For The Love Of God: The Man Who Thinks He's Jesus (Cult Documentary) | Real Stories

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two thousand years after the crucifixion men claiming to be Christ are still making headlines and one in particular has made more headlines than most I've been given exclusive access to what the media has described as one of the world's most worrying cult leaders Alan John Miller actually have had a 2,000 year life and and my name is Jesus as well so I was born Jesus of Nazareth in the first century he has been compared to David Koresh the cult leader whose followers died in a mass fire at Waco he's been described as the face of evil with apocalyptic predictions for the end of the world he breaks up marriages and uses his followers for sexual favors friend of mine came to me one day and he said I met this bloke and I reckon he's Jesus you know how arrogant is that and what a wanker I have read he has a compound and his followers are setting up home with him Alan John Miller or AJ as he likes to be known believes he is Jesus and he's deadly serious the Roma soldiers weren't certain as to whether I died or not yet and so they actually speared the side of my body up into the heart and the world's media a taking note as it broadcasts his teachings on the net I'm Jesus but most people call me AJ or Ellen John Noah I'm claiming to be jesus that's true how does that feel though Jesus talking to us today and everybody watch it home and knowing that 99.9% of that audience are mocking you are laughing at you are saying this man is bonkers and she must be as bad as him he's invited on the globe to teach the vine truth with his partner Mary luck who also believes she is reincarnated oh my god this is this is true like this guy is Jesus and I remember it and actually I remember who I am like I understand who I am now I had to agree to be filmed and hand over my footage in order for me to get exclusive access to AJ and Mary I traveled 10,000 miles to his remotes home in the Australian bush an area known as the Bible Belt to find out the truth behind the media claims if in fact the divine truth is a cult an AJ is a cult leader that I wanted to know what AJ was trying to teach why people were listening and whether he is any different from the many men who have claimed to be Jesus before if he's really Jesus and I really believe that holy crap I got to I really got to embrace all the things he's saying AJ used to be a property developer an IT professional but gave it all up ten years ago in the realization he is Jesus five years ago he met Mary Luck who believes she is married Magdalene we took a three-hour drive into the heart of the bush and the Australian Bible Belt to AJ and Mary's remotes home where has been reported police were called because screams were heard from the divine truth community of worshipers who have set up home in his compound I was eager to find out the truth behind these worrying claims it was soon apparent there was no community no worshipers and no compact it's incredible that the claim can be made like that I find yes I'm here and I'm seeing it for myself yeah and and it was a purposeful claim the people who made the claim stayed with us for two days so they actually you know we just have a little two-bedroom house with no fences and just we live here Christians and Muslims alike believe in the second coming of Christ and for millennia hundreds of men have professed to be Jesus himself it is written in the Bible that Jesus said take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ I was interested as to know why AJ thinks is any different in in Central America there's a guy in Brazil there's a guy in Russia there's many people there's even in strata I've had three people ring me up claiming to be me so that was interesting but in each case they don't have the extensive knowledge that I have and they also don't display much love in their day-to-day activities or day-to-day life so I am always just sits on his throne actually with the crown on his head and he sits there and people come and kiss his hand and he wants to be worshipped listen it's not right for somebody to value me more than they value themselves for example yeah most the time I get the opposite emotion that I am stupid and an idiot and and why would anybody want to listen to me at all so can you describe to me why you believe that you are Jesus of Nazareth well I don't believe I'm Jesus of Nazareth I know I'm Jesus of Nazareth and I suppose it's the same way in which you know the your Thomas leader and that is that you've had a life experience that you remember and for me it's the same kind of thing with the exception that I remember my life of 2,000 years rather than just the 50 years that right now so I remember my life in the first century shortly after I was born around 2 years of age on which I remember pretty clearly most of the events that occurred in my life in the first century I remember a lot of the events that occurred in the spirit world through my 2000 years of life I don't remember all of them yet because I still got some fear associated with remembering some of them but and I also of course remember my life in terms of returning back to earth how that felt and an experience of that and also then having this life so so it's all to me one life it's not it's not like I believed I was somebody else I Know Who I am and I know how you know old I am and and so forth and I remember all of those events throughout my life but it's not just AJ who believes he has returned to earth his partner Mary believes she is Jesus's wife from the first century Mary Magdalene to tell the rest of the world very openly and plainly I'm Mary Magdalene there's only one of me and I am here I have come back I wanted any other answer and I searched I shopped for other answers I read Borges I looked at you know is it possible that I have a mental illness is it possible that somehow I've created this experience because I have a deep underlying desire to be special or have attention I really looked at that and I think that was fairly easy to