and she was thinking if my faith will be like that then I will never let go and I hold on to something no matter who's pulling me behind even if I get stuck in early praise the Lord have a bulldog face why is your face if your face is it like a bulldog think about this the word arise in the Greek when we are becoming the righteousness of God no one becomes the righteousness for God we've righteousness of itself God uses another component to build His righteousness and godliness in our life and sadly if I can say in a human term tribulation and persecution challenges that comes through in every day of our lives little by little this righteousness grow within us and it's a progressive growth I mean no wonder Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 says arise sunshine Wow a rise in shine I want to show you one scripture about that I searched up there 60 look at verse 363 okay let's all read ah one two three go and nations shall come to your and kings you know have you heard the word Timbo Timbo you know what's the bottom oh that's how y'all sounded alt empordà bottom or not clear let's sound clear one more time one two three go and nations shall come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising simply to put the Lord is saying if you want me to use you the light is given in you nations will come to know what you're doing as a and King simply means influential people politics and non politics or whatever that is but they will only come to know as much as you rise up the brightness of your rising if you choose not to rise up your brightness can be seen anymore if you choose to weaken yourself this rising will stop and so we all will have this challenge Robert schooler I mean some of us know who's Robert schooler he started the possibility of faith movement years ago 1960s you can have what you believe in the 1980s he was the first person to build the Crystal Cathedral the whole church is built of glass gives soul Cathedral it costs millions of dollars you have the who's who in his church okay they all fantastically rich people and his ministry was international and he was changing the Christian world with his teaching Robert school and many people try to build the same Crystal Cathedral I know if he can do it I can do it you know so he wrote a book I was reading the book one of the basic common-sense he says every month to clean up the building it causes him and fifty thousand US dollars every month you build something with glass every month every week you ought to keep cleaning it clean up for that Sunday service you get what I'm saying so he said this if you have money to buy all the detergents and the chemicals then build a building if you don't have money for the chemicals forget about Crystal Cathedral just build a normal church he said count the costs we admire the cathedrals but the hard work that comes along the way God will only shine more in our lives to the brightness of our rising and that's the challenge we have today when we become the righteousness of God when the Bible says your people shall be righteous am I thinking in my mind they'll be sinless or they will be perfected God is not saying that in both sense there is so much of God that is going to become in our lives if we will stand up for God isn't it and I'm able to stand up and be strong because the word arise in the Hebrew means strength when I rise up there is a strength of God that will come in that means when I am becoming a strange comes inside for me to shine out and that's what it means when he put together my brothers and sisters there will be a struggle between righteousness of Christ and self-righteousness we all will go through this test it's a chemical test we all will go through this when we think we are righteous in Christ we are self righteous and you're only condemning yourself as self righteous God gives you his righteousness there will always be this challenge we will overdose ourself one or the other and therefore God gives us the community to come together isn't it so when God says your people will be righteous he's giving me a hope giving us a hope that God Himself is going to do things in our life the training is going to be harder maybe if we going to become possessors of God's glory the challenge is going to be harder and I pray that we will be planted by God rooted by Christ number 2 the Bible says your people shall be righteous and they shall possess the land forever the word possess simply means drive out the old cannon and you take over full stop that's what possess you cannot possess what the enemy has taken away from you if you don't drive out the old tenants are you listening the demonic spirits that control the aspects of our life home dedicated areas they will always come back when I was 17 years old I went to preach in a saruman estate not that I went to preach there like just end up in the estate they told me to go there and pray so I got stuck there okay so that's the way to make it sound 17 years old you know very much where to go whoever who calls you even if a bird is listening I will go then preach who wants to listen to a 17 year old boy like come on let's be this is the real thing you know because the pastors all told me you need to wait until you grow obviously when Jesus say go now so I guess who came to visit me not one pastor came but the person who came very interestingly to visit me he's a strong principality demon that was controlling that area I've told this a couple of times you know I was very surprised by this visit my time is very regulated I wake up at 4 in the morning I pray until 7 go take breakfast come back in a clock pray until 12 go take lunch come back one o'clock pray until 5 that's my routine for the day so my shower is all like I don't know how many seconds long what kind of supernatural Shabbat Lu it's called in-and-out showering some of you know I do know some of you know live when you enter shower means it likes Patrick money's name you never come out crying hard so this is in and out okay then that day when I was praying and this demon came in stood outside the bathroom this is a ground level house my cousin built a house near a cemetery and what a place the villa near a cemetery and you know the house is ground so the bathroom there is a window it is open and this demonic spirit stands and looks at me like dad you know I was naked eye I couldn't even pray I cannot explain to you how this fear came inside I cannot explain suddenly this fear entered into my heart it was cold shower no water heater during those days science coal as collie could be so you are counted I came out of the water because this spirit is looking at me no my cousin daughter she's probably