For the Glory (2012) | Full Movie | Jason Burkey | Robby Stone | Michael Landers

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[Music] [Music] i got mike but you always take mine oh yeah this is a tough choice evan get over come on there's no way i'm taking kurt the square we'll get crush but you can't play 505 with only four players what about that new kid guy from his friend guess hey new guy new guy want to play some ball sure so who's teaming my own nobody you're gonna take robbie over me he just moved here he's never played basketball one day in his life what are you even doing here water boy come on rick let's play let's go cool and collected kite in the buys time fakes the pass it's hard drive to the net he's up and it's good two points for the u.s olympic team crowd goes wild yeah cookie dough's hot tonight hey robbie for a new kid you're pretty stupid why are you hanging out with that guy don't you know his brother billy's a [ __ ] so so just look at him seems to me that kurt's just as much to [ __ ] as his big brother billy is shut up just shut up make me dude you just got beat up by kurt the squirt shut up evan squirt your dead man [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh yeah the undefeated champion boys get outside now what's wrong with mom i said get outside yes sir [Music] robbie did you know kurt had an older brother [Music] you can say it the [ __ ] one well [Music] billy lived with us until a couple months ago he started wandering into the street causing public disturbances so we had to put him in a home [Music] kurt there's just no other way to say this billy billy died this morning you can't let your mom see you cry she suffered enough already if you boys could go upstairs and play quietly for a while it would be a very big help yes sir [Music] for i reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us and we know that god causes all things to work together for good to those who love god to those who are called according to his purpose let us pray for as much as the spirit of the departed has entered into the life immortal we therefore commit his body to its resting place but his spirit we commend to god in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit go in peace [Music] [Music] uh [Music] yes and there you have it bob the americans have won yet another gold medal for their olympic basketball team this is the third consecutive year they've won i'm gonna be there one day beware what are you talking about the olympics i'm gonna be in the olympics get real have you looked in the mirror lately last i checked [ __ ] toss wasn't an olympic sport i'm gonna get you squirt oh shut up shut up how can you be laughing on a night like tonight your brother is dead kurt and you and your little friend here are acting like nothing had ever happened you make me sick get away from me just get away it's been a long day for everyone boys you can camp out but i suggest you turn in early come to bed mercy just forget what your mom said we all need to be mad about this i expect your behavior will be much improved by tomorrow morning good night boys hey kurt yeah is is your mom okay don't worry about it i've never seen it like that before i'm sure everything will be okay in the morning [Music] [Music] hi thanks for coming thank you you're welcome goodbye mr ambassador thanks thank you thanks for coming thanks a lot nice meeting you congressman thanks for coming wait wait there's someone i want you to meet kurt come here a second the future of american basketball so here's the basketball star congratulations son thank you sir you know if you've got half the tenacity your father shows on capitol hill i'm sure you're gonna be a big success at the university yes sir i'm gonna do my best maybe even playing the olympics one day right son oh my goodness i'm so sorry please please pardon my wife congressman goodnight and don't worry about it miss maury yes sir would you see the congressman out please you are an embarrassment a good for nothing drunk how dare you how dare you i only do this because i'm married to a selfish cold-hearted jerk like you not this again don't even say it you're pathetic it's your fault we're stuck here in this awful place instead of back home in california a thousand times marcy you knew we'd always moved to dc once i made partner it's a job on the hill there's nothing pathetic about that stop it not tonight so you think you're so far above us all do you kurt well you're no better than your father in fact you're around even less than he is at least he's finally making money all you do is play a stupid game all day i don't have to take this crap are you just gonna let him walk out like that some kind of man you are is [Music] [Music] she's getting worse you know would it kill you to be around a little more look who's talking you're the only son she has left you don't think i know that just make her proud okay it'll make things a lot easier for the both of us here we go [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] over here guys all right that's it for this season boys we had this game right in our hands but you lost concentration for one split second and it cost us the playoffs hit the showers i'll see in a few minutes oh my god hey cochindoll son i want to see you tomorrow morning in my office dad you're still here glad you can make it i know i have been working a lot son and i'm sorry for that i just didn't want to miss your last game i just i can't believe we