resolve because I was pretty much hiding from everyone and hiding this experience from everyone for a number of years after we met was coming to terms with No very very hard there are many many times when I just felt like it was impossible to actually even say I'm completely aware that there are a billion and a half Christians on the planet I'm completely aware of how the majority of those feel about Jesus that they believe Jesus is God I'm completely aware that there are other people on the planet who don't even believe Jesus ever existed and if you look at the air if you analyze anybody's opinions of Jesus on the planet today I would say almost categorically that nobody knows who Jesus was and here I was knowing myself knowing who I am and knowing that that it that it basically rubbed out everybody's conception of what was true about Jesus and so I spent the next three years trying to avoid my identity but at the same time trying to teach God's truth basically I've talked to them for four hours about all these fascinating subjects and they became more and more emotionally embroiled in the conversation and more fascinated by the conversation itself only to find out in the end that there's nothing in front of them thought he was Jesus which then caused the thing that was a whole waste of four hours now and they you know and they got very disappointed and very upset as you can imagine so I found it was far better just to say up front I'm Jesus now let's get on with talking about some other subjects AJ and Mary were holding a two day seminar you know Hotel I was keen to speak with the people that listen to their teachings to see if in fact AJ was a cult leader it was soon apparent this was no amateur production though the seminars are free AJ and Mary lived by donation as to focus on spreading divine truth and I'm told they use these funds to give to others and to distribute divine truth material I saw no obligation to donate but the people still did AJ's teachings focused on people's emotional addictions their fears of needing to be loved to have control their guilt anger and unless they confront and process these often extremely painful emotions they will never be free never know the truth that lies beneath or fill the purity of their soul I was interested to hear why on the surface of it people would choose such a painful spiritual path so can you tell me why you chose to find out more about the divine truth basically because my life wasn't working at this stage our son had just died our son was stillborn full term and my partner just wanted to know he she just wanted to know why this thing happened to our son so he just went to a seminar on the Gold Coast that's where we're living at the time and just she just went straight up to him I didn't go because I was in judgment I said you know this guy saying he's Jesus how arrogant is that and what a wanker type thing and not really now realizing now how arrogant I was just prejudging someone but you know understandable because this is what's the whole world's going through and being out here for two years now listening and meeting him and having conversations it's probably the most loving person I've ever met in my life I mean look I have a part in the death of my son and and because I didn't know anything about God beforehand so it's not about AJ at the end of the day because he's just a person who's saying he's Jesus and it's taken me two years to sort of be honest that maybe he is but they're not get hung up on that because it's about the message and the truths and it must be very difficult to feel that you are in part responsible for the loss of something so so very precious to definitely it's it's not having any understanding awareness that myself personally you affect everything around you it's not the other way around it's not the world affecting me or affecting you it's like he was saying you're your common denominator and everything that happens in your life but then we look for someone or something to blame you know and I can understand why people blame God and so will how how can you as a loving God let this happen you know if you understand a note everything and you created everything then why do you let pain and suffering continue and and this is what AJ has helped me about - because he explained of of how man soul condition has degenerated over millenia generation to generation so we are left with the tab you'll you're actually born with the debt so to speak emotionally and we don't understand it and this is what he was saying about energetically emotionally where it's passed on from generation so so this is so we born with this error that's coming out of our soul and we wonder why we're having a tough and hard life and and all this pain and grief we seem to be attracting or going in cycles is caused has already been installed like a download inside of us so I understand he's up there and in a place called Summerlin and that you can talk and see loved ones or relatives in sleep state and but I don't remember a lot of my sleep state apparently due to fears that I haven't dealt with but it's really difficult because so much shame and guilt around that having a baby is supposed to be the most wonderful experience but then the hub Alice goes so terribly wrong it was a home birth and and then I won't go into details but then I was investigated for four hours but within hours of the death as a possible it was a crime scene I came home to get some clothes from the hospital and then basically it was all my unit and everything was roped off as a crime scene it was the worst experience of my life but again that represents the the devastation that's already my soul and so I'm still tryna understand at all I found it extremely sad to hear that Jason felt responsible for such a tragic event AJ believes many of Jason's views are in contrast with his teachings and that Jason is unnecessarily blaming himself AJ believes that jason has a part to play in his son's death because he is his father not because he didn't know about God and there are also many other factors which would have contributed