about 20 something years old she asked me today you took your shower very fast I said how come you are saying very fast no everyday seven tops today is only number three I got my loot so you mean you are counting all this time sighs kolduny allah going to other works i went to the room to change because this fear is in me this spirit came in saw me and stood out the window and looking at me I could not pray I quickly came up to the main hall and I was sitting there my uncle came back from work at about 4 o'clock he said today you finish prayer early I said why usually will come up at about 5 or 6 now you are 4:30 or listen yeah today finish Priya Lila but the spirit was standing and looking and be stopping me to go to the meeting that is in the evening right where the heart of the place is I was praying a prayer that day lord please the guy who's supposed to bring me don't come because this fear I couldn't explain this fear I'll continue the story another day this is a powerful 1% reaction see all of you are a two three four five okay okay okay for the sake of the audience now I got a gutter okay I'm keeping a tab under watch okay so I went to the meeting my heart was pounding man and this guy came and brought me in a Honda Cup motorbike and we were up there up the hills to the thrombin estate for one hour plus on a rocky braum because his up the hill you know and you are walking away and the brother told me beware of snakes I was suddenly bite you as it could can we just go pitch darkness because you're going through the estate and I saw a big huge temple and that's the spirit that came to stop me from preaching in the meeting and there was only about 10 people you know and from then on it became 35 people many people got saved many people got healed many people were delivered many people filled by the Holy Spirit and they spoke in tongues but what I could not understand is this big large controlling spirit principality power whatever we want to give it the name to the spirit comes to see a 17 year old boy to frighten him what value do I have but in the kingdom we are someone in the natural we will always be bitten by someone who is better than us but in the kingdom there is we are of some value because we have the righteousness of Christ in us when God says possess the lane then I'm supposed to clean up the works of the enemy and I'm supposed to take over in Jesus name I mean listen my brothers and sisters God is not going to give us a building so that we will enjoy the building God is not going to give us money so they will hold the money God is going to bless us that we can possess to receive others as possessions of Christ can we do it and that's the challenge it is a command to conquer and when God says go and possess the land let me be honest with you only the strong can do it the weak they will watch the others conquering the land isn't it because not everybody can obey that command when the Lord told me to plant a church in three demands racquel in the air to zero zero for the Lord kept saying this is the place this is the location there are no empty lots in that area only the leads are rich men towns a Chinese town it's a new development it's an up market and so they told me this is honestly I'm saying be on video they said well tamil churches cannot exist here why because it's a it's a well-to-do area very expensive and furthermore number two there are no empty lots where you're going to have your church but you see if God says then someone will be blessed to work it correctly even go ask you to leave he doesn't need to curse you he need to overly bless you then you'll go to a bigger place I mean you've got to understand the way God does things you know and within that month we had an empty lot that came in at the place that we were praying and then our leadership they went to negotiate thousand eight ring gates 800 and that negotiating between two thousand thousand eight two thousand and this thing was going on for three weeks within this two hundred ring a difference so I went in too fast they say pastor don't give him we have to hold the fort whatever so I went to pray for three days fasting and praying and this is the commander the Lord said I told you to possess the land not negotiate can I give you more two hundred bring it can I do that and we didn't just take one floor we took three floors and the moment we came in people say there won't Hamill people won't come in Spa when I was fasting praying the Lord said I will move people from state to state ship into that area to populate the church in six months that's what happened people from Seremban shifted to care which is about 45 minutes to an hour people from Nilay shifted in to this area to come and stay populate that area and within the year from zero we had almost hundred people coming in until the nearby pastors call us to say how did you do it I wanted to give them a long lecture how I did it the Lord said I'm gonna help you 2% say that would possess I think this is the keyword that we have to remember God wants us to possess not negotiate God wants us to have the conquering heart not a begging heart you tell please to the devil he will never let it go you got a command in Jesus name Amen you don't please I will be blessed you receive that blessing in Jesus name you don't negotiate with the devil you conquer what belongs to you and receive it in Jesus name I think that's what we need to have my brothers and sisters we need to reconfigure our hearts but the truth being only the strong be able to conquer the week we'll just have to follow and those weaker follow the week it is action time when God says you shall possess that means it involves a lot of action and there is no compromise let us build our faith keep your mind focused and follow the action plan which God is giving to us again I'm saying I will preach this word regardless whether the building is there or not because we are the buildings of God we are the temples of the Holy Spirit we are it is no point we have a fantastic building with ugly people isn't it it's not about a physical structure man have you been into a place where the heart or the village is so poor but people's love is so rich and you just cannot let go and walk away how many times you've been into Mission feel and you cried to go back home because you cannot take that separation and that's the type of church my brothers and sisters and the funny thing about this whole deal is this we may not be alive to see through right to the end our children will continue if we want right with God and I look at Church of Singapore if they can build right to know they can start 55 years and go for another 50 years why not we think that