lost that game i mean we were so close the whole time if jerry had made that shot i don't want to think about it now you know i don't know much about sports and i'm not one to give advice when it's not asked for but uh well it seemed to me that jerry wasn't to blame for missing that shot you were you can't be serious he totally had that shot i couldn't have set him up better if i wanted to again i know i don't know much about sports but i do know a little bit about success i don't think you should have passed that ball off the shot was yours to take but jerry is a much better shot than i am he's a starter there is one big difference between the two of you jerry takes risks he fails sometimes but a lot of times he succeeds kurt if you always pass the ball off to someone else and what i mean to say is that if you don't shoot you won't ever score i gotta go back that where to the gym what for i got to start shooting now for next season kurt what's up what's up man how's it going seriously where are you i stayed after the game to train you know you really haven't changed a bit since california what are you talking about i grew at least an entire foot since then and i don't know if you guys noticed but i've been working out i noticed you were looking good you know what i mean he's still as obsessed as ever man hey guys hey i went ahead and ordered you one the brothers are taking care of everything um no thanks man i don't drink wait then why are you gonna rush a fraternity what can i get for you uh i'll just have a water please you know what the sad thing is some of these guys show up to practice completely hung over and they still beat me i don't get it if you can't beat them join them right hmm here is your water that'll put hair on the chest seriously i can't believe you're actually drinking water do you do you want me to get you a little sippy cup shut up seriously i don't get it i mean i'm working just as hard as ever but no matter what i do these guys still take it to me beginning to think the man upstairs has it out for me you know maybe he has something better for you than basketball yes like soccer it is about time you learn to play a real man's game a real man's game look soccer is a hobby okay it's not a sport i'm just gonna outwork all those guys come on in son have a seat kurt now that the season's over i wanted to talk to you about our plans for next year now know that you're a hard worker in fact you're the hardest worker i've ever seen and i know how much you love this game that's why we gave you a shot in the first place but sometimes that's not enough i really don't think you have the ability to play at this level what coaches this is about last night it's not about last night this was a bigger decision i thought about this for a long time and i don't want to make it but i have to do what's best for this program whatever it takes for me to improve in the offseason i'm gonna do it coach i want to be a part of this team i don't think you understand me son we have a lot of top recruits coming in we simply don't have room for you here now was there something i could be working on what is it my foul shot my passing what look i didn't want to have to put it to you this way we simply don't need you here now no yeah i i understand well thank you coach for your time and the opportunity i appreciate it it's been our pleasure son is is [Music] cameras forever baby that's right hey i'm gonna grab some punch and i'll be right back you know that's not punch right now slowed down a bit dude it's not exactly a party bro look i'm fine okay i'm i'm not dreaming yes can can i get you something to drink right my name's kurt what's yours sherry such a pretty name for such a pretty girl no okay hey can i help you in cucumber bruce everything's fine just having a conversation here man not looking for any trouble okay let me give you a little piece of advice find another girl oh okay i get it i get it you two are i did not know i'm sorry man don't hey don't hold it against me come on sure you two have a great night you're coming i'm fine excuse me hold on girl dude we should go after this no robbie's fine dude he's drunk he's fine he's not fine but he's fine there he is where have you been looking all over for you rough night that's an understatement is everything all right i had my meeting with the coaches today and i'm cut i'm cut they they actually cut me oh man that's heavy well on the bright side now that you've got a little free time on your hands you can come and help out your fellow brothers on the gamma soccer team this weekend well they just got cut from the team man leave alone guys come here come here come here look i'm not gonna play soccer okay there's no way i would ever play a boring lame girly game like that okay you've had enough fun for one night come on i'll take you home come on stand [Music] we should just let you drive home it really really could have been much much worse seriously bruce could have punched you right in the mouth really think about that game girls will be there nope no no way i'm not doing it soccer is for pansies yeah okay let's get you home yeah hey kurt it won't hurt to give it a try and you've got to be better at playing soccer than you are picking up chicks come on okay okay watch your head oh yeah gosh that's comfortable you are a disaster so what do you want to see me about well dad um i'm not gonna be playing ball for the eagles anymore what what are you trying to pull here no son of mine