beside Jason AJ told me the complexities of the divine truth belief system are not always fully understood by the people that follow them I understand why tragic events are blamed on a loveless god I was interested to hear how divine truth a belief system based on love can explain how such suffering can occur well most of these diseases again naturally occurring diseases which our body should be able to fight against as long as our body is in complete harmony with love as long as we don't have emotions within us that have been unusually imposed upon us by our environment that are out of harmony with love our body will be able to fight any of these diseases and and actually not even experience them in but in all cases so whenever anybody experiences disease of any kind is because they love the lack of love that's either exists within the soul of the individual that is usually caused by an in case of children is always caused by the lack of love in the parents and in society generally so almost everything will everything that actually occurs inside of the body of an any any individual anything that occurs inside the body of any individual occurs because of the environmental conditions that have created soul based feelings inside of the individual that are out of harmony with love now in the case of a child usually those feelings have been caused by their parents or their immediate environment as why does there are possible emotional experiences causes the wide variety of diseases so obviously every single disease has its unique signature emotionally as to what is its cause every single cancer for example the different types of cancer have specific emotional causes related to the location where the disease began if a woman has cancer that begins in her left breast then this is all about projection she has two women and in particular it would have began with her mother which is a suppressed rage which is overcoming which is over the top of an addiction and the addiction is wanting women to do what she wants in order to receive approval for women so if if the cancer is in the right breast then it will be with men rather than women so even the predisposition of a family tree towards a specific time the type of disease is related to the family tree having a predisposition towards certain emotions we all understand that stress unchallenged causes detrimental effects on the body so on a fundamental level we understand that emotions can cause disease this divine truth belief will however definitely confront many families who have lost loved ones to cancer however if what AJ is saying is correct and science can prove his claims then it could be holding the answers for a cure for all known diseases it was reported in the media that ages mother was worried for him because she thought he may have mental health issues an allegation I wanted to get to the bottom of my both mothers in my first century life endless life claimed that I had mental health issues so my first century mother Mary claimed that I had mental health issues quite frequently and often she cloned that to protect me she felt from people attacking me and the finish up killing me in this life my mother felt initially when I claimed that I was Jesus that I might have some mental health problem of course I went along to the doctor and had a chat with him and he was pretty much fine after I had a chat with him and and of course my mother by the 9-month time felt that I didn't have any mental health problems and she was quite regretful that she started the entire process AJ has two sons from a previous marriage I was given a unique opportunity to hear what AJ's son Tristan thought about his father being Jesus I definitely please even now like if he said next day oh actually it's all I was all wrong I don't I don't actually I might actually Jesus I wouldn't be that upset I'd feel a little bit weirded out because I'm pretty sure he is Jesus I think I'd be starts believing he thinks he's wrong that some from the first time he told me he was actually going through a lot of emotion himself so for him he was he was crying and he was trying process for a lot of grief sadness some of the memories of torture that he had some of the fears he had of of what's gonna happen if he says is Jesus he was really scared about that so he was pressed he was in bed crying screaming I'm shaking for Allah I would be up to about six months I almost all day yes when I was 33 years of age most people felt that I had Parkinson's and the reason why is because I had so much fear inside at me that I would just shaped like this constantly my whole body would shape like this constantly and as a result of that almost anybody who met me would first ask me are you arrived what's wrong with you when I was 33 I started processing through a lot of terror terror about torture based events actually and I didn't put them in the Jesus basket so in other words and I didn't I didn't attribute them to my being Jesus I just realized that at some point in my past and but at that point in time I didn't even believe I had a past besides my 33 years of age I realized at some point in my past I'd gone through some fairly traumatic events I didn't know what they were but the memories were of people driving nails through my body and through my ankles and my it was my feet and my wrists and people torturing me in different ways and like a big steak being driven through my hip on the right hand side and other things like this and and I you know I don't have any of those scars in my body at all now and and so I had no way of intellectually resolving why I was having these emotional experiences but I just decided to fill them and as I felt them the terror disappeared and eventually it got to the point where I had no hardly any terror anymore and I was nice and calm and no longer seemed to have Parkinsons it was another seven years of processing these painful emotions before AJ came to the conclusion he was Jesus I'm told that actually seven couples have returned to Earth from the spirit world some are willing to reveal or accept their identities and