way we are not building for a church for tomorrow we are building for a church to last until Jesus comes number 2 gives possess and look at number 3 the branch of my planting who is saying this who's saying this who's saying that Jesus is saying Jesus my king is a branch of my planting that means I planted this work it was not a fancy idea of a man I planted this work I wish I can tell you I [Music] brought a baby I convinced a brother Hong Kong to come by the Barnabus to come our elders and convinced all of you can can anyone say that no I need to convince myself to stay here because they each one of them were brought in by God so are you so are you and so are you and so is everyone except for my children no choice laugh now the truth is God planted God brought God bill God assemble God will keep it going that's what I'm trying to drive this truth and when God brought these different assembly lines together he knew our weaknesses and our strengths he knew that some of us are loved and some of us are soft he knew that you come closer I will bite but he assembled this line together I just want to give you some common sense like you know if the knife is sharp don't touch liner because some areas are meant to be sharp man it is not against you there needs to be this potential to cut off the works of the enemy so sometimes it's very difficult to be shop here and blunder you can the knife can do this name when a child is touching I have become blunt then when you want to hit the chicken they become sharp I mean it remains such a thing you can't so sometimes there is an overflow we hit one another but I have to keep reminding myself this branch was a planting of the hand of God the Lord saying it is the work of my hands no flesh can glorify in what God is doing I mean and that's what I want to encourage us my brothers and sisters look at what Jesus saying I might be glorified let God be glorified that he uses weak people like us to do something big I don't know Wade well anyway we'll stop but one thing I will know as long as Jesus is our king we don't jump ship how's that because the next line tells this and this is the promise listen I look at someone and say this is for you okay look at that someone whoever sitting beside you if you don't have any someone look at a mirror life are you ready say this is for you okay let's read verse 22 and we n yeah okay by 12 10 we will finish the least one [Music] somebody say the least one look at the way God is focusing on people here he's focusing on the least he's focusing on the weakest he's focusing on the smallest we can say we build this church of the strongest but God II say hey I'm gonna do it opposite man I'm gonna choose the smallest and the weakest I'm gonna choose the one who's humbling himself before the Lord wall and truly say God teach us and if there is anybody who's weak amongst you God is saying with you and through you I'm gonna build my work I'm gonna do something that you'll become mighty my brothers and sisters I'm afraid of the word called mighty because you find when the mind comes we fall isn't it I was so much afraid of promotion for many years you know so every time when there is big meetings from which that kind of meetings I always be drawn oh no no sorry I do I'm not coming until one day I was fasting and praying and the Lord said in the Book of Psalms remember it says for God will lift me up on Hinds feet and he will protect me and then the Lord spoke to me if I will lift you up I will protect you don't fear it just go I will protect you as long as you keep your heart right before me my brothers and sisters God is always saying about our hearts the least one shall become a mighty nation and the word again please remember the least one shall what shall what so you know it's progressive it takes a lot of hard work to become something it takes a lot of hard work to become what God wants us to become I pray that we in our church we'll give our youths and our children an opportunity to do what God wants them to do don't she'll them away by saying they are too young for anything are you listening if Jesus comes tomorrow they will be cursing you for not allowing them to do something now isn't it why didn't you tell me he is coming back that soon because you told me not to do and you know a lot of churches man we put our children away our youth survey out this he says though the churches build the strong and the mighty but God saying I will choose the foolishness of this world to confound the wise when I was 16 I was given a book by my brother visions beyond the veil written by mr. Baker which is Heidi Baker as the daughter of mr. Baker the children are from Nepal and from China to orphanages they had they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and the glory of God came this often a children they went down on the street they went out to the streets and they started preaching people accepted Christ healings were taking place miracles were happening the angel will come in point this the person go and they could not explain day after day night after night they were praying and praying and these visions were told to mr. Baker and I wrote a book called visions beyond the wheel I read the whole book in one day my mother thought what suddenly this fella is preparing for her level one whole night next morning is already school I just I couldn't stop I say God if you could show to this orphanage children of God show to me visions that I can serve you I spent the nights praying and weeping before the presence of God today I share with the same burden that our children and our youths can see Jesus that they too will have an opportunity to serve the Lord therefore I don't want to she your way just because you are schooling because schooling is a term you never stop schooling even when you grow up isn't it give some time for Jesus and that time you have to do it voluntarily it shouldn't be taken away from you but given us a sacrifice if you can say I can only give you one hour with that one hour I will do something with you that's a skill of a leaders of it my brothers and sisters if God sees that our numbers it's not enough he will give us more he will give us more he will give us more but can I ask you as your Shepherd don't stop dreaming something for Christ you [Music]
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,398
Rating: 4.7073169 out of 5
Keywords: Rivers of life minstries, Jesus my king church, warriors training camp, college of prophets, prophetic, Steven Francis
Id: 9bDJ_8cwxys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 55sec (3535 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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