is gonna be a quitter we paid good money to get you into that school dad it's not like that okay they cut me from the team they did what [Music] do you need me to call the athletic director should i set up a meeting with your coach no really dad look the coach said i have great work ethic it's just that they're expanding the program and they're bringing in a lot of top recruits next year they just don't have a place for me anymore what about your future how am i gonna explain this to our what friends your mom it's not like i've quit sports forever and i've got a soccer game this weekend with my fraternity if you want to come some of the guys from the team asked me to play soccer for your fraternity you can do better than that kurt you know what your success means to this family yeah dad i know look this soccer stuff is just for fun it's a great networking opportunity and don't worry i'm gonna keep working on my game i'll play in intramurals maybe transfer i just don't know what else to do i did my best if you had truly done your best we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we [Music] miss mori yes sir get steve for me we're done here and tell my wife not to wait up for me we're gonna have to lean hard if we're gonna get some movement on this bill kurt i want you to come up with a list of five other schools you could transfer into and go over it this weekend so how'd your dad take it not as well as you would expect it isn't my spring pledges it's time for you guys to get dressed for the big show and uh kooky doll i'm expecting big things tonight from you guys big performance it's time to go get dressed let's go ladies up now go backing everybody's attention you guys can just come on up brothers please bring your dates up here we got a special announcement come on up guys as president of phi tau gamma it is my distinct privilege and my honor to present this year's beautiful beautiful pledge queen by my unanimous decision absolutely miss cherry joe williams [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my lady yes there she is she's my angel [Applause] all right let's bring the boys out come on boys [Music] one more time from the top just a little louder this time we'll enthusiasm [Music] all right you guys enjoy the rest of the evenings have a drink take care uh for some of you though i think it's best that we keep our diapers up awesome this is hilarious did you guys really not think that was hilarious that was so funny i can't believe this seriously of all the girls wait sherry do you dig her what no no she's got a boyfriend besides i can get any chick i want uh-huh you are into her no i'm not i'm just saying look we talk about something else okay how about we talk about you coming and playing soccer with us this weekend cheri you'll be there really not like that's a big deal or anything oh yeah dude she comes to all the games plus it'll be your chance to show what an all-around athlete you are and uh if you really want to get back on sherry's good side you should come to church with me this sunday church really robbie come on stop [ __ ] me about that i already told you it's just not my thing suit yourself all i'm saying is even with everything she's got going on jerry jo williams never misses a sunday come on man i can even give you a ride look guys i appreciate you trying to make me feel better i do but i don't need soccer i certainly don't need church to help me out okay after tonight's performance you're gonna need something look who decided to show up hey robbie it's your lucky day man all right where right there nice head ben now what's he doing here and what is he wearing you said we needed a goalkeeper not a fashion model besides you're the one who wanted to play on the field instead of in goal [Music] do [Music] so [Music] dude bruce it's a fraternity game dad what are you doing here i wanted to put my new camera to work besides it's a nice day the footage i've caught so far is pretty conclusive soccer just isn't your game but at least you're having fun and getting some exercise right actually dad i feel like i'm getting a hang of this look you stay for the second half unfortunately my lunch break is over but i enjoyed watching you get scored on six times it was uh cute thanks again for coming just let me know when your next pickup basketball game is and we'll see what this baby can do who knows maybe we can even send it to some college coaches it's ridiculous he doesn't know the first thing about goalkeeping and now he's starting to embarrass the entire team i'm just going to get my stuff bruce relax why don't you step up and score some goals i'll mark flip who's flip he's the guy who keeps scoring on you he's the captain of the eagles soccer team so don't take it too hard last time we played the deltas they beat us 12-0 they're the league champs but come on man if i can play out there you can yeah you said i couldn't play that was warm up all right you just wait just keep your eye on the ball come out and challenge me be aggressive and let them make the mistakes you all right yeah yeah okay enough fooling around it's time to show them the old kaiken doll magic whatever you say [Music] [Music] we're down six to one boys you're [Music] ridiculous [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i know you feel like you got shelled that first half but a second half shown out your first time a goal against this team dude that's unbelievable thanks man you aren't too shabby yourself [Music] hey baby thanks for coming to see me play hey kurt you did pretty well out there i was impressed thanks do you come to games often yeah sure would uh never miss a chance to see her man score come on bruce you know i don't like when you joke about that kind of stuff you know she's the virgin sherry hey robbie am i gonna see you at church tomorrow yeah yeah of course yeah i wouldn't miss it in fact uh kurt here uh might be coming along too with me uh to church right kurt um you are well that would be so great bruce won't ever come well yeah i i go to my own church all the time but yours sounded pretty cool so i figured i would check it out well i can't wait i will see you tomorrow jerry has a date with the sexiest man on campus come on baby what was that man i just thought you could use a little help yeah well it better be worth it dude come on you thought soccer was boring remember and now you're hooked come on just give it a shot i'll pick you up at 8 30. in the morning i'm sure he does go to the early service so uh fine if i go i'll drive myself okay whatever thanks man see you tomorrow curt hey car you got a minute yeah all right i know you're gonna think this sounds crazy but i'm just gonna say it what do you think about maybe trying out for the school soccer team this fall play for the eagles division one college soccer are you insane i just got rocked this morning okay the first half does not count honestly i've never seen royal talent like that flip was pretty impressed too when's the season start three months seriously just think how cool it could be i mean bruce is lazy slow and he thinks he owns this place i would love to see you take him down a notch wait bruce is the starting goalkeeper i thought he played striker nah he just does that for the frat games to get a break from the goal he was all south last year okay all right hold on i can't beat that i look like an idiot with your experience in college basketball and with your crazy work ethic and natural ability i really think you could beat them out we can even start training next week if you want you know i was 8th in state in gymnastics for my high school too would that help or that's one of those things that you should probably just keep to yourself just think about it okay i'm serious and you know i'm never serious about anything i don't know i might be transferring next year to play ball somewhere else hey thanks for bringing me out here had a good time just think about it just think about it good morning miss williams lovely sermon today wasn't it yeah it was so insightful i just love me some jesus don't you now i know i'm in church cause honey you look like an angel i'm so screwed [Music] you may be seated no armor checking things out today's teaching is taken from proverbs 16 9. the mind of the man plans his way but the lord directs his steps well i almost forgot children sunday school teachers you're dismissed so glad you could make it i know i told you before but you're pretty amazing and gold yesterday um i'm gonna get something to drink good morning everybody i'm so glad to see you all here today does anyone know what this is right well what can i use a glove for oh i want to keep your hands warm here in the snow and you keep your hands not dirty when you're gardening right can i use this glove right now to dig in the garden no then what can i use it for now a glove can be used for many things but it was created to do one thing right now this glove is empty but now the glove is full and can do what it was created to do [Music] our lives are like this glove when we try and do things on our own we're empty inside but we let god fill us our lives can be used for the lord and we can do anything for his glory oh hey kurt did you need something uh i was looking for the bathroom it's right down the hall on the left okay thanks i really had to go [Music] can you hear me they say at that church that if i give you my life you'll fix it i don't have much to give but i do have this this is all i've got [Music] you can have it this is my life take it but please just give me a sign that i'm on the right path [Music] mmm [Music] hey dad ah glad you could make it son we only have a few minutes to go over these transfer applications before that shipping bill comes to a vote let's talk about where you want to transfer i think i found a few schools close by that would be just perfect dad you're gonna think this is nuts but i'm gonna stay at least for one more semester but what about your athletics well that's just it i'm thinking about trying out for the school soccer team this summer what that's the most outrageous idea i have ever heard i knew you'd think it was crazy get your head out of the clouds kurt this is reality not some half-cocked irresponsible foolish idea about trying to make it in a sport you've never even played before dad i'm serious and i have played before you remember that game with the frat team some of those guys thought i was pretty good i saw you in that frat game quite frankly if i had known you were actually taking it seriously out there i would have been a bit embarrassed come on that was just the first half once i caught on i really started to do well i really think i have a shot at this come on kurt no one just walks onto a college team after only a few months of playing a sport that's stupid just one more semester i'll even help out with mom a little more fine it's your life you want to ruin it go ahead i don't have time for any more