others are coming to terms with the memories they have like if we dude what we were doing say in America at the moment where 70 percent of them a Christian and very very militant some of them then it might not be a safe to do some of the things we're currently doing and one of the 14 have been murdered but but the rest of the 14 is still alive and therefore it's given us the best chance to teach divine truth is possible assuming the different ones of the 14 decide to do that Ajay's neighbor dates or Cornelius's first century name is one of the 14 and he's agreed to speak to me about his life in the first century I was born in Sicily his little kid there and just lived in the house with a little solution cottage I guess you call it Stein one with Sun my parents and sisters the sisters are two older sisters and one day I'm just at the end of the day the some soldiers can't break into our house or like force the Elaine I should say I suppose and help my father had to door with a sword and two others was about five of them they come in I was just terrified or enough to cry little corner and just hunker down and that coming I didn't know why they I came in for and they'd come to grab me just as terrified me the winged myself and they come and took me away and I took me to their garrison the army troops were they just pretty much I suppose politically back then actually expanding the Empire quite savagely been to and just started becoming the violent person that wanted me to be and became quite good at that that's the only way I got love back then I some sort of does not even hair grow coming at me as much if I became could have got more acceptance I guess they had enough of being hurt and um yeah it was in there for long long time and to remember in early teenage ease as he sort of getting more initiate sexual development they still have those old Hagee women that would come along and I'd take take us to them and the women would you know start playing with you and get you excited and stuff like that and I have sex with you they're just like it was gross horrible things but it didn't understand what's going on your body as well they're having these exciting like nice feelings for once he often has just been violence and there's these nice buildings and I'd have sex with it and I'd just be really nasty to you and I've Laughton times the men would come along and rape the anally as well then to she's just like these horrible experiences and octonauts and truly confusing in your head as well like your body the experience is something nice and something in but it's just horrific after that to and everything was just too mentally screwed up basically and just become a machine Cornelius still come to terms with his first century existence there were chunks of his life he is yet to remember but he vividly remembers his final months on earth when he met Jesus and so that's one was slightly sick that stage and um I took the slave to see this girl and I see what he liked he he he he is who he is to prove it to me and he actually healed they this my um I even just gave him a little of faith that what he's saying was true was my men that actually had to go and meet in charge of them that had to go and do the execution basically or the crucifixion as they call it and yeah but Tommy got up there to do it and was the one that's actually leading them and nailing him down to the posting news on and um I was gonna do even had his hands pulled back to do it on his hands and his wrists and they just looking at I mean I looked at him like I couldn't do I couldn't do anything violent to him because I could feel he's just different and he had a lot coming from and that was so rare in those days and it's something that I was always looking for and had the real faith in and he's already shown me that he actually liked all the things he'd done I could say there's a lot of love in him so I yeah I couldn't do it couldn't be for hunting anymore just couldn't do it and so I just walked off so they hung me like that and crossed at the risks risk because if they hang me through the hands then my hands would tear apart and not bear the way but the weight could be borne much better by a hanging person through the wrists and nailing the feet crossed over like so and then they stood me up and now at that time there's all this pressure because you're hanging like this there's a lot more pressure than like this hanging there's no way to support yourself so much like this so I tore apart quite rapidly they found me and started to took me to a main area the main sort of public area and they um tortured me there for quite a long time was pretty much I embarrassed the whole Roman Empire by walking off and that cut my penis off as well on eventually and that opening with some makeup as well Justin Bao in me and I was member just just seeing this guy all the time there's birds eating my stomach at that stage too and just looking at the sky has felt a bit more peace and realized the only be the powers to got this I can choose to die that's we just did not give him my last breath away is it but as soon as I died I could see everything because that I knew that would happen and so I knew that as soon as my physical body died I could watch the proceeding so I watched them spear me break my legs I watched and it was just my body then you know it's not it's not me anymore I I want very much wanted to be present during the entire a couple of days before his passing he really didn't want me to be there because he felt that I was in danger but I felt this is a person I love the most and they're going through something really extreme and I want to be there and so I was and I suppose that for him he was in a really high state of love and he didn't have fear so he wasn't afraid of everything that was going on around him but for me it felt such a an affront I suppose to the love that he did have inside of him here is someone who is so gentle and so wishing to love everyone and to teach beautiful truths of God and someone without judgment without violence within him who was being basically tortured and humiliated people were attempting to humiliate him in the worst kinds of ways for a lot of us after his passing it was easy it was as if this dream that we all had of bringing God's love to earth and showing people the power of that love was lost and I foretold to the disciples who were present that I would return to them so after my death and I told them that I would return to them around three days or after my death I calculated that time based upon how long it was going to take for me to decompose my own body out of the tomb because I could hasten the decomposition process of my own body and what all I did was I knew the laws involved with the composition is about providing extra oxygen oxygen to the process and in doing that I finished up decomposing the body within two days it's a matter of channeling energy it's like and if you can you know right now write that your entire body is just really energy there's no you're not really a physical person that you know the only reason why it feels physical is because you we our energy is dense and therefore we are able to touch it but but it's actually vibrating energy you know it's electrons running around a nucleus is the understanding nowadays but once you understand how the energy flows you can start channeling and or moving that energy from one location the others locate relatively easy the problem in the tomb was that there was not much light available and so all I did was provide all of those particular elements with the energy that I had from my own spirit body to speed up the entire process so one of the things that I then did was allowed myself to like take to pull together matter in a very similar way that I pulled together energy in order to decompose my body I could also pull together matter and form the body and appeared to Mary first three days later basically even though I had seen Jesus again after his passing there was still a lot of grief going on for me and a feeling that we were separated even though in spirit he tried to be with me quite a lot I was still grappling with this whole physical versus spirit world I was interested to find out more about the spirit world a place according to AJ and Mary they spent over 2000 years of their life where is where is this spirit world and well mathematically they've proven that we there at there are thirteen or so concurrent dimensional spaces in the universe or so scientifically they know that there's dark matter which ways has a weight and in fact dark matter forms 90 to 95 percent of the known weight of the universe but we can't see it so there's all these this all this matter that exists in another dimensional space that we that I'm referring to as a spirit world but it's actually mathematically proven to be true about people don't think of it that way does anybody sense so what people think of as heaven or hell or anything in between are actually the existence of multi-dimensional spaces in which our body our spirit body can exist and reside we as you can imagine if you passed into the spirit world today you would still have the same loves that you currently have so you'd still love your wife you still love your child and you'd want to let them know that you're still alive that's one of the first thing is you're probably want to do right and and so most spirits within a very short period of time learn how to try to let their loved ones know that they're still alive and everything's all right there's nothing wrong and and all those kind of things now of course most of their loved ones are not in the space to hear that because they're grieving and they're upset and so forth so they're not in the space to listen but most people who pass go but you don't need to cry I'm still alive you know like and so they learn how to move objects for example or so forth in order to communicate something to their loved ones on earth to indicate to the loved ones on earth that they are still alive and everything's fine and eventually we could have a society where we don't even see death as a has it stopped - our life we don't hardly even impact upon our life at all so do you believe dinosaurs roamed the world definitely I know for certain because I've seen them in the spirit world everything that has a central nervous system on earth when it dies it also has a spirit body because at the time of conception if there's a central nervous system in the physical body a spirit body is also created for the same organism so when you use as your primary function your spirit body you can go to places where there are dinosaurs AJ is not alone with his views of the spirit world I met up with Pete who follows divine truth but is also in close contact with spirits I think probably two or three was probably the first time I saw spirits what generally used to happen these spirits I'd be going to bed like three four five six and they'd want to come and sit on the bed and had a chat so and some of them were really nice and some of them weren't really terrifying as a child like your fear is that you're going to get overwhelmed with just thousands and thousands of people wanting to come and talk to you and you're never going to be asleep for a start because once you talk to one then suddenly everyone knows that you can talk to them and certainly one after the other there's that coming through all different levels these days we Google like it's awesome you know you can talk to a spirit and then google it later so I think at the moment as a world like we just don't realize actually the pressure that the average person is under from spirits who are constantly at them you know like obviously there's a lot of good that comes from it but you know we're totally oblivious to really what's happening how do people how do people leave themselves open to be attacked by spirits well the easiest way to be open to spirits is when we don't want to be connected with who we are our bodies so anytime we're not waiting to feel that feelings or we want to we want to avoid so often people that have had enough of life or a sick of their job or sick of what's going on in their life we get to