of this nonsense i've got to go take care of my real job in the real world maybe i can get you an internship on the hill or something i'll open up it's kurt open up man gotta get going wake up sunshine let's go there he is let's go if i'm going to have a shot at this we got to start now shut dude i'm a little early for that what are you talking about my shots are shot as in a chance at making the team you said you thought i could do it right yeah i did i mean what i meant to say and you said we start training this week remember did i yeah well if i did i not mean at six in the morning come on man where's your dedication seriously let's go all right all right just give me a minute all right hurry up [Music] [Music] this is hey excuse me you guys need a goalkeeper nah man we're [Music] good man you guys need a goalkeeper nah man we're in the middle of a game hey you need a goalkeeper yeah man take [Music] over this is is [Music] if we really believe that there is a god if we really believe that there is a heaven and a hell then we'll stop living our lives for our own glory and live for the glory of the lord it is only then that we will be able to push through our trials push through our pain and realize that just as jesus laid down his life for us in the end none of our suffering will be worthy to be compared to the magnificent glory that is to be revealed to us are you ready for the big day yeah okay let's go [Music] kurt i don't think you're ready yet what are you talking about you need a pair of these thanks man this means more to me than you'll ever know they're just gloves [Music] looks like he gained some weight yeah i heard he was boozing up all summer long he's hardly done any training he thinks just because he made all south last season he can do whatever he wants looks like you actually have a shot at this thing who are you uh kurt kaikundal i'd like to try out sir if that's all right with you oh we have all the players we need right now we're not accepting any walk-ons look just give me a chance all right you won't be sorry how long have you been playing soccer well for about three months but i've been training hard every day with all due respect lad this is ridiculous if you want to get into soccer there are plenty of good rec teams in the area now i have a practice to run coach wait this is the goalkeeper flip and i were talking to you about this is my friend kurt kuykendall just give him a chance you won't regret it besides it won't hurt to give bruce a little healthy competition fine i'll see what you can do if you stink you're gone understand yes sir thank you all right [Music] [Music] well done most of you worked hard all week i'll be posting the final squad outside my door tomorrow morning starters for this weekend's game against the cavaliers will be clearly marked if your name's not on the list or if you're not starting i'll be happy to talk it over with you but our decisions about this team are final that's all [Music] yes unless it's a dude god move guys let's see i don't know how that guy made the team coach we need to talk yeah baby i knew we could do it did i tell you did i tell you i can't believe this congratulations man now you've got to get your head on straight before tomorrow's game against the cavs are you seriously gonna let that scrub start over me he's been playing soccer for what three months i was all south last year i don't care if you're all american you've got to earn your spot on this team just like everyone else this is my team we're gonna do it my way until you shape up your act curt will be our starter this is such a bunch of crap and you know it i'm the best keeper you got coach how do you get rid of kaikan dollar i quit there's the door you can't be serious i said there's the door i don't play those kinds of games fine but don't come crying to me when you guys lose this weekend and lose bad guy kendall looks like you're a man he'll be the iron curtain coach nothing gets by i certainly hope so i just lost an all-south goalkeeper over some lunatic sophomore who's only been playing soccer for three months you better not let me down i'll do my best coach all right guys bring it in let's go whatever you do don't underestimate these blokes they are tough gritty and passionate about the game [Music] kycondor we are counting on you right boys bring it in let's go eagles on three one two three [Music] [Applause] [Music] flip what what's happening i can't take gold kicks i don't know how i don't believe this this is [Music] embarrassing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that goalkeeper is a rookie he doesn't even know how to take a goal kick now you boys can do better than this let's go out and win this game let's go this is ridiculous the way this thing's going all right boys the momentum is back on our side let's show them what this team is really all about and keep the ball in that end of the field how'd you go all right let's break it in eagles on three one two three [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a freshman basketball player last year recently took up soccer and has showed amazing aptitude he's improving every day and he's very dedicated says ryan gert has everything he needs height carriage and he reads the game well shut up all right oh here we go eagle soccer squad stuns cavaliers al ross tallies twice in a 3-1 victory oh dude you are not gonna believe this one what another shot of me lying on the ground staring at the back of the night no no