a point where we just want to step out of ourselves so often in those situations that's when a spirit will come yeah I can help yeah I can be parties that often in those sort of times that it happens but probably more in the society we live in now drugs and alcohol like that's the ultimate for a spirit so if you think of all the greatest rock songs and all the greatest music that's been written on the planet most artists have to unfortunately say that they were stoned or drunk or under the influence when they wrote their music and jelly all it means is that spirits in the spirit world are writing the songs for them and that yeah when they get into that state it allows the spirits to be able to influence their writing and influence their craft once a week Pete and his fellow divine truth follower Fabio hold a channel or need to help spirits over dinner Fabio talk to me about their communications with the spirit world so we're telling one day and a person came to talk and was a young boy who was an actual suicide bomber he actually bombed himself for some religious cause and he strapped a bomb to himself jumped on a school bus with soccer young soccer boys and a bus and what had happened is that his dad that he had passed earlier was influencing him to do these things he's through his thoughts and his father already knowing the truth about what was really happening still thought that it was the right thing to do and knowing that he wasn't going to go to this special place so his father basically wanted to kill those children on the bus yeah yeah and the back and the other said it was is that with him was the mothers of those children because they were on the bus it that were quite angry at him and it just became his big interlocked mess of anger and so we just helped him sort of understand it the spirit world is based on love and that he could move somewhere because after that has happened no doctor no they happen with a Fletcher anytime want to talk to my girlfriend listen lady man oh no mister it's in the garden somewhere in Perth inter-cities someone hears your things were talking to him just generally I'm surrounded chat about what's happening everything is really confused but what had happened in everything to him he wanted me ladies parents neither did our knees override and I didn't real comfortable - I didn't know where they lived or and then I looked him down he's from mr. sinister I didn't even know his own he's talking about his child till he didn't they've married a child didn't even know a name called Attili which isn't to it or a fan yeah so if it's a just if it was odd to some of it but I'm gonna walk outta some people don't even know until he sounds alright and spirit would I talk to her I'm gonna say to him that that there's more important things for him does over at first can try to explain what he was and he felt a bit differently about later to mismatching about three different times I found myself listening to things that before this documentary began I would have disregarded out of hand I wasn't being asked to believe or expected to these were just genuine people telling me their experiences experiences they have all shared I wanted to find out whether according to AJ there is such thing as hell the hills of the spirit world are the first dimension the very first dimension of passing is at the moment in quite a very dark condition there's not much like there they're often very smelly there's not much autonomy because most people there do not understand the laws involved with movement of nature of movement of matter and movement of themselves and it is very much governed by the things they did on earth as to what's going to happen after that point so if you do things on earth that are out of harmony with love from God's perspective and in particular if you chose to do those things on purpose out of harmony with love from God's perspective you will definitely end up in the hills of the spirit world so a person for example let's say a person on earth murdered somebody for example and by the way God's definition of murder is very different to our own well if I can illustrate from from God's perspective a person who were BOTS a child murders as much as a person who has committed a murder you know on purpose if they aborted the child on purpose then from God's perspective both our murders now to get out of that location becomes the key question how do I get out of that location so we are not permanently assigned to that location we're only assigned to a location or our soul is in fact the correct way to say it is our soul is attracted to the location because that's the location that best suits our current condition in other words a hellish location suits the hellish condition that exists inside the soul and to get out of that condition all we have to do is improve in our attitudes about love in the Hills it's a very dark and very grey but as you progress in even in the first dimension at the top of the dimension it's very colorful like it is here in fact it's very similar to here the first dimension at the top of the first dimension it's very similar to what we see on earth and the second dimension is just like unimaginable amost people here on earth already though it's far different to earth has you have far more control over your being your life your you you know how you get around everything and so it's very very like a lot of people want to stay in the second dimension for a long time after they've been in the first dimension because it's so enjoyable you know compared to the first because I'm sure there's gonna be lots of people that have an abortion by watching this now that are gonna be terrified or angry of what happens after yes there is no understand that we can always change our condition of love at any time this includes why we live on earth and in fact that would be my recommendation to all people that anything that they've done that's unloving notice what it was choose to do something different now because if you don't do that now you will be faced with those reasons when you pass that's how God's created the universe when AJ talks to me about divine truth beliefs something is either a truth or it's not there is no gray area I perceive AJ's view and abortion but it is murder very hard line however his belief is shared with many religious faiths that are widely practiced today I untold that one of the reasons they have returned to Earth is to teach divine truth a belief system based on love as since his crucifixion a large amount of religious distortion occurred a claim that many religious faiths may find highly offensive it can be quite offensive to lots of people well in the first century what I said was often offensive to a lot of people that's why I got crucified in the end and all I'm trying to do is say the truth what I've discovered to be the truth the universe to people but of course people have a whole set of ideas they have a whole set of what would you call it sort of like preconceptions about what I should be but also they have a whole lot of personal and political agendas and financial agendas that that you know a lot of my teachings will confront we see a lot of hypocrisy in religion unfortunately and one of the reasons why is because most religions have been created by people on earth to suppress and control other people on earth and not to come to know God or come to have a relationship with God in the way God defines and that's the big difference between what I taught in the first century and everything else that I observed from that point onwards AJ believes that God creates our soul that our soul is pure but degraded by the unloving actions of our parents past generations environment and our choices I'm told that Jesus became one with God by cleansing these imperfections from his soul and could therefore perform miracles and understand and teach others to be more loving from God's perspective since AJ's return to Earth he tells me this process of cleansing his soul has to happen again people are skeptical about who you are yeah this is a common common thing firstly the logic of that question defies logic actually it's a totally illogical question if a person can perform a miracle the only thing it proves is that they can perform that miracle that they've performed it doesn't prove their identity if a person asked me to perform a miracle in the first century up until I was thirty years of age and at one we've got I could not perform any miracle I tried to not perform in any miracle in fact until that point in time so I waited until I became at one with God so for example if I met a blind person and I knew God's laws and and the feeling within them allowed me to cure their blindness and and I wanted to cure their blindness and I had a desire to cure their blindness then God's love could throw flow through me and cure their blindness and so they were instantly could instantly see so the only time I would perform a miracle anyway is if I felt that feeling of love for the individual enough to actually perform the miracle and I was at one with God which I know I am NOT at this point in time and I don't know when I will be because I've still got to work through some fears in order to become at one with God and many of the so-called miracles that are listed in the Bible I never performed and in fact nobody ever historically has performed but they are legendary in other books besides the Bible so for instance turning water into wine was something that Greek gods did before I arrived in the first century and and so therefore I had to have turned water into wine so I could be compared to a Greek god so that people would accept Christianity and that's a shame because I feel bit a lot more people would have accepted Christianity if just the truth had been taught it was the second day of the seminar and I wanted to speak with more divine truth followers to help get a greater understanding of their choice of spiritual path and to find out whether or not they actually unknowingly belonged to a cult I think I think I've been part a part of a cult before I was part of a church and I had a lot of rules and regulations about being in that church you know we weren't allowed to dance we weren't allowed a gamble and with AJ and Mary there's you know if anything they promote to you free will but they explain to you work out for yourself what's loving and what's unloving you know you'll feel the difference and they're right you do you know I don't know if you know but I'm I'm pretty mediumistic and I practiced mediumship and it's been really nice to be able to talk to a person like a.j Mary who can explain to me some of the things that I've had no answers for throughout my life from from you know visions that I didn't understand to addictions that I've battled and then and then tried to overcome is is there spirits around us now sort of helping with this or challenging in this interview can't give me a minute to just feel about that yeah yeah I can feel my god just just standing there probably because I feel a bit afraid our gods are really nice people and they have a lot a lot of for us and often just their presence makes us emotional so that's your spirit guide is that what it's called a spirit guide so is there anyone around Simon what I yeah I service to say that yeah you just need to take my focus off you for a second to just sort of feel yeah you have a couple of spirit friends too there is a what feels like a man standing here and there feels like a person either side of your cameraman Marion has recently turned to divine truth she tells me that she's been plagued with spirits her whole life for me this is fascinating because I haven't I hadn't met anybody that articulated how they felt about spirits and spirits going inside them and controlling them so can you tell me what exactly happens and how do you change if a spirit is controlling me I've been shown phenomenal stuff from the spirits such as an ancient henge probably three hundred fifty thousand years old in Tasmania and I've channeled an a male Aboriginal spirit so a man has spoken through my vocal cords the positive side in some ways and the negative side is being told you're made of