i'm gonna check this out i'm gonna see elegans vicious rumors which adorable eagle soccer player is currently available our sources tell us that an unidentified goalkeeper is keeping solitary company with his shin guards not a chance my friend let me read it no i'm blowing this up and i'm posting it all over campus really just let me read it no dude it is about time that you get a girl seriously what are you gonna do about sherry you've got a man up come on bruce is graduating this spring he's probably gonna pop the question any day wait you really haven't heard what they're engaged no man she cut the bruce loose what do not kid around with me are you serious i'm not kidding it's over i think you should go for it huh well you know what that means goodbye shin guards this year's most valuable player goes to a young man who had 10 shutouts this season and after only playing soccer for less than a year he's become one of the best college goalies i have ever seen with the potential to be the best in the east coast i give you rmvp all middle atlantic conference goalkeeper cat kykendor [Applause] all i expect a bright future from you wow thank you this is a great honor i'll do my best to make you and the university proud coach thanks again that concludes tonight's ceremonies thank you all for your hard work this season we're so very proud of you have a good safe night hey i'm really proud of you dude thanks man all right sorry i gotta go but i'll see you later thanks for coming well deserved buddy thank you congratulations thanks dude it's now or never what are you chicken are you a little a little baby chick huh tweet tweet tweet tweet shut up if you don't shoot you don't score sherry oh hey kurt hey i was gonna ask you about your awards can i see them oh they're nothing well nothing at all like mvp or all-conference come on you're being modest let me see him they're just my letters and cheerleading and swimming letters in two sports that's impressive thanks cool well uh i should get going but i guess i'll i'll see you around okay [Music] nice flyby that was pathetic i got nervous okay i'll make my move next time dad mom you won't believe the night i had well at least somebody's happy be careful today would have been billy's birthday you think i can't hear you like you really care you didn't even remember until i reminded you neither one of you that's not true it's like he never existed at all admit it all you ever loved was your precious golden boy and now not even he is good enough for you mom stop stay out of this curt nobody asked you for your opinion i've had all i can take for tonight marcy i'm going upstairs i've got an important phone call that i'm expecting go ahead run away coward run away like you always do dad wait i just came by to tell you what my soccer coach when will you stop it with all this soccer nonsense no one even cares about soccer you don't get it this isn't just some hobby i've picked up i've learned a lot since that day and not only did i make the team but look that's great son really but i've got to take this call and then get to bed let's do lunch and you can tell me all about it [Music] i made mvp [Music] all conference too good game bro thanks man you too sherry um i gotta go i'll see you later thanks for coming i couldn't miss this game well especially after everyone kept telling me how amazing a season you've had you did really great uh listen sherry there's there's been something i've been meaning to ask you sure walter mason with the u.s olympic committee great play out there tonight thank you sir it's an honor and it was all mine when coach ryan asked me to come here tonight i didn't think someone who had played soccer for less than three years could possibly play at this level but now i'm a believer on the basis of this game and your shutout record this year i'm recommending you for all-american wow uh thank you sir i appreciate it i'd also like you to try out for the us olympic team in two weeks would that fit your schedule yeah yeah absolutely great great you got my card there give me a call this week i'll send you all the info okay i'll see you in a few weeks thank you a shot at the olympic team i can't wait to tell my dad kurt that's amazing i'm so impressed with how far you've come with this soccer thing hey sherry you know kurt is really good at basketball too if you're looking for a rebound thanks a lot man appreciate it oh that was awkward um uh while we're on the topic how do you feel do you want to join me at the tavern are you asking me out yeah yeah i guess i am okay but i mean if you don't want to it's wait did you just say okay just pick me up at 8. okay [Music] well i'm pretty beat up from the game but do you want to dance um that's okay come on it'll be fun [Music] way to go mr all-american this isn't exactly how i planned it do you try and plan everything in your life i used to things were so crazy at home it was nice to have at least something planned out you know what about you i mean what brought you to school well i was at tech but i got really homesick you mean you actually missed your family yeah we're really close but i left for another reason i kind of followed my boyfriend bruce let's not talk about him right now yeah whatever happened between you two [Music] look i'm sorry for bringing it up i just want to know it's simple really long distance was one thing but being together all the time made me realize that we didn't want the same things in life like what everything marriage family lots of kids faith i didn't want to spend all my time waiting and hoping that he'd suddenly change [Music] you you had lint on your shirt [Music] oh no you're right didn't that make sense thank you it's always good to be on the same page especially about things that matter like soccer uh yeah yeah soccer's up there i'm sorry no it's fine who is it that's my dad um i i completely forgot to tell him about the olympic trial call him back now you sure [Music] yeah get mom on the line too you guys aren't going to believe this i have a tryout for the olympic soccer team in two weeks yes mom soccer is an olympic sport look i told you this isn't just some dad you know as well as i do that i've learned a lot since then i know i get it okay but i have a shot at making all-american that an olympic do you understand an olympic scout asked me to try out next weekend well this isn't just about you [Music] yes sir i said yes sir i think that's fair good night what happened well he said that this is my last shot if i don't make the team then i'm done with soccer and it's time to start a real life so [Music] so you ready for some more dancing sure but only if you promise not to step on my toes i can't guarantee that let's go if love was like laughter in a comical crowd a smirk at the table and a trouble alive [Music] it's too unmistakable [Music] [Music] to clarify what i'm dying to say [Music] heart all right kurt kykendahl oh yeah kykendall region one your team's in red over there first game starts in a half hour good luck good luck number 31 show us what you've got [Music] all right bring it in all right man let's keep the play clean the show's the best you've got because you only have three games to prove you have what it takes to represent the united states of america best of luck i hope to see you in the coming months let's go hey what's up guys [Music] three two seven [Music] can we get a doctor over here call an ambulance kurt hi dr melanie jeske i'll be your orthopedist today so what's the deal doc well i hate to be the bearer of bad news you have a fractured ankle so we're gonna put you in a cast give you some crutches and you should be able to go home well how long are we talking here about six to eight weeks and that's a conservative estimate six to eight weeks no no i'm sorry i've got olympic tryouts this weekend olympic tryouts yeah for soccer they just asked me to try out for the team well you're gonna need to call your coach you won't be attending any olympic tryouts this weekend at least not on the field anyway it's gonna be a good two months before you even get the cast off let alone play any soccer i'm sorry that's just the way it is well i will be back in a minute the nurse is going to come in and get you set up for your cast we are going to need to reposition that ankle so prepare yourself might be a rough afternoon can i help you i'm here to see kurt is he in he's in but he's not seeing anyone i i'm sorry i'm not trying to be a bother um i'm sure he's mentioned me before i'm sherry his girlfriend i just spoke to him on the phone well never told me he had a girlfriend now is not a good time mom who is it it's nothing honey just some girl sherry hey it's okay mom it's sherry you know the one i've been trying to tell you about can i come in for a second actually we should probably get going bye mom we'll be back in a little while all right we're just gonna go for a walk a walk kurt what about your ankle and i need you to stay home more be back later mom fine but don't expect me to be waiting up for you now you see why we never hang out at my [Music] house [Music] [Music] what are you going to do now i don't know my dad thinks that i should just forget soccer and get a real job i'm starting to think he's got a point kurt it's a broken ankle why would you even talk about quitting there's no way you can give up now sure there is kurt you cannot quit believe me i don't want to which is why i need you by my side okay now more than ever i'm with you no matter what you know that all i mean is that i thought you're the kind of guy who finishes what you start and if a stupid broken ankle is going to make you give up sure that's enough no it's not enough the kurt i know wouldn't even talk about quitting the kurt i know wouldn't give up even though everyone said it couldn't be done he believed he was made to do something bigger than himself and has the guts to pursue that dream if you quit now then they were right about you you're just like everyone else [Music] hurt look at me i don't care if you're a broken down has been athlete or president of the united states i love you for the man you are today right now and i love you for the man you will be tomorrow i'm not going anywhere unless it's with you [Music] so i was thinking what would you say about you and me getting married sometime is that a proposal yeah well then [Music] yeah yeah [Music] looks like your ankle's sealing nicely yeah so kurt i have some great news for you well i've got some great news for you too but you first well it's taken me a few weeks but i made a bunch of calls and pulled a lot of strings they didn't have any openings but it seems i can get you an internship on the hill with congressman baker at the end of summer wow dad i really appreciate that but i might be a little busy this summer sherry and i are getting married what when august 25th if the church is free well this is not a decision to be entered into lightly no sir sherry's parents