titanium after you've crashed a car and sending you down a cliff and you face smashing in your leg being ripped apart and then thinking that you're fine and and going the hospital and showing the doctors what's inside your leg and like really warped stuff as well and that's dangerous is that an analogy or was that actual that actually happened and then I went into a psychiatric hospital for a couple of weeks and some medication to kind of come down so you know it can be extremely negative the information that AJ and Mary who are very advanced mediums probably the most advanced mediums on the planet the information that they've shared through their DVDs has enabled me to live it's given me the will to live and it's given me the strategies I'm beginning to understand why they have chosen this spiritual path a chance to talk to their loved ones in sleep state and knowing that your children are looked after in Summerland an answer to questions that you had no hope of an answer a hope for their future I don't believe that to follow divine truth you have to start from a place of sadness and many that I spoke to did it however it sure does help those who do if I speak to the divine truth followers they all say it isn't a cult and I don't believe it is however I'm not sure this actually tells me anything I get the feeling that some of the followers wouldn't mind being part of a cult not in a sinister way but in a way they can all get guidance from a man who is only trying to help a day doesn't want to be a cult leader and I don't think he is however his position puts him in a place of power there has been depictions is there any truth behind no no no and I find it amusing actually because before I met Mary I was celibate for five years and and you know we like now that I've found Mary and even if Mary left I wouldn't engage in sex with anyone else like and a lot of people imply that somehow I'm just one in a string of Mary Magdalene and you know that you sort of shopped for women there's been is the ten I haven't even had to tend to say my 2005 head for partners to be compared to the Waco disaster what for so why would they do that and how does that make you feel well though why is very different to how it makes me feel and if I don't say how it makes me feel cuz that's pretty simple uh it doesn't worry me at all actually because I know that we're not anyway nothing like that I know I'm never going to encourage violence or in fact defend violence or have a compound or have a compound or be guiding people in any way to have a compound that's separate from society or any of those oh I own a gun one ago even so you know the comparison is ludicrous from my perspective and doesn't warrant my you know I it really doesn't warrant any emotion from me and yet they still claim these things and the reason why they claim it is because if they say there's this nice fellow who lives up in Queensland who's claiming be Jesus but actually we went along and visited him and he sounds pretty reasonable actually and he sounds pretty nice guy and he's not going to hurt you at all then you wouldn't get too many listeners now in the past there have been people who have claimed to be Jesus who have done these things you know they've been people who have been sexually deviant who claim to be Jesus there's been people who have been violent who have claimed to be Jesus and so forth and so they then can play on these particularly historical events and then put that on to the next person who claims to be Jesus now at some point in our future there's going to be one person who claims to be Jesus who's actually Jesus and and I suggest to people that it's a sooner or later by by the fruit egde of the person by what the person does by the kind of ways they act you will know who is the real one in long term and you won't know until them my time with AJ and Mary is over from what the media have said about him it has no reference to the man that I have met I believe AJ has great power when he talks of divine truth people do look to him for answers and this power placed in the wrong hands could most definitely be dangerous I understand where the media's fears have come from but I don't think he's a man to be feared if you say that you were Jesus most will undoubtedly think you're deluded some will be offended and a few will believe the people that I have met have been nothing but kind if this was a magnification of the world then I reckon the world would be a much more loving place to live as we talked I felt a true sincerity in their words for something which is so utterly unbelievable their story is also extremely convincing the details the depth their emotions leaving me with more questions than answers it is not for me to question people's belief systems especially when it's a belief system based on love though I questioned whether AJ was Jesus Mary was Mary Magdalene questioned the spirit world questioned whether or not Cornelius is part of the 14 that would turn to earth but what I think is not in question is AJ certainly believes he's doing it for the love of God you [Music] you don't have those thousands of Elvis impersonators here on it but is even more Elvis impersonators in the spirit world and so what they do is they impersonate him and in their interactions with people on earth so they they even you know form form they dress up like he does they try to look like heroes and everything just like the Elvis impersonator on earth would do
Channel: Real Stories
Views: 1,748,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bizarre cult practices, cult deprogramming methods, cult exposure film, cult indoctrination, cult manipulation tactics, cult psychology, cult sociology, cult worship, followers of jesus, god complex, investigative cult journalism, jesus complex psychology, jesus impostor, modern messiah, religious fanaticism, religious sect documentary, religious sect influence, religious worship documentary, self-proclaimed messiah, spiritual manipulation
Id: hXpLVmL2esw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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