have already given their blessing how do you plan to provide for a family well i actually have been thinking a lot about that this came in the mail today and it seems that they found a new olympic coach they're retrying out the entire team oh kurt not soccer again look where all that olympic talk got you last time my old coach you know coach ryan he put in a good word for me they want me to come to tryouts this fall and if i make the team i got a good shot at going pro will you stop it with the olympics already kurt get your head out of the clouds how can you possibly get married and stay married if you don't have a real job trust me kurt love is not enough i've got all that figured out shari's almost done with her teaching degree and i recently picked up a part-time job as a pe teacher physical education kurt works hard at everything he does you won't have to worry about us sherry you're a very nice girl but i don't think you understand the situation here kurt can i see you in the other room please anything you have to say to me you can say in front of sherry now you made me a promise why do you hate soccer so much it's what i'm good at you may not believe me but i do love you and that's why i'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen to your marriage because you're too busy chasing a dream to provide for your family look i am not you dad all right and sherry she's not mom i thought you'd be happy for us thanks for dinner mom it was great i have to go i have to do this what about us what about your father you'll never know the favors i had to call in my reputation my career is on the line yeah so is mine come on sherry it's time to go [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't imagine anything better giving my life forever [Music] i can't [Music] i can't imagine anything better giving my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] hi hey kirk kaikandal oh yeah kai kendall i remember you you're that guy who uh broke his leg right man that's gotta mess with your head a bit doesn't it well you don't have to worry about me i'm back now stronger than ever so where is everyone well you're here uh two hours early yeah but that that's all right hey why don't you give him number one first one here number one is yours keeper thank you [Music] look fielder step back [Music] we simply don't need you here now this is your final shot at this if you quit now then they were right about you he's fearless but that's too bad i had him at the top of the list but i guess that's it for him kate keeper how you doing son are you are you done okay i'm okay i don't know you were unconscious i i think you're done son i said i'm okay come on let's play let's do [Music] [Music] this [Music] there's someone waiting to see out in the hall make it quick mom dad i didn't think you guys were gonna make it kurt it's hard for me to admit when i'm wrong but i'm glad you persisted [Music] besides i couldn't miss a chance to use this [Music] this is your day baby go get em okay i've never been more proud of anything or anyone in my life than i am of you son well it's like someone once told me if you don't shoot you don't why score you try moving it a little to the right no no to my right okay now move that left one back some my left yeah yeah you want the back wait [Music] from fairfax virginia america's soccer wonder kurt like a dog dude he's right there he says no no no a lot of pressure on there [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] as it all might seem [Music] is [Music] i grew up in a christian home and i always thought that i was a christian i did um in eighth grade go through my catechism class and publicly confess jesus as my lord and savior in front of the congregation and i truly believed it with all my heart when i went through high school i'd say i became a bit more worldly and wanted to fit in with the rest of the students and when i went off to college though that was the chance to really see that my life wasn't quite centered on god it was centered on myself and that i was on the throne not jesus christ and that is when i realized that i was missing a personal relationship with jesus i grew up as a little boy in and out of church you know we went to different denominations i actually went through the catechism of the anglican church and became an acolyte but i never met jesus through the process my idol which was sports god allowed that to crash when i was cut off the high school basketball team and and then cut again off my uh my college team to redirect my life and it was it was because of that that in october of 1969 that before going to bed i got down on my knees and i said jesus if you're real come into my life forgive me and see if you can do something with me and you know my life changed for that at that point and it's never been the same he has been there you know all along [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 1,270,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Movies, Movies, TV Shows, TV Series, For the Glory Movie, For the Glory Full Movie, For the Glory, Jason Burkey, Chelsie Casagrande, Jean-Paul Chreky, Chris Craddock, Katherine Craddock, Donald Leow, basketball, christian film, Olympics, family tragedy, faith in God, Based on a true story, faith, soccer, prodigy son
Id: iCWerNxR6